コード例 #1
ファイル: chromosomePlot.py プロジェクト: teyden/genome-plots
smallest_size = ChromosomeSizes.min()
largest_chrom = ""
smallest_chrom = ""
printMsg("Chromosomes By Size")
index = 1
for size in ChromosomeSizes:
	for chrom in Chromosomes:
		if not ChromosomeCollection.find({'_id': chrom}):
			ChromosomeCollection.insert({'_id': chrom})
		if size == Chromosomes[chrom].size():
			print "%d | Chr%s  %s bp | %s #SNPs" % (index, chrom, Chromosomes[chrom].size(), Chromosomes[chrom].totalSNPs())
			index += 1
				{'_id': chrom},
						'number': chrom 
		if largest_size == Chromosomes[chrom].size():
			largest_chrom = chrom
		if smallest_size == Chromosomes[chrom].size():
			smallest_chrom = chrom

print "LARGEST: Chromosome %s, %sbp" % (largest_chrom, largest_size)
print "SMALLEST: Chromosome %s, %sbp" % (smallest_chrom, smallest_size)

### (2) One list containing tuples of every SNP position and asssociated chromsome
AllChromosomes = []
for chrom in ChromosomePositions:
	for i in ChromosomePositions[chrom]:
コード例 #2
ファイル: scoreAlleles.py プロジェクト: teyden/genome-plots
	numInsertions = 0
	numDeletions = 0
	numIDDI = 0
	for pos in indel[chr].keys():
		if any([indel[chr][pos][GENOTYPE] == x for x in ['I', 'II']]):
			numInsertions += 1
		elif any([indel[chr][pos][GENOTYPE] == x for x in ['D', 'DD']]):
			numDeletions += 1
		elif any([indel[chr][pos][GENOTYPE] == x for x in ['ID', 'DI']]):
			numIDDI += 1

	if chr == '23':
		chrom = 'X'
	elif chr == '24':
		chrom = 'Y'
	elif chr == '25':
		chrom = 'MT'
		chrom = chr
		{'_id': chr},
				# 'totalIndels': totalIndels,
				# 'numIDDI': numIDDI,
				# 'numInsertions': numInsertions,
				# 'numDeletions': numDeletions
				'value': chrom