コード例 #1
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/Longboxes
def filing_form(db, user_id, comic_id, submit_button='Submit'):
    Create a FORM object where the user can select which boxes to file a comic in.
    # Get a list of the user's boxes.
    boxes = db_access.get_user_boxes(user_id, include_private=True)

    # Find which boxes the comic is already filed in.
    filed_boxes = [box.id for box in db_access.get_boxes_for_comic(comic_id, include_private=True)]

    # Create a list of objects, to put into the form.
    form_items = []

    # List of 4 lists, one for each column of checkboxes.
    columns = [ [], [], [], [] ]

    # Add a checkbox for each of the user's boxes to the next available column.
    for index, box in enumerate(boxes):
        column = index % 4

                    INPUT(_type='checkbox', _name='boxes', _value=box.id, value=(box.id in filed_boxes)),

    # Create a DIV for each column, which will be centered within its parent.
    for column in columns:
                _class='column-parent col-md-3'

    # Add the submit button.
            # Container to set width
                # Actual submit button
                INPUT(_type='submit', _class='btn btn-default', _value=submit_button),
                _class='col-md-12 text-center'

    # Create the actual form by expanding the list of checkboxes, then adding
    # the submit button.
    form = FORM(*form_items, _id='filing-form', _class='form-horizontal')

    return form
コード例 #2
ファイル: comic.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/Longboxes
def index():
    - /comic?id=123

    - Display the details of the comic with the given ID.
    # Get the ID of the comic to display.
    requested_comic = request.vars.get('id')

    # If a malformed ID (or no ID) is passed in, throw a 404 error.
        comic_id = int(requested_comic)
    except ValueError as error:
        raise HTTP(404)

    # Get the details of the comic and its owner.
    comic = db_access.get_comic(requested_comic)

    # If the requested comic doesn't exist, throw a 404 error.
    if comic is None:
        raise HTTP(404)

    # Get the details of the comic's owner.
    user = db_access.get_user(comic.owner_id)

    # Get a list of the boxes the comic is stored in. If the comic's owner is
    # the currently logged in user, this can include private boxes.
    include_private = (comic.owner_id == user.id)
    boxes = db_access.get_boxes_for_comic(requested_comic, include_private=include_private)

    # If the comic is only filed in private boxes and the current user doesn't
    # own the comic, it shouldn't be visible. In this case, since the query
    # above would have excluded private boxes, then no boxes will have been
    # returned.
    has_permission = len(boxes) > 0

    # If the user doesn't have permission, redirect to the private page.
    if not has_permission:
        redirect(URL('private', 'index', args='comic'))

    # Set the title of the page to show the user where they are.
    response.title = "{title} #{issue}".format(title=comic.title, issue=comic.issue_number)

    # Create a link to the comic's owner.
    user_link = A(user.username, _href=URL('user', 'index', vars={'id': user.id}))

    # Display the owner of the comic below the title.
    response.subtitle = 'Owned by {user}'.format(user=user_link)

    # The action buttons depend on whether the comic belongs to the logged-in
    # user. They shouldn't be able to delete or edit someone else's comic, or
    # copy their own comic to their collection.
    if comic.owner_id == auth.user_id:
        # Add buttons to the top of the page to edit, delete, and file the comic.
        page_actions = [
            ('File in Boxes', URL('comic', 'file',           vars={'id': comic.id}), 'credit-card'),
            ('Edit',          URL('comic', 'edit',           vars={'id': comic.id}), 'pencil'),
            ('Delete',        URL('comic', 'confirm_delete', vars={'id': comic.id}), 'trash')
    elif auth.user_id is not None:
        # Add a button to copy the comic to the current user's collection, if a
        # user is actually logged in.
        page_actions = [
            ('Copy to My Collection', URL('comic', 'copy', vars={'id': comic.id}), 'duplicate')
        page_actions = []

    return dict(comic=comic, user=user, boxes=boxes, has_permission=has_permission, page_actions=page_actions)