def list_all_players(self): con = Connection() statement = 'select player_id, name from soccer02.player where name is not null' con.cur.execute(statement) res = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res
def list_all_teams(self): con = Connection() # String translation in SQL Query statement = 'select distinct * from' con.cur.execute(statement) res = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res
def list_all_events(self): con = Connection() statement = 'select distinct event_type from soccer02.matchevent where event_type is not null and pos_x is not null and pos_y is not null' con.cur.execute(statement) res_tupel = con.cur.fetchall() res_string_list = [str(i[0]) for i in res_tupel] con.close() return res_string_list
def get_players_with_event(self, event_type): event_type_str = '\'' + event_type + '\'' con = Connection() statement = 'select player_id, name from soccer02.player where name is not null and player_id in (select player_player_id from soccer02.matchevent where player_player_id = player_id and pos_x is not null and pos_y is not null and event_type = ' + event_type_str + ')' con.cur.execute(statement) res_tupel = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res_tupel
def list_all_matches(self): con = Connection() statement = 'select distinct "date", result, home_team_goal, away_team_goal from soccer02.match ' \ 'where "date" is not null and result is not null and home_team_goal is not null ' \ 'and away_team_goal is not null' con.cur.execute(statement) res_tupel = con.cur.fetchall() res_string_list = [str(i[0]) for i in res_tupel] con.close() return res_string_list
def list_teams_with_events(self): con = Connection() # String translation in SQL Query statement = 'select distinct * from ' \ 'where team_id in ' \ '(select team_team_id from soccer02.matchevent where pos_x is not null and pos_y is not null group by team_team_id)' con.cur.execute(statement) res = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res
def search_player_with_event(self, player_name, event_type): search_string = '' + player_name event_type_str = '\'' + event_type + '\'' con = Connection() statement = 'select name, player_id from soccer02.player where upper(name) like \'%' + search_string.upper() + '%\' ' \ 'and name is not null and player_id in (select player_player_id from soccer02.matchevent where player_player_id = player_id and pos_x is not null and pos_y is not null and event_type = '+ event_type_str +') and rownum <= 30' con.cur.execute(statement) res_tupel = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res_tupel
def match_details(self, home_team_name, away_team_name, date): con = Connection() statement = 'select, match.result from soccer02.player, soccer02.match ' \ 'inner join soccer02.match on team.team_id = match.team_awayteam_id ' \ 'where upper(long_name) like \'%' + home_team_name + '%\' and date = \'' + date + '\' ' \ 'and is not null and match.result is not null and team.team_id is not null ' \ 'and match.team_awayteam_id is not null' con.cur.execute(statement) res = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res
def search_team(self, team_name): search_string = '' + team_name con = Connection() statement = 'select long_name, short_name from where upper(long_name) like \'%' + search_string.upper() + '%\' ' \ 'and long_name is not null and short_name is not null' con.cur.execute(statement) res_tupel = con.cur.fetchall() print("#### Type: ", type(res_tupel)) print("#### Result: ", res_tupel) print("#### 1. Element of the tuple: ", res_tupel[0][0]) con.close() return res_tupel
def search_matches_by_team_id(self, team_id, event_type): str_event_type = '\'' + event_type + '\'' con = Connection() statement = 'select match_id, team_hometeam_id, team_awayteam_id, home_team_goal, away_team_goal, "date" from soccer02.match ' \ 'where (team_hometeam_id = '+ team_id +' or team_awayteam_id = ' + team_id + ') ' \ 'and team_hometeam_id is not null and team_awayteam_id is not null and home_team_goal is not null ' \ 'and away_team_goal is not null ' \ 'and match_id in (select match_match_id from soccer02.matchevent where match_match_id = match_id and event_type = '+ str_event_type +' and pos_x is not null and pos_y is not null)' con.cur.execute(statement) res = con.cur.fetchall() con.close() return res
def insert_pomodoro(user_id, start_time, end_time, task, category): formatted_start_time = unix_time_millis(start_time) formatted_end_time = unix_time_millis(end_time) try: connection = Connection() output = connection.session.execute( "INSERT INTO pomodoro_by_user (user_id, start_time, end_time, task, category) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", [ user_id, formatted_start_time, formatted_end_time, task, category ]) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failure') else: print('Pomodoro recorded') print('Start Time: {}'.format(start_time)) print('End Time: {}'.format(end_time)) print('Closing connection (up to 10s)') finally: connection.close() print('========================================')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from db_connection import Connection import uuid print('========================================') print('Start exercise') spacecraft_name = 'Crew Dragon Endeavour,SpaceX' journey_id = uuid.UUID('84121060-c66e-11ea-a82e-f931183227ac') try: connection = Connection() output = connection.session.execute( "select * from spacecraft_speed_over_time where spacecraft_name=%s AND journey_id=%s", [spacecraft_name, journey_id] ) offset = 0 for row in output: print("idx=", offset, "time=", row.reading_time, "value=", row.speed) offset = offset + 1 except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failure') else: print('Success') print('Closing connection (up to 10s)') finally: connection.close() print('========================================')