コード例 #1
ファイル: hydro.py プロジェクト: anabrid/pyanalog
def partial_to_rim(smbl):
    if smbl.head != Partial.head: return smbl.map_tails(partial_to_rim)
    body, direction = smbl.tail
    neighbour = lambda pos: body.map_variables(lambda name: neighbour_name(name, pos))
    assert nFD == 2, "only nFD=2 implemented so far"
    return div(sum(neighbour(-1), neg(neighbour(+1)), dx[direction]))
コード例 #2
ファイル: hydro.py プロジェクト: anabrid/pyanalog
def partial_to_support(partial_smbl):
    if partial_smbl.head != Partial.head: return partial_smbl.map_tails(partial_to_support)
    partial_body, direction = partial_smbl.tail
    def target(idx, offset, direction):
        t = list(idx)
        t[direction] += offset
        print(f"    Computing from {idx} + {offset} in direction {direction} = {t}")
        return tuple(t)
    ### TODO: This is dumb as f**k. We need wildcard matching.
    ###  Something such as map( Support(Symbol(str),builtin.int), mapper)
    ###  or in this case as simple as map_deep(Support, mapper).

    def neighbour(offset):
        print(f"Working at {partial_body}...")
        def map_support(support_smbl):
            if support_smbl.head != Support.head:
                print(f"  Ascending into {support_smbl}...")
                r = support_smbl.map_tails(map_support)
                print(f"  ... resolved {support_smbl} -> {r}")
                return r
            var, *idx = support_smbl.tail
            r = Support(var, *target(idx, offset, direction))
            print(f"  ...mapped {support_smbl} -> {r}")
            return r
        r = partial_body.map_tails(map_support)
        print(f"... {partial_body}: neighbour({offset}) = {r}")
        return r
    assert nFD == 2, "only nFD=2 implemented so far"
    return div(sum(neighbour(-1), neg(neighbour(+1)), dx[direction]))
コード例 #3
def add_sinusodial(s, name):
    # some sinosidual test signal
    y, my, mdy = dda.symbols(f"{name}_y, {name}_my, {name}_mdy")
    s[my] = dda.neg(y)
    s[y] = dda.int(mdy, dt, 0)
    s[mdy] = dda.int(my, dt, 1)
    return s
コード例 #4
ファイル: hydro.py プロジェクト: anabrid/pyanalog
# Symbolic spatial partial derivative, expected usage:
# partial(expression, i)  with i the spatial dimension
Partial = Symbol("Partial")

state = State()

dt = 0.1 # meaningless timestep size
Q0 = [ 0., *(0 for j in rDim), 0 ] # initial conditions

# analytical recovery of primitives and other auxilliaries
state[rho] = state[D]  # actually never really needed
for i in rDim:
    state[v[i]] = div(state[S[i]], state[rho])
    for j in rDim:
        state[vv[i][j]] = mult(v[i], v[j])
state[v2] = neg(sum(*(vv[j][j] for j in rDim)))
state[eps] = neg(sum(E, neg(div(D, mult(2, v2)))))

# Equation of state
Gamma = 2 # polytropic constant in ideal fluid equation of state
state[p] = mult(rho, mult(eps, Gamma-1))

# actual conserved flux system

# D = -int_t partial_i D^i = - partial_i (rho * v^i)
state[ D ] = int(*( Partial(S[i], i) for i in rDim), dt, Q0[iD])

for i in rDim:
    integrands = [ Partial(mult(S[i],v[j]),i) for j in rDim ]
    if i == j: integrands.append( Partial(neg(p),i) )
    state[ S[i] ] = int(*integrands, dt, Q0[iS[i]])
コード例 #5
ファイル: roche.py プロジェクト: anabrid/pyanalog
from dda import symbols, State
from dda.computing_elements import int, mult, neg
from numpy import *

# numbers of iterations and time step size
iterations = 100_000_000
dt = 0.0005

x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
a = [NaN, 5, 2, 0.5, 1, 4, 1]
x0, y0, z0 = -5, 0, 5

state = State()

state[x] = int(mult(a[1], x), neg(mult(mult(a[2], y), z)), dt, x0)
state[y] = int(neg(mult(a[3], y)), mult(mult(a[4], x), z), dt, y0)
state[z] = int(mult(a[5], z), neg(mult(mult(a[6], x), y)), dt, z0)

if 0:
    # solve with naive explicit RK
    results = state.export(to="CppSolver").run(max_iterations=iterations,
    # solve with scipy instead
    py_state = state.export("scipy")
    sol = py_state.solve(1000, dense_output=True)
    results = {
        field: sol.y[i]
        for i, field in enumerate(py_state.vars.evolved)