async def handle_message_solution(message, client): tag = message.content[9:].strip() if "-h" in message.content: await send_message(, "usage: !solution <tag>, use this to see the code for any solution in the knowledge base" ) return prob = get_kattis_problem(tag) if prob == None: await send_message(, "that problem does not exist") return None sol = get_solution(tag) if sol == None: await send_message(, tag + " is unsolved") return None file = discord.File(sol[3]) await
async def handle_message_status(message, client): if "-h" in message.content: await send_message(, "usage: !status <tag>, use this to determine if any Kattis Problem has been solved yet" ) return tag = message.content[7:].lower().strip() prob = get_kattis_problem(tag) if prob == None: await send_message(, "that problem does not exist") return sol = get_solution(tag) if sol == None: res = tag + " is unsolved" else: res = tag + " has been solved" await send_message(, res)
async def handle_message_writeup(message, client): if "-h" in message.content: await send_message(, "usage: !writeup [contest_name], use this to generate a writeup of a contest using the solutions available in the knowledge base" ) return progress = make_progress(1, 2) response = await send_message(, "finding contest\n" + progress) cname = message.content[8:].strip() problem_list = await get_problem_list(cname, response) file = open(cname + ".txt", "w") done = [] x = 0 for tag in problem_list: if tag in done: continue done.append(tag) file.write(str(chr(65 + x)) + ": " + tag + "\n\n") x += 1 prob = get_kattis_problem(tag) sol = get_solution(tag) if sol == None: file.write(tag + " is not currently in the knowledge base\n\n") else: prob = open(sol[4], "r") file.write( + "\n\n") file.close() sendfile = discord.File(cname + ".txt") os.remove(cname + ".txt") await await response.delete()
def on_accepted(file, fname, user): prefix = fname.split('.')[0] annotation = scan(fname) parsed = parse_annotation(annotation) directory = "kb/"+prefix if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) sol_path ="kb/"+prefix+"/"+fname copyfile(fname, sol_path) with open(prefix+".txt", 'w') as f: for ss in annotation: f.write(ss) if ss.startswith("TAGS:"): tags = ss[5:] write_up_path = "kb/"+prefix+"/"+prefix+".txt" copyfile(prefix+".txt", write_up_path) os.remove(prefix+".txt") kattis_prob = get_kattis_problem(prefix) kattis_id = kattis_prob[0] prob_id = kattis_prob[1] #we already have user insert_solution(kattis_id, prob_id, user, sol_path, write_up_path, parsed) return "Accepted! Adding your solution to the knowledge base."