def get_type_name(typeid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT typename FROM types WHERE typeid=%d" % (typeid)) name = cursor.fetchone() if name is None: return "No Name Found: TypeID " + str(typeid) return name[0]
def get_eq_onewire(self): db = dbcon.connect() cursor = db.cursor(cursor_factory=extras.DictCursor) onewire = {} cursor.execute("SELECT room, location, addr, location, pin, power FROM" " equipment WHERE id=%s and type=%s", (self.unit['id'], 'OneWire')) for index, record in enumerate(cursor): onewire[index] = { 'room': record['room'], 'location': record['location'], 'addr': record['addr'], 'pin': record['pin'], 'power': record['power'], 'temp': None, 'lastupdate': None, } cursor.close() db.close() return onewire
def get_avg_station_quantity(typeid, regionid): #return None cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute( "SELECT AVG(quantity) FROM history WHERE typeid=%d AND regionid=%d" % (typeid, regionid)) return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def get_type_name_no_blueprint(typeid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT typename FROM types WHERE typeid=%d AND typename NOT LIKE '%%Blueprint'" % (typeid)) name = cursor.fetchone() if name is None: return None return name[0]
def get_eq_lcd(self): db = dbcon.connect() cursor = db.cursor(cursor_factory=extras.DictCursor) lcd = {} cursor.execute("SELECT room, location, addr, pin FROM equipment" " WHERE id=%s and type=%s", (self.unit['id'], 'Lcd')) for index, record in enumerate(cursor): lcd[index] = { 'room': record['room'], 'location': record['location'], 'addr': record['addr'], 'backlightPin': record['pin'], 'backlightState': False, 'pwmState': 0, } cursor.close() db.close() return lcd
def get_station_trades(stationid, min_margin=0.15): start = trades = {} stationid = long(stationid) cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT typeid FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d AND bid = 0" % (stationid)) cursor.execute( "SELECT typeid, price FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d\ AND bid=0 ORDER BY typeid, price asc) price GROUP BY typeid" % (stationid)) types_sell = dict(cursor.fetchall()) #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT typeid FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d AND bid = 1" % (stationid)) cursor.execute( "SELECT typeid, price FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d\ AND bid=1 ORDER BY typeid, price desc) price GROUP BY typeid" % (stationid)) types_buy = dict(cursor.fetchall()) typeids = [key for key in types_sell if key in types_buy] #print [key for key in types_sell] #types = dict((key, value) for key, value in types_sell if key in types_buy) for typeid in typeids: #types = [typeid[0] for typeid in types] #for typeid in types: name = get_type_name_no_blueprint(typeid) margin = get_margin_values([types_sell[typeid], types_buy[typeid]]) quantity = get_avg_station_quantity(typeid, get_region(stationid)) if margin is None or margin < min_margin or name is None: continue else: trades[name] = [typeid, format_percentage(margin), quantity] #trades[typeid]=[format_percentage(margin)] return trades
def get_station_trades(stationid, min_margin=0.15): start = trades = {} stationid = long(stationid) cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT typeid FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d AND bid = 0" % (stationid)) cursor.execute("SELECT typeid, price FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d\ AND bid=0 ORDER BY typeid, price asc) price GROUP BY typeid" % (stationid)) types_sell = dict(cursor.fetchall()) #cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT typeid FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d AND bid = 1" % (stationid)) cursor.execute("SELECT typeid, price FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE stationid=%d\ AND bid=1 ORDER BY typeid, price desc) price GROUP BY typeid" % (stationid)) types_buy = dict(cursor.fetchall()) typeids = [key for key in types_sell if key in types_buy] #print [key for key in types_sell] #types = dict((key, value) for key, value in types_sell if key in types_buy) for typeid in typeids: #types = [typeid[0] for typeid in types] #for typeid in types: name = get_type_name_no_blueprint(typeid) margin = get_margin_values([types_sell[typeid], types_buy[typeid]]) quantity = get_avg_station_quantity(typeid, get_region(stationid)) if margin is None or margin < min_margin or name is None: continue else: trades[name]=[typeid, format_percentage(margin), quantity] #trades[typeid]=[format_percentage(margin)] return trades
def get_type_name_no_blueprint(typeid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute( "SELECT typename FROM types WHERE typeid=%d AND typename NOT LIKE '%%Blueprint'" % (typeid)) name = cursor.fetchone() if name is None: return None return name[0]
def get_price_station(typeid, stationid): prices = [] cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT MIN(price) FROM orders WHERE typeid=%d AND\ stationid=%d AND bid=0" % (int(typeid), int(stationid))) prices.append(cursor.fetchone()[0]) cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(price) FROM orders WHERE typeid=%d AND\ stationid=%d AND bid=1" % (int(typeid), int(stationid))) prices.append(cursor.fetchone()[0]) conn.close() return prices
def allid(cls): result = [] db = dbcon.connect() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM units") for record in cursor: result.append(cls.fromid(record[0])) cursor.close() db.close() return result
def get_eq_servo(self): db = dbcon.connect() cursor = db.cursor(cursor_factory=extras.DictCursor) servo = {} cursor.execute("SELECT room, location, pin FROM equipment WHERE" " id=%s and type=%s ", (self.unit['id'], 'Servo', )) for index, record in enumerate(cursor): servo[index] = { 'room': record['room'], 'location': record['location'], 'pin': record['pin'], } cursor.close() db.close() return servo
def get_eq_arduino_id(self, device): a = {} db = dbcon.connect() cursor = db.cursor(cursor_factory=extras.DictCursor) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM units WHERE device =%s", (device,)) for record in cursor: a = { 'id': record['id'], 'location': record['location'], 'device': device, } cursor.close() db.close() return a
def get_eq_pir(self): db = dbcon.connect() cursor = db.cursor(cursor_factory=extras.DictCursor) pir = {} cursor.execute("SELECT room, location, addr, pin FROM equipment WHERE" " id=%s and type=%s ", (self.unit['id'], 'Pir', )) for index, record in enumerate(cursor): pir[index] = { 'room': record['room'], 'location': record['location'], 'addr': record['addr'], 'pin': record['pin'], 'state': None } cursor.close() db.close() return pir
def get_region_name(regionid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT regionname FROM regions WHERE regionid=%d" % (regionid)) name = cursor.fetchone() return name[0]
def get_region(stationid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT regionid FROM systems WHERE systemid=(SELECT systemid FROM stations WHERE stationid=%d)" % (stationid)) return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def get_station_name(stationid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT stationname FROM stations WHERE stationid=%d" % (systemid)) name = cursor.fetchone() return name[0]
def worker(job_json): """ For every incoming message, this worker function is called. Be extremely careful not to do anything CPU-intensive here, or you will see blocking. Sockets are async under gevent, so those are fair game. """ market_json = zlib.decompress(job_json) market_data = simplejson.loads(market_json) try: resultType = market_data['resultType'] except KeyError as e: log("Error getting result type") return if market_data['generator']['name']=='EveData.Org': log("Ignoring") return cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() if resultType == 'orders': insert_sql = "INSERT INTO orders\ (typeid, regionid, price, volremaining, orderrange, orderid, volentered,\ minvolume, bid, issuedate, duration, stationid, solarsystemid) VALUES" values = "('%d', '%d', '%f', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d')," delete_sql = "DELETE FROM orders WHERE regionid = %d AND typeid = %d" try: for rowset in market_data['rowsets']: if len(rowset['rows']) <= 0: continue try: cursor.execute(delete_sql % (rowset['regionID'], rowset['typeID'])) conn.commit() except Error as e: log("orders : " + delete_sql % (rowset['regionID'], rowset['typeID'])) log("MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])) conn.rollback() for row in rowset['rows']: insert_sql += values % (rowset['typeID'], rowset['regionID'], row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], arrow.get(row[7]).datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), row[8], row[9], row[10]) try: cursor.execute(insert_sql[:-1]) conn.commit() except: log("Error inserting orders, rolling back") log(simplejson.dumps(market_data, indent=4*' ')) conn.rollback() except KeyError as e: log("Error parsing order rowsets") conn.close() return elif resultType == 'history': #disable quickly. this is stupid insert_sql = "INSERT INTO history (typeid, regionid, issuedate, orders, low, high, average, quantity) VALUES" values = "('%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')," delete_sql = "DELETE FROM history WHERE regionid = %d AND typeid = %d" try: for rowset in market_data['rowsets']: try: cursor.execute(delete_sql % (rowset['regionID'], rowset['typeID'])) conn.commit() except Error as e: log("history : " + delete_sql % (rowset['regionID'], rowset['typeID'])) log("MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])) conn.rollback() for row in rowset['rows']: print row insert_sql += values % (rowset['typeID'], rowset['regionID'], arrow.get(row[0]).datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]) try: cursor.execute(insert_sql[:-1]) conn.commit() except: log("Error inserting history, rolling back") log(simplejson.dumps(market_data, indent=4*' ')) conn.rollback() except KeyError as e: log("Error parsing history rowsets") conn.close() return conn.close()
######packages##### from django.shortcuts import render from dbcon import connect, get_db from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt import json from bson.json_util import dumps import bson from bson.objectid import ObjectId ######end-packages##### #this establishes connection with database database = connect() # this method is linked with the front index page which simply displayes the welcome page def index(request): return render(request, 'dashboard/index.html') # this method is linked with the registration page which gets the data from input field # and then stores it in a database @csrf_exempt def register(request): try: if request.method == 'POST': action = request.POST.get("action", None)
def get_avg_station_quantity(typeid, regionid): #return None cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute("SELECT AVG(quantity) FROM history WHERE typeid=%d AND regionid=%d" % (typeid, regionid)) return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def get_region(stationid): cursor, conn = dbcon.connect() cursor.execute( "SELECT regionid FROM systems WHERE systemid=(SELECT systemid FROM stations WHERE stationid=%d)" % (stationid)) return cursor.fetchone()[0]
# coding=utf-8 from flask import Flask, render_template, session, redirect, url_for, request from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap # form from flask_wtf import Form from wtforms import TextAreaField, SubmitField, PasswordField from wtforms.validators import Required import sqlite3 import json import dbcon dbcon.connect('mboard.db') file = r'mboard.db' app = Flask(__name__) bootstrap = Bootstrap(app) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'GUOKAOHE' class newform(Form): content = TextAreaField('please enter you message:', validators=[Required()], render_kw={ 'placeholder': 'Message board', 'style': 'background: url("arrow.ico");height:500;' }) form_submit = SubmitField('Submit') class loginform(Form):