コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):

        self.State = StateHandler()
        self.Data = self.State.get_data()
        self.Config = self.State.get_config()

        self.Creds = getCreds()
        self.Halt = False
コード例 #2
def getCommentatorAndComment(commentID):
    params = getCreds()
    params['debug'] = 'no'
    response = getCommentInfo(params, commentID)

    commentator = response['json_data']['username']
    comment = response['json_data']['text']

    return commentator, comment
コード例 #3
    """ Get long lived access token
	API Endpoint:
		object: data from the endpoint

    endpointParams = dict()  # parameter to send to the endpoint
        'grant_type'] = 'fb_exchange_token'  # tell facebook we want to exchange token
    endpointParams['client_id'] = params[
        'client_id']  # client id from facebook app
    endpointParams['client_secret'] = params[
        'client_secret']  # client secret from facebook app
    endpointParams['fb_exchange_token'] = params[
        'access_token']  # access token to get exchange for a long lived token

    url = params['endpoint_base'] + 'oauth/access_token'  # endpoint url

    return makeApiCall(url, endpointParams,
                       params['debug'])  # make the api call

params = getCreds()  # get creds
params['debug'] = 'yes'  # set debug
response = getLongLivedAccessToken(params)  # hit the api for some data!

print("\n ---- ACCESS TOKEN INFO ----\n")  # section header
print("Access Token:")  # label
print(response['json_data']['access_token'])  # display access token
コード例 #4
		object: data from the endpoint


    endpointParams = dict()
    endpointParams['fields'] = 'business_discovery.username(' + params[
        'ig_username'] + '){username,website,name,ig_id,id,profile_picture_url,biography,follows_count,followers_count,media_count}'
    endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token']

    url = params['endpoint_base'] + params['instagram_account_id']

    return makeApiCall(url, endpointParams, params['debug'])

params = getCreds()
params['debug'] = 'no'
response = getAccountInfo(params)

print "\n---- ACCOUNT INFO -----\n"
print "username:"******"\nwebsite:"
print response['json_data']['business_discovery']['website']
print "\nnumber of posts:"
print response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media_count']
print "\nfollowers:"
print response['json_data']['business_discovery']['followers_count']
print "\nfollowing:"
print response['json_data']['business_discovery']['follows_count']
print "\nprofile picture url:"
コード例 #5
from defines import getCreds, makeApiCall
import datetime

def debugAccessToken( params ) :

	endpointParams = dict() # endpoint'e gönderilicek parametreler
	endpointParams['input_token'] = params['access_token'] # access tokenini gir
	endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token'] # hata ayıklama bilgilerini almak için access token

	url = params['graph_domain'] + '/debug_token' # endpoint url

	return makeApiCall( url, endpointParams, params['debug'] ) #api çağrısı döndür

params = getCreds() # creds'leri al
params['debug'] = 'yes' # debug'u ayarla
response = debugAccessToken( params ) # apiye bilgileri almak için istek

print ("\nData Access Expires at: ") # label
print (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( response['json_data']['data']['data_access_expires_at'] )) # token'in süresi dolduğunda göster

print ("\nToken Expires at: ") # label
print (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( response['json_data']['data']['expires_at'] )) # token'in süresi dolduğunda göster
コード例 #6
	endpointParams = dict() # parameter to send to the endpoint
	endpointParams['user_id'] = params['instagram_account_id'] # user id making request
	endpointParams['fields'] = 'id,children,caption,comment_count,like_count,media_type,media_url,permalink' # fields to get back
	endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token'] # access token

	url = params['endpoint_base'] + params['hashtag_id'] + '/' + params['type'] # endpoint url

	return makeApiCall( url, endpointParams, params['debug'] ) # make the api call

try : # try and get param from command line
	hashtag = sys.argv[1] # hashtag to get info on
except : # default to coding hashtag
	hashtag = 'rip_Jacques_Chirac' # hashtag to get info on

params = getCreds() # params for api call
params['hashtag_name'] = hashtag # add on the hashtag we want to search for
hashtagInfoResponse = getHashtagInfo( params ) # hit the api for some data!
params['hashtag_id'] = hashtagInfoResponse['json_data']['data'][0]['id']; # store hashtag id

print "\n\n\n\t\t\t >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HASHTAG INFO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n" # section heading
print "\nHashtag: " + hashtag # display hashtag
print "Hashtag ID: " + params['hashtag_id'] # display hashtag id

print "\n\n\n\t\t\t >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HASHTAG TOP MEDIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n" # section heading
params['type'] = 'top_media' # set call to get top media for hashtag
hashtagTopMediaResponse = getHashtagMedia( params ) # hit the api for some data!

print "\n\n\n\t\t\t >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enstablish mongodb connexion <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client['db_instagram']
コード例 #7
def return_last_media(uploaded_username):
    def getUserMedia(params, ig_username, pagingUrl=''):
        """ Get users media

        API Endpoint:

            GET graph.facebook.com/[YOUR-IG-BUSINESS-ACCOUNT-ID]?fields=business_discovery.username(USERNAME){media{caption,media_url,media_type,like_count,comments_count,id}}
            object: data from the endpoint

        endpointParams = dict()  # parameter to send to the endpoint
            'fields'] = 'business_discovery.username(' + ig_username + '){media{timestamp,caption,media_url,media_type,like_count,comments_count,id}}'  # string of fields to get back with the request for the account

        # endpointParams['fields'] = 'id,caption,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url,timestamp,username,like_count,comments_count' # fields to get back
        endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token']  # access token

        if ('' == pagingUrl):  # get first page
            url = params['endpoint_base'] + params['instagram_account_id']
        else:  # get specific page
            url = params['endpoint_base'] + params['instagram_account_id']
            endpointParams['after'] = pagingUrl
            # url = params['endpoint_base'] + params['instagram_account_id'] + pagingUrl  # endpoint url

        return makeApiCall(url, endpointParams,
                           params['debug'])  # make the api call

    params = getCreds()  # get creds
    params['debug'] = 'no'  # set debug
    params['ig_username'] = uploaded_username

    media_list = list()  #To store last 50 posts
    list_one = []  #To store last post details

    for ig_username in params['ig_username']:
        like_count = 0
        comments_count = 0
        media_dict = {}  #To store last 50 posts
        post_count = 0
        dict_one = {}  #To store last post details

        media_dict['Username'] = ig_username
        dict_one['Username'] = ig_username
        response = getUserMedia(params,
                                ig_username)  # get users media from the api

        print("\n\n\n\t\t\t >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {} <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n".

        # print("\n\n----------Last POST ----------\n") # post heading

            # print("\nID:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['id']) # link to post
            dict_one['Last Post Media ID'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Last Post Media ID'] = None

            # print("\nLink to post:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['media_url']) # link to post
            dict_one['Link to Last Post'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Link to Last Post'] = None

            # print("\nPost caption:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['caption'])# post caption
            dict_one['Last Post Caption'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Last Post Caption'] = None

            # print("\nMedia type:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['media_type']) # type of media
            dict_one['Last Post Media Type'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Last Post Media Type'] = None

            # print("\nLike Count:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['like_count']) # type of media
            dict_one['Last Post Like Count'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Last Post Like Count'] = None

            # print("\nComments Count:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['comments_count']) # type of media
            dict_one['Last Post Comments Count'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Last Post Comments Count'] = None

            # print("\nPosted at:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media']['data'][0]['timestamp']) # when it was posted
            dict_one['Last Post Posted At'] = response['json_data'][
            dict_one['Last Post Posted At'] = None


        # print("\n\n\n\t\t\t >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PAGE 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n") # display page 1 of the posts

            for post in response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media'][
                # print("\n\n---------- POST ----------\n") # post heading

                # print("\nID:") # label
                # print(post['id']) # link to post

                # print("\nLink to post:") # label
                # print(post['media_url']) # link to post

                # print("\nPost caption:") # label
                # print(post['caption'])# post caption

                # print("\nMedia type:") # label
                # print(post['media_type']) # type of media

                # print("\nLike Count:") # label
                # print(post['like_count']) # type of media
                like_count += int(post['like_count'])

                # print("\nComments Count:") # label
                # print(post['comments_count']) # type of media
                comments_count += int(post['comments_count'])

                # print("\nPosted at:") # label
                # print(post['timestamp']) # when it was posted

                post_count += 1
            like_count += 0
            comments_count += 0
            post_count += 0

        params['debug'] = 'no'  # set debug
        response = getUserMedia(
            params, ig_username,
            ['cursors']['after'])  # get next page of posts from the api

        # print("\n\n\n\t\t\t >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PAGE 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n") # display page 2 of the posts

            for post in response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media'][
                # print("\n\n---------- POST ----------\n") # post heading
                # print("Link to post:") # label
                # print(post['media_url']) # link to post

                # print("\nPost caption:") # label
                # print(post['caption'])# post caption

                # print("\nMedia type:") # label
                # print(post['media_type']) # type of media

                # print("\nLike Count:") # label
                # print(post['like_count']) # type of media
                like_count += int(post['like_count'])

                # print("\nComments Count:") # label
                # print(post['comments_count']) # type of media
                comments_count += int(post['comments_count'])

                # print("\nPosted at:") # label
                # print(post['timestamp']) # when it was posted

                post_count += 1

            like_count += 0
            comments_count += 0
            post_count += 0

        media_dict['Last 50 Posts Like Count'] = like_count
        media_dict['Last 50 Posts Comments Count'] = comments_count
        media_dict['Total Posts Count'] = post_count


    media_df = pd.DataFrame(media_list)
    one_df = pd.DataFrame(list_one)

    return media_df, one_df
コード例 #8
def return_business_discovery(uploaded_username):
    def getAccountInfo(params, ig_username):
        """ Get info on a users account
        API Endpoint:
            object: data from the endpoint
        endpointParams = dict()  # parameter to send to the endpoint
            'fields'] = 'business_discovery.username(' + ig_username + '){username,website,name,ig_id,id,profile_picture_url,biography,follows_count,followers_count,media_count}'  # string of fields to get back with the request for the account
        endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token']  # access token

        url = params['endpoint_base'] + params[
            'instagram_account_id']  # endpoint url

        return makeApiCall(url, endpointParams,
                           params['debug'])  # make the api call

    params = getCreds()  # get creds
    params['debug'] = 'no'  # set debug
    # username_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_username)
    params['ig_username'] = uploaded_username

    user_info_list = []
    for ig_username in params['ig_username']:
        user_info_dict = {}
        user_info_dict['Username'] = ig_username

        response = getAccountInfo(params,
                                  ig_username)  # hit the api for some data!

        # print("\n---- ACCOUNT INFO -----\n") # display latest post info
        # print("username:"******"\nname:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['name'])
            user_info_dict['Name'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['Name'] = None

            # print("\nID:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['id'])
            user_info_dict['User ID'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['User ID'] = None

            # print("\nIG_ID:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['ig_id'])
            user_info_dict['User IG ID'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['User IG ID'] = None

            # print("\nwebsite:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['website']) # display users website
            user_info_dict['website'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['website'] = None

            # print("\nnumber of posts:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['media_count']) # display number of posts user has made
            user_info_dict['Total Posts'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['Total Posts'] = None

            # print("\nfollowers:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['followers_count']) # display number of followers the user has
            user_info_dict['Followers'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['Followers'] = None

            # print("\nfollowing:") # label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['follows_count'] )# display number of people the user follows
            user_info_dict['Following'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['Following'] = None

        # try:
        #     print("\nprofile picture url:") # label
        #     print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['profile_picture_url']) # display profile picutre url
        #     user_info_dict['Profile Picture Url'] = response['json_data']['business_discovery']['profile_picture_url']
        # except:
        #     user_info_dict['Profile Picture Url'] = None

            # print("\nbiography:" )# label
            # print(response['json_data']['business_discovery']['biography']) # display users about section
            user_info_dict['Biography'] = response['json_data'][
            user_info_dict['Biography'] = None


    user_info_df = pd.DataFrame(user_info_list)

    # one_df = get_user_media_one.return_media_one()
    media_df, one_df = get_user_media_new.return_last_media(uploaded_username)

    data_df = pd.merge(user_info_df, one_df, on="Username")
    data_df = pd.merge(data_df, media_df, on='Username')

    data_df['Avg Post Impressions'] = (
        data_df['Last 50 Posts Like Count'] +
        data_df['Last 50 Posts Comments Count']) / data_df['Total Posts Count']
    data_df['Organic Ratio'] = data_df['Avg Post Impressions'] / data_df[
    data_df['Follow Ratio'] = data_df['Following'] / data_df['Followers']

    return data_df
コード例 #9
def getInstagramMediaCommentResponse():
    params = getCreds()
    params['debug'] = 'no'
    response = getInstagramMediaComment(params)
    return response
コード例 #10
from defines import getCreds, makeApiCall

def getUserPages( params ) :

	endpointParams = dict() 
	endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token'] 

	url = params['endpoint_base'] + 'me/accounts' 

	return makeApiCall( url, endpointParams, params['debug'] ) # api çağrısı yap

params = getCreds() # credsleri'al
params['debug'] = 'no' # debug ayarla
response = getUserPages( params ) # debug infoyu al

print ("\n---- FACEBOOK PAGE INFO ----\n") #
print ("Page Name:") 
print (response['json_data']['data'][0]['name']) 
print ("\nPage Category:") 
print (response['json_data']['data'][0]['category']) 
print ("\nPage Id:") 
print (response['json_data']['data'][0]['id']) 
コード例 #11
ファイル: igdata.py プロジェクト: samuelmarina/hambruna-games
    endpointParams = dict() #parameters to send to the endpoint
    endpointParams['access_token'] = params['access_token'] #access token
    endpointParams['limit'] = "400" #limit of comments to return

    url = params['endpoint_base'] + postID + '/comments' #endpoint url

    return fetchData(url, endpointParams, params['debug']) #API call

def getAllComments():
	"""All in one function to get all the getComments
	of the last ig post
		object: data from the endpoint
    params = getCreds() #dictionary of credentials
    fbPages = getUserPages(params) #fb pages
    fbID = getFBPageID(fbPages) #fb page id
    igPage = getInstagramPage(params, fbID) #ig page
    igPageID = getIGPageID(igPage) #ig page id
    myPageID = igPageID
    igPosts = getInstagramPosts(params, igPageID) #ig media content
    postID = getLastPostID(igPosts) #ig last post

    return getComments(params, postID)

def getUserProfilePic(user):
	"""Get user's instagram profile picture
	API Endpoint:
コード例 #12
            #Fonksiyon bildirildi
            def getAccountInfo(params):

                endpointParams = dict()  # parameter to send to the endpoint
                    'fields'] = 'business_discovery.username(' + ig_username + '){id,name,follows_count,followers_count,media_count,website,profile_picture_url,biography}'  # string of fields to get back with the request for the account
                endpointParams['access_token'] = params[
                    'access_token']  # access token

                url = params['endpoint_base'] + params[
                    'instagram_account_id']  # endpoint url

                return makeApiCall(url, endpointParams,
                                   params['debug'])  # make the api call

        params = getCreds()  # creds'ler alındı
        params['debug'] = 'no'  # debug ayarlandı
        response = getAccountInfo(params)  # apiye bilgileri almak için istek

            #Json'dan bilgileri al
            user_id = response['json_data']['business_discovery']['id']
            name = response['json_data']['business_discovery']['name']
            follows_count = response['json_data']['business_discovery'][
            follower_count = response['json_data']['business_discovery'][
            media_count = response['json_data']['business_discovery'][
            website = response['json_data']['business_discovery']['website']
            profile_pic = response['json_data']['business_discovery'][