コード例 #1
def report_demultiplex_stats(config,mockdb,directory,flowcell,machine):
    Pulls the information form the demultiplex stats file
    and prints it in a convenient csv format.  The directory
    in the arguments is the base output directory for casava,
    i.e. it contains the Project_PROJECT_ID directories as well as the 
    Basecall_Stats_FCID directory.
    flowcell_key = flowcell.key
    machine_key = machine.key
    demultiplex_filename = os.path.join(directory, config.get('Common_directories','basecall_front')+ flowcell_key,config.get('Filenames','demultiplex'))
    if not os.path.isfile(demultiplex_filename):
    struct = extract_barcode_lane_stats(demultiplex_filename)
    total_reads = calculate_lane_total(struct,'# Reads')
    pf = calculate_weighted_percent(struct,'% PF')
    q30 = calculate_weighted_percent(struct,'% of >= Q30 Bases (PF)') 
    print "sample_key,index,total_reads,pecentage_pf,pecenetage_qbove_q30,flowcell,hiseq_machine,lane_number";
    for i in range(0,len(struct)):
        number = struct[i]['Lane']
        if re.search('lane',translate_sample_name(struct[i]['Sample ID'])):
        string = struct[i]['Sample ID']
        string += "," + struct[i]['Index']
        string += "," + struct[i]['# Reads']
        string += "," + struct[i]['% PF']
        string += "," + struct[i]['% of >= Q30 Bases (PF)'] 
        string += "," + flowcell.key 
        string += "," + machine.key
        string += "," + number
        print string
    return 1
コード例 #2
def fill_demultiplex_stats(config,mockdb,directory,flowcell,machine):
    Pulls the information form the demultiplex stats file
    and puts it in the correct objects.  The directory
    in the arguments is the base output directory for casava,
    i.e. it contains the Project_PROJECT_ID directories as well as the 
    Basecall_Stats_FCID directory.
    flowcell_key = flowcell.key
    machine_key = machine.key
    demultiplex_filename = os.path.join(directory, config.get('Common_directories','basecall_front')+ flowcell_key,config.get('Filenames','demultiplex'))
    if not os.path.isfile(demultiplex_filename):
    struct = extract_barcode_lane_stats(demultiplex_filename)
    total_reads = calculate_lane_total(struct,'# Reads')
    pf = calculate_weighted_percent(struct,'% PF')
    q30 = calculate_weighted_percent(struct,'% of >= Q30 Bases (PF)') 
    for i in range(0,len(struct)):
        number = struct[i]['Lane']
        lane_key = flowcell_key + '_lane_' + number
        lane = mockdb['Lane'].__get__(config,key=lane_key,flowcell=flowcell,number=number)
        lane.total_reads = total_reads[number]
        lane.percentage_pf = pf[number]
        lane.percentage_above_q30 = q30[number]
        sample_key = translate_sample_name(struct[i]['Sample ID'])
        if re.search('lane',sample_key):
            lane.undetermined_reads = struct[i]['# Reads']
        sample = mockdb['Sample'].__get__(config,key=sample_key)
        index = struct[i]['Index']
        barcode_key = lane_key + "_" + index
        barcode = mockdb['Barcode'].__get__(config,key=barcode_key,sample=sample,index=index,lane=lane)
        barcode.reads = struct[i]['# Reads']
    return 1