コード例 #1
 def __contrastive_divergence_rbm__(self, vis, hid, linear):
     neg_vis = dbn.sigmoid(dot(hid, self.weights.T) + tile(self.visible_biases, (len(vis), 1)))
     if linear:
         neg_hid_prob = dot(neg_vis, self.weights) + tile(self.hidden_biases, (len(vis), 1))
         neg_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(dot(neg_vis, self.weights) + tile(self.hidden_biases, (len(vis), 1)))
     return neg_vis, neg_hid_prob
コード例 #2
 def __contrastive_divergence_rbm__(self, vis, hid, linear):
     neg_vis = dbn.sigmoid(
         dot(hid, self.weights.T) +
         tile(self.visible_biases, (len(vis), 1)))
     if linear:
         neg_hid_prob = dot(neg_vis, self.weights) + tile(
             self.hidden_biases, (len(vis), 1))
         neg_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(
             dot(neg_vis, self.weights) +
             tile(self.hidden_biases, (len(vis), 1)))
     return neg_vis, neg_hid_prob
コード例 #3
    def rbm_learn(self, epochs, first_layer=False, linear=False):
        The learning of the RBMs. The higher value of epochs will result in more training.

        @param epochs: The number of epochs.
        if linear:
            self.learning_rate = self.learning_rate * 0.01

        for epoch in range(epochs):
            errsum = 0
            batch_index = 0
            for _ in self.batches:
                # Positive phase - generate data from visible to hidden units.
                pos_vis = self.__get_input_data__(batch_index, first_layer=first_layer)
                batch_size = len(pos_vis)

                if linear:
                    pos_hid_prob = dot(pos_vis, self.weights) + tile(self.hidden_biases, (batch_size, 1))

                    pos_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(dot(pos_vis, self.weights) + tile(self.hidden_biases, (batch_size, 1)))

                self.__save_output__(batch_index, pos_hid_prob)  # Serialize the output of the RBM

                # If probabilities are higher than randomly generated, the states are 1
                randoms = rand.rand(batch_size, self.num_hid)
                pos_hid = array(randoms < pos_hid_prob, dtype=int)

                # Negative phase - generate data from hidden to visible units and then again to hidden units.
                neg_vis = pos_vis
                neg_hid_prob = pos_hid
                for i in range(self.gibbs_steps):  # There is only 1 step of contrastive divergence
                    neg_vis, neg_hid_prob = self.__contrastive_divergence_rbm__(neg_vis, pos_hid_prob, linear)

                # Set the error
                errsum += sum(((pos_vis) - neg_vis) ** 2) / len(pos_vis)

                # Update weights and biases
                self.delta_weights = self.momentum * self.delta_weights + self.learning_rate * (
                    (dot(pos_vis.T, pos_hid_prob) - dot(neg_vis.T, neg_hid_prob)) / batch_size
                    - self.weight_cost * self.weights
                self.delta_visible_biases = self.momentum * self.delta_visible_biases + (
                    self.learning_rate / batch_size
                ) * (sum(pos_vis, axis=0) - sum(neg_vis, axis=0))
                self.delta_hidden_biases = self.momentum * self.delta_hidden_biases + (
                    self.learning_rate / batch_size
                ) * (sum(pos_hid_prob, axis=0) - sum(neg_hid_prob, axis=0))
                self.weights += self.delta_weights
                self.visible_biases += self.delta_visible_biases
                self.hidden_biases += self.delta_hidden_biases
                batch_index += 1

            # Output error scores
            e = errsum / len(self.batches)
            err_str = "Epoch[%2d]: Error = %.07f" % (epoch + 1, e)
            self.error += [e]
コード例 #4
    def rsm_learn(self,epochs):
        The learning of the first layer RBM (Replicated Softmax Model). The higher value of epochs will result in
        more training.

        @param epochs: The number of epochs.
        for epoch in range(epochs):
            perplexity = 0
            batch_index = 0

            for _ in self.batches:

                # Positive phase - generate data from visible to hidden units.
                pos_vis = self.__get_input_data__(batch_index,first_layer=True)
                batch_size = len(pos_vis)
                D = sum(pos_vis,axis = 1)
                if epoch == 0:
                   self.words += sum(pos_vis) # Calculate the number of words in order to calculate the perplexity.

                pos_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(dot(pos_vis,self.weights)+outer(D, self.hidden_biases))
                self.__save_output__(batch_index, pos_hid_prob) # Serialize the output of the RBM

                # If probabilities are higher than randomly generated, the states are 1
                randoms = rand.rand(batch_size,self.num_hid)
                pos_hid = array(randoms < pos_hid_prob,dtype = int)

                # Negative phase - generate data from hidden to visible units and then again to hidden units.
                neg_vis = pos_vis
                neg_hid_prob = pos_hid
                for i in range(100): # There is only 1 step of contrastive divergence
                    neg_vis,neg_hid_prob,D,p = self.__contrastive_divergence_rsm__(neg_vis, pos_hid_prob, D)
                    if i == 0:

                pos_products = dot(pos_vis.T,pos_hid_prob)
                pos_visible_bias_activation = sum(pos_vis,axis = 0)
                pos_hidden_bias_activation = sum(pos_hid_prob,axis = 0)
                neg_products = dot(neg_vis.T,neg_hid_prob)
                neg_visibe_bias_activation = sum(neg_vis,axis = 0)
                neg_hidden_bias_activation = sum(neg_hid_prob,axis = 0)

                # Update the weights and biases
                self.delta_weights = self.momentum * self.delta_weights + self.learning_rate * ((pos_products-neg_products)/batch_size - self.weight_cost * self.weights)
                self.delta_visible_biases = (self.momentum * self.delta_visible_biases + (pos_visible_bias_activation-neg_visibe_bias_activation))*(self.learning_rate/batch_size)
                self.delta_hidden_biases = (self.momentum * self.delta_hidden_biases + (pos_hidden_bias_activation-neg_hidden_bias_activation))*(self.learning_rate/batch_size)
                self.weights += self.delta_weights
                self.visible_biases += self.delta_visible_biases
                self.hidden_biases += self.delta_hidden_biases
                batch_index += 1

            if not epoch == 0: # Output error score.
                perplexity = exp(-perplexity/self.words)
                err_str = "Epoch[%2d]: Perplexity = %.02f"%(epoch,perplexity)
                self.error += [perplexity]
コード例 #5
def generate_output_data(x,
    Compute forwards-pass in the deep autoencoder and compute the output.

    @param x: The BOW.
    @param weight_matrices_added_biases: The weight matrices added biases.
    @param binary_output: If the output of the DBN must be binary. If so, Gaussian noise will be added to bottleneck.
    @param sampled_noise: The gaussian noise matrix in case of binary output units.
    z_values = []
    NN = sum(x, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(weight_matrices_added_biases) - 1):
        if i == 0:
            z = dbn.sigmoid(
                dot(x[:, :-1], weight_matrices_added_biases[i][:-1, :]) +
                outer(NN, weight_matrices_added_biases[i][-1, :]))
        elif i == (len(weight_matrices_added_biases) / 2) - 1:
            act = dot(z_values[i - 1], weight_matrices_added_biases[i])
            if binary_output and not sampled_noise is None:
                z = act + sampled_noise
                z = act
            z = dbn.sigmoid(
                dot(z_values[i - 1], weight_matrices_added_biases[i]))

        z = append(z, ones((len(x), 1), dtype=float64), axis=1)

    neg_vis = dot(z_values[-1], weight_matrices_added_biases[-1])
    softmax_value = dbn.softmax(neg_vis)
    xout = softmax_value
    if len(xout[xout == 0]) > 0:
        w = where(xout == 0)
        for i in range(len(w[0])):
            row = w[0][i]
            col = w[1][i]
            xout[row, col] = finfo(float).eps
    return xout, z_values
コード例 #6
    def __contrastive_divergence_rsm__(self, vis, hid, D):
        neg_vis = dot(hid, self.weights.T) + self.visible_biases
        softmax_value = dbn.softmax(neg_vis)
        neg_vis *= 0
        for i in xrange(len(vis)):
            neg_vis[i] = random.multinomial(D[i], softmax_value[i], size=1)
        D = sum(neg_vis, axis=1)

        perplexity = nansum(vis * log(softmax_value))

        neg_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(dot(neg_vis, self.weights) + outer(D, self.hidden_biases))

        return neg_vis, neg_hid_prob, D, perplexity
def generate_output_data(x, weight_matrices_added_biases):
    Run through the deep autoencoder and compute the output.

    @param x: The BOW.
    @param weight_matrices_added_biases: The weight matrices added biases.
    z_values = []
    NN = sum(x,axis = 1)
    for i in range(len(weight_matrices_added_biases)-1):
        if i == 0:
            z = dbn.sigmoid(dot(x,weight_matrices_added_biases[i]))
        elif i == (len(weight_matrices_added_biases)/2)-1:
            z = dot(z_values[i-1],weight_matrices_added_biases[i])
            z = dbn.sigmoid(dot(z_values[i-1],weight_matrices_added_biases[i]))

        z = append(z,ones((len(x),1),dtype = float64),axis = 1)

    xout = dbn.sigmoid(dot(z_values[-1],weight_matrices_added_biases[-1]))
    return xout, z_values
コード例 #8
def generate_output_data(x, weight_matrices_added_biases, binary_output=False, sampled_noise=None):
    Compute forwards-pass in the deep autoencoder and compute the output.

    @param x: The BOW.
    @param weight_matrices_added_biases: The weight matrices added biases.
    @param binary_output: If the output of the DBN must be binary. If so, Gaussian noise will be added to bottleneck.
    @param sampled_noise: The gaussian noise matrix in case of binary output units.
    z_values = []
    NN = sum(x, axis=1)
    for i in range(len(weight_matrices_added_biases) - 1):
        if i == 0:
            z = dbn.sigmoid(dot(x[:, :-1], weight_matrices_added_biases[i][:-1, :]) + outer(NN,
                                                                                                i][-1, :]))
        elif i == (len(weight_matrices_added_biases) / 2) - 1:
            act = dot(z_values[i - 1], weight_matrices_added_biases[i])
            if binary_output and not sampled_noise is None:
                z = act + sampled_noise
                z = act
            z = dbn.sigmoid(dot(z_values[i - 1], weight_matrices_added_biases[i]))

        z = append(z, ones((len(x), 1), dtype=float64), axis=1)

    neg_vis = dot(z_values[-1], weight_matrices_added_biases[-1])
    softmax_value = dbn.softmax(neg_vis)
    xout = softmax_value
    if len(xout[xout == 0]) > 0:
        w = where(xout == 0)
        for i in range(len(w[0])):
            row = w[0][i]
            col = w[1][i]
            xout[row, col] = finfo(float).eps
    return xout, z_values
コード例 #9
    def __contrastive_divergence_rsm__(self, vis, hid, D):
        neg_vis = dot(hid, self.weights.T) + self.visible_biases
        softmax_value = dbn.softmax(neg_vis)
        neg_vis *= 0
        for i in xrange(len(vis)):
            neg_vis[i] = random.multinomial(D[i], softmax_value[i], size=1)
        D = sum(neg_vis, axis=1)

        perplexity = nansum(vis * log(softmax_value))

        neg_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(
            dot(neg_vis, self.weights) + outer(D, self.hidden_biases))

        return neg_vis, neg_hid_prob, D, perplexity
コード例 #10
    def rsm_learn(self, epochs):
        The learning of the first layer RBM (Replicated Softmax Model). The higher value of epochs will result in
        more training.

        @param epochs: The number of epochs.
        for epoch in range(epochs):
            perplexity = 0
            batch_index = 0

            for _ in self.batches:

                # Positive phase - generate data from visible to hidden units.
                pos_vis = self.__get_input_data__(batch_index,
                batch_size = len(pos_vis)
                D = sum(pos_vis, axis=1)
                if epoch == 0:
                    self.words += sum(
                    )  # Calculate the number of words in order to calculate the perplexity.

                pos_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(
                    dot(pos_vis, self.weights) + outer(D, self.hidden_biases))
                    pos_hid_prob)  # Serialize the output of the RBM

                # If probabilities are higher than randomly generated, the states are 1
                randoms = rand.rand(batch_size, self.num_hid)
                pos_hid = array(randoms < pos_hid_prob, dtype=int)

                # Negative phase - generate data from hidden to visible units and then again to hidden units.
                neg_vis = pos_vis
                neg_hid_prob = pos_hid
                for i in range(
                ):  # There is only 1 step of contrastive divergence
                    neg_vis, neg_hid_prob, D, p = self.__contrastive_divergence_rsm__(
                        neg_vis, pos_hid_prob, D)
                    if i == 0:
                        perplexity += p

                pos_products = dot(pos_vis.T, pos_hid_prob)
                pos_visible_bias_activation = sum(pos_vis, axis=0)
                pos_hidden_bias_activation = sum(pos_hid_prob, axis=0)
                neg_products = dot(neg_vis.T, neg_hid_prob)
                neg_visibe_bias_activation = sum(neg_vis, axis=0)
                neg_hidden_bias_activation = sum(neg_hid_prob, axis=0)

                # Update the weights and biases
                self.delta_weights = self.momentum * self.delta_weights + self.learning_rate * (
                    (pos_products - neg_products) / batch_size -
                    self.weight_cost * self.weights)
                self.delta_visible_biases = (
                    self.momentum * self.delta_visible_biases +
                    (pos_visible_bias_activation - neg_visibe_bias_activation)
                ) * (self.learning_rate / batch_size)
                self.delta_hidden_biases = (
                    self.momentum * self.delta_hidden_biases +
                    (pos_hidden_bias_activation - neg_hidden_bias_activation)
                ) * (self.learning_rate / batch_size)
                self.weights += self.delta_weights
                self.visible_biases += self.delta_visible_biases
                self.hidden_biases += self.delta_hidden_biases
                batch_index += 1

            if not epoch == 0:  # Output error score.
                perplexity = exp(-perplexity / self.words)
                err_str = "Epoch[%2d]: Perplexity = %.02f" % (epoch,
                self.error += [perplexity]
コード例 #11
    def rbm_learn(self, epochs, first_layer=False, linear=False):
        The learning of the RBMs. The higher value of epochs will result in more training.

        @param epochs: The number of epochs.
        if linear:
            self.learning_rate = self.learning_rate * 0.01

        for epoch in range(epochs):
            errsum = 0
            batch_index = 0
            for _ in self.batches:
                # Positive phase - generate data from visible to hidden units.
                pos_vis = self.__get_input_data__(batch_index,
                batch_size = len(pos_vis)

                if linear:
                    pos_hid_prob = dot(pos_vis, self.weights) + tile(
                        self.hidden_biases, (batch_size, 1))

                    pos_hid_prob = dbn.sigmoid(
                        dot(pos_vis, self.weights) +
                        tile(self.hidden_biases, (batch_size, 1)))

                    pos_hid_prob)  # Serialize the output of the RBM

                # If probabilities are higher than randomly generated, the states are 1
                randoms = rand.rand(batch_size, self.num_hid)
                pos_hid = array(randoms < pos_hid_prob, dtype=int)

                # Negative phase - generate data from hidden to visible units and then again to hidden units.
                neg_vis = pos_vis
                neg_hid_prob = pos_hid
                for i in range(
                ):  # There is only 1 step of contrastive divergence
                    neg_vis, neg_hid_prob = self.__contrastive_divergence_rbm__(
                        neg_vis, pos_hid_prob, linear)

                # Set the error
                errsum += sum(((pos_vis) - neg_vis)**2) / len(pos_vis)

                # Update weights and biases
                self.delta_weights = self.momentum * self.delta_weights + self.learning_rate * (
                    (dot(pos_vis.T, pos_hid_prob) -
                     dot(neg_vis.T, neg_hid_prob)) / batch_size -
                    self.weight_cost * self.weights
                self.delta_visible_biases = self.momentum * self.delta_visible_biases + (
                    self.learning_rate / batch_size) * (sum(pos_vis, axis=0) -
                                                        sum(neg_vis, axis=0))
                self.delta_hidden_biases = self.momentum * self.delta_hidden_biases + (
                    self.learning_rate / batch_size) * (
                        sum(pos_hid_prob, axis=0) - sum(neg_hid_prob, axis=0))
                self.weights += self.delta_weights
                self.visible_biases += self.delta_visible_biases
                self.hidden_biases += self.delta_hidden_biases
                batch_index += 1

            # Output error scores
            e = errsum / len(self.batches)
            err_str = "Epoch[%2d]: Error = %.07f" % (epoch + 1, e)
            self.error += [e]