def test_bam_coverage_filter_blacklist(): """ Test --samFlagInclude --samFlagExclude --minMappingQuality --ignoreDuplicates and --blackListFileName """ outfile = '/tmp/' for fname in [BAMFILE_FILTER1, CRAMFILE_FILTER1]: args = "--bam {} --normalizeUsing RPGC --effectiveGenomeSize 1400 -p 1 -o {} -of bedgraph --samFlagInclude 512 " \ "--samFlagExclude 256 --minMappingQuality 5 --ignoreDuplicates " \ "--blackListFileName {}".format(fname, outfile, BEDFILE_FILTER) args = args.split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t100\t0\n', '3R\t100\t150\t1.42338\n', '3R\t150\t250\t4.88017\n', '3R\t250\t300\t3.05011\n', '3R\t300\t400\t2.23675\n', '3R\t400\t450\t3.86347\n', '3R\t450\t500\t4.06681\n', '3R\t500\t550\t2.03341\n', '3R\t550\t600\t2.44009\n', '3R\t600\t650\t4.47349\n', '3R\t650\t700\t3.45679\n', '3R\t700\t750\t3.66013\n', '3R\t750\t800\t4.06681\n', '3R\t900\t950\t2.44009\n', '3R\t950\t1000\t1.62672\n', '3R\t1000\t1050\t0.813362\n', '3R\t1050\t1500\t0\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_filter_blacklist(): """ Test --samFlagInclude --samFlagExclude --minMappingQuality --ignoreDuplicates and --blackListFileName """ outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} --normalizeTo1x 1400 -p 1 -o {} -of bedgraph --samFlagInclude 512 " \ "--samFlagExclude 256 --minMappingQuality 5 --ignoreDuplicates " \ "--blackListFileName {}".format(BAMFILE_FILTER1, outfile, BEDFILE_FILTER) args = args.split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = [ '3R\t0\t100\t0\n', '3R\t100\t150\t1.42338\n', '3R\t150\t250\t4.88017\n', '3R\t250\t300\t3.05011\n', '3R\t300\t400\t2.23675\n', '3R\t400\t450\t3.86347\n', '3R\t450\t500\t4.06681\n', '3R\t500\t550\t2.03341\n', '3R\t550\t600\t2.44009\n', '3R\t600\t650\t4.47349\n', '3R\t650\t700\t3.45679\n', '3R\t700\t750\t3.66013\n', '3R\t750\t800\t4.06681\n', '3R\t900\t950\t2.44009\n', '3R\t950\t1000\t1.62672\n', '3R\t1000\t1050\t0.813362\n', '3R\t1050\t1500\t0\n' ] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_extend(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "-b {} -o {} --extendReads 100 --outFileFormat bedgraph".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) resp = open(outfile, 'r').readlines() assert resp == ['3R\t0\t150\t1.00\n', '3R\t150\t200\t3.0\n'] unlink(outfile)
def produce_bamCoverage(Type, bamFile, basenameNoExtension, NumberCpus, binSize, blackListFileName, effectiveGenomeSize, normalizeUsing): outFileBW = basenameNoExtension + "_" + Type + "" args_bamCoverage="-b {} -o {} --numberOfProcessors {} --binSize {} --blackListFileName {} --effectiveGenomeSize {} --normalizeUsing {} " \ "--outFileFormat bigwig".format(bamFile, outFileBW, NumberCpus, binSize, blackListFileName,effectiveGenomeSize,normalizeUsing).split() bamCoverage.main(args_bamCoverage) return outFileBW
def test_bam_coverage_skipnas(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph --skipNAs".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) resp = open(outfile, 'r').readlines() expected = ['3R\t50\t150\t1.00\n', '3R\t150\t200\t2.0\n'] assert resp == expected, "{} != {}".format(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def createBedGraphFile(bamFileSorted, cpus): basenameNoExtension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bamFileSorted))[0] inputNameBAM = os.path.abspath(bamFileSorted) outNameBW = basenameNoExtension + ".bedgraph" args_bamCoverage = "-b {} -o {} --numberOfProcessors {} --binSize 1 " \ "--outFileFormat bedgraph".format(inputNameBAM, outNameBW, cpus).split() bamCoverage.main(args_bamCoverage) return basenameNoExtension + ".bedgraph"
def test_bam_coverage_extend(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "-b {} -o {} --extendReads 100 --outFileFormat bedgraph".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t150\t1\n', '3R\t150\t200\t3\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_filtering(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph --ignoreDuplicates --verbose".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t50\t0\n', '3R\t50\t200\t1\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_extend(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "-b {} -o {} --extendReads 100 --outFileFormat bedgraph".format( BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t150\t1\n', '3R\t150\t200\t3\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_extend_and_normalizeto1x(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "-b {} -o {} --normalizeTo1x 200 --extendReads 100 " \ "--outFileFormat bedgraph".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) resp = open(outfile, 'r').readlines() # the scale factor should be 0.5, thus the result is similar to # that of the previous test divided by 0.5 expected = ['3R\t0\t150\t0.50\n', '3R\t150\t200\t1.5\n'] assert resp == expected, "{} != {}".format(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_arguments(): """ Test minimal command line args for bamCoverage """ outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) resp = open(outfile, 'r').readlines() expected = ['3R\t0\t50\t0.00\n', '3R\t50\t150\t1.00\n', '3R\t150\t200\t2.0\n'] assert resp == expected, "{} != {}".format(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_skipnas(): outfile = '/tmp/' for fname in [BAMFILE_B, CRAMFILE_B]: args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph --skipNAs".format(fname, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t50\t150\t1\n', '3R\t150\t200\t2\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_skipnas(): outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph --skipNAs".format( BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t50\t150\t1\n', '3R\t150\t200\t2\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_filtering(): outfile = '/tmp/' for fname in [BAMFILE_B, CRAMFILE_B]: args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph --ignoreDuplicates --verbose".format( fname, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t50\t0\n', '3R\t50\t200\t1\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_arguments(): """ Test minimal command line args for bamCoverage """ outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph".format(BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t50\t0\n', '3R\t50\t150\t1\n', '3R\t150\t200\t2\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_offset20_minus4(): """ Test -bs 1 --Offset 20 -4 """ outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--Offset 20 -4 -b {} -p 1 -bs 1 -o {}".format(BAMFILE_A, outfile) args = args.split() bam_cov.main(args) try: # python 3 only filecmp.clear_cache() except: pass assert(filecmp.cmp(outfile, "{}".format(ROOT)) is True) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_extend_and_normalizeUsingRPGC(): outfile = '/tmp/' for fname in [BAMFILE_B, CRAMFILE_B]: args = "-b {} -o {} --normalizeUsing RPGC --effectiveGenomeSize 200 --extendReads 100 " \ "--outFileFormat bedgraph".format(fname, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() # the scale factor should be 0.5, thus the result is similar to # that of the previous test divided by 0.5 expected = ['3R\t0\t150\t0.5\n', '3R\t150\t200\t1.5\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_offset_minus1(): """ Test -bs 1 --Offset -1 """ outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--Offset -1 -b {} -p 1 -bs 1 -o {}".format(BAMFILE_A, outfile) args = args.split() bam_cov.main(args) try: # python 3 only filecmp.clear_cache() except: pass assert (filecmp.cmp(outfile, "{}".format(ROOT)) is True) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_arguments(): """ Test minimal command line args for bamCoverage """ outfile = '/tmp/' args = "--bam {} -o {} --outFileFormat bedgraph".format( BAMFILE_B, outfile).split() bam_cov.main(args) _foo = open(outfile, 'r') resp = _foo.readlines() _foo.close() expected = ['3R\t0\t50\t0\n', '3R\t50\t150\t1\n', '3R\t150\t200\t2\n'] assert_equal(resp, expected) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_offset_minus1(): """ Test -bs 1 --Offset -1 """ outfile = '/tmp/' for fname in [BAMFILE_A, CRAMFILE_A]: args = "--Offset -1 -b {} -p 1 -bs 1 -o {}".format(fname, outfile) args = args.split() bam_cov.main(args) try: # python 3 only filecmp.clear_cache() except: pass assert(filecmp.cmp(outfile, "{}".format(ROOT)) is True) unlink(outfile)
def test_bam_coverage_offset20_minus4(): """ Test -bs 1 --Offset 20 -4 """ outfile = '/tmp/' for fname in [BAMFILE_A, CRAMFILE_A]: args = "--Offset 20 -4 -b {} -p 1 -bs 1 -o {}".format(fname, outfile) args = args.split() bam_cov.main(args) try: # python 3 only filecmp.clear_cache() except: pass assert (filecmp.cmp(outfile, "{}".format(ROOT)) is True) unlink(outfile)