def main(): result = dataset.get_datasets(generation=ds_generation, set_info=True) result = {k: v for k, v in result.iteritems() if k == "qcdmg"} for process, dss in result.iteritems(): print process files = [] for ds in dss: if ds.tuple_path: files += ds.tuple_path n = 200 groups = [files[i:i+n] for i in xrange(0, len(files), n)] if len(groups) > 500: print "ERROR: So many files!" sys.exit() if groups: for i, group in enumerate(groups): print i, len(group) if i > 21: #in [14, 19]: out_file = "{}/{}_tuple_{}.root".format(out_dir, process, i) cmd = "hadd -f {}".format(out_file) # "-f" forces overwrite of output file. for f in group: if "_1405.root" not in f and "_1323.root" not in f and "_1443.root" not in f and "_1199.root" not in f and "_1464.root" not in f: cmd += " root://{}".format(f) raw_output = Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() if raw_output[1]: print raw_output[0] print raw_output[1] sys.exit() else: print out_file else: print "There were no tuple files to combine."
def main(): files = [f for f in os.listdir(dir_local) if ".root" in f] tuples = [f for f in files if "_tuple" in f] tuples = [t for t in tuples if "QCD" not in t] if tuples: for t in tuples: name = t.split("_tuple")[0] ds = dataset.get_datasets(name=name).values()[0][0] if ds: dir_store = "{}/{}/{}_tuples".format(dir_eos,, ds.subprocess) eos.mkdir(dir_store) eos.cp("{}/{}".format(dir_local, t), dir_store) print "{} went into {}".format(t, dir_store) else: print "I don't know what DS this belongs to." else: print "There aren't any tuples to organize in {}.".format(dir_local) return True
def make_load_trees(): script_name = "" # Make the script: script = "{\n" print "Making {} ...".format(script_name) dsd = dataset.get_datasets(set_info=True) for process, dss in dsd.iteritems(): script += '\tTChain* {} = new TChain("analyzer/events");\n'.format(process) for ds in dss: if ds.analyze: for f in ds.tuple_path: script += '\t{}->Add("{}{}");\n'.format(process, "root://" if cmslpc else "", f) script += "\t\n" script += "//\tgROOT->SetBatch();\n" script += "}" # Output the script: with open(script_name, "w") as out: out.write(script)
def make_send_to_lxplus(): script_name = "" script = "" # Make the script: print "Making {} ...".format(script_name) dsd = dataset.get_datasets(category=["sqto2j", "sqto4j"]) # print dsd for process, dss in dsd.iteritems(): for ds in dss: # print, ds.tuple_path script += "xrdcp -f root://{} {} &&\n".format(ds.tuple_path, dir_local) script += "rsync -rlthv --progress {}/{} [email protected]:/afs/ &&\n".format( dir_local, ds.tuple_path.split("/")[-1] ) script += "rm {}/{} &&\n".format(dir_local, ds.tuple_path.split("/")[-1]) script += "ls {}".format(dir_local) # script = "rsync -rlthv --progress --append-verify {}/*_tuple.root [email protected]:/afs/\n".format(dataset.tuple_dir) # script = "rsync -rlthv --progress --append-verify {}/*anatuples.root [email protected]:/afs/\n".format(dataset.tuple_dir) # Output the script: with open(script_name, "w") as out: out.write(script)
options.register ('doTrim', True, VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, VarParsing.varType.bool, "Set to false to not perform trimming" ) options.parseArguments() options.cmssw = ''.join([d for d in list(("/?([^/]*)$", options.cmssw)).group(1)) if d.isdigit()]) # Format the "cmssw" option, so "CMSSW_7_3_2_patch2" turns into "7322" if necessary. process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input=cms.untracked.int32(options.maxEvents)) # Set up the number of events to run over. ### Input: in_files = ["{0}/{1}".format(options.inDir, f) for f in options.inFile] if (not in_files) and (not options.crab): assert options.dataset result = dataset.get_datasets(name=options.dataset, generation=options.generation, set_info=True) print result ds = result.values()[0][0] print ds.miniaod_path in_files = ds.miniaod_path assert hasattr(ds, "subprocess") options.subprocess = ds.subprocess if (not in_files) and (not options.crab): print "ERROR: You're not running over any files!" sys.exit() ### Output: if not options.outFile: options.outFile = "{0}_{1}_jets.root".format(options.subprocess, options.cmssw) # /SET UP