def main(args): """main man""" # reproducibility if args.seed is not None: torch.manual_seed( args.seed) # unsure if this works with SparseMNIST right now np.random.seed(args.seed) # cuda args.use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() args.device = torch.device("cuda" if args.use_cuda else "cpu") # data dataset = MNIST('./data/', train=False, transform=ToTensor()) kwargs = {'num_workers': 1} if args.use_cuda: kwargs['pin_memory'] = True data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, args.batch_size, shuffle=True, **kwargs) if args.rounds is None: args.rounds = len(dataset) // args.batch_size # load judge judge_state = torch.load(args.checkpoint)['state_dict'] # debate game judge = Judge().to(args.device) judge.load_state_dict(judge_state) judge.eval() helper = Agent(honest=True, args=args) liar = Agent(honest=False, args=args) debate = Debate((helper, liar), data_loader, args) total_meter = AverageMeter() class_meters = [AverageMeter() for i in range(10)] # TODO precommit logic for _ in range(args.rounds): print("starting round {}".format(_)) helper.precommit_(None, None) liar.precommit_(None, None) result =, args.device) track_stats_(total_meter, class_meters, result['helper']['preds'], result['helper']['wins'], result['labels'], args.precommit) print('Total accuracy: {}'.format(total_meter.avg)) print('Accuracy per class\n==============================================') for i in range(10): print('Digit {}: {}'.format(i, class_meters[i].avg))
def get_debate_results( start_point, use_test_data, batch_size, N_samples, N_to_mask, judge_path, restricted_first, ): # MNISTJudge has to be imported here, because otherwise tensorflow does not # work together with multiprocessing from judge import MNISTJudge judge = MNISTJudge(N_to_mask=N_to_mask, model_dir=judge_path, binary_rewards=False) if use_test_data: dataset = judge.eval_data else: dataset = judge.train_data result_list = [] for i in range(batch_size): print("i", start_point + i, flush=True) t = time.time() if start_point + i > dataset.shape[0]: # end of dataset break results_per_label = np.zeros([10, 10]) for label in range(10): # print("label", label) sample = dataset[start_point + i] unrestricted_agent = DebateAgent(precommit_label=None, agentStrength=args.rollouts) restricted_agent = DebateAgent(precommit_label=label, agentStrength=args.rollouts) if restricted_first: agent1, agent2 = unrestricted_agent, restricted_agent else: agent1, agent2 = restricted_agent, unrestricted_agent debate = Debate((agent1, agent2), judge, N_to_mask, sample.flat) probabilities = results_per_label[label] = probabilities result_list.append(results_per_label) print("time", time.time() - t) return result_list
def rollout_(self, judge, states, images, labels, level): if level > self.pixels: return -Debate.evaluate(self, judge, states, labels)['wins'] valids = self.get_valid_actions(states, images).type(torch.float) Us = self.break_ties(self.calculate_UCT(states)) obj = self.Q[states] + Us actions = torch.max(obj * valids, dim=-1)[1] successors = self.apply_action(actions, states, images) Vs = self.rollout_(judge, successors, images, labels, level=level + 1) # TODO: vectorize this for action in actions: self.Q[states][:, action] = ( (self.N[states][:, action] * self.Q[states][:, action] + Vs) / (self.N[states][:, action] + 1)) self.N[states][:, action] += 1 return -Vs
def evaluate_sample_unrestricted(N_to_mask, sample, label, judge, rollouts, index_of_truth_agent, changing_sides, allow_black_pixels, filename=None): """ Evaluate unrestricted debate (without precommit) """ truth_won = True agent_lie = DebateAgent(precommit_label=None, agentStrength=rollouts) agent_truth = DebateAgent(precommit_label=label, agentStrength=rollouts) if index_of_truth_agent == 0: debate = Debate( (agent_truth, agent_lie), judge, N_to_mask, sample, debug=False, changing_sides=changing_sides, allow_black_pixels=allow_black_pixels, ) this_game_utility = if this_game_utility == -1: truth_won = False else: debate = Debate( (agent_lie, agent_truth), judge, N_to_mask, sample, debug=False, changing_sides=changing_sides, allow_black_pixels=allow_black_pixels, ) this_game_utility = if this_game_utility == 1: truth_won = False return truth_won
def run( N_to_mask, sample_id, lying_agent_label, judge_path, dataset, rollouts, index_of_true_agent, binary_rewards, changing_sides, ): """ Runs one debate game on a given sample from a specified dataset (either "mnist" or "fashion") with N_to_mask rounds. The debate is modeled by MCTS with given number of rollouts. One player is the honest agents arguing for the correct label, the other either precommits to a lying_agent_label or debates without precommit if lying_agent_label is set to None. index_of_true_agent: Either 0 or 1 whether the honest agent plays first or second. binary_rewards: If set to True, rewards are either 1 or -1, if set False rewards lie between -1 and 1 changing_sides: If set to True, agents switch sides after each round, if set to False, the first agents reveales N_to_mask/2 features followed by N_to_mask/2 features of the second agent """ # Parse parameters if judge_path: path = judge_path elif dataset: path = "saved_models/" + dataset + str(N_to_mask) else: raise Exception("dataset must be specified") if dataset == "mnist": judge = MNISTJudge( N_to_mask=N_to_mask, model_dir=path, binary_rewards=binary_rewards ) elif dataset == "fashion": judge = FashionJudge( N_to_mask=N_to_mask, model_dir=path, binary_rewards=binary_rewards ) else: raise Exception("Unknown dataset in " + "dataset.txt: " + dataset) # Get debate data and run the debate sample = judge.eval_data[sample_id].flatten() label = judge.eval_labels[sample_id] if lying_agent_label == label: raise Exception("Lying label cannot be the same as the correct one") agent_lie = DebateAgent(precommit_label=lying_agent_label, agentStrength=rollouts) agent_truth = DebateAgent(precommit_label=label, agentStrength=rollouts) assert index_of_true_agent in [0, 1] player_description = DebatePlayers( agent_truth, agent_lie, index_of_true_agent, our_name="truth", opp_name="liar" ) debate = Debate( player_description.agents, judge, N_to_mask, sample, debug=True, changing_sides=changing_sides, ) utility = player_description.print_debate_result(utility, label)
def evaluate_sample_restricted(N_to_mask, sample, label, judge, rollouts, index_of_truth_agent, changing_sides, allow_black_pixels, seeds=3, confusion_matrix_counter=None, dirname=None): """ Evaluate the sample using precommited debate as in the AISvD paper, optionaly change the number of seeds (3 seeds in the paper) If confusion_matrix_counter is specified, than update the counter so that confusion_matrix_counter[true_label][lying_label] specifies the number of times 'lying_label' won over 'true_label'. Use only the first game seed to update the counter. """ majority_of_seeds = seeds // 2 + 1 # Assume truth has won until shown otherwise truth_won = True for lying_agent_label in range(10): if lying_agent_label == label: continue print(lying_agent_label, end="", flush=True) liar_win_count = 0 for game_number in range(seeds): print(end='.', flush=True) agent_lie = DebateAgent(precommit_label=lying_agent_label, agentStrength=rollouts) agent_truth = DebateAgent(precommit_label=label, agentStrength=rollouts) if index_of_truth_agent == 0: debate = Debate( (agent_truth, agent_lie), judge, N_to_mask, sample, debug=False, changing_sides=changing_sides, allow_black_pixels=allow_black_pixels, ) this_game_utility = filename=None if dirname is None else dirname + str(lying_agent_label)) if this_game_utility == -1: # second agent won (lying) liar_win_count += 1 if confusion_matrix_counter is not None and game_number == 0: confusion_matrix_counter[label][lying_agent_label] += 1 else: debate = Debate( (agent_lie, agent_truth), judge, N_to_mask, sample, debug=False, changing_sides=changing_sides, allow_black_pixels=allow_black_pixels, ) this_game_utility = filename=None if dirname is None else dirname + str(lying_agent_label)) if this_game_utility == 1: # first agent won (lying) liar_win_count += 1 if confusion_matrix_counter is not None and game_number == 0: confusion_matrix_counter[label][lying_agent_label] += 1 # If liar's won majority of games or doesn't have chance of winning the majority and we're not computing the confusion matrix, we can end the evaluation of this sample games_left = seeds - game_number - 1 if (liar_win_count == majority_of_seeds or (majority_of_seeds - liar_win_count > games_left)) and confusion_matrix_counter is None: break if liar_win_count >= majority_of_seeds: truth_won = False if confusion_matrix_counter is None: break return truth_won
def run( N_to_mask, judge_path, dataset, rollouts, N_epochs, batch_size, learning_rate, learning_rate_decay, classifier_path, cheat_debate, only_update_for_wins, precomputed_debate_results_restricted_first_path, precomputed_debate_results_restricted_second_path, shuffle_batches, use_dropout, importance_sampling_weights, importance_sampling_cap, ): if judge_path: path = judge_path elif dataset: path = "saved_models/" + dataset + str(N_to_mask) else: raise Exception("Either judge_path or dataset needs to be specified") if dataset == "mnist": judge = MNISTJudge(N_to_mask=N_to_mask, model_dir=path) elif dataset == "fashion": judge = FashionJudge(N_to_mask=N_to_mask, model_dir=path) else: raise Exception("Unknown dataset in " + "dataset.txt: " + dataset) judge_accuracy = judge.evaluate_accuracy() print("Judge accuracy:", judge_accuracy) if precomputed_debate_results_restricted_first_path is not None: assert precomputed_debate_results_restricted_second_path is not None if cheat_debate: raise Exception( "cheat_debate should not be enabled when training " "from precomputed debate results" ) debate_results_restricted_first = np.fromfile( precomputed_debate_results_restricted_first_path ).reshape(-1, 10, 10) debate_results_restricted_second = np.fromfile( precomputed_debate_results_restricted_second_path ).reshape(-1, 10, 10) print( "Loaded debate results from {} and {}".format( precomputed_debate_results_restricted_first_path, precomputed_debate_results_restricted_second_path, ) ) print("These will be used for training instead of re-running the debates.") else: debate_results_restricted_first, debate_results_restricted_second = None, None train_data = judge.train_data N_train = len(judge.train_labels) eval_data = judge.eval_data eval_labels = judge.eval_labels debate_classifier = DebateClassifier( learning_rate=learning_rate, learning_rate_decay=learning_rate_decay, model_dir=classifier_path, use_dropout=use_dropout, ) batch_samples = [] batch_labels = [] batch_weights = [] t = time.time() for epoch in range(N_epochs): for i in range(N_train): # print(i, flush=True) sample = train_data[i] probs = next(debate_classifier.predict(sample))["probabilities"] label = np.random.choice(range(len(probs)), p=probs) restricted_first = np.random.random() < 0.5 if cheat_debate: # simulate a perfectly accurate debate if label == judge.train_labels[i]: weight = 1 elif only_update_for_wins: weight = 0 else: weight = -0.1 elif debate_results_restricted_first is not None: assert debate_results_restricted_second is not None if restricted_first: debate_results = debate_results_restricted_first else: debate_results = debate_results_restricted_second # use precomputed results judge_probabilities = debate_results[i, label] if np.all(judge_probabilities[label] >= judge_probabilities): weight = 1 elif only_update_for_wins: weight = 0 else: weight = -0.1 else: # run non-precommited debate agent_unrestricted = DebateAgent( precommit_label=None, agentStrength=rollouts ) agent_restricted = DebateAgent( precommit_label=label, agentStrength=rollouts ) if restricted_first: agent1, agent2 = agent_restricted, agent_unrestricted else: agent1, agent2 = agent_unrestricted, agent_restricted debate = Debate((agent1, agent2), judge, N_to_mask, sample.flat) utility = if (utility == 1 and restricted_first) or ( utility == -1 and not restricted_first ): weight = 1 elif only_update_for_wins: weight = 0 else: weight = -0.1 if importance_sampling_weights: importance_sampling_factor = 1 / probs[label] if ( importance_sampling_cap is not None and importance_sampling_factor > importance_sampling_cap ): importance_sampling_factor = importance_sampling_cap weight *= importance_sampling_factor # print("weight", weight) batch_samples.append(sample) batch_labels.append(label) batch_weights.append(weight) if (i + 1) % batch_size == 0 or i == N_train - 1: # update debate classifier print("i", i, flush=True) print("batch_weights", batch_weights, flush=True) debate_classifier.train( np.array(batch_samples), np.array(batch_labels), np.array(batch_weights), shuffle=shuffle_batches, ) acc = debate_classifier.evaluate_accuracy(eval_data, eval_labels) print("Updated debate_classifier", flush=True) print("Evaluation accuracy", acc, flush=True) t2 = time.time() print("Batch time ", t2 - t) t = t2 batch_samples = [] batch_labels = [] batch_weights = [] acc = debate_classifier.evaluate_accuracy(eval_data, eval_labels) print("Accuracy", acc, flush=True)