コード例 #1
def _filter_revision_documents(documents, unique_only, **filters):
    """Return the list of documents that match filters.

    :param documents: List of documents to apply ``filters`` to.
    :param unique_only: Return only unique documents if ``True``.
    :param filters: Dictionary attributes (including nested) used to filter
        out revision documents.
    :returns: List of documents that match specified filters.
    # TODO(fmontei): Implement this as an sqlalchemy query.
    filtered_documents = {}
    unique_filters = ('schema', 'name')
    exclude_deleted = filters.pop('deleted', None) is False

    if exclude_deleted:
        documents = _exclude_deleted_documents(documents)

    for document in documents:
        if utils.deepfilter(document, **filters):
            # Filter out redundant documents from previous revisions, i.e.
            # documents schema and metadata.name are repeated.
            if unique_only:
                unique_key = tuple(
                    [document[filter] for filter in unique_filters])
                unique_key = document['id']
            if unique_key not in filtered_documents:
                filtered_documents[unique_key] = document

    return list(filtered_documents.values())
コード例 #2
    def on_get(self, req, resp, sanitized_params, revision_id):
        include_encrypted = policy.conditional_authorize(
            'deckhand:list_encrypted_documents', req.context, do_raise=False)
        filters = {'metadata.storagePolicy': ['cleartext'], 'deleted': False}
        if include_encrypted:

        documents = self._retrieve_documents_for_rendering(
            revision_id, **filters)
        substitution_sources = self._retrieve_substitution_sources()

            # NOTE(fmontei): `validate` is False because documents have already
            # been pre-validated during ingestion. Documents are post-validated
            # below, regardless.
            document_layering = layering.DocumentLayering(documents,
            rendered_documents = document_layering.render()
        except (errors.InvalidDocumentLayer, errors.InvalidDocumentParent,
                errors.IndeterminateDocumentParent, errors.MissingDocumentKey,
                errors.UnsupportedActionMethod) as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(description=e.format_message())
        except (errors.LayeringPolicyNotFound,
                errors.SubstitutionSourceNotFound) as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPConflict(description=e.format_message())
        except errors.errors.UnknownSubstitutionError as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPInternalServerError(

        # Filters to be applied post-rendering, because many documents are
        # involved in rendering. User filters can only be applied once all
        # documents have been rendered. Note that `layering` module only
        # returns concrete documents, so no filtering for that is needed here.
        order_by = sanitized_params.pop('order', None)
        sort_by = sanitized_params.pop('sort', None)
        user_filters = sanitized_params.copy()

        rendered_documents = [
            d for d in rendered_documents
            if utils.deepfilter(d, **user_filters)

        if sort_by:
            rendered_documents = utils.multisort(rendered_documents, sort_by,

        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
        resp.body = self.view_builder.list(rendered_documents)
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: eanylin/deckhand
def document_get_all(session=None,
    """Retrieve all documents for ``revision_id`` that match ``filters``.

    :param session: Database session object.
    :param raw_dict: Whether to retrieve the exact way the data is stored in
        DB if ``True``, else the way users expect the data.
    :param revision_id: The ID corresponding to the ``Revision`` object. If the
        it is "latest", then retrieve the latest revision, if one exists.
    :param filters: Dictionary attributes (including nested) used to filter
        out revision documents.
    :returns: Dictionary representation of each retrieved document.
    session = session or get_session()

    if revision_id == 'latest':
        revision = session.query(models.Revision)\
        if revision:
            filters['revision_id'] = revision.id
    elif revision_id:
        filters['revision_id'] = revision_id

    # TODO(fmontei): Currently Deckhand doesn't support filtering by nested
    # JSON fields via sqlalchemy. For now, filter the documents using all
    # "regular" filters via sqlalchemy and all nested filters via Python.
    nested_filters = {}
    for f in filters.copy():
        if any([x in f for x in ('.', 'schema')]):
            nested_filters.setdefault(f, filters.pop(f))

    # Retrieve the most recently created documents for the revision, because
    # documents with the same metadata.name and schema can exist across
    # different revisions.
    documents = session.query(models.Document)\

    final_documents = []
    for doc in documents:
        d = doc.to_dict(raw_dict=raw_dict)
        if utils.deepfilter(d, **nested_filters):

    return final_documents
コード例 #4
    def on_get(self, req, resp, sanitized_params, revision_id):
        include_encrypted = policy.conditional_authorize(
            'deckhand:list_encrypted_documents', req.context, do_raise=False)
        filters = {'metadata.storagePolicy': ['cleartext'], 'deleted': False}
        if include_encrypted:

        documents = self._retrieve_documents_for_rendering(
            revision_id, **filters)
        substitution_sources = self._retrieve_substitution_sources()

            document_layering = layering.DocumentLayering(
                documents, substitution_sources)
            rendered_documents = document_layering.render()
        except (errors.IndeterminateDocumentParent,
                errors.MissingDocumentKey) as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(description=e.format_message())
        except (errors.LayeringPolicyNotFound,
                errors.SubstitutionDependencyNotFound) as e:
            raise falcon.HTTPConflict(description=e.format_message())

        # Filters to be applied post-rendering, because many documents are
        # involved in rendering. User filters can only be applied once all
        # documents have been rendered.
        order_by = sanitized_params.pop('order', None)
        sort_by = sanitized_params.pop('sort', None)
        user_filters = sanitized_params.copy()
        user_filters['metadata.layeringDefinition.abstract'] = False

        rendered_documents = [
            d for d in rendered_documents
            if utils.deepfilter(d, **user_filters)

        if sort_by:
            rendered_documents = utils.multisort(rendered_documents, sort_by,

        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
        resp.body = self.view_builder.list(rendered_documents)
コード例 #5
def revision_get_all(session=None, **filters):
    """Return list of all revisions.

    :param session: Database session object.
    :returns: List of dictionary representations of retrieved revisions.
    session = session or get_session()
    revisions = session.query(models.Revision)\

    result = []
    for revision in revisions:
        revision_dict = revision.to_dict()
        if utils.deepfilter(revision_dict, **filters):
            revision_dict['documents'] = _update_revision_history(

    return result