class Users(db.Document, UserMixin): """A User account. From flask-security-too mognoengine example: """ email = db.StringField(max_length=255) password = db.StringField(max_length=255) active = db.BooleanField(default=True) roles = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField(Roles), default=[]) # Required for confirmable Users confirmed_at = db.DateTimeField() # Required fields for user login tracking: SECURITY_TRACKABLE last_login_at = db.DateTimeField() current_login_at = db.DateTimeField() last_login_ip = db.StringField(max_length=64) current_login_ip = db.StringField(max_length=64) login_count = db.IntField() first_name = db.StringField() last_name = db.StringField() lab_group = db.StringField() # e.g. DVV facility = db.StringField() # Could be building/institution/etc experiments = db.ListField(db.StringField()) # experiment ID
class Samples(db.Document): """A single tiff stack or image file. This must be a separate collection to facilitate searching across Samples. """ session = db.IntField(required=True) position = db.IntField(required=True) imaging_params = db.EmbeddedDocumentField(ImagingParameters) dimensions = db.EmbeddedDocumentField(Dimensions) time_step = db.StringField(max_length=255) z_step = db.StringField(max_length=255) species = db.StringField(max_length=1000) specimen = db.StringField(max_length=1000) modality = db.EmbeddedDocumentField(ModalityInformation) # location in the ontology kinetics = db.StringField(choices=('static', 'dynamic'), required=True) spatial_dim = db.StringField(choices=('2d', '3d'), required=True) # each sample belongs to an Experiment experiment = db.ReferenceField( Experiments, required=True, reverse_delete_rule=db.NULLIFY )
class Experiments(db.Document): created_by = db.ReferenceField(Users) doi = db.StringField(max_length=1000) # Name/ID field in addtion to this? date_collected = ( db.StringField() ) # Date on microscope (date added auto-saved by mongo) methods = db.EmbeddedDocumentField( Methods ) # Each experiment should have the same methods copyright = db.StringField()
class Crowdsourcing(db.Document): """This should describe which samples have been sent to which crowdsourcing companies. It should also note what dimensions were used and what area of the original raw image it came from (we sometimes crop out areas because theyre at the edge of dish, etc). Should we state/force standard dimensions here? """ # Should be connected to individual samples platform = db.StringField(choices=('appen', 'anolytics', 'mturk'), required=True) submitted_by = db.ReferenceField(Users) subsections = db.EmbeddedDocumentField(Subsection) split_seed = ( db.IntField() ) # Fed into caliban-toolbox to create train/val/test split
class Training_Data(db.Document): """A collection of pointers to each npz containing paired X(raw) and y(annotations) data.""" # location in the ontology (the annotation could be different than the raw data # e.g. movies vs indpendent imgs) kinetics = db.StringField(choices=('static', 'dynamic'), required=True) spatial_dim = db.StringField(choices=('2d', '3d'), required=True) annotation_type = db.StringField() # whole cell, cyto, nuc, AM, tracking, dots? # ID information doi = db.StringField( max_length=1000 ) # DOI may be different than raw (compliation of multiple) title = ( db.StringField() ) # Human-readable for display purpose (eg. smith et al. nuclear study) copyright = db.StringField() # Samples contained or link to crowdsourcing (individual annotated pieces of samples)? samples_contained = db.ListField( db.ReferenceField(Samples), reverse_delete_rule=db.NULLIFY ) # TODO: Should have coordinates that follow samples and subsamples # TODO: Is samples_contained sufficient? Should keys like tissue/platform list be stored here? # TODO: does channel_list violate our data ontology? shouldnt it be 1-to-1? # TODO: Should this be DNA/Membrane or dsDNA or DAPI or nuc? raw_channel_list = db.ListField(db.StringField()) # TODO: Which samples/platforms exist with which batch? Do we need a one-to-one like that? padding = db.BooleanField() # TODO: Include size of padding (x and y) ann_version = db.StringField() # TODO: Link this to DVC last_modified = db.StringField() ann_stats = db.EmbeddedDocumentField(annotation_stats) split_train = db.FloatField() # Percentage of total data in train split_val = db.FloatField() split_test = db.FloatField() raw_dtype = db.StringField() # TODO: Enumerate as choices ann_dtype = db.StringField() nas_filepath = db.StringField() # path to the npz on madrox cloud_storage_loc = db.URLField() # aws address