def mfsiporderplace(payload): ''' if request.method=='OPTIONS': print ("inside mfsiporderplace options") return jsonify({'body':'success'}) elif request.method=='POST': print ("inside mfsiporderplace post") print(request.headers) payload= request.get_json() #payload ='utf8') print(payload) ''' userid = payload.userid entityid = payload.entityid con, cur = db.mydbopncon()
def prepare_order(orderrecord): ord = orderrecord print("processing order" + ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber']) #time.sleep(0.5) #return json.dumps({'mfor_uniquereferencenumber': ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'],'order_id': '','amount':ord['mfor_amount']}) if (ord['mfor_ordertype'] == 'One Time'): has_error, order_json = prepare_onetime_ord(ord) if has_error: pass else: #CALL ORDER PLACEMENT API to place order #order_id = <value returned from BSE> orderstat = 'PPY' elif (ord['mfor_ordertype'] == 'SIP'): has_error, order_json = prepare_isip_ord(ord) if has_error: pass else: #CALL ORDER PLACEMENT API to place order #order_id = <value returned from BSE> orderstat = 'INP' con, cur = db.mydbopncon() if has_error: orderstat = 'FAI' command = cur.mogrify( """ UPDATE webapp.mforderdetails SET mfor_valierrors = %s, mfor_orderstatus = %s WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s; """, ( order_json, orderstat, ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'], ord['mfor_pfuserid'], ord['mfor_entityid'], )) print(command) cur, dbqerr = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) con.commit() cur.close() con.close() print("order id :" + ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'] + ", has errors in processing") return json.dumps({ 'mfor_uniquereferencenumber': ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'], 'order_id': '', 'amount': ord['mfor_amount'] }) else: #update the order id in the table command = cur.mogrify( """ UPDATE webapp.mforderdetails SET mfor_orderid = %s, mfor_orderstatus = %s WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s; """, ( order_id, orderstat, ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'], ord['mfor_pfuserid'], ord['mfor_entityid'], )) print(command) cur, dbqerr = db.mydbfunc(con, cur, command) con.commit() cur.close() con.close() print("order id :" + ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'] + ", successfully processed") return json.dumps({ 'mfor_uniquereferencenumber': ord['mfor_uniquereferencenumber'], 'order_id': order_id, 'amount': ord['mfor_amount'] })
def mfordersubmit_cpy(payload_org): ################ COPY FROM mfordersubmit ######################### con,cur=db.mydbopncon() one_time_pay_details = payload_org['one_time_pay'] sip_pay_details = payload_org['sip_pay'] #Not required for one time payload = payload_org['succrecs'] userid = payload_org['userid'] entityid = payload_org['entityid'] ord_ids=[] for payld in payload: ord_ids.append(payld['mfor_uniquereferencenumber']) str=tuple(ord_ids) print(str) if userid is None or userid == '': userid,entityid=jwtnoverify.validatetoken(request) if entityid is None or userid == '': userid,entityid=jwtnoverify.validatetoken(request) con,cur=db.mydbopncon() command = cur.mogrify(""" SELECT mfor_msgjson FROM webapp.mforderdetails WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber IN %s AND mfor_pfuserid = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s and mfor_orderstatus = 'VAS'; """,(str,userid,entityid,)) print(command) cur, dbqerr = db.mydbfunc(con,cur,command) if cur.closed == True: if(dbqerr['natstatus'] == "error" or dbqerr['natstatus'] == "warning"): dbqerr['statusdetails']="selecting order to submit to BSE failed" resp = make_response(jsonify(dbqerr), 400) return(resp) #Model to follow in all fetch orders=[] for record in cur: print(record[0]) orders.append(record[0]) print(orders) order_records = json.dumps(orders) ### this should be a API call in lambda ##### orderresp = mforderapi.place_order_bse(order_records) ### this should be a API call in lambda ##### print(orderresp) #Add code to update the order id ot_orderids=[] sip_orderids=[] for orderres in orderresp: if orderres['success_flag'] == '0': if orderres['order_type'] == 'OneTime': ot_orderids.append(orderres['trans_no']) command = cur.mogrify(""" UPDATE webapp.mforderdetails SET mfor_orderstatus = 'PPY', mfor_orderid = %s, mfor_bseremarks = %s WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber = %s AND mfor_pfuserid = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s; """,(orderres['order_id'],orderres['bse_remarks'],orderres['trans_no'],userid,entityid,)) elif orderres['order_type'] == 'SIP': sip_orderids.append(orderres['trans_no']) command = cur.mogrify(""" UPDATE webapp.mforderdetails SET mfor_orderstatus = 'INP', mfor_orderid = %s, mfor_bseremarks = %s WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber = %s AND mfor_pfuserid = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s; """,(orderres['order_id'],orderres['bse_remarks'],orderres['trans_no'],userid,entityid,)) else: if orderres['order_type'] == 'OneTime': ot_orderids.append(orderres['trans_no']) command = cur.mogrify(""" UPDATE webapp.mforderdetails SET mfor_orderstatus = 'FAI', mfor_valierrors = %s WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber = %s AND mfor_pfuserid = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s; """,(orderres['bse_remarks'],orderres['trans_no'],userid,entityid,)) elif orderres['order_type'] == 'SIP': sip_orderids.append(orderres['trans_no']) command = cur.mogrify(""" UPDATE webapp.mforderdetails SET mfor_orderstatus = 'FAI', mfor_valierrors = %s WHERE mfor_uniquereferencenumber = %s AND mfor_pfuserid = %s AND mfor_entityid = %s; """,(orderres['bse_remarks'],orderres['trans_no'],userid,entityid,)) print(command) cur, dbqerr = db.mydbfunc(con,cur,command) con.commit() if orderres['order_type'] == 'OneTime': str2 = tuple(ot_orderids) frmdt = ( + timedelta(days=-1)).strftime('%d-%b-%Y') todt ='%d-%b-%Y') all_recs = mforder.fetchsucfai_recs(con, cur, str2, 'One Time', userid, entityid, frmdt, todt, 'BFP') print('*******************ord_type') print(orderres['order_type']) print(str2) print(all_recs) print('*******************ord_type') resp_recs = all_recs ''' resp_recs={ 'success_recs': all_records['suc_records, 'failure_recs': fai_records } ''' print(json.dumps(resp_recs)) elif orderres['order_type'] == 'SIP': resp_recs = { 'status' : 'completed', 'sip_orderids': sip_orderids } con.commit() cur.close() con.close() return json.dumps(resp_recs)
def sip_order_processing(sip_data_for_processing): #This is called for sip processing ''' if request.method=='OPTIONS': print("inside sip_order_processing options") return make_response(jsonify('inside sip_order_processing options'), 200) elif request.method=='POST': print("inside sip_order_processing GET") print((request)) print(request.headers) payload_org= request.get_json() sip_pay print(payload_org) userid,entityid=jwtnoverify.validatetoken(request) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) ''' payload_org = sip_data_for_processing #sip_mandate_details = payload_org['sip_mandate_details'] userid = payload_org['userid'] entityid = payload_org['entityid'] print(userid,entityid) con,cur=db.mydbopncon() command = cur.mogrify("select json_agg(b) from (SELECT * FROM webapp.mforderdetails WHERE mfor_ordertype = 'SIP' AND mfor_orderstatus='PNS' AND mfor_pfuserid = %s AND mfor_entityid =%s) as b;",(userid,entityid,)) print(command) cur, dbqerr = db.mydbfunc(con,cur,command) if cur.closed == True: if(dbqerr['natstatus'] == "error" or dbqerr['natstatus'] == "warning"): dbqerr['statusdetails']="Data for order multiprocess fetch failed" resp = make_response(jsonify(dbqerr), 400) return(resp) print("cur") print(cur) #Model to follow in all fetch sip_records=[] sip_records_orderids=[] if cur: for record in cur: sip_records = record[0] if sip_records is None: sip_records = [] print(sip_records) print("len(sip_records") print(len(sip_records)) if len(sip_records) > 0: print("i am insider sip records") for record in sip_records: sip_records_orderids.append(record['mfor_uniquereferencenumber']) sipordersets = sip_records siporderids = sip_records_orderids pool = Pool(processes=10) result = pool.map_async(sip_prepare_order, sipordersets) result.wait() print(result.get()) pool.close() pool.join() str2=tuple(siporderids) todt ='%d-%b-%Y') frmdt = ( + timedelta(days=-1)).strftime('%d-%b-%Y') ### this should be a API call in lambda ##### all_recs = mforder.fetchsucfai_recs(con, cur, str2, 'SIP', userid, entityid,frmdt,todt,'VAS') ### this should be a API call in lambda ##### resp_recs = all_recs['sip'] resp_suc_recs = resp_recs['success_recs'] ### this should be a API call in lambda ##### sip_submit_rec = { 'sip_pay':'', 'one_time_pay' : '', 'succrecs' : resp_suc_recs, 'userid': userid, 'entityid': entityid } recs = mfordersubmit_cpy(sip_submit_rec) ### this should be a API call in lambda ##### else: recs = { 'status' : 'notrantoprocess', 'sip_orderids': [] } return recs
def funddatafetch(): #This is called by fund data fetch service if request.method=='OPTIONS': print("inside FUNDDATAFETCH options") return make_response(jsonify('inside FUNDDATAFETCH options'), 200) elif request.method=='POST': print("inside PFDATAFETCH GET") print((request)) print(request.headers) userid,entityid=jwtnoverify.validatetoken(request) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) print(userid,entityid) payload= request.get_json() print(payload) print('after') con,cur=db.mydbopncon() print(con) print(cur) teee='%'+payload+'%' #cur.execute("select row_to_json(art) from (select a.*, (select json_agg(b) from (select * from pfstklist where pfportfolioid = a.pfportfolioid ) as b) as pfstklist, (select json_agg(c) from (select * from pfmflist where pfportfolioid = a.pfportfolioid ) as c) as pfmflist from pfmaindetail as a where pfuserid =%s ) art",(userid,)) #command = cur.mogrify("select row_to_json(art) from (select a.*,(select json_agg(c) from (select * from webapp.fundsipdt where sipfndnatcode = a.fndnatcode ) as c) as fnsipdt from webapp.fundmaster as a where fnddisplayname like %s) art",(teee,)) command = cur.mogrify("select row_to_json(art) from (select a.fndnatcode,a.fndschcdfrmbse,a.fnddisplayname,a.fndminpuramt,a.fndaddpuramt,a.fndmaxpuramt,a.fndpuramtinmulti,a.fndpurcutoff,a.fndamcnatcode, (select json_agg(c) from (select sipfreq,sipfreqdates,sipminamt,sipmaxamt,sipmulamt,sipmininstal,sipmaxinstal,sipmingap from webapp.fundsipdt where sipfndnatcode = a.fndnatcode ) as c) as fnsipdt from webapp.fundmaster as a where UPPER(fnddisplayname) like (%s)) art",(teee,)) cur, dbqerr = db.mydbfunc(con,cur,command) print(command) print(cur) print(dbqerr) print(type(dbqerr)) print(dbqerr['natstatus']) if cur.closed == True: if(dbqerr['natstatus'] == "error" or dbqerr['natstatus'] == "warning"): dbqerr['statusdetails']="pf Fetch failed" resp = make_response(jsonify(dbqerr), 400) return(resp) #Model to follow in all fetch records=[] for record in cur: records.append(record[0]) print(records) print("Fund details returned for user: "******"--------------") print(record) print("--------------") if record.get('fnsipdt') != None: for sipdt in record.get('fnsipdt'): print(sipdt) mydate=int('%d'))+10 mymnt=int('%m')) mynxtmnt=int('%m'))+1'%Y') sipdates=sipdt.get('sipfreqdates').split(',') print(sipdt['sipfreqdates']) sipdt['sipfreqdates']=[] for sipdate in sipdates: print(type(sipdate)) print(type(mydate)) if(int(sipdate)>mydate): now = (datetime.strptime((str(sipdate)+'/'+str(mymnt)+'/'+str(myyr)), '%d/%m/%Y').date()).strftime('%d-%b-%Y') print(now) print(type(now)) #sipdt['sipfreqdates'].append(str(sipdate)+'/'+str(mymnt)+'/'+str(myyr)) sipdt['sipfreqdates'].append(now) else: #sipdt['sipfreqdates'].append(str(sipdate)+'/'+str(mynxtmnt)+'/'+str(myyr)) #now = datetime.strptime((str(sipdate)+'/'+str(mynxtmnt)+'/'+str(myyr)), '%d/%m/%Y').date() now1=(datetime.strptime((str(sipdate)+'/'+str(mynxtmnt)+'/'+str(myyr)), '%d/%m/%Y').date()).strftime('%d-%b-%Y') print(now1) print(type(now1)) sipdt['sipfreqdates'].append(now1) print(sipdt['sipfreqdates']) resp = json.dumps(records) return resp