コード例 #1
 def get_real_pay(html):
     pay_money = db_common.fj_function(html, '<span class="txt count">', '</span>'
                                       )[1].replace('&yen;', '').replace('¥', '')
     if not pay_money:
         temp = db_common.fj_function(html, '应付总额', '</div>')[1]
         pay_money = db_common.fj_function(temp, ';', '</span>')[1].replace('\n', '').strip()
     return pay_money
コード例 #2
 def parse_orders_item(self, obj_date, item):
     url = db_common.fj_function(item, "href='//", "'")[1]
     orders_date = db_common.fj_function(item,
                                         '<span class="dealtime" title="',
     if orders_date[:10] < obj_date:
         self.end_tag = True
     return [url, orders_date]
コード例 #3
 def money(html):
     items = db_common.fj_function(html, '<div class="goods-total">', '</div>')[1].split('<span class="labe')
     amounts = []
     for item in items[1:]:
         name = db_common.fj_function(item, 'l">', ':</span>')[1].replace(' ', '')
         txt = db_common.fj_function(item, '&yen;', '</span>')[1].replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
         amounts.append([name, txt])
     return amounts
コード例 #4
 def parse_orders_item(self, item):
     url = db_common.fj_function(item, "href='//", "'")[1]
     if not url:
         url = db_common.fj_function(item, 'href="//', '"')[1]
     orders_date = db_common.fj_function(item, '<span class="dealtime" title="', '">')[1]
     if orders_date[:10] < self.param['spider_start_time']:
         self.end_tag = True
     return [url, orders_date]
コード例 #5
 def parse_detail(self, html, orders_date):
     order_id = db_common.fj_function(html, '订单号:', '</div>')[1]
     if not order_id and html.count('我的京东国际订单'):
         order_id = db_common.fj_function(html, '<li class="active">订单', '</li>')[1]
         goods_list = self.global_goods_info(html)
         goods_list = self.goods_info(html)
     amounts = self.money(html)
     goods_ret, amounts_ret = self.format_ret(order_id, orders_date, goods_list, amounts)
     return goods_ret
コード例 #6
 def get_shop_info(self, html):
     shop_data = db_common.fj_function(html, '<div class="mt goods-head">', '</div>')[1]
     shop_name = db_common.fj_function(shop_data, '<span class="shop-name">', '</span>')[1]
     shop_url = ''
     if not shop_name:
         self.param['vender_id'] = db_common.fj_function(html, 'id="venderIdListStr" value="', '"')[1]
         url = self.construct_url('shop')
         req_shop = self.get_html(url, 'post')
         shop_name = db_common.fj_function(req_shop, '"venderName":"', '"')[1]
         shop_url = db_common.fj_function(req_shop, '"venderUrl":"', '"')[1]
     return shop_name, shop_url
コード例 #7
 def global_goods_info(self, html):
     goods_list = []
     shop_data = db_common.fj_function(html, '店铺名称:', '联系卖家')[1]
     shop_name = db_common.fj_function(shop_data, '<span>', '</span>')[1]
     shop_url = ''
     pay_money = db_common.fj_function(html, '<b class="red">¥', '</b>')[1]
     status = db_common.fj_function(html, '当前状态:', '</div>')[1]
     temp = db_common.fj_function(html, '<td class="itemName">', '<div class="price-info presale-price-info">')[1]
     items = temp.split('<tr class="tr-td" skuid')
     for item in items[1:]:
         temp = db_common.fj_function(item, '<div class="p-msg">', '<div class="p-msg">')[1]
         title = db_common.fj_function(temp, 'target="_blank">', '</a>')[1]
         url = db_common.fj_function(temp, '<a href="//', '"')[1]
         count = db_common.fj_function(item, '<td class="num">', '</td>')[1]
         price = db_common.fj_function(
             item, '<td class="jdPrice">', '</td>')[1].replace('¥', '').replace('\n', '').strip()
         brand_id, cate = self.get_global_brand(url)
         goods_list.append([shop_name, shop_url, title, url, status, count, price, pay_money, brand_id, cate])
     return goods_list
コード例 #8
 def goods_info(self, html):
     shop_name, shop_url = self.get_shop_info(html)
     items = db_common.fj_function(html, '<table class="tb-void tb-order">', '<tr class="J-yunfeixian"'
                                   )[1].split('<div class="p-item"')
     status = db_common.fj_function(html, '<h3 class="state-txt ftx-02">', '</h3>')[1]
     if not status:
         status = db_common.fj_function(html, "<h3 class='state-txt ftx-02'>", '</h3>')[1]
     pay_money = self.get_real_pay(html)
     ware_info = db_common.fj_function(html, "['fwjBuyInWareInfo']='", "';")[1]
     goods_list = []
     for item in items[1:]:
         url = db_common.fj_function(item, '<a href="//', '"')[1]
         temp = db_common.fj_function(item, '<div class="p-name">', '</div>')[1].replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '')
         title = re.sub('<.*?>', '', temp).strip()
         pid = db_common.fj_function(item, 'id="coupon_', '"')[1]
         brand_id, cate = self.get_brand(ware_info, pid)
         f_price = db_common.fj_function(item, '<span class="f-price', '</span>')[1]
         price = self.get_goods_price(title, html, f_price)
         temp = db_common.fj_function(item, '<span class="f-price', '<td id="jingdou')[1]
         count = db_common.fj_function(temp, '<td>', '</td>')[1]
         goods_list.append([shop_name, shop_url, title, url, status, count, price, pay_money, brand_id, cate])
     return goods_list
コード例 #9
 def get_goods_price(self, title, html, f_price):
     # 获取正常价格
     pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+)')
     price_data = re.search(pattern, f_price)
     # 检查是否预售订单
     presale = db_common.fj_function(html, '<span id="yuShouOrderItemJson" style="display:none;">', '</span>')[1]
     if title.count('赠品') or title.count('非卖品') or title.count('请勿'):
         price = "赠品"
     elif price_data:
         price = price_data.group()
     elif presale:
         order_id = db_common.GetJsonValue(presale, 'orderid')
         yn = db_common.GetJsonValue(presale, 'yn')
         passkey = db_common.GetJsonValue(presale, 'passkey')
         url = self.construct_url('presale').format(order_id, yn, passkey)
         p_html = self.get_html(url)
         price = db_common.fj_function(p_html, '"yPrice":"', '"')[1]
     elif f_price.count('赠品'):
         price = "赠品"
         price = "0"
     return price
コード例 #10
def check_jd(jd_list):
    # 设置cookie
    cookie = get_cookie.run('jd')
    cookie = cookie.replace('\n', '')
    spider = jd_orders.Spider()
    file_path = './jd_error'
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
    for url in jd_list:
        html = spider.get_html(url)
        order_id = db_common.fj_function(url, 'orderid=', '&')[1]
        file_name = '/order_{}.txt'.format(order_id)
        with open(file_path + file_name, 'w') as f:
コード例 #11
 def get_global_brand(self, url):
     html = self.get_html('https://' + url)
     brand_id = db_common.fj_function(html, 'brand: ', ',')[1]
     cate = db_common.fj_function(html, 'cat: [', ']')[1].replace(',', ';')
     return brand_id, cate