# This script simply starts the sensor-thread & gives out the sensor-data in a desired mode. from debug_log import debug_print lg = debug_print() import sensors import time mod = int(raw_input("Modus? 0, 1 oder 2? ")) sens = sensors.sensors(mode=mod, start=False) raw_input("Press enter to start") sens.start() time.sleep(1) while True: out = str(sens.running) + ": " + str(sens.measurements[0][0]) + ", (" for entry in sens.measurements[1]: out = out + str(entry[0]) + ", " out = out + "), " + str(sens.measurements[2][0]) f=open("test.txt", "w") print out + "\n" f.write(out + "\n") f.close() time.sleep(.5)
import debug_log lg = debug_log.debug_print() import gpsdData import time gpsp = gpsdData.GpsPoller() try: while True: print gpsp.data[3] time.sleep(0.1) except: gpsp.running = False
from debug_log import debug_print lg = debug_print() from sensors import GPSCarSensors import time mod = int(raw_input("Modus? 0, 1 oder 2? ")) sens = GPSCarSensors(mode=mod, start=False) raw_input("Press enter to start") sens.start() time.sleep(1) while True: out = "%s: %s, %s, %s\n" % (str(sens.running), sens.measurements[0][0], sens.measurements[1], sens.measurements[2][0]) # f = open("test.txt", "w") print out # f.write(out) # f.close() time.sleep(.1)
# This script continously saves GPS-data to a file in the format 'lat,long' for debbuging-issues # for example one afterwards can calculate the average & standard-deviation via calc_dev.py import time import debug_log lg = debug_log.debug_print() import gpsdData gps = gpsdData.GpsPoller() fn=" " while fn != 'no': print "save gps data as list" fn = raw_input("filename? e.g. GPS_DATA1.txt") print filex = open(fn, "w") for i in range(240): print str(i) + ": "+ str(gps.data[0:2]) filex.write(str(gps.data[0])+","+str(gps.data[1])+"\n") time.sleep(0.5) filex.close() fn = raw_input("next filename? no for quit ") gps.running = False
# time year month day hour minute second latitude longitude altitude track [satellites] GPS_time steering_direction steering_velocity steering_position # (seperated by the data-separator, which bei default is tab \t and can be adjusted by mylog.data_separator = new_separator) # [satallites] hereby is a list # each call of add_log will generate one line in the file # # NOTE: track = heading = degree between north and direction (clockwise) # fix_time = GPS_time = time, when GPS position was aquired (in seconds since 1970 or somewhat... form time.time()) <-- not sure about that import time # maybe needs to be in add_log?? # initialize log from debug_log import debug_print lg = debug_print(debug_level=150, save_level=0, save_debug=True, filename="debug_print/debugprint" + str(time.time()) + ".txt", time_stamp=False) class gpslog: # initialize: open file, set to open, set separator def __init__(self, log_file_name): self.log_file = open(log_file_name, 'a') self.opened = True self.data_separator = "\t" # write log-data in specific format def add_log(self, current_status, GPS_data): if (self.opened == False): lg.prt(
# # use the following for output: # from __main__ import lg (not in this file) # lg.prt( --messages & objects--, lv = --LEVEL--, inst=__name__) # SUGGESTED LEVELS: # # 10 useless, any # 100 info # 1000 debug # 10000 warning # 100000 error # # possible Parameters: debug_level=0, save_debug=False, filename="", save_level="", time_stamp=False from debug_log import debug_print # must be imported as first module directly after time! lg = debug_print(debug_level=150, save_level=0, save_debug=True, filename="debug_print/debugprint"+str(time.time())+".txt", time_stamp=False) # create output-control-instance import GPS_log # to log the GPS-data in some file 'log/RC_log'+str(time.time())+'.txt' import sensors # to let the sensors work in the background from navigation import * # to calculate best direction from drive import * # to be able to steet motor and wheels, and init Fahrtregler import math # for checking whether GPS is a number import gpsdData as GPS # to get GPS-data and compass-value #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # definitions obstacle = 50 # trigger-distance (in cm) for left & right sensor (0 & 2) to break, if there is an obstacle too close free_path = 200 # distance (in cm) for the navigation-algorithm to set the path as occupied/blocked sens_min = 7 # minimal possible distance (in cm) for sensors (closer objects: ignore result of sensor)