コード例 #1
ファイル: move.py プロジェクト: ErwinRieger/ddprint
    def __eq__(self, other):

        if other == None:
            return False

        for dim in range(5):
            if not circaf(self[dim], other[dim], 0.000001):
                return False
        return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: move.py プロジェクト: ErwinRieger/ddprint
 def feedrate3(self):
     f = self.len3()
     if circaf(f, 0, 0.000001):
         print "emove"
     return f
コード例 #3
ファイル: gcodeparser.py プロジェクト: ErwinRieger/ddprint
    def g0(self, line, values):

        # print "g0", values

        feedrate = self.feedrate
        if 'F' in values:
            feedrate = values['F']

        if not ("X" in values or "Y" in values or "Z" in values or "A" in values or "B" in values):

            # Nothing to move, F-Only gcode or invalid
            assert("F" in values)

            self.feedrate = feedrate

        curGcodePos = self.getGcodePos()
        curRealPos = self.getRealPos()

        newGcodePos = curGcodePos.copy()
        newRealPos = curRealPos.copy()

        # print "curGcodePos: ", newGcodePos
        # print "curRealPos: ", newRealPos

        displacement_vector = VVector()
        displacement_vector_steps = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        eOnlyByGcode = True

        for dim in range(5):

            dimC = dimNames[dim]
            if dimC not in values:

            gDiff = values[dimC] - curGcodePos[dim]
            if gDiff and dimC in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']:
                eOnlyByGcode = False

            rDiff = values[dimC] - curRealPos[dim]

            nSteps = (int)((rDiff * self.steps_per_mm[dim]) + 0.5)

            displacement_vector_steps[dim] = nSteps

            # debug
            # delta = nSteps * self.mm_per_step[dim] - rDiff
            # print "values: ", dimC, rDiff, nSteps, delta
            # end debug

            rDiff = nSteps * self.mm_per_step[dim]
            displacement_vector[dim] = rDiff

            newGcodePos[dimC] = values[dimC]
            newRealPos[dim] = curRealPos[dim] + rDiff

        # Check if zero or small length:
        if displacement_vector_steps == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]:
            # Skip this very small move, the delta of this move is not lost,
            # since it is included in the next absolute gcode command.
            # Current position has not been updated, yet (see self.state.set_position(values))
            # at the end of this method.
            # But respect a possible feedrate change:
            if not eOnlyByGcode:
                self.feedrate = feedrate


        # Get head move distance:
        move_distance = vectorDistance(curRealPos[:3], newRealPos[:3])

        if move_distance != 0:

            assert(not eOnlyByGcode)

        if debugMoves:
            for dim in range(5):
                assert(circaf(newRealPos[dim] - curRealPos[dim], displacement_vector[dim], 0.000001))

        feedrateVector = displacement_vector._setLength(feedrate).constrain(self.maxFeedrateVector)
        if feedrateVector:
            feedrate = feedrateVector.len5()

        # print "pos:", stepped_point, "[steps]"
        # print "displacement_vector:", displacement_vector, "[mm]"
        # print "feedrate:", feedrate, "[mm/s]"

            # stepped_point=stepped_point,
            feedrate=feedrate, # mm/s
        if not eOnlyByGcode:
            self.feedrate = feedrate
        # else:
            # print "NOT storing new feedrate of E-Only move '%s'!" % comment

        # print "newGcodePos: ", newGcodePos
        # print "newRealPos: ", newRealPos
コード例 #4
ファイル: ddplanner.py プロジェクト: ErwinRieger/ddprint
    def planSteps(self, move):

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** Start planSteps() *****"

        move.state = 3

        dirBits = 0
        abs_displacement_vector_steps = []

        leadAxis = 0
        leadAxis_value = 0

        for i in range(5):
            dirBits += (move.displacement_vector_steps_raw()[i] >= 0) << i
            adjustedDisplacement = move.displacement_vector_steps_adjusted(NozzleProfile, MatProfile, PrinterProfile)

            s = abs(adjustedDisplacement[i])
            if s > leadAxis_value:
                leadAxis = i
                leadAxis_value = s


        if dirBits != self.printer.curDirBits:
            move.stepData.setDirBits = True
            move.stepData.dirBits = dirBits
            self.printer.curDirBits = dirBits

        steps_per_mm = PrinterProfile.getStepsPerMM(leadAxis)

        # Bresenham's variables
        deltaLead = abs_displacement_vector_steps[leadAxis]
        move.stepData.setBresenhamParameters(leadAxis, abs_displacement_vector_steps)

        # Create a list of stepper pulses

        # debnegtimer
        nominalSpeed = abs( move.getReachedSpeedV()[leadAxis] ) # [mm/s]

        reachedSpeedV = move.getReachedSpeedV()
        reachedSpeedFr = reachedSpeedV.len5()

        # debnegtimer
        accel = abs(move.getAllowedAccelVector()[leadAxis])
        accel_steps_per_square_second = accel * steps_per_mm

        # startSpeed = move.getStartFr()

        # debnegtimer
        v0 = abs(move.getFeedrateV(move.getStartFr())[leadAxis])                # [mm/s]

        # endSpeed = move.getEndFr()

        # debnegtimer
        v1 = abs(move.getFeedrateV(move.getEndFr())[leadAxis])                # [mm/s]

        # debnegtimer
        steps_per_second_0 = steps_per_second_accel = v0 * steps_per_mm
        steps_per_second_1 = steps_per_second_deccel = v1 * steps_per_mm
        steps_per_second_nominal = nominalSpeed * steps_per_mm

        # Acceleration variables
        # tAccel = 0  # [s], sum of all acceeration steptimes
        # tAccel mit der initialen zeitspanne vorbelegen, da wir bereits im
        # ersten schleifendurchlauf (d.h. ab t=0) eine beschleunigung haben wollen.
        tAccel = 1.0 / steps_per_second_0  # [s], sum of all acceeration steptimes
        tDeccel = 1.0 / steps_per_second_1

        stepNr = 0

        if debugPlot:
            accelPlotData = []
            deccelPlotData = []

        if not circaf(move.getStartFr(), reachedSpeedFr, 0.1) and not circaf(move.getEndFr(), reachedSpeedFr, 0.1):

            # Acceleration ramp on both sides.
            # Ramp up both sides in parallel to not exeed available steps

            done = False
            while not done and stepNr < deltaLead:

                done = True

                # Compute acceleration timer values
                if steps_per_second_accel < steps_per_second_nominal:

                    # Compute timer value
                    steps_per_second_accel = min(steps_per_second_0 + tAccel * accel_steps_per_square_second, steps_per_second_nominal)

                    dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second_accel
                    timerValue = int(fTimer / steps_per_second_accel)

                    # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_accel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

                    if debugPlot:
                        if move.eOnly:
                            accelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_accel/steps_per_mm, 2, dt))
                            accelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_accel/steps_per_mm, 1, dt))

                    tAccel += dt

                    if timerValue > maxTimerValue24:
                        print "v0: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_accel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                        print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_accel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

                    stepNr += 1
                    done = False

                if stepNr == deltaLead:

                # Compute ramp down (in reverse), decceleration
                if steps_per_second_deccel < steps_per_second_nominal:

                    # Compute timer value
                    steps_per_second_deccel = min(steps_per_second_1 + tDeccel * accel_steps_per_square_second, steps_per_second_nominal)

                    dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second_deccel
                    timerValue = int(fTimer / steps_per_second_deccel)

                    # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_deccel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue, ", v: ", steps_per_second_deccel/steps_per_mm

                    if debugPlot:
                        if move.eOnly:
                            deccelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_deccel/steps_per_mm, 2, dt))
                            deccelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_deccel/steps_per_mm, 1, dt))

                    tDeccel += dt

                    if timerValue > maxTimerValue24:
                        print "v0: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_deccel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                        print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_deccel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

                    stepNr += 1
                    done = False

        elif not circaf(move.getStartFr(), reachedSpeedFr, 0.1): 

            # Acceleration only

            # Compute acceleration timer values
            while steps_per_second_accel < steps_per_second_nominal and stepNr < deltaLead:

                # Compute timer value
                steps_per_second_accel = min(steps_per_second_0 + tAccel * accel_steps_per_square_second, steps_per_second_nominal)

                dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second_accel
                timerValue = int(fTimer / steps_per_second_accel)

                # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_accel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

                if debugPlot:
                    if move.eOnly:
                        accelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_accel/steps_per_mm, 2, dt))
                        accelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_accel/steps_per_mm, 1, dt))

                tAccel += dt

                if timerValue > maxTimerValue24:
                    print "v0: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_accel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                    print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_accel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

                stepNr += 1


            # Decceleration only

            # Compute ramp down (in reverse), decceleration
            while steps_per_second_deccel < steps_per_second_nominal and stepNr < deltaLead:

                # Compute timer value
                steps_per_second_deccel = min(steps_per_second_1 + tDeccel * accel_steps_per_square_second, steps_per_second_nominal)

                dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second_deccel
                timerValue = int(fTimer / steps_per_second_deccel)

                # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_deccel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue, ", v: ", steps_per_second_deccel/steps_per_mm

                if debugPlot:
                    if move.eOnly:
                        deccelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_deccel/steps_per_mm, 2, dt))
                        deccelPlotData.append((steps_per_second_deccel/steps_per_mm, 1, dt))

                tDeccel += dt

                if timerValue > maxTimerValue24:
                    print "v0: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_deccel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                    print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second_deccel, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

                stepNr += 1

        # Linear phase
        timerValue = fTimer / steps_per_second_nominal

        if debugPlot:
            self.plotfile.write("# Acceleration:\n")
            for (speed, color, dt) in accelPlotData:
                self.plotfile.write("%f %f %d\n" % (self.plottime, speed, color))
                self.plottime += dt

            self.plotfile.write("# Linear top:\n")
            self.plotfile.write("%f %f 0\n" % (self.plottime, steps_per_second_nominal/steps_per_mm))
            self.plottime += timerValue / fTimer

            self.plotfile.write("# Decceleration:\n")
            for (speed, color, dt) in deccelPlotData:
                self.plotfile.write("%f %f %d\n" % (self.plottime, speed, color))
                self.plottime += dt

        if debugMoves:
            print "# of steps for move: ", deltaLead


        if debugMoves:
            print "***** End planSteps() *****"


        # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX old, unused ...........

        # Compute acceleration timer values
        # while v0 and steps_per_second < steps_per_second_nominal:
        # lastTimer = None
        while steps_per_second < steps_per_second_nominal: #  and stepNr < deltaLead:

            assert(stepNr < deltaLead)

            # Compute timer value
            steps_per_second = min(steps_per_second_0 + tAccel * accel_steps_per_square_second, steps_per_second_nominal)

            dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second
            timerValue = int(fTimer / steps_per_second)

            # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

            if debugPlot:
                if move.eOnly:
                    self.plotfile.write("%f %f 2\n" % (self.plottime, steps_per_second/steps_per_mm))
                    self.plotfile.write("%f %f 1\n" % (self.plottime, steps_per_second/steps_per_mm))
                self.plottime += dt

            tAccel += dt

            # debnegtimer
            # if timerValue <= 0:
                # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                # assert(0)
            # debtimeroverflow
            if timerValue > maxTimerValue24:
                print "v0: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

            stepNr += 1

            # if lastTimer:
                # assert((lastTimer - timerValue) < maxTimerValue16)
            # lastTimer = timerValue

        # Benutze als timer wert für die lineare phase den letzen timerwert der
        # beschleunigungsphase falls es diese gab. Sonst:
        # berechne timervalue ausgehend von linear feedrate:
        # if not timerValue:
            # timerValue = fTimer / steps_per_second
            # dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second
            # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

        timerValue = fTimer / steps_per_second_nominal

        if debugPlot:
            self.plotfile.write("# Linear top:\n")
            self.plotfile.write("%f %f 0\n" % (self.plottime, steps_per_second/steps_per_mm))
            self.plottime += timerValue / fTimer

            self.plotfile.write("# Decceleration:\n")

        # Compute ramp down (in reverse), decceleration
        tDeccel = 1.0 / steps_per_second_nominal
        steps_per_second = steps_per_second_nominal
        steps_per_second_1 = v1 * steps_per_mm

        # lastTimer = None
        while steps_per_second > steps_per_second_1: #  and stepNr < deltaLead:

            if stepNr >= deltaLead:
                print "stepNr, deltaLead:", stepNr, deltaLead

            assert(stepNr < deltaLead)

            # Compute timer value
            steps_per_second = max(steps_per_second_nominal - tDeccel * accel_steps_per_square_second, steps_per_second_1)

            dt = 1.0 / steps_per_second
            timerValue = int(fTimer / steps_per_second)

            # print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue, ", v: ", steps_per_second/steps_per_mm

            if debugPlot:
                if move.eOnly:
                    self.plotfile.write("%f %f 2\n" % (self.plottime, steps_per_second/steps_per_mm))
                    self.plotfile.write("%f %f 1\n" % (self.plottime, steps_per_second/steps_per_mm))
                self.plottime += dt

            tDeccel += dt

            # debnegtimer
            # assert(timerValue > 0)
            if timerValue > maxTimerValue24:
                print "v0: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue
                print "dt: ", dt*1000000, "[uS]", steps_per_second, "[steps/s], timerValue: ", timerValue

            stepNr += 1

            # if lastTimer:
                # assert((timerValue - lastTimer) < maxTimerValue16)
            # lastTimer = timerValue

        if debugMoves:
            print "# of steps for move: ", deltaLead


        if debugMoves:
            print "***** End planSteps() *****"