コード例 #1
ファイル: alg_helper.py プロジェクト: pitaatip/DJevolution
def selNSGA2(individuals, k):
    """Apply NSGA-II selection operator on the *individuals*. Usually, the
    size of *individuals* will be larger than *k* because any individual
    present in *individuals* will appear in the returned list at most once.
    Having the size of *individuals* equals to *k* will have no effect other
    than sorting the population according to a non-domination scheme. The list
    returned contains references to the input *individuals*. For more details
    on the NSGA-II operator see [Deb2002]_.

    :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from.
    :param k: The number of individuals to select.
    :returns: A list of selected individuals.

    .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist
       non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective
       optimization: NSGA-II", 2002.
    pareto_fronts = sortFastND(individuals, k)
    for front in pareto_fronts:

    chosen = list(chain(*pareto_fronts[:-1]))
    k = k - len(chosen)
    if k > 0:
        sorted_front = sorted(pareto_fronts[-1], key=attrgetter("fitness.crowding_dist"), reverse=True)

    return chosen, pareto_fronts[0]
コード例 #2
    def main_computation_body(self,pop,toolbox):

        # init population
        fit_val = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate,pop)
        for ind,fit in zip(pop,fit_val):
            ind.fitness.values = fit
        # sort using non domination sort (k is the same as n of population - only sort is applied)
        pop, main_front = toolbox.select(pop, k=self.N)

        for g in xrange(self.GEN):
            print "CURRENT GEN: " + str(g)
            #select parent pool with tournament dominated selection
            parent_pool = toolbox.selectTournament(pop, k=self.N)
            offspring_pool = map(toolbox.clone, parent_pool)

            # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
            for child1, child2 in zip(offspring_pool[::2], offspring_pool[1::2]):
                if random.random() < 0.9:
                    toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
            for mutant in offspring_pool:
                if random.random() < 0.1:

            # evaluate offsprings
            fit_val = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate,offspring_pool)
            for ind,fit in zip(offspring_pool,fit_val):
                ind.fitness.values = fit

            # extend base population with offsprings, pop is now 2N size

            # sort and select new population
            pop, main_front = toolbox.select(pop, k=self.N)


            self.compute_partial_spacing(g, main_front)

            if self.parallel and "DEMES" in self.parallel:
                if g % self.migration_rate == 0 and g > 0:
                    print "DEMES MIGRATING"
                    pareto = tools.sortFastND(pop, k=self.N)[0]
                    print "PARETO SIZE: ",len(pareto)

        self.final_front = tools.sortFastND(pop, k=self.N)[0]
コード例 #3
ファイル: nsga2.py プロジェクト: quatrosem/Bangkok
# sort using non domination sort (k is the same as n of population - only sort is applied)
pop = toolbox.select(pop, k=N)

for g in xrange(GEN):
    print "CURRENT GEN: " + str(g)
    #select parent pool with tournament dominated selection
    parent_pool = toolbox.selectTournament(pop, k=N)
    offspring_pool = map(toolbox.clone, parent_pool)

    # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
    for child1, child2 in zip(offspring_pool[::2], offspring_pool[1::2]):
        if random.random() < 0.9:
            toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
    for mutant in offspring_pool:
        if random.random() < 0.1:

    # evaluate offsprings
    for ind in offspring_pool:
        ind.fitness.values = toolbox.evaluate(ind)

    # extend base population with offsprings, pop is now 2N size

    # sort and select new population
    pop = toolbox.select(pop, k=N)
final_front = tools.sortFastND(pop, k=N)[0]

print final_front
コード例 #4
ファイル: nsga_example.py プロジェクト: pitaatip/DJevolution
    for _ in xrange(GEN):
        #select parent pool with tournament dominated selection
        parent_pool = toolbox.selectTournament(pop, k=N)
        offspring_pool = map(toolbox.clone, parent_pool)

        # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
        for child1, child2 in zip(offspring_pool[::2], offspring_pool[1::2]):
            if random.random() < 0.9:
                toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
        for mutant in offspring_pool:
            if random.random() < 0.1:

        # evaluate offsprings
        for ind in offspring_pool:
            ind.fitness.values = toolbox.evaluate(ind)
        # extend base population with offsprings, pop is now 2N size
        # sort and select new population
        pop = toolbox.select(pop, k=N)
    first_front = tools.sortFastND(pop, k=N)[0]
    with open('nsga2_wyniki', 'w') as f:
        for ind in first_front:
            f.write(str(ind.fitness.values[0]) + ' ' + str(ind.fitness.values[1])+ '\n')
コード例 #5
ファイル: NSGA2.py プロジェクト: ahcheriet/CEDA_dynamic
def mainnsga2(GEN,pb):
    def my_rand():
        return random.random()*(V-U) - (V+U)/2
    file = "pareto_front/"+pbs+"_front.json"
    optimal_front = json.load(open(file))
    optimal_front = [optimal_front[i] for i in range(0, len(optimal_front), 2)]
    first_point_opt = optimal_front[0]
    last_point_opt = optimal_front[-1]

    creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,-1.0,))
    creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax) #@UndefinedVariable
    toolbox = base.Toolbox()
    toolbox.register("attr_float", my_rand)
    toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual,toolbox.attr_float, n=30) #@UndefinedVariable
    toolbox.register("evaluate", pb) #
    toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)
    toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxSimulatedBinaryBounded, eta=0.5, low=U, up=V)
    toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutPolynomialBounded, eta=0.5, low=U, up=V, indpb=1)
    toolbox.register("select", tools.selNSGA2)
    toolbox.register("selectTournament", tools.selTournamentDCD)
    obj_count = 0
    dvrst_list = []

    # init population
    pop = toolbox.population(n=N)
    for ind in pop:
        ind.fitness.values = toolbox.evaluate(ind)
    # sort using non domination sort (k is the same as n of population - only sort is applied)
    pop = toolbox.select(pop, k=N)
    for _ in xrange(GEN):
        #select parent pool with tournament dominated selection
        parent_pool = toolbox.selectTournament(pop, k=N)
        offspring_pool = map(toolbox.clone, parent_pool)
        # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
        for child1, child2 in zip(offspring_pool[::2], offspring_pool[1::2]):
            if random.random() < 0.9:
                toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
        for mutant in offspring_pool:
            if random.random() < 0.1:
        # evaluate offsprings
        for ind in offspring_pool:
            ind.fitness.values = toolbox.evaluate(ind)
        # extend base population with offsprings, pop is now 2N size
        # sort and select new population
        pop = toolbox.select(pop, k=N)
        obj_count = tools.spea2_count + obj_count
        dvrst =  diversity(pop, first_point_opt, last_point_opt)
        dvrst_list.append([obj_count , dvrst])

    first_front = tools.sortFastND(pop, k=N)[0]
    return first_front,