def uploadImages(self): ''' uploads the print sheets to imgur and saves the urls. ''' global config df.loadConfig() client = ImgurClient(df.client_id, df.client_secret) client.set_user_auth(config["imgurAccessToken"], config["imgurRefreshToken"]) imIds = [] for i in self.printSheetPaths: temp = client.upload_from_path(i, anon=False) imIds.append(temp['id']) self.printSheetUrls.append(temp['link'])
def saveSheet(sheet, deckName, sheetNum): ''' sheet is an image object deckname is a string, sheetnum is the current sheet in the project ''' global buildPrint global config config = df.loadConfig()["printSheetsPath"] + config["systemSlash"] + deckName + str(sheetNum) + '.jpg')
def cardHiddenFaceDialogTree(): ''' this function allows the user to navigate through the tree of things and select an image to use as a cardback ''' global config config = df.loadConfig() outPath = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir=config["referenceImagesPath"], title="Select an image for your Card Hidden Faces") return outPath
def stripName(deckPath): ''' takes a deck path and extracts just the file name ''' global buildPrint global config config = df.loadConfig() i = -1 while True: if deckPath[i] == '/': break i = i - 1 fname = deckPath[i + 1:] return fname
def buildSheet(listName, buildPrintFunctor): ''' this is the main point of entry for this package ''' global buildPrint global logger global config config = df.loadConfig() logger = logging.getLogger("sheetMaker") buildPrint = buildPrintFunctor failureState = False dList = listName deckManifest = Manifest() cardMat, deckFileType = readInFile(dList) buildPrint(stripName(dList) + " Read into initial state") buildManifest(cardMat, deckManifest, deckFileType) numCards = deckManifest.cardCount if numCards > 14: numSheets = int(np.floor(numCards / 14) + 1) else: numSheets = int(1) count = 1 #retrieving the card images directly if deckManifest.printable: #test creation of json deck format for j in cardFailed = False if ("card_faces" in j.cardData and not "image_uris" in j.cardData): buildPrint("Finding " + j.cardData["card_faces"][0]["name"]) try: cg.getCardIm(j.cardData, 0, "large", config) except: buildPrint("An error occurred in card image retrieval") cardFailed = True if (not cardFailed): buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' retrieved') count += 1 deckManifest.printList.append( cg.saveName(j.cardData, 0, 'large', config)) else: buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' failed to retrieve') count += 1 else: if not j.cardData == "": buildPrint("Finding " + j.cardData["name"]) try: cg.getCardIm( j.cardData, 0, "large", config ) #the 0 is a placeholder in this case as card_faces is not in the cardManifest except: buildPrint("An error occurred in card image retrieval") cardFailed = True if (not cardFailed): buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' retrieved') count += 1 deckManifest.printList.append( cg.saveName(j.cardData, 0, 'large', config)) else: buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' failed to retrieve') count += 1 for j in deckManifest.extras: if ("card_faces" in j.cardData and not "image_uris" in j.cardData): #double faced not split buildPrint("Finding " + j.cardData["card_faces"][1]["name"]) try: cg.getCardIm(j.cardData, 1, "large", config) except: buildPrint("An error occurred in card image retrieval") cardFailed = True if (not cardFailed): buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' retrieved') count += 1 deckManifest.printList.append( cg.saveName(j.cardData, 1, 'large', config)) else: buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' failed to retrieve') count += 1 else: buildPrint("Retrieving " + j.cardData["name"]) try: cg.getCardIm( j.cardData, 0, "large", config ) #the 0 is a placeholder in this case as card_faces is not in the cardManifest except: buildPrint("An error occurred in card image retrieval") cardFailed = True if (not cardFailed): buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' retrieved') count += 1 deckManifest.printList.append( cg.saveName(j.cardData, 0, 'large', config)) else: buildPrint('Card ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(numCards) + ' failed to retrieve') count += 1 ''' we have the card images now now to assemble the print sheet ''' template =["referenceImagesPath"] + config["systemSlash"] + 'deck_template.png') template = template.convert("RGB") temp = template.copy() currentSheet = 1 ci = 0 #card iterator (for going through the set of cards) dispName = justName(dList) #sheetSize = 4096,3390 #size = 409,570 if (np.size(deckManifest.printList) == deckManifest.cardCount): while ci < np.size(deckManifest.printList): lci = np.mod(ci, 14) #local card iterator cardim =[ci]) size = 672, 936 #471 #this took some tinkering to get Scryfall's to work. #cardim.thumbnail(size,PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) #to determine the location of pasting. coordx = 672 * np.mod(lci, 5) coordy = 936 * int(lci / 5) #coordx =410*np.mod(lci,10) #coordy =570*int(lci/10) #box size is 332 , 462 temp.paste(cardim, (coordx, coordy)) #determine if we have finished a sheet buildPrint('Card ' + str(ci + 1) + ' of ' + str(np.size(deckManifest.printList)) + ' complete') if ci == np.size(deckManifest.printList) - 1: #temp.resize(sheetSize,PIL.Image.LANCZOS) saveSheet(temp, dispName, currentSheet) deckManifest.printSheetPaths.append( config["printSheetsPath"] + config["systemSlash"] + dispName + str(currentSheet) + '.jpg') buildPrint('Sheet ' + str(currentSheet) + ' of ' + str(numSheets) + ' complete') buildPrint('Print Sheets for ' + str(dispName) + ' complete.') break elif lci == 13: #temp.resize(sheetSize,PIL.Image.LANCZOS) saveSheet(temp, dispName, currentSheet) deckManifest.printSheetPaths.append( config["printSheetsPath"] + config["systemSlash"] + dispName + str(currentSheet) + '.jpg') temp = template.copy() buildPrint('Sheet ' + str(currentSheet) + ' of ' + str(numSheets) + ' complete') currentSheet += 1 ci += 1 else: ci += 1 else: #this should never happen. failureState = True buildPrint( "One or more cards failed to download images. No sheets will be generated." ) else: failureState = True if failureState: buildPrint( "Not all cards were successfully retrieved, print sheets will not be assembled" ) if (np.size(deckManifest.failedCards) > 0): buildPrint("The following cards could not be found: ") for i in deckManifest.failedCards: if (i.setCode == ''): buildPrint(i.cardName + " with no specified set") else: if ( == ''): buildPrint(i.cardName + ' from ' + i.setCode) else: buildPrint("card #" + str( + ' from ' + str(i.setCode)) if (np.size(deckManifest.ambiguities) > 0): buildPrint( "The following card searches were ambiguous and require more detail in specification:" ) for i in deckManifest.ambiguities: if (i.setCode == ''): buildPrint(i.cardName + "with no specified set") else: if ( == ''): buildPrint(i.cardName + ' from ' + i.setCode) else: buildPrint("card # " + + ' from ' + i.setCode) buildPrint( "a couple of ways to increase specificity are to indicate a set code or pick by collector number within a given set" ) outFail = deckManifest.failedCards[:] outAmb = deckManifest.ambiguities[:] sleep(0.01) cg.CleanUpCardDir(config) sleep(0.01) deckManifest.uploadImages() tempOut = deckManifest.convertToDict() TTSOut = deckManifest.convertToTTSDict() del deckManifest del cardMat #build the error reporting return outFail, outAmb, tempOut, TTSOut
def readInFile(listName): ''' this is the first part of the buildSheet functionality, refactored away so it can be accessed for importing purposes as well ''' global buildPrint global config config = df.loadConfig() dList = listName cardMat = [] fileType = "txt" if dList[-4:] == '.dck': fileType = "Xmage" elif (dList[-5:] == '.json'): fileType = "Json" elif (dList[-4:] == '.csv'): fileType = "CSV" if not fileType == "Json": with open(dList) as file: xmagePileNum = 0 for line in file: if fileType == 'txt' and line.split(' ')[0][-1] == 'x': fileType = 'archidekt' #print(line) #sys.stdout.flush() logger.debug("parsing line: " + line) if fileType == "Xmage": if line[:11] == 'LAYOUT MAIN': break #we have hit the formatting section if line[:5] == 'NAME:': buildPrint(line[5:]) else: cardMat.append(Card()) targReg ='\[(\S)*\]((\s)*(\S)*)*', line).group(0) setN ='\[(\S)*\:', targReg).group() setN = setN[1:-1] #Xmage silliness corrected here to some extent (DARN YOU PROMOS) doubleFacedSets = [ 'rix', 'soi', 'dka', 'xln', 'isd', 'emn', 'ori', 'm19' ] if setN.lower() == 'gur': #guru lands setN = 'pgru' elif setN.lower( ) == 'dd3dvd': #duel decks: divine vs demonic setN = 'dvd' elif setN.lower( ) == 'dd3jvc': #duel decks: jace vs chandra setN = 'jvc' elif setN.lower() == 'dd3evg': #elves vs goblins setN = 'evg' elif setN.lower() == 'cp': #champions and states setN = 'pcmp' elif setN.lower() == 'gpx': #grand Prix Promos setN = 'pgpx' else: setN = setN.lower() cardMat[-1].setCode = setN cNum ='\:(\S)*\]', line).group()[1:-1] if cNum[-1] in cg.alphabet and setN in doubleFacedSets: #this eliminates front/back faces issues? cNum = cNum[:-1] copies = line.split(' ')[0] if copies == 'SB:': copies = line.split(' ')[1] xmagePileNum = 1 cName ='\]((\s)*(\S)*)*', line).group()[1:-1] cardMat[-1].cardName = cName cardMat[-1].cn = cNum cardMat[-1].copies = int(copies) cardMat[-1].pileNumber = xmagePileNum elif fileType == "CSV": #write in csv data read in. if '|' in line and not line.replace(' ', '')[0] == '#': cardMat.append(Card()) linesplit = line.split(" | ") cardMat[-1].cn = linesplit[0] cardMat[-1].setCode = linesplit[1] cardMat[-1].cardName = linesplit[2] cardMat[-1].copies = int(linesplit[3]) cardMat[-1].pileNumber = int(linesplit[4]) cardMat[-1].cardData = cg.getCardManifest(linesplit[5]) elif fileType == 'archidekt': cardMat.append(Card()) linesplit = line.split(' ') linesplit[-1] = linesplit[-1].replace('\n', '') cardMat[-1].copies = int(linesplit[0][:-1]) #find the setcode: for i in range( len(linesplit )): #search from the back to reduce iterations term = linesplit[i] #search forwards if term[0] == '(' and term[-1] == ')': cardMat[-1].setCode = term[1:-1] #we need to check if other terms follow the set code if i < len(linesplit) - 1: #we have other terms try: #the term after the set code is possibly the card number in the set cardNum = int(linesplit[i + 1]) #if it hasn't choked and died, then we have a card number in the set cardMat[-1].cn = linesplit[i + 1] except ValueError: #it wasn't a number pass break #we now have the brackets on the name's location in the string nameTerms = linesplit[1:i] cardName = '' for term in nameTerms: term = specialCharacterFilter(term) cardName = cardName + term + ' ' cardMat[ -1].cardName = cardName[: -1] #gets rid of the last space #checking which pile the card belongs in if '`Commander`' in linesplit or '`Sideboard`' in linesplit: cardMat[-1].pileNumber = 1 elif '`Maybeboard`' in linesplit: cardMat[-1].pileNumber = 2 else: cardMat[-1].pileNumber = 0 else: #text file type #filter out comments and empty lines if not (line[0] == '#' or line.replace(" ", "") == '\n'): cardMat.append(Card()) tc = -1 name1 = '' setN = '' for i in range(len(line)): if (line[i] == '!' and i >= 2): if (line[i - 1] == ' ' or line[i - 1] == '\t'): name1 = line[:i] tc = i #name1 ='((\S)*(\s)*)*\s!',line).group() if tc > -1: for i in range(tc, len(line)): if (line[i] == '&' and (line[i - 1] == ' ' or line[i - 1] == '\t')): setN = line[tc + 1:i] #setN ='!((\S)*(\s)*)*\s&',line) if setN: setName1 = setN setName = setName1[1:-1].replace(' ', '') else: setName = '' name = name1[:-1] name = name.replace('\t', '') setName = setName.replace('\t', '') if (not name == ''): if (name[0] == '|'): #its a card number cardMat[-1].cn = name[1:] else: cardMat[-1].cardName = name else: #card failed to read in properly, flag as failed. cardMat[-1].cardName = name cardMat[-1].notFindable = True buildPrint( "a card's name could not be read from this line:" ) buildPrint(line) logger.debug("name not found in: " + line) cardMat[-1].setCode = setName else: #json deck format, load in based on card data. deckListContents = json.load(open(dList, "r")) for i in deckListContents["cards"]: cardMat.append(cg.Card()) cardMat[-1].cardData = i cardMat[-1].cn = i["collector_number"] cardMat[-1].setCode = i["set"] if ("card_faces" in i and not "image_uris" in i): #double faced but not split card if (not i["pile"] == -1): #not an extra cardMat[-1].cardName = i["card_faces"][0]["name"] else: #is the back face beacause it is an extra cardMat[-1].cardName = i["card_faces"][1]["name"] cardMat[-1].selectedFace = 1 else: cardMat[-1].cardName = i["name"] cardMat[-1].copies = i["numberOfCopies"] cardMat[-1].pileNumber = i["pile"] cardMat[-1].loadedFromJson = True return cardMat, fileType
def buildManifest(cardMat, deckManifest, deckFileType): ''' searches through the card matrix object that has been built and returns a requisition list with all the card objects fully populated ''' global buildPrint global config config = df.loadConfig() logger.debug("entering buildManifest") for i in cardMat: if (not deckFileType == "JSON"): #flag that it is for the json style load in if (not deckFileType == "CSV"): cardData = '' if not == '' and not i.setCode == '': try: i.cardData = cg.searchCardByCN(, i.setCode) except: buildPrint("Card Not findable") i.notFindable = True deckManifest.failedCards.append(i) deckManifest.printable = False logger.debug("Supplied CN: " + + "Setcode: " + i.setCode + " not found") elif not i.cardName == '' and not i.setCode == '': try: i.cardData = cg.searchCardByName(i.cardName, i.setCode) except: buildPrint("Card Not findable") i.notFindable = True deckManifest.failedCards.append(Card()) cg.copyCard(i, deckManifest.failedCards[-1]) deckManifest.printable = False logger.debug("card name: " + i.cardName + " not found") #print(cardData) if not i.cardData == '' and i.notFindable == False: logger.debug("cardData: " + str(i.cardData)) if "code" in cardData: buildPrint("Card Not findable") i.notFindable = True deckManifest.failedCards.append(Card()) cg.copyCard(i, deckManifest.failedCards[-1]) deckManifest.printable = False elif i.cardData["total_cards"] > 1: #ambiguity found buildPrint( "Card Found to be ambiguous, manifest will not produce print sheets" ) i.ambiguous = True deckManifest.ambiguities.append(Card()) cg.copyCard(i, deckManifest.ambiguities[-1]) deckManifest.printable = False else: #card found, not ambiguous, lets catalog it #first check if double sided i.cardData = i.cardData["data"][0] cg.copyCard(i,[-1]) deckManifest.cardCount = deckManifest.cardCount + 1 logger.debug("card added to manifest") #print("Card added to Manifest") if "all_parts" in i.cardData: for j in i.cardData["all_parts"]: if j["component"] == 'token' or ( j['component'] == 'combo_piece' and j['name'][-6:].lower() == 'emblem'): duplicate = False for k in deckManifest.extras: if k.cardData["id"] == j["id"]: #we found a duplicate, don't add it duplicate = True break for k in if k.cardData["id"] == j["id"]: #more duplicate finding, this way we cannot auto add something manually added duplicate = True break if not duplicate: deckManifest.extras.append(cg.Card()) deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData = cg.getCardManifest( j["uri"]) deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardName = deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData["name"] deckManifest.extras[ -1].setCode = deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData["set"] deckManifest.extras[ -1].cn = deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData[ "collector_number"] deckManifest.extras[ -1].pileNumber = -1 #one is the default for tokens/extras deckManifest.cardCount = deckManifest.cardCount + 1 logger.debug("Extra added to Manifest") #print("Extra added to Manifest") if "card_faces" in i.cardData and not "image_uris" in i.cardData: deckManifest.cardCount = deckManifest.cardCount + 1 deckManifest.extras.append(cg.Card()) cg.copyCard(i, deckManifest.extras[-1]) deckManifest.extras[ -1].pileNumber = -1 #negative one is the default for tokens/extras deckManifest.extras[ -1].selectedFace = 1 #one is the default for the back face logger.debug("Card back face added to manifest") #deckManifest.cardCount = deckManifest.cardCount +1 print(deckManifest.extras[-1]) else: #CSV FORMAT deckManifest.cardCount += 1 cg.copyCard(i,[-1]) logger.debug("Card added to manifest") if "card_faces" in i.cardData and not "image_uris" in i.cardData: #card is double faced deckManifest.cardCount += 1 deckManifest.extras.append(cg.Card()) cg.copyCard(i, deckManifest.extras[-1]) deckManifest.extras[-1].selectedFace = 1 deckManifest.extras[-1].pileNumber = -1 deckManifest.extras[-1].cardName = i.cardData[ "card_faces"][1]["name"] logger.debug("Card back face added to manifest") if "all_parts" in i.cardData: for j in i.cardData["all_parts"]: if j["component"] == 'token' or ( j['component'] == 'combo_piece' and j['name'][-6:].lower() == 'emblem'): duplicate = False for k in deckManifest.extras: if k.cardData["id"] == j["id"]: #we found a duplicate, don't add it duplicate = True break for k in if k.cardData["id"] == j["id"]: #more duplicate finding, this way we cannot auto add something manually added duplicate = True break if not duplicate: deckManifest.extras.append(cg.Card()) deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData = cg.getCardManifest(j["uri"]) deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardName = deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData["name"] deckManifest.extras[ -1].setCode = deckManifest.extras[ -1].cardData["set"] deckManifest.extras[ -1].cn = deckManifest.extras[-1].cardData[ "collector_number"] deckManifest.extras[ -1].pileNumber = -1 #negative one is the default for tokens/extras deckManifest.cardCount = deckManifest.cardCount + 1 logger.debug("Extra added to Manifest") else: #we jsoning folks! if (i.pileNumber == -1): #this is an extra duplicate = False for k in deckManifest.extras: if k.cardData["id"] == i.cardData["id"]: #we found a duplicate, don't add it duplicate = True break for k in if k.cardData["id"] == i.cardData["id"]: #more duplicate finding, this way we cannot auto add something manually added duplicate = True break if not duplicate: deckManifest.extras.append(cg.Card()) cg.copyCard(i, deckManifest.extras[-1]) if "card_faces" in i.cardData and not "image_uris" in i.cardData: deckManifest.extras[ -1].selectedFace = 1 #one is the default for the back face else: cg.copyCard(i,[-1]) deckManifest.cardCount = deckManifest.cardCount + 1 ''' TODO: build a loop here to iterate through the manifest's main list and find if any meld cards have both halves here, if so, add the meld result to the extras list. ''' if deckManifest.printable: buildPrint("deckManifest Completed") logger.debug("deckManifest Completed") else: buildPrint("deckManifest could not be completed.") logger.debug("deckManifest could not be completed.")
def editDeck(): ''' primary deck editing window ''' global config config = df.loadConfig() master = tk.Tk() master.minsize(850, 865) master.title("Deck Factory: List Editor") master.geometry("700x700") master.lift() #define text windows here listLabel = tk.Label(master, text="Deck List Name:"), y=20) listTitle = tk.Entry(master, width=54), y=20) listWindow = tkst.ScrolledText(master, width=70, height=48), y=40) #define button functions here def printToListWindow(string): nonlocal listWindow listWindow.insert(tk.END, str(string)) listWindow.update_idletasks() def setTitle(string): listTitle.delete(0, tk.END) listTitle.insert(0, string) def saveDeckList(): filename = listTitle.get() #selection eliminates the \n targFile = config["deckListPath"] + config[ "systemSlash"] + cg.percentEncode(filename).replace(" ", "_") + ".csv" if (targFile in glob.glob(config["deckListPath"] + config["systemSlash"] + '*')): os.remove(targFile) with open( config["deckListPath"] + config["systemSlash"] + cg.percentEncode(filename).replace(" ", "_") + ".csv", "w") as file: file.write(listWindow.get('1.0', tk.END)) #master.destroy() def loadDeckList(): deckFile = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir=config["deckListPath"], title="Select Decks to load", filetypes=(("All Files", "*.*"), ("Manual Decklists", "*.txt"))) listWindow.delete("1.0", tk.END) if deckFile[-4:] == '.dck': #importing an xmage deck importDeckList(deckFile) elif (not deckFile == ''): strippedName = sm.stripName(deckFile)[:-4] listWindow.delete('1.0', tk.END) listTitle.delete(0) listTitle.insert(tk.END, strippedName) with open(deckFile, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() for i in lines: printToListWindow(i) def searchCard(): searchArgs = searchParams.get() searchManifest = cg.searchByParameters(searchArgs) if "code" in searchManifest: #card wasn't found, search was incorrect warning = tk.Tk() warning.title("Warning: No Results") warning.minsize(width=100, height=100) warning.lift() warningLabel = tk.Label( warning, text= "Your search brought back no results.\n Please check your search parameters" ) warningLabel.pack() closeButton = tk.Button(warning, text="Close", command=warning.destroy) closeButton.pack() warning.mainloop() else: #we have a search returnString = searchCardDialogTree(searchManifest) #at the end of this process, clean up your messy card options printToListWindow(returnString) searchParams.delete(0, tk.END) def searchCardEntry(event): searchCard() printToListWindow( "#Collector # | SET | NAME | # COPIES | PILE # | SCRYFALL URI\n") searchParams = tk.Entry(master, width=30), y=80) searchParams.bind('<Return>', searchCardEntry) def importDeckList(targDeck): ''' the purpose of this is to import an xmage deck into the new format, that way we can make all those decks not have gone to waste ''' global config cardMat = sm.readInFile(targDeck) printList = [ ] #this will be a list of strings designed for printing in the decklist importWindow = tk.Tk() importWindow.title("Importing Xmage Deck") importLabel = tk.Label( importWindow, text= "Import Xmage deck: Warning, this may take a few moments to complete." ) importLabel.pack() def importMatters(): nonlocal cardMat nonlocal printList nonlocal importWindow importWindow.destroy() for i in cardMat: if (i.cardName == '' and == '' and i.setCode == ''): 1 + 1 #do nothing else: tempData = [] flag1 = False flag2 = False try: tempData = cg.searchCardByCN(, i.setCode) except cg.ul.error.HTTPError: flag1 = True #didn't find it if ("code" in tempData): flag1 = True elif ("data" in tempData and not tempData["data"][0]["name"] == i.cardName): flag1 = True if (flag1): try: tempData = cg.searchCardByName( i.cardName, i.setCode) except cg.ul.error.HTTPError: flag2 = True #didn't find it the second way if ( flag1 and flag2 ): #we have a card that neither #+set or name+set works, try just name try: tempData = cg.searchByParameters(i.cardName) except cg.ul.error.HTTPError as e: print("YOU DONE GOOFED,and this shouldn't happen") raise e if (tempData["total_cards"] == 1): #special case, just use the card as listed: i.cardData = tempData["data"][0] printList.append(generateListEntry(i.cardData)) else: if (i.cardName == '' and == '' and i.setCode == ''): 1 + 1 #do nothing else: warning = tk.Tk() warning.title(i.cardName + " was not found clearly") warning.minsize(width=100, height=100) warning.lift() def warningOver(): warning.destroy() warning.quit() warningLabel = tk.Label( warning, text=i.cardName + " was not found clearly, please select the correct card and version." ) warningLabel.pack() closeButton = tk.Button(warning, text="Close", command=warningOver) closeButton.pack() warning.mainloop() temp = searchCardDialogTree(tempData) printList.append(temp) for i in printList: printToListWindow(i) deckName = sm.stripName(targDeck)[:-4] setTitle(deckName) importWindow.quit() startButton = tk.Button(importWindow, text="Start", command=importMatters) startButton.pack() importWindow.mainloop() #define buttons here exitButton = tk.Button(master, text='Exit', command=master.destroy, bg='red', fg='white', width=13, height=2), y=650) addCardButton = tk.Button(master, text='Add a Card', command=searchCard, bg='blue', fg='white', width=13, height=2), y=100) loadListButton = tk.Button(master, text='Load Deck List', command=loadDeckList, bg='blue', fg='white', width=13, height=2), y=150) saveListButton = tk.Button(master, text='Save Deck List', command=saveDeckList, bg='green', fg='white', width=13, height=2), y=200) master.mainloop()