def main(): #HEMPS_PATH - must to point to the root directory of hemps HEMPS_PATH = os.getenv("HEMPS_PATH", 0) #Test if testcase file HEMPS_PATH is valid if HEMPS_PATH == 0: sys.exit("ENV PATH ERROR: HEMPS_PATH not defined") #Test if testcase file is passed as arg1 by testing the lenght of argv list if len(sys.argv) <= 1 : sys.exit("ARG ERROR: arg1 must be a valid testcase file with a extension .yaml (<my_testcase>.yaml) ") #testcase name without .yaml INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) == False: sys.exit("ARG ERROR: arg1 must be a valid testcase file with a extension .yaml (<my_testcase>.yaml) ") #Gets the testcase name: path_list = INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH.split("/") #The testcase path can have severals '/' into its composition input_yaml_name = path_list[len(path_list)-1] #Gets the last element of the split list TESTCASE_NAME = input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] #Copies the simulation time in ms if exists simul_time = 1 try: simul_time = int(sys.argv[2]) except: pass #Test if there are some differences between the input testcase file and the testcase file into testcase directory #If there are differences, them deleted the testcase directory to rebuild a new testcase testcase_file_inside_dir = TESTCASE_NAME+"/"+TESTCASE_NAME+".yaml" if os.path.exists(testcase_file_inside_dir): testecase_changes = not filecmp.cmp(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH, testcase_file_inside_dir) if testecase_changes: delete_if_exists(TESTCASE_NAME) #Clean all undesired simulation files traces delete_if_exists(TESTCASE_NAME+"/log") if os.path.exists(TESTCASE_NAME+"/log"): os.system("cd "+TESTCASE_NAME+"/log; rm -rf *") #Create the testcase path if not exist create_ifn_exists(TESTCASE_NAME) #Reads some importats parameters from testcase yaml_reader = get_yaml_reader(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) apps_name_list = get_apps_name_list(yaml_reader) model_description = get_model_description(yaml_reader) page_size_KB = get_page_size_KB(yaml_reader) memory_size_KB = get_memory_size_KB(yaml_reader) #Testcase generation: updates source files... copy_scripts ( HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME) copy_kernel( HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME) copy_apps( HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, apps_name_list) copy_hardware( HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, model_description) copy_makefiles( HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, page_size_KB, memory_size_KB, model_description, apps_name_list, simul_time) copy_testcase_file( TESTCASE_NAME, INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) #Create other importatants dirs create_ifn_exists(TESTCASE_NAME+"/include") create_ifn_exists(TESTCASE_NAME+"/log") #Calls the to generate all necessary debugging dir and files generate_deloream_env(TESTCASE_NAME, yaml_reader) #Calls the hemps-wave_gen script if generate_wave(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH)
def main(): #This script copies and compile a given app MEMPHIS_PATH = os.getenv("MEMPHIS_PATH", 0) MEMPHIS_HOME = os.getenv("MEMPHIS_HOME", 0) INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH = sys.argv[1] INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH = sys.argv[2] SIM_TIME = sys.argv[3] print "" #Test if testcase file MEMPHIS_PATH is valid if MEMPHIS_HOME == 0: print "\nWARNING: MEMPHIS_HOME not defined, using as default testcase dir MEMPHIS_PATH/testcases\n" MEMPHIS_HOME = MEMPHIS_PATH + "/testcases" path_list = INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH.split( "/") #The testcase path can have severals '/' into its composition input_yaml_name = path_list[len(path_list) - 1] #Gets the last element of the split list TESTCASE_PATH = MEMPHIS_HOME + "/" + input_yaml_name.split(".")[ 0] #Creates a new path using the MEMPHIS_HOME + the YAML name TESTCASE_NAME = input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] path_list = INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH.split("/") input_yaml_name = path_list[len(path_list) - 1] SCENARIO_NAME = input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] SCENARIO_PATH = TESTCASE_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME yaml_scenario_r = get_yaml_reader(INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH) yaml_testcase_r = get_yaml_reader(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH) os.system("rm -rf " + SCENARIO_PATH + "/*") create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH + "/log") #Copy scenario.yaml to scenario dir and testcase dir try: copyfile(INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH, SCENARIO_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME + ".yaml") copyfile(INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH, TESTCASE_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME + ".yaml") except: pass system_model = get_model_description(yaml_testcase_r)"cd "+testacase_dir+"; vsim -c -do", shell=True) if system_model == "sc": #Copy the executable copyfile(TESTCASE_PATH + "/base_scenario/" + TESTCASE_NAME + "", SCENARIO_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME) os.system("chmod 777 " + SCENARIO_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME) elif system_model == "scmod" or system_model == "vhdl": copyfile(TESTCASE_PATH + "/base_scenario/", SCENARIO_PATH + "/") copyfile(TESTCASE_PATH + "/base_scenario/", SCENARIO_PATH + "/") delete_if_exists(SCENARIO_PATH + "/hardware") create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH + "/hardware") create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH + "/hardware/work") generic_copy(TESTCASE_PATH + "/hardware/work", SCENARIO_PATH + "/hardware/work", [".svn"]) if system_model == "sc" or system_model == "scmod": #Copy ram_pe delete_if_exists(SCENARIO_PATH + "/ram_pe") os.system("cp -rf " + TESTCASE_PATH + "/base_scenario/ram_pe " + SCENARIO_PATH) apps_name_list = get_apps_name_list(yaml_scenario_r) check_app_exist(apps_name_list, TESTCASE_PATH) #Generates the appstart.txt and appstart_debug.txt files apps_info_list = get_app_info_list(yaml_scenario_r, TESTCASE_PATH) generate_appstart_file(apps_info_list, TESTCASE_PATH, SCENARIO_PATH) #Calls the to generate all necessary debugging dir and files generate_deloream_env(TESTCASE_PATH, yaml_testcase_r, SCENARIO_PATH, yaml_scenario_r) print SCENARIO_NAME + " successfully generated!"
def main(): #HEMPS_PATH - must to point to the root directory of hemps HEMPS_PATH = os.getenv("HEMPS_PATH", 0) #Test if testcase file HEMPS_PATH is valid if HEMPS_PATH == 0: sys.exit("ENV PATH ERROR: HEMPS_PATH not defined") #Test if testcase file is passed as arg1 by testing the lenght of argv list if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.exit( "ARG ERROR: arg1 must be a valid testcase file with a extension .yaml (<my_testcase>.yaml) " ) #testcase name without .yaml INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) == False: sys.exit( "ARG ERROR: arg1 must be a valid testcase file with a extension .yaml (<my_testcase>.yaml) " ) #Gets the testcase name: path_list = INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH.split( "/") #The testcase path can have severals '/' into its composition input_yaml_name = path_list[len(path_list) - 1] #Gets the last element of the split list TESTCASE_NAME = input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] #Copies the simulation time in ms if exists simul_time = 1 try: simul_time = int(sys.argv[2]) except: pass #Test if there are some differences between the input testcase file and the testcase file into testcase directory #If there are differences, them deleted the testcase directory to rebuild a new testcase testcase_file_inside_dir = TESTCASE_NAME + "/" + TESTCASE_NAME + ".yaml" if os.path.exists(testcase_file_inside_dir): testecase_changes = not filecmp.cmp(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH, testcase_file_inside_dir) if testecase_changes: delete_if_exists(TESTCASE_NAME) #Clean all undesired simulation files traces delete_if_exists(TESTCASE_NAME + "/log") if os.path.exists(TESTCASE_NAME + "/log"): os.system("cd " + TESTCASE_NAME + "/log; rm -rf *") #Create the testcase path if not exist create_ifn_exists(TESTCASE_NAME) #Reads some importats parameters from testcase yaml_reader = get_yaml_reader(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) apps_name_list = get_apps_name_list(yaml_reader) model_description = get_model_description(yaml_reader) page_size_KB = get_page_size_KB(yaml_reader) memory_size_KB = get_memory_size_KB(yaml_reader) mpsocXsize = get_mpsoc_x_dim(yaml_reader) mpsocYsize = get_mpsoc_y_dim(yaml_reader) clusterXsize = get_cluster_x_dim(yaml_reader) clusterYsize = get_cluster_y_dim(yaml_reader) #Testcase generation: updates source files... copy_scripts(HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME) copy_kernel(HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) copy_apps(HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, apps_name_list) copy_hardware(HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, model_description) copy_makefiles_and_waves(HEMPS_PATH, TESTCASE_NAME, page_size_KB, memory_size_KB, model_description, apps_name_list, simul_time) copy_testcase_file(TESTCASE_NAME, INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) if not (os.path.isfile(TESTCASE_NAME + "/")): os.system("python " + HEMPS_PATH + "/build_env/waves/ " + str(mpsocXsize) + " " + str(mpsocYsize) + " " + str(clusterXsize) + " " + str(clusterYsize) + " > " + TESTCASE_NAME + "/") #Create other importatants dirs create_ifn_exists(TESTCASE_NAME + "/include") create_ifn_exists(TESTCASE_NAME + "/log") #Calls the to generate all necessary debugging dir and files generate_deloream_env(TESTCASE_NAME, yaml_reader)
def main(): #This script copies and compile a given app MEMPHIS_PATH = os.getenv("MEMPHIS_PATH", 0) MEMPHIS_HOME = os.getenv("MEMPHIS_HOME", 0) INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH = sys.argv[1] INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH = sys.argv[2] SIM_TIME = sys.argv[3] print "" #Test if testcase file MEMPHIS_PATH is valid if MEMPHIS_HOME == 0: print "\nWARNING: MEMPHIS_HOME not defined, using as default testcase dir MEMPHIS_PATH/testcases\n" MEMPHIS_HOME = MEMPHIS_PATH + "/testcases" path_list = INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH.split("/") #The testcase path can have severals '/' into its composition input_yaml_name = path_list[len(path_list)-1] #Gets the last element of the split list TESTCASE_PATH = MEMPHIS_HOME + "/" + input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] #Creates a new path using the MEMPHIS_HOME + the YAML name TESTCASE_NAME = input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] path_list = INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH.split("/") input_yaml_name = path_list[len(path_list)-1] SCENARIO_NAME = input_yaml_name.split(".")[0] SCENARIO_PATH = TESTCASE_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME yaml_scenario_r = get_yaml_reader(INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH) yaml_testcase_r = get_yaml_reader(INPUT_TESTCASE_FILE_PATH) create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH) os.system("rm -rf "+SCENARIO_PATH+"/*") create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH+"/log") #Copy scenario.yaml to scenario dir copyfile(INPUT_SCENARIO_FILE_PATH, SCENARIO_PATH+"/"+SCENARIO_NAME+".yaml") system_model = get_model_description(yaml_testcase_r)"cd "+testacase_dir+"; vsim -c -do", shell=True) if system_model == "sc": #Copy the executable copyfile(TESTCASE_PATH + "/base_scenario/" + TESTCASE_NAME +"", SCENARIO_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME) os.system("chmod 777 "+SCENARIO_PATH + "/" + SCENARIO_NAME) elif system_model == "scmod" or system_model == "vhdl": copyfile(TESTCASE_PATH+"/base_scenario/" , SCENARIO_PATH+"/") copyfile(TESTCASE_PATH+"/base_scenario/" , SCENARIO_PATH+"/") delete_if_exists(SCENARIO_PATH+"/hardware") create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH+"/hardware") create_ifn_exists(SCENARIO_PATH+"/hardware/work") generic_copy(TESTCASE_PATH+"/hardware/work", SCENARIO_PATH+"/hardware/work", [".svn"]) if system_model == "sc" or system_model == "scmod": #Copy ram_pe delete_if_exists(SCENARIO_PATH+"/ram_pe") os.system("cp -rf "+TESTCASE_PATH+"/base_scenario/ram_pe "+SCENARIO_PATH) apps_name_list = get_apps_name_list(yaml_scenario_r) check_app_exist(apps_name_list, TESTCASE_PATH) #Generates the appstart.txt and appstart_debug.txt files apps_info_list = get_app_info_list(yaml_scenario_r, TESTCASE_PATH) generate_appstart_file(apps_info_list, TESTCASE_PATH, SCENARIO_PATH) #Calls the to generate all necessary debugging dir and files generate_deloream_env(TESTCASE_PATH, yaml_testcase_r, SCENARIO_PATH, yaml_scenario_r)