コード例 #1
ファイル: cstest.py プロジェクト: jaggyluis/decodes
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "wayout")

o = Point(0,0,10)
vx = Vec(0,0,10)
vy = Vec(0,10,0)
cs1 = CS(o,vx,vy)
cs2 = CS(Point(),Vec(1,0),Vec(0,1))
for g in [cs1,cs2] : outie.put(g)

pa = Point(2,1,10)
pb = Point(2,1,11)
pc = Point(2,1,12)
cs3 = CS(pc+Vec(0,0,1))
for g in [pa,pb,pc,cs3] : outie.put(g)

xf = Xform.change_basis(cs1,cs2)
csx = cs3*xf
pax,pbx,pcx = map(lambda pt:pt*xf,[pa,pb,pc])
for g in [pax,pbx,pcx,csx] : outie.put(g)
# for g in parr : outie.put(g)

コード例 #2
ファイル: basistest.py プロジェクト: jaggyluis/decodes
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

import math, copy

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "basistest")
outie_red = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "redstuff")

#print "CS basis"
#cs = CS(Point(5,5),Vec(1,-1))
#pts = [Point(t,math.sin(t),0,basis=cs) for t in drange(0,math.pi*2,5)]
#print "here are the points defined relative to their base:"
#for p in pts : print p
#print "here they are in world coords:"
#for p in pts : print p.basis_applied()
#print "you can also access point coords as you would expect, using the _x,_y, and _z attributes"
#print "%s,%s,%s" %(pts[2]._x,pts[2]._y,pts[2]._z)
#print "using the x,y and z attributes returns world coords"
#print "%s,%s,%s" %(pts[2].x,pts[2].y,pts[2].z)
#print "if we strip the basis off, points will default to the basis of R3:"
#pts = [p.basis_stripped() for p in pts]

print "CylCS basis"
print "let's plot the same points in two different bases..."
cylindrical_cs = CylCS(Point(-4,0))
コード例 #3
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "linetest")

print "constructors"
p = Point(1,1)
v = Vec(0,0,1)
seg1 = Segment(p,v)

p0 = Point(-1,1)
p1 = Vec(-2,1)
seg2 = Segment(p0,p1)

ray1 = Ray(Point(0,-1),Vec(0,0,1))

lin1 = Line(Point(0,1),Vec(0,0,1))

コード例 #4
ファイル: cstest.py プロジェクト: RafaelMri/gh-decodes
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "wayout")

o = Point(0, 0, 10)
vx = Vec(0, 0, 10)
vy = Vec(0, 10, 0)
cs1 = CS(o, vx, vy)
cs2 = CS(Point(), Vec(1, 0), Vec(0, 1))
for g in [cs1, cs2]:

pa = Point(2, 1, 10)
pb = Point(2, 1, 11)
pc = Point(2, 1, 12)
cs3 = CS(pc + Vec(0, 0, 1))
for g in [pa, pb, pc, cs3]:

xf = Xform.change_basis(cs1, cs2)
csx = cs3 * xf
pax, pbx, pcx = map(lambda pt: pt * xf, [pa, pb, pc])
for g in [pax, pbx, pcx, csx]:
# for g in parr : outie.put(g)

コード例 #5
ファイル: vectest.py プロジェクト: jaggyluis/decodes
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "vectest")

print "constructors"
v0 = Vec(1,-2)
p0 = Point(0,2,2)
p1 = Point(1,1,1)
v1 = Vec(p0,p1)


print "operators"
v0 = Vec(0,0,1)
v1 = Vec(0,2)
v2 = v0+v1 # __add__
v3 = v1-v0 # __sub__
v4 = v0/2 # __div__
v5 = v0*3 # __mul__
v6 = ~v0 # __inv__

print "cross product, dot product, projection angles"
コード例 #6
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "pointtest")

print "constructors"
v0 = Vec(1,-2)
p0 = Point(0,2,2)
p1 = Point(1,1,1)
v1 = Vec(p0,p1)
p2 = Point(v1)

print "operators"
# operations between points and vectors are performed in basis space
p0 = Point(0,2)
v = Vec(0,0,1)
p2 = p0+v # __add__
p3 = p0-v # __sub__
p4 = p0/2 # __div__
p5 = p0*3 # __mul__
p6 = ~p0 # __inv__

print "random points"
#TODO: random points

コード例 #7
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

import math, copy

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "basistest")
outie_red = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "redstuff")
outie_red.set_color(1.0, 0, 0)

#print "CS basis"
#cs = CS(Point(5,5),Vec(1,-1))
#pts = [Point(t,math.sin(t),0,basis=cs) for t in drange(0,math.pi*2,5)]
#print "here are the points defined relative to their base:"
#for p in pts : print p
#print "here they are in world coords:"
#for p in pts : print p.basis_applied()
#print "you can also access point coords as you would expect, using the _x,_y, and _z attributes"
#print "%s,%s,%s" %(pts[2]._x,pts[2]._y,pts[2]._z)
#print "using the x,y and z attributes returns world coords"
#print "%s,%s,%s" %(pts[2].x,pts[2].y,pts[2].z)
#print "if we strip the basis off, points will default to the basis of R3:"
#pts = [p.basis_stripped() for p in pts]

print "CylCS basis"
print "let's plot the same points in two different bases..."
cylindrical_cs = CylCS(Point(-4, 0))
orthogonal_cs = CS(Point(4, 0))
コード例 #8
ファイル: xformtest.py プロジェクト: jaggyluis/decodes
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *
outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "wayout")

import scriptcontext
import System
import Rhino
from decodes.core.outies.rhinoUtil import *
import math

print "from rhino transform"
rh_xform = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Translation(VecToVec3d(Vec(10,20,30)))
xf = Xform.from_rh_transform(rh_xform)
print rh_xform
print xf

print "to rhino transform"
xf = Xform(99)
rh_xform = Xform.to_rh_transform(xf)
print rh_xform
print xf

print "matrix multiplication"
vec = Vec(1,1,1)
rotPt = Point(1,1)
コード例 #9
ファイル: vectest.py プロジェクト: RafaelMri/gh-decodes
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *

import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "vectest")

print "constructors"
v0 = Vec(1, -2)
p0 = Point(0, 2, 2)
p1 = Point(1, 1, 1)
v1 = Vec(p0, p1)

outie.put([p1, p0, v0, v1])

print "operators"
v0 = Vec(0, 0, 1)
v1 = Vec(0, 2)
v2 = v0 + v1  # __add__
v3 = v1 - v0  # __sub__
v4 = v0 / 2  # __div__
v5 = v0 * 3  # __mul__
v6 = ~v0  # __inv__
outie.put([v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6])

print "cross product, dot product, projection angles"
v0 = Vec(2, 0)
v1 = Vec(2, 2)
vUp = v0.cross(v1)
vDwn = v1.cross(v0)
コード例 #10
import decodes.core as dc
from decodes.core import *
outie = dc.makeOut(dc.outies.Rhino, "wayout")

import scriptcontext
import System
import Rhino
from decodes.core.outies.rhinoUtil import *
import math
print "from rhino transform"
rh_xform = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Translation(VecToVec3d(Vec(10,20,30)))
xf = Xform.from_rh_transform(rh_xform)
print rh_xform
print xf
print "to rhino transform"
xf = Xform(99)
rh_xform = Xform.to_rh_transform(xf)
print rh_xform
print xf
print "matrix multiplication"
vec = Vec(1,1,1)
rotPt = Point(1,1)
ang = math.pi/2
rh_xformA = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Rotation(ang,VecToVec3d(vec),VecToPoint3d(rotPt))
xfA = Xform.rotation(center=rotPt, angle=ang, axis=vec)
print rh_xformA