コード例 #1
    def check_if_good_boundary(self, boundary, norm_height, norm_width,
        preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
        char_w = norm_width / 20
        remove_noise = PreprocessRemoveNonCharNoise(char_w)

        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(color_img)
        id_card_img_mask[0:int(norm_height * 0.05), :] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[int(norm_height * 0.95):, :] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, 0:int(norm_width * 0.05)] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width * 0.95):] = 0


        #        se1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5,5))
        #        se2 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2,2))
        #        mask = cv2.morphologyEx(id_card_img_mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, se1)
        #        id_card_img_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, se2)

        ## remove right head profile
        left_half_id_card_img_mask = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
        left_half_id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width / 2):] = 0

        ## Try to find text lines and chars
        horizontal_sum = np.sum(left_half_id_card_img_mask, axis=1)
        line_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(horizontal_sum)

        return len(line_ranges) >= 5 and len(line_ranges) <= 7
コード例 #2
    def check_if_good_boundary(self, boundary, norm_height, norm_width, color_img):
        preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
        char_w = norm_width / 20
        remove_noise = PreprocessRemoveNonCharNoise(char_w)

        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(color_img)
        id_card_img_mask[0:int(norm_height*0.05),:] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[int(norm_height*0.95): ,:] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, 0:int(norm_width*0.05)] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width*0.95):] = 0


#        se1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5,5))
#        se2 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2,2))
#        mask = cv2.morphologyEx(id_card_img_mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, se1)
#        id_card_img_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, se2)
        ## remove right head profile
        left_half_id_card_img_mask = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
        left_half_id_card_img_mask[:, norm_width/2:] = 0

        ## Try to find text lines and chars
        horizontal_sum = np.sum(left_half_id_card_img_mask, axis=1)
        line_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(horizontal_sum)

        return len(line_ranges) >= 5 and len(line_ranges) <= 7
コード例 #3
def check_if_good_boundary(boundary, norm_height, norm_width, color_img):
    preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
    char_w = norm_width / 20
    remove_noise = PreprocessRemoveNonCharNoise(char_w)

    id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(color_img)
    id_card_img_mask[0:int(norm_height*0.05),:] = 0
    id_card_img_mask[int(norm_height*0.95): ,:] = 0
    id_card_img_mask[:, 0:int(norm_width*0.05)] = 0
    id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width*0.95):] = 0


        ## remove right head profile
    left_half_id_card_img_mask = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
    left_half_id_card_img_mask[:, norm_width/2:] = 0

        ## Try to find text lines and chars
    horizontal_sum = np.sum(left_half_id_card_img_mask, axis=1)
    peek_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(horizontal_sum)
    return len(peek_ranges) >= 5 and len(peek_ranges) <= 7
コード例 #4
    def do(self, color_img):

        shape = color_img.shape

        norm_height = shape[0]
        norm_width = shape[1]

        gray_id_card_img = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8))
        gray_id_card_img = clahe.apply(gray_id_card_img)

        gray_id_card_img = 255 - gray_id_card_img

        best_boundary = None
        for boundary in self.boundaries:
            if self.check_if_good_boundary(
                    norm_height, norm_width,
                best_boundary = boundary
        if best_boundary is None:
            return {}

        boundary = best_boundary
        ## boundary = ([0, 0, 0], [100, 100, 100])
        preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(color_img)
        id_card_img_mask[0:int(norm_height*0.05),:] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[int(norm_height*0.95): ,:] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, 0:int(norm_width*0.05)] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width*0.95):] = 0

#        se1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5,5))
#        se2 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2,2))
#        mask = cv2.morphologyEx(id_card_img_mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, se1)
#        id_card_img_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, se2)

        ## remove right head profile
        left_half_id_card_img_mask = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
        left_half_id_card_img_mask[:, norm_width/2:] = 0

        ## Try to find text lines and chars
        vertical_peek_ranges2d = []
        horizontal_sum = np.sum(left_half_id_card_img_mask, axis=1)
        line_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(horizontal_sum)

        ## char extraction
        for line_range in line_ranges:
            start_y, end_y = line_range
            end_y += 1
            line_img = id_card_img_mask[start_y: end_y]
            vertical_sum = np.sum(line_img, axis=0)
            vertical_peek_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(
        vertical_peek_ranges2d = merge_chars_into_line_segments(vertical_peek_ranges2d)
        img_gray_texts = cv2.bitwise_and(gray_id_card_img,

        key_to_segmentation = {}
            ## name extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[0]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[0][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["name"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            ## sex extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[1]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[1][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["sex"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            ## minzu extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[1]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[1][1]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["minzu"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            ## year extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[2]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[2][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["year"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            ## month extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[2]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[2][1]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["month"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            ## day extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[2]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[2][2]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["day"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            ## address extraction
            key_to_segmentation["address"] = []
            first_line = line_ranges[3][0]
            first_line_range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[3][0]
            first_line_start_x = first_line_range_x[0]
            first_line_w = first_line_range_x[1] - first_line_start_x
            for i, line_range in enumerate(line_ranges):
                if i >= 3:
                    range_y = line_range
                    range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[i][0]
                    start_x, end_x = range_x
                    start_y, end_y = range_y
                    if abs(first_line_start_x - start_x)> int(first_line_w * 0.05):
                    w = end_x - start_x
                    h = end_y - start_y
                    key_to_segmentation["address"].append((start_x, start_y, w, h))
            ## id extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[-1]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[-1][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["id"] = [(start_x, start_y, w, h), ]
            print "Exception in user code:"
            print '-' * 60
            print '-' * 60
            key_to_segmentation = {}

        debug_path = self.debug_path
        if debug_path is not None:
            import random

            if os.path.isdir(debug_path):

            debug_image_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "01_origin_img.jpg")
            debug_gray_image_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "01_gray_img.jpg")
            debug_image_mask_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "02_mask.jpg")
            debug_image_mask_text_lines_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "03_mask_text_lines.jpg")
            debug_image_left_mask_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "04_left_mask.jpg")
            debug_image_gray_texts_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "05_gray_texts.jpg")
            debug_image_chars_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "06_origin_img_chars.jpg")
            debug_image_key_to_segments_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "07_origin_img_key_to_segments.jpg")

            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_path, color_img)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_gray_image_path, 255 - gray_id_card_img)
            id_card_img_chars = np.copy(color_img)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_mask_path, id_card_img_mask)
            id_card_img_mask_text_lines = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
            for i, line_range in enumerate(line_ranges):
                start_y, end_y = line_range
                id_card_img_mask_text_lines[start_y, :] = 255
                id_card_img_mask_text_lines[end_y, :] = 255
            color = (255, 0, 0)
            for i, line_range in enumerate(line_ranges):
                start_y, end_y = line_range
                for vertical_peek_range in vertical_peek_ranges2d[i]:
                    start_x, end_x = vertical_peek_range
                                  (start_x, start_y),
                                  (end_x+1, end_y+1),

            key_to_segments_img = np.copy(color_img)
            for key in key_to_segmentation:
                color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
                rects = key_to_segmentation[key]
                for rect in rects:
                    pt1 = (rect[0], rect[1])
                    pt2 = (rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3])
                    cv2.rectangle(key_to_segments_img, pt1, pt2, color)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_mask_text_lines_path, id_card_img_mask_text_lines)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_left_mask_path, left_half_id_card_img_mask)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_gray_texts_path, img_gray_texts)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_chars_path, id_card_img_chars)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_key_to_segments_path, key_to_segments_img)
        return key_to_segmentation
コード例 #5
ファイル: deep_idocr.py プロジェクト: yuqj1991/cnn_ocr
def upload_file():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        f = request.files['file']

        ## path_img = os.path.expanduser("/home/ygh/deep_ocr/data/id_card_img.jpg")
        path_img = os.path.expanduser("/home/ygh/flask/id_card_img.jpg")
        debug_path = os.path.expanduser("/home/ygh/deep_ocr_workspace/debug")
        if debug_path is not None:
            if os.path.isdir(debug_path):

    cls_dir_sim = os.path.expanduser(
    cls_dir_ua = os.path.expanduser(

    caffe_cls_builder = CaffeClsBuilder()
    cls_sim = caffe_cls_builder.build(cls_dir=cls_dir_sim, )
    cls_ua = caffe_cls_builder.build(cls_dir=cls_dir_ua, )
    caffe_classifiers = {"sim": cls_sim, "ua": cls_ua}

    seg_norm_width = 600
    seg_norm_height = 600
    preprocess_resize = PreprocessResizeKeepRatio(seg_norm_width,
    id_card_img = cv2.imread(path_img)
    id_card_img = preprocess_resize.do(id_card_img)
    segmentation = Segmentation(debug_path)
    key_to_segmentation = segmentation.do(id_card_img)

    boundaries = [
        ((0, 0, 0), (100, 100, 100)),
    boundary2binimgs = []
    for boundary in boundaries:
        preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(id_card_img)
        boundary2binimgs.append((boundary, id_card_img_mask))

    char_set = CharSet()
    char_set_data = char_set.get()

    rect_img_clf = RectImageClassifier(None,

    reco_text_line = RecoTextLine(rect_img_clf)

    key_ocr_res = {}
    for key in key_to_segmentation:
        key_ocr_res[key] = []
        print("=" * 64)
        for i, segment in enumerate(key_to_segmentation[key]):
            if debug_path is not None:
                line_debug_path = "key_%s_%i" % (key, i)
                line_debug_path = os.path.join(debug_path, line_debug_path)
                reco_text_line.debug_path = line_debug_path
            reco_text_line.char_set = char_set_data[key]
            ## 初始化模型
            caffe_cls = caffe_classifiers[char_set_data[key]["caffe_cls"]]
            ## 输入到模型中进行识别
            ocr_res = reco_text_line.do(boundary2binimgs, segment, caffe_cls)
            ## 将结果输出到列表中
    print("ocr res:")
    for key in key_ocr_res:
        print("=" * 60)
        for res_i in key_ocr_res[key]:
    if debug_path is not None:
        path_debug_image_mask = os.path.join(debug_path,
        cv2.imwrite(path_debug_image_mask, id_card_img_mask)

        ## 返回结果 将其封装成json的键值对的格式
        data = [{
            "result": "sucess",
            "response": {
                "name": key_ocr_res["name"],
                "address": key_ocr_res["address"],
                "month": key_ocr_res["month"],
                "minzu": key_ocr_res["minzu"],
                "year": key_ocr_res["year"],
                "sex": key_ocr_res["sex"],
                "id": key_ocr_res["id"],
                "day": key_ocr_res["day"]
        ## data = '{"result":"sucess"}
        ## result = json.loads(data)
        return json.dumps(data,
        data2 = [{"result": "error"}]
        ## result2 = json.loads(data2)
        return json.dumps(data2)
コード例 #6
    seg_norm_width = 600
    seg_norm_height = 600
    preprocess_resize = PreprocessResizeKeepRatio(seg_norm_width,
    id_card_img = cv2.imread(path_img)
    id_card_img = preprocess_resize.do(id_card_img)
    segmentation = Segmentation(debug_path)
    key_to_segmentation = segmentation.do(id_card_img)

    boundaries = [
        ((0, 0, 0), (100, 100, 100)),
    boundary2binimgs = []
    for boundary in boundaries:
        preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(id_card_img)
        boundary2binimgs.append((boundary, id_card_img_mask))

    char_set = CharSet()
    char_set_data = char_set.get()

    rect_img_clf = RectImageClassifier(None,

    reco_text_line = RecoTextLine(rect_img_clf)

    ## just test id card num
コード例 #7
    def do(self, color_img):

        shape = color_img.shape

        norm_height = shape[0]
        norm_width = shape[1]

        gray_id_card_img = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
        gray_id_card_img = clahe.apply(gray_id_card_img)

        gray_id_card_img = 255 - gray_id_card_img

        best_boundary = None
        for boundary in self.boundaries:
            if self.check_if_good_boundary(boundary, norm_height, norm_width,
                best_boundary = boundary
        if best_boundary is None:
            return {}

        boundary = best_boundary
        ## boundary = ([0, 0, 0], [100, 100, 100])
        preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)
        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(color_img)
        id_card_img_mask[0:int(norm_height * 0.05), :] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[int(norm_height * 0.95):, :] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, 0:int(norm_width * 0.05)] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width * 0.95):] = 0

        #        se1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5,5))
        #        se2 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2,2))
        #        mask = cv2.morphologyEx(id_card_img_mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, se1)
        #        id_card_img_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, se2)

        ## remove right head profile
        left_half_id_card_img_mask = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
        left_half_id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width / 2):] = 0

        ## Try to find text lines and chars
        vertical_peek_ranges2d = []
        horizontal_sum = np.sum(left_half_id_card_img_mask, axis=1)
        line_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(horizontal_sum)

        ## char extraction
        for line_range in line_ranges:
            start_y, end_y = line_range
            end_y += 1
            line_img = id_card_img_mask[start_y:end_y]
            vertical_sum = np.sum(line_img, axis=0)
            vertical_peek_ranges = extract_peek_ranges_from_array(
                vertical_sum, minimun_val=40, minimun_range=1)

        vertical_peek_ranges2d = merge_chars_into_line_segments(
        img_gray_texts = cv2.bitwise_and(gray_id_card_img,

        key_to_segmentation = {}
            ## name extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[0]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[0][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["name"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            ## sex extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[1]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[1][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["sex"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            ## minzu extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[1]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[1][1]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["minzu"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            ## year extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[2]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[2][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["year"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            ## month extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[2]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[2][1]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["month"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            ## day extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[2]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[2][2]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["day"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            ## address extraction
            key_to_segmentation["address"] = []
            first_line = line_ranges[3][0]
            first_line_range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[3][0]
            first_line_start_x = first_line_range_x[0]
            first_line_w = first_line_range_x[1] - first_line_start_x
            for i, line_range in enumerate(line_ranges):
                if i >= 3:
                    range_y = line_range
                    range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[i][0]
                    start_x, end_x = range_x
                    start_y, end_y = range_y
                    if abs(first_line_start_x - start_x) > int(
                            first_line_w * 0.05):
                    w = end_x - start_x
                    h = end_y - start_y
                        (start_x, start_y, w, h))

            ## id extraction
            range_y = line_ranges[-1]
            range_x = vertical_peek_ranges2d[-1][0]
            start_x, end_x = range_x
            start_y, end_y = range_y
            w = end_x - start_x
            h = end_y - start_y
            key_to_segmentation["id"] = [
                (start_x, start_y, w, h),
            print("Exception in user code:")
            print('-' * 60)
            print('-' * 60)
            key_to_segmentation = {}

        debug_path = self.debug_path
        if debug_path is not None:
            import random

            if os.path.isdir(debug_path):

            debug_image_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "01_origin_img.jpg")
            debug_gray_image_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "01_gray_img.jpg")
            debug_image_mask_path = os.path.join(debug_path, "02_mask.jpg")
            debug_image_mask_text_lines_path = os.path.join(
                debug_path, "03_mask_text_lines.jpg")
            debug_image_left_mask_path = os.path.join(debug_path,
            debug_image_gray_texts_path = os.path.join(debug_path,
            debug_image_chars_path = os.path.join(debug_path,
            debug_image_key_to_segments_path = os.path.join(
                debug_path, "07_origin_img_key_to_segments.jpg")

            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_path, color_img)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_gray_image_path, 255 - gray_id_card_img)
            id_card_img_chars = np.copy(color_img)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_mask_path, id_card_img_mask)
            id_card_img_mask_text_lines = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)

            for i, line_range in enumerate(line_ranges):
                start_y, end_y = line_range
                id_card_img_mask_text_lines[start_y, :] = 255
                id_card_img_mask_text_lines[end_y, :] = 255

            color = (255, 0, 0)
            for i, line_range in enumerate(line_ranges):
                start_y, end_y = line_range
                for vertical_peek_range in vertical_peek_ranges2d[i]:
                    start_x, end_x = vertical_peek_range
                    cv2.rectangle(id_card_img_chars, (start_x, start_y),
                                  (end_x + 1, end_y + 1), color)

            key_to_segments_img = np.copy(color_img)
            for key in key_to_segmentation:
                color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255),
                         random.randint(0, 255))
                rects = key_to_segmentation[key]
                for rect in rects:
                    pt1 = (rect[0], rect[1])
                    pt2 = (rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3])
                    cv2.rectangle(key_to_segments_img, pt1, pt2, color)


            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_left_mask_path, left_half_id_card_img_mask)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_gray_texts_path, img_gray_texts)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_chars_path, id_card_img_chars)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_image_key_to_segments_path, key_to_segments_img)
        return key_to_segmentation
コード例 #8
ファイル: getchar.py プロジェクト: Seanxiaao/deep_ocr
    lower_blue = np.array([77, 43, 46])
    upper_blue = np.array([120,255,255])
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image_color, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue)
    res = cv2.bitwise_and(hsv,hsv, mask= mask)
    brim = np.column_stack(np.where(res != 0))[::3,0:2]
    for temp in range(len(brim)):
        color_img[brim[temp][0],brim[temp][1]] = 255

    boundary = best_boundary
    preprocess_bg_mask = PreprocessBackgroundMask(boundary)

    if True:

        id_card_img_mask = preprocess_bg_mask.do(color_img)

        id_card_img_mask[0:int(norm_height*0.05),:] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[int(norm_height*0.95): ,:] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, 0:int(norm_width*0.05)] = 0
        id_card_img_mask[:, int(norm_width*0.95):] = 0

        left_half_id_card_img_mask = np.copy(id_card_img_mask)
        left_half_id_card_img_mask[:norm_height*1/2, 3*norm_width/5:] = 0
        #using mask to conceal the photo