コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, progID, ousUID, recipe):
        self._progID = progID
        self._ousUID = ousUID
        self._recipe = recipe
        #Initialization code for pipeline execution
        # Make sure we know where we are
        self.location = os.environ.get( 'DRAWS_LOCATION' )
        if self.location == None:
            raise RuntimeError( "DRAWS_LOCATION env variable is not defined" )

        # Make sure we know where the local replicated cache directory is
        self.replicatedCache = os.environ.get( 'DRAWS_LOCAL_CACHE' )
        if self.replicatedCache == None:
            raise RuntimeError( "DRAWS_LOCAL_CACHE env variable is not defined" )

        self.pipelineScript = "pipeline.py"
        self.thisDirectory = os.getcwd()		# Assume the pipeline script is in this same directory
        self.pipelineExecutable = self.thisDirectory + "/" + self.pipelineScript
        self.pipelineRunDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="drw-" )
        self.workingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="drw-" )
        print( ">>> PipelineDriver: pipelineRunDirectory:", self.pipelineRunDirectory )
        print( ">>> PipelineDriver: workingDirectory:", self.workingDirectory )
        self.xtss = ExecutorClient( 'localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss' )
        self.mq   = MqConnection( 'localhost', 'msgq' )

        params = collections.OrderedDict()
        params['progID'] = self._progID
        params['ousUID'] = self._ousUID
        params['recipe'] = self._recipe
        params['location'] = self.location
        params['pipelineRunDir'] = self.pipelineRunDirectory
        params['replicatedCache'] = self.replicatedCache
        self._temp = Template(params)
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, location):
     self._baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984"  # CouchDB
     self._dbconn = DbConnection(baseUrl)
     self._xtss = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
     self._mq = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq')
     self._broker = RabbitMqMessageBroker()
     self.location = location
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, localCache):
     self.baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984"  # CouchDB
     self.ngascon = NgasConnection()
     self.xtss = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
     self.select = "ingest.JAO"
     self.mq = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq', self.select)
     self.localCache = localCache
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.weblogsBaseUrl = "http://localhost:8000"
     self.baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984" # CouchDB
     self.dbconn  = DbConnection(self.baseUrl)
     self.dbName  = "pipeline-reports"
     self.xtss   = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
     self.select = "pipeline.report.JAO"
     self.mq     = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq',  select)
コード例 #5
if location == None:
    raise RuntimeError("DRAWS_LOCATION env variable is not defined")

# Make sure we know where the local replicated cache directory is
replicatedCache = os.environ.get('DRAWS_LOCAL_CACHE')
if replicatedCache == None:
    raise RuntimeError("DRAWS_LOCAL_CACHE env variable is not defined")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pipeline Driver mock-up')
parser.add_argument(dest="progID", help="ID of the project containing the OUS")
                    help="ID of the OUS that should be processed")
parser.add_argument(dest="recipe", help="Pipeline recipe to run")
args = parser.parse_args()

print(">>> PipelineDriver: progID=%s, ousUID=%s, recipe=%s" %
      (args.progID, args.ousUID, args.recipe))

pipelineScript = "pipeline.py"
thisDirectory = os.getcwd(
)  # Assume the pipeline script is in this same directory
pipelineExecutable = thisDirectory + "/" + pipelineScript
pipelineRunDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="drw-")
workingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="drw-")
print(">>> PipelineDriver: pipelineRunDirectory:", pipelineRunDirectory)
print(">>> PipelineDriver: workingDirectory:", workingDirectory)

xtss = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
mq = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq')

wrapPipeline(args.progID, args.ousUID, args.recipe)
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self):
     self._mq = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq')
     self._xtss = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
コード例 #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../shared")
from dbmsgq import ExecutorClient

## Send an RPC request to an Executor
## Example:
##  ./send-rpc.py xtss \
##      '{ "operation":"get-ouss-by-state-substate", "state":"ReadyForProcessing", "substate":"^Pipeline" }'

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Temporary component, sends an arbitrary RPC request')
parser.add_argument(dest="selector", help="Selector to send the message to")
parser.add_argument(dest="message", help="Message (JSON text)")
args = parser.parse_args()

executor = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', args.selector)
response = executor.call(args.message)
print("Response:", response)
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from dbmsgq import ExecutorClient
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='qqq' )
parser.add_argument( dest="n", help="TODO" )

queue = ExecutorClient( "localhost", "msgq", "fibonacci" )
msg = {}
msg['n'] = args.n
print( "Executor returned:", queue.call( msg ))