class Example(object): def __init__(self): # Create a D(ynamic)DynamicReconfigure self.ddr = DDynamicReconfigure("class_example") # Add variables (name, description, default value, min, max, edit_method) self.ddr.add_variable("decimal", "float/double variable", 0.0, -1.0, 1.0) self.ddr.add_variable("integer", "integer variable", 0, -1, 1) self.ddr.add_variable("bool", "bool variable", True) self.ddr.add_variable("string", "string variable", "string dynamic variable") enum_method = self.ddr.enum([ self.ddr.const("Small", "int", 0, "A small constant"), self.ddr.const("Medium", "int", 1, "A medium constant"), self.ddr.const("Large", "int", 2, "A large constant"), self.ddr.const("ExtraLarge", "int", 3, "An extra large constant")], "An enum example") self.ddr.add_variable("enumerate", "enumerate variable", 1, 0, 3, edit_method=enum_method) self.add_variables_to_self() self.ddr.start(self.dyn_rec_callback) def add_variables_to_self(self): var_names = self.ddr.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.__setattr__(var_name, None) def dyn_rec_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo("Received reconf call: " + str(config)) # Update all variables var_names = self.ddr.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.__dict__[var_name] = config[var_name] return config
class ReconfigServer(object): def __init__(self, config): """ Read the defaults from the config object so that we dont change the launch-defaults right away with different reconfig defaults We then just put whatever reconfig we get into the BB with the same key """ = pt.blackboard.Blackboard() # DynamicDynamicReConfig # because the .cfg way of doing this is pai1 self.ddrc = DDynamicReconfigure("smarc_bt_reconfig") # name, description, default value, min, max, edit_method self.ddrc.add_variable(bb_enums.MIN_ALTITUDE, "default:{}".format(config.MIN_ALTITUDE), config.MIN_ALTITUDE, -2, 50) self.ddrc.add_variable(bb_enums.MAX_DEPTH, "default:{}".format(config.MAX_DEPTH), config.MAX_DEPTH, 0, 50) self.ddrc.add_variable( bb_enums.MAX_ALT_FAIL_SECONDS, "default:{}".format(config.MAX_ALT_FAIL_SECONDS), config.MAX_ALT_FAIL_SECONDS, 0, 10) rospy.loginfo("Started dynamic reconfig server with keys:{}".format( self.ddrc.get_variable_names())) # this should be the last thing in this init self.ddrc.start(self.reconfig_cb) def reconfig_cb(self, config, level): for key in self.ddrc.get_variable_names(): new_value = config.get(key) old_value = if old_value is None or old_value != new_value: rospy.loginfo("New value for:{} set to:{} (was {})".format( key, new_value, old_value)), new_value) return config
class ArbiterLite(object): """ The ArbiterLite transforms high-level commands into low-level commands by using utilities from the file. It subscribes to various topics of the form high_level/cmd_**, then republishes as cmd_vel, takeoff, and land The publishing of this node will run at the configured frequency, but one-time commands like takeoff and land will always be handled immediately. One copy of this node is intended to be created for each physical drone being controlled. """ def __init__(self): = TransformListener() self.ddynrec = DDynamicReconfigure("arbiterlite_configuration") # Transformers are functions capable of processing incoming data in a variety of formats. # They are functions that take input of whatever type the topic is, and produce a transformers.Command # object. alt_pid = transformers.PIDAltController(, self.ddynrec) pos_pid = transformers.PIDPosController(, self.ddynrec, alt_pid) pos_cam_pid = transformers.PIDPosCamController(, self.ddynrec, pos_pid) # topic_name : (type, transformer_func, publish_immediately) self.transformers = { 'high_level/cmd_vel': (Twist, transformers.cmd_vel, False), 'high_level/cmd_takeoff': (Empty, transformers.cmd_takeoff, True), 'high_level/cmd_land': (Empty, transformers.cmd_land, True), 'high_level/cmd_pos': (PoseStamped, pos_pid.cmd_pos, False), 'high_level/cmd_rel_pos': (PoseStamped, pos_pid.cmd_pos, False), 'high_level/cmd_vel_alt': (VelAlt, alt_pid.cmd_vel_alt, False), 'high_level/cmd_cam_pos': (PosCam, pos_cam_pid.cmd_pos_cam, False), } self.last_topic = None self.last_msg = None self.last_timestamp = None for topic, (msgtype, _, immediate) in self.transformers.items(): def handler(msg, topic=topic, immediate=immediate): self.last_topic = topic self.last_msg = msg self.last_timestamp = if immediate: self.update() rospy.Subscriber(topic, msgtype, handler) # Filters constrain final output before it goes to the drone. # Potential examples include last-minute obstacle avoidance, speed limiters, or arena boundary constraints. self.filters = [filters.make_speed_filter(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)] self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('low_level/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=0) self.takeoff_pub = rospy.Publisher('low_level/takeoff', Empty, queue_size=0) self.land_pub = rospy.Publisher('low_level/land', Empty, queue_size=0) self.rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 20) # How long to republish an old message before erroring out (seconds) self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout', 1.0) self.start_ddynrec() def update(self): """ Computes any PID loops and publishes the low-level commands """ if self.last_topic is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, "No messages recieved, unable to publish") return if - self.last_timestamp > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.timeout): rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, "Last message to {} was stale, refusing to publish".format(self.last_topic)) # TODO(eric) Consider publishing a "stop" command here, rather than relying on the timeout in the drone's driver return _, func, _ = self.transformers[self.last_topic] # Convert to a transformers.Command cmd = func(self.last_msg) # Limit the drone speed, and apply any other filters for func in self.filters: cmd = func(cmd) # Publish the result to the ROS network if cmd.takeoff: self.takeoff_pub.publish(Empty()) vel = Twist() vel.linear.z = 0.5 self.vel_pub.publish(vel) elif self.land_pub.publish(Empty()) vel = Twist() vel.linear.z = -0.5 self.vel_pub.publish(vel) else: self.vel_pub.publish(cmd.vel) def start_ddynrec(self): """ Helper function to start the ddynamic reconfigure server with a callback function that updates the self.ddynrec attribute. Needed to tune PID loops in realtime """ def callback(config, level): """ A callback function used to as the parameter in the ddynrec.start() function. This custom callback function updates the state of self.ddynrec so we can refer to its variables whenever we have access to it. """ rospy.loginfo("Received reconf call: " + str(config)) # Update all variables var_names = self.ddynrec.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.ddynrec.__dict__[var_name] = config[var_name] return config self.ddynrec.start(callback) def run(self): r = rospy.Rate(self.rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.last_topic is not None: _, _, immediate = self.transformers[self.last_topic] if not immediate: # For any topic that is not supposed to be handled immediately upon reception, # calculate the PID loop here at a defined frequency. self.update() try: r.sleep() except rospy.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException: r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
class Arbiter: """ The Arbiter is a mutiplexer that reads cmd_* topics from several namespaces, converts them into standard cmd_vel form, and forwards one of them into the global namespace. It receives information about which behavior (namespace) should be selected from String messages on the /arbiter/activate_behavior topic. This information comes from the planning stack. In the future, a voting system could replace this mechanism. The special value "zero" represents an internal behavior that stops the vehicle. It also publishes the name of the active behavior to arbiter/active_behavior. """ def __init__(self): # The Null behavior will aafutomatically process a 0-velocity Twist at 10hz self.null_behavior = Behavior(self.process_command, 'zero', freq=10) self.behaviors = {'zero': self.null_behavior} self.active_behavior_name = 'zero' self.set_active_behavior('zero') = TransformListener() self.ddynrec = DDynamicReconfigure("example_dyn_rec") # Transformers are functions capable of processing incoming data in a variety of formats. # They are functions that take input of whatever type the topic is, and produce a transformers.Command # object. alt_pid = transformers.PIDAltController(, self.ddynrec) pos_pid = transformers.PIDPosController(, self.ddynrec, alt_pid) print pos_pid.cmd_pos self.transformers = { 'cmd_vel': (Twist, transformers.cmd_vel), 'cmd_takeoff': (Empty, transformers.cmd_takeoff), 'cmd_land': (Empty, transformers.cmd_land), 'cmd_pos': (PoseStamped, pos_pid.cmd_pos), 'cmd_vel_alt': (VelAlt, alt_pid.cmd_vel_alt) } """:type : dict[str, (str, (Any) -> transformers.Command)]""" # Subscribe to the behaviors passed as ROS parameters starting_behaviors = rospy.get_param('~behaviors', []) for b in starting_behaviors: behavior = Behavior(self.process_command, b, freq=20) behavior.subscribe(self.transformers) self.behaviors[b] = behavior # Secondary behaviors are filters that are always active on the Command before it is published. # Examples include last-minute obstacle avoidance, speed limiters, or arena boundary constraints. self.secondaries = [] self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=0) self.takeoff_pub = rospy.Publisher('/takeoff', Empty, queue_size=0) self.land_pub = rospy.Publisher('/land', Empty, queue_size=0) self.debug_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arbiter/debug', String, queue_size=10) self.active_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arbiter/active_behavior', String, queue_size=10) self.ddynrec.add_variable( "midbrain_freq", "Frequency of the main control loop for PIDs", rospy.get_param('~midbrain_freq', 100), 1, 1000) self.start_ddynrec() self.null_behavior.handle_message('cmd_vel', Twist()) rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.Subscriber('/arbiter/register', RegisterBehavior, self.handle_register) rospy.Subscriber('/arbiter/activate_behavior', String, self.handle_activate) def start_ddynrec(self): """ Helper function to start the ddynamic reconfigure server with a callback function that updates the self.ddynrec attribute. """ def callback(config, level): """ A callback function used to as the parameter in the ddynrec.start() function. This custom callback function updates the state of self.ddynrec so we can refer to its variables whenever we have access to it. """ rospy.loginfo("Received reconf call: " + str(config)) # Update all variables var_names = self.ddynrec.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.ddynrec.__dict__[var_name] = config[var_name] return config self.ddynrec.start(callback) def handle_activate(self, msg): """ ROS subscriber for the activate_behavior topic :type msg: String """ self.set_active_behavior( def set_active_behavior(self, name): """ Sets the active behavior, if the provided name is one of the known behaviors. :type name: str """ if name not in self.behaviors: # TODO: consider automatically registering new behaviors rospy.logerr('{} does not exist as a behavior!'.format(name)) self.set_active_behavior('zero') if name != self.active_behavior_name: self.active_behavior_name = name # Stop the vehicle self.process_command(name, 'cmd_vel', Twist()) rospy.loginfo_throttle(1.0, '{} selected as active behavior'.format(name)) def handle_register(self, req): """ ROS subscriber for adding a new behavior to the system. It is recommended to publish a single latched message to this behavior when a behavior node starts. :type req: RegisterBehavior """ if in self.behaviors: rospy.logwarn("Behavior {} already exists".format( old = self.behaviors[] old.stop() if not rospy.logerr("Behavior cannot be created with empty name") return behavior = Behavior(self.process_command,, freq=self.ddynrec.midbrain_freq if else 0) behavior.subscribe(self.transformers) self.behaviors[] = behavior rospy.loginfo("Created behavior {}".format(behavior)) def process_command(self, behavior, topic, raw_cmd): """ process_command gets called after a message gets received from the currently active behavior. :param str behavior: The name of the behavior initiating the command :param str topic: The topic (without namespace) to which the command was sent :type raw_cmd: ROS message :return: success """ if behavior != self.active_behavior_name: # Only messages from the active behavior are handled return False _, transformer = self.transformers[topic] # Convert to a transformers.Command cmd = transformer(raw_cmd) # type: transformers.Command # Apply secondary behaviors for func in self.secondaries: cmd = func(cmd) # Publish the result to the ROS network if cmd.takeoff: self.takeoff_pub.publish(Empty()) vel = Twist() vel.linear.z = 0.5 self.vel_pub.publish(vel) elif self.land_pub.publish(Empty()) vel = Twist() vel.linear.z = -0.5 self.vel_pub.publish(vel) else: self.vel_pub.publish(cmd.vel) # Log it self.active_pub.publish(String(behavior)) rospy.loginfo_throttle( 1, "Command published by {}/{}".format(behavior, topic)) return True def publish_debug(self): """ Publishes debug information to the ROS network :return: None """ self.debug_pub.publish(String(str(self.behaviors))) def run(self): """ Main method, publishes debug information and :return: """ r = rospy.Rate(20) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.publish_debug() try: r.sleep() except rospy.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException: r = rospy.Rate(20)
class ClickFollower(object): def __init__(self): self.config = DDynamicReconfigure() self.config.add_variable("rate", "Frequency to republish updates, in hertz", rospy.get_param('~rate', 10.0), 0.2, 200.0) self.config.add_variable("height", "Height to fly above base frame", rospy.get_param('~height', 2.0), 0.0, 5.0) = rospy.Publisher('cmd_pos', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, self.onmsg) self.last_msg = PoseStamped() self.has_msg = False self.start_ddynrec() def onmsg(self, msg): """ :type msg: PoseStamped """ self.last_msg = msg self.has_msg = True msg.pose.position.z = self.config.height msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) def run(self): last_rate = None r = rospy.Rate( 1) # This is dynamically overridden to be the rate dynamic config while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.config.rate != last_rate: last_rate = self.config.rate r = rospy.Rate(last_rate) print "Rate changed to {}".format(last_rate) if self.has_msg: # Republish the last received message self.onmsg(self.last_msg) r.sleep() def start_ddynrec(self): """ Helper function to start the ddynamic reconfigure server with a callback function that updates the self.ddynrec attribute. """ def callback(config, level): """ A callback function used to as the parameter in the ddynrec.start() function. This custom callback function updates the state of self.ddynrec so we can refer to its variables whenever we have access to it. """ rospy.loginfo("Received reconfigure request: " + str(config)) # Update all variables var_names = self.config.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.config.__dict__[var_name] = config[var_name] return config self.config.start(callback)
class AllPublisher(object): def __init__(self): rp = RosPack() pkgpath = rp.get_path('panda_bridge_ros') pkgpath += '/config/honda_civic_touring_2016_can_for_cantools.dbc' self.parser = load_dbc_file(pkgpath) self.p = Panda() self.p.set_safety_mode(self.p.SAFETY_ALLOUTPUT) self.gas_val = 0 self.brake_val = 0 self.steer_val = 0 self.cruise_modifier = 0.0 self.sub_engine = rospy.Subscriber('/joy', Joy, self.engine_cb, queue_size=1) self.sub_steer = rospy.Subscriber('/steering_amount', Int16, self.steer_cb, queue_size=1) self.sub_brake = rospy.Subscriber('/braking_amount', Int16, self.brake_cb, queue_size=1) self.ddr = DDynamicReconfigure("drive_car") self.ddr.add_variable( "rate_buttons", "rate as to which send the button presses for cruise control", 1, 1, 100) self.add_variables_to_self() self.ddr.start(self.dyn_rec_callback) def add_variables_to_self(self): var_names = self.ddr.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.__setattr__(var_name, None) def dyn_rec_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo("Received reconf call: " + str(config)) # Update all variables var_names = self.ddr.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.__dict__[var_name] = config[var_name] return config def engine_cb(self, data): self.cruise_modifier = data.axes[1] def steer_cb(self, data): # print("steer_cb: " + str(data)) if > 3840: self.steer_val = 3840 elif < -3840: self.steer_val = -3840 self.steer_val = def brake_cb(self, data): # print("brake_cb: " + str(data)) if > 1023: self.brake_val = 1023 elif < 0: self.brake_val = 0 self.brake_val = def run(self): print("Publishing...") idx_counter = 0 total_cmds_sent = 0 iterations = 0 last_rate = time.time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #print("rate: " + str(self.rate_buttons)) if iterations % (100 / self.rate_buttons) == 0: if self.cruise_modifier != 0.0: if self.cruise_modifier > 0.0: cruise_command = 'accel_res' elif self.cruise_modifier < 0.0: cruise_command = 'decel_set' settings_command = 'none' print("Sending cruise command: " + cruise_command) # (xmission_speed, engine_rpm=2000, odometer=3, idx=0): cmd = create_buttons_command(cruise_command, settings_command, idx_counter) print("command is: " + str(cmd)) print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) + ") engine modifier val: " + str(self.cruise_modifier)) self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1) cmd = create_steering_control(self.steer_val, idx_counter)[0] # print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + # " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) + # ") steer val: " + str(self.steer_val)) self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1) # (apply_brake, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, chime, idx): cmd = create_brake_command(self.brake_val, 1, 0, 0, idx_counter) # print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + # " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) + # ") brake val: " + str(self.brake_val)) self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1) idx_counter += 1 idx_counter %= 4 # its wrong, but who cares total_cmds_sent += 1 time.sleep(0.01) iterations += 1
class RestClient(object): def __init__(self, rest_name, ignored_parameters=[]): self.rest_name = rest_name self.ignored_parameters = ignored_parameters self.rest_services = [] self.ddr = None rospy.init_node(rest_name + '_client', log_level=rospy.INFO) = rospy.get_param('~host', '') if not rospy.logerr('host is not set') sys.exit(1) self._setup_ddr() def _get_rest_parameters(self): try: url = 'http://{}/api/v1/nodes/{}/parameters'.format(, self.rest_name) res = requests_retry_session().get(url) if res.status_code != 200: rospy.logerr("Getting parameters failed with status code: %d", res.status_code) return [] return res.json() except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(str(e)) return [] def _set_rest_parameters(self, parameters): try: url = 'http://{}/api/v1/nodes/{}/parameters'.format(, self.rest_name) res = requests_retry_session().put(url, json=parameters) j = res.json() rospy.logdebug("set parameters response: %s", json.dumps(j, indent=2)) if 'return_code' in j and j['return_code']['value'] != 0: rospy.logwarn("Setting parameter failed: %s", j['return_code']['message']) return [] if res.status_code != 200: rospy.logerr("Setting parameters failed with status code: %d", res.status_code) return [] return j except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(str(e)) return [] def _setup_ddr(self): self.ddr = DDynamicReconfigure(rospy.get_name()) rest_params = [ p for p in self._get_rest_parameters() if p['name'] not in self.ignored_parameters ] def enum_method_from_param(p): if p['type'] != 'string': return "" enum_matches = re.findall(r'.*\[(?P<enum>.+)\].*', p['description']) if not enum_matches: return "" enum_names = [str(e.strip()) for e in enum_matches[0].split(',')] enum_list = [self.ddr.const(n, 'str', n, n) for n in enum_names] return self.ddr.enum(enum_list, p['name'] + '_enum') for p in rest_params: level = 0 edit_method = enum_method_from_param(p) if p['type'] == 'int32': self.ddr.add(p['name'], 'int', level, p['description'], p['default'], p['min'], p['max']) elif p['type'] == 'float64': self.ddr.add(p['name'], 'double', level, p['description'], p['default'], p['min'], p['max']) elif p['type'] == 'string': self.ddr.add(p['name'], 'str', level, p['description'], str(p['default']), edit_method=edit_method) elif p['type'] == 'bool': self.ddr.add(p['name'], 'bool', level, p['description'], p['default']) else: rospy.logwarn("Unsupported parameter type: %s", p['type']) self.ddr.start(self._dyn_rec_callback) def _dyn_rec_callback(self, config, level): rospy.logdebug("Received reconf call: " + str(config)) new_rest_params = [{ 'name': n, 'value': config[n] } for n in self.ddr.get_variable_names() if n in config] if new_rest_params: returned_params = self._set_rest_parameters(new_rest_params) for p in returned_params: if p['name'] not in config: rospy.logerr("param %s not in config", p['name']) continue config[p['name']] = p['value'] return config def call_rest_service(self, name, srv_type=None, request=None): try: args = {} if request is not None: # convert ROS request to JSON (with custom API mappings) args = convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(request) rospy.logdebug('calling {} with args: {}'.format(name, args)) url = 'http://{}/api/v1/nodes/{}/services/{}'.format(, self.rest_name, name) res = requests_retry_session().put(url, json={'args': args}) j = res.json() rospy.logdebug("{} rest response: {}".format( name, json.dumps(j, indent=2))) rc = j['response'].get('return_code') if rc is not None and rc['value'] < 0: rospy.logwarn("service {} returned an error: [{}] {}".format( name, rc['value'], rc['message'])) # convert to ROS response if srv_type is not None: response = convert_dictionary_to_ros_message( srv_type._response_class(), j['response'], strict_mode=False) else: response = j['response'] except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(str(e)) if srv_type is not None: response = srv_type._response_class() if hasattr(response, 'return_code'): response.return_code.value = -1000 response.return_code.message = str(e) return response def add_rest_service(self, srv_type, srv_name, callback): """create a service and inject the REST-API service name""" srv = rospy.Service(rospy.get_name() + "/" + srv_name, srv_type, partial(callback, srv_name, srv_type)) self.rest_services.append(srv)
class LaserPublisher(object): def __init__(self): if not rospy.core.is_initialized(): rospy.init_node('laser_test') rospy.loginfo("Initialised rospy node: laser_test") = TransformListener() self.lp = LaserProjection() # Publishers self.all_laser_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pepper/laser_2', LaserScan, queue_size=1) self.pc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cloud', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) self.pcl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cloudl', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) self.pcr_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cloudr', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) self.pc_redone_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cloud_redone', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) self.pc_rereprojected_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cloud_rereprojected', PointCloud2, queue_size=1) # Subscribers left_sub = Subscriber('/pepper/scan_left', LaserScan) front_sub = Subscriber('/pepper/scan_front', LaserScan) right_sub = Subscriber('/pepper/scan_right', LaserScan) self.ts = TimeSynchronizer([left_sub, front_sub, right_sub], 10) rospy.loginfo("Finished intialising") self.ddr = DDR('increment') default_increment = radians(120.0 * 2.0) / 61.0 self.ddr.add_variable('angle_increment', '', default_increment, 0.05, 0.08) # 130.665 self.ddr.add_variable('half_max_angle', '', 120., 115., 145.0) self.ddr.start(self.dyn_rec_callback) self.ts.registerCallback(self.scan_cb) rospy.loginfo("Ready to go.") def add_variables_to_self(self): var_names = self.ddr.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.__setattr__(var_name, None) def dyn_rec_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo("Received reconf call: " + str(config)) # Update all variables var_names = self.ddr.get_variable_names() for var_name in var_names: self.__dict__[var_name] = config[var_name] return config def scan_cb(self, left, front, right): rospy.loginfo("We got scan_cb") translated_points = [] try: pc_left = self.lp.projectLaser(left, channel_options=0x00) pc_front = self.lp.projectLaser(front, channel_options=0x00) pc_right = self.lp.projectLaser(right, channel_options=0x00) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr("Failed to transform laser scan because: " + str(e)) pc_left.header.stamp = pc_left.header.frame_id = 'SurroundingLeftLaser_frame' self.pcl_pub.publish(pc_left) self.pcr_pub.publish(pc_right) transform_right_to_front = 'base_footprint', 'SurroundingRightLaser_frame', rospy.logdebug("Transform Right to Front:") rospy.logdebug(transform_right_to_front) ts = TransformStamped() ts.transform.translation = Vector3(*transform_right_to_front[0]) ts.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*transform_right_to_front[1]) ts.header.stamp = transformed_cloud = do_transform_cloud(pc_right, ts) # right point cloud translation for p in read_points(transformed_cloud, field_names=('x', 'y', 'z'), skip_nans=False): translated_points.append(p) for i in range(8): translated_points.append( (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan'))) transform_front_to_front = 'base_footprint', 'SurroundingFrontLaser_frame', rospy.logdebug("Transform Front to Front:") rospy.logdebug(transform_front_to_front) ts = TransformStamped() ts.transform.translation = Vector3(*transform_front_to_front[0]) ts.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*transform_front_to_front[1]) ts.header.stamp = transformed_cloud_f = do_transform_cloud(pc_front, ts) # front point cloud for p in read_points(transformed_cloud_f, field_names=('x', 'y', 'z'), skip_nans=False): translated_points.append(p) transform_left_to_front = 'base_footprint', 'SurroundingLeftLaser_frame', rospy.logdebug("Transform Left to Front:") rospy.logdebug(transform_left_to_front) ts = TransformStamped() ts.transform.translation = Vector3(*transform_left_to_front[0]) ts.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*transform_left_to_front[1]) ts.header.stamp = from copy import deepcopy transformed_cloud_l = do_transform_cloud(deepcopy(pc_left), ts) for i in range(8): translated_points.append( (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan'))) # left pc translation for p in read_points(transformed_cloud_l, field_names=('x', 'y', 'z'), skip_nans=False): translated_points.append(p) # Create a point cloud from the combined points wrt the front # laser frame pc_front.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' point_cloud = create_cloud_xyz32(pc_front.header, translated_points) self.pc_pub.publish(point_cloud) rospy.logdebug("pointcloud all together len: " + str(point_cloud.width)) # # double check we have the same thing # compare_str = "\n" # for idx, (tp, pcp) in enumerate(zip(translated_points, read_points(point_cloud))): # compare_str += str(idx).zfill(2) + ":\n" # compare_str += " tp : " + str(tp) # compare_str += "\n pcp: " + str(pcp) + "\n" # rospy.loginfo(compare_str) # # OK we know they are the same # # translated_points and point_cloud contain virtually the same data # Convert combined point cloud into LaserScan all_laser_msg = LaserScan() laser_ranges, angle_min, angle_max, angle_increment = self.pc_to_laser( point_cloud) all_laser_msg.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' all_laser_msg.header.stamp = all_laser_msg.ranges = laser_ranges all_laser_msg.angle_min = angle_min all_laser_msg.angle_max = angle_max all_laser_msg.angle_increment = angle_increment all_laser_msg.range_min = 0.1 all_laser_msg.range_max = 7.0 all_laser_msg.intensities = [] self.all_laser_pub.publish(all_laser_msg) rospy.logdebug("all_laser_msg len: " + str(len(all_laser_msg.ranges))) pc_redone = self.lp.projectLaser(all_laser_msg, channel_options=0x00) rospy.logdebug("all_laser pc_redone len: " + str(pc_redone.width)) self.pc_redone_pub.publish(pc_redone) # compare what came in and what came out rospy.logdebug("point_cloud frame_id, pc_redone frame_id:") rospy.logdebug( (point_cloud.header.frame_id, pc_redone.header.frame_id)) rospy.logdebug("point_cloud is correct, pc_redone is incorrect") compare_str = "\n" for idx, (point_in, point_out) in enumerate( zip(read_points(point_cloud), read_points(pc_redone))): point_out = [point_out[0], point_out[1], 0.0] point_in = [point_in[0], point_in[1], 0.0] compare_str += str(idx).zfill(2) + ":\n" compare_str += " in : " + str(point_in) compare_str += "\n out: " + str(point_out) + "\n" dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(point_out) - np.array(point_in)) compare_str += " dist: " + str(dist) + "\n" # angle angle1 = atan2(point_in[1], point_in[0]) angle2 = atan2(point_out[1], point_out[0]) angle_dif = angle2 - angle1 compare_str += " angle dif: " + str(angle_dif) + "\n" rospy.logdebug(compare_str) def pc_to_laser(self, cloud): laser_points = [] points_rereprojected = [] multiply_num_rays = 8 num_rays = 61 * multiply_num_rays laser_points2 = [float('nan')] * num_rays min_angle = -radians(self.half_max_angle) max_angle = radians(self.half_max_angle) # angle_increment = self.angle_increment angle_increment = (radians(self.half_max_angle) * 2.0) / float(num_rays) big_str = "\n" for idx, p in enumerate(read_points(cloud, skip_nans=False)): #dist = self.get_dist(p[0], p[1]) p = [p[0], p[1], 0.0] dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array((0., 0., 0.)) - np.array(p)) # dist1 = self.get_dist(p[0], p[1]) big_str += " " + str(idx).zfill(2) + ": x: " + str(round( p[0], 2)) + ", y: " + str(round(p[1], 2)) + ", z: " + str( round(p[2], 2)) + " = " + str(round( dist, 2)) + "m (at " + str( round(degrees(idx * angle_increment + min_angle), 2)) + "deg)\n" laser_points.append(dist) # coords from dist x = dist * cos(idx * angle_increment + min_angle) y = dist * sin(idx * angle_increment + min_angle) print(" [ px, py, are the correct points ] ") print("dist, px, py: " + str(dist) + " " + str(p[0])) + " " + str( p[1]) print("dist, x, y: " + str(dist) + " " + str(x) + " " + str(y)) dist_from_rereproj = self.get_dist(x, y) print("dist rereproj: " + str(dist_from_rereproj)) # print("dist1 : " + str(dist1)) # what if a make a pointcloud based in the cos sin version points_rereprojected.append((x, y, 0.0)) # angle from point angle = atan2(p[1], p[0]) # angle2 = atan2(y, x) expected_angle = idx * self.angle_increment + min_angle if not isnan(angle): tmp_angle = angle - min_angle print("tmp_angle: " + str(degrees(tmp_angle))) + " deg" print("angle_increment: " + str(degrees(angle_increment))) closest_index = int(tmp_angle / angle_increment) print("closest index: " + str(closest_index)) if closest_index >= len(laser_points2): laser_points2[-1] = dist elif closest_index < 0: laser_points2[0] = dist else: laser_points2[closest_index] = dist else: print("nan, not adding anything to scan") # laser_points[] print("Angle from p : " + str(round(degrees(angle), 2))) # print("Angle from xy: " + str(round(degrees(angle2), 2))) print("Expected angle: " + str(round(degrees(expected_angle), 2))) rospy.logdebug("Lasered cloud") rospy.logdebug(big_str) laser_points = laser_points2 print("Len of laser points after new technique: " + str(len(laser_points))) rereprojected_pc = PointCloud2() rereprojected_pc.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' rereprojected_pc.header.stamp = point_cloud_rere = create_cloud_xyz32(rereprojected_pc.header, points_rereprojected) self.pc_rereprojected_pub.publish(point_cloud_rere) return laser_points, min_angle, max_angle, angle_increment def get_dist(self, x0, y0, x1=0.0, y1=0.0): return sqrt((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)