コード例 #1
    def density(self):
        SFRMetal density as a funciton of T. [kg/m^3]

        return DensityModel(a=14.1 * units.gram / units.cm**3,
コード例 #2
ファイル: material.py プロジェクト: tylerweis14/pyrk
    def __init__(self, name=None,
        """Initalizes a material

        :param name: The name of the component (i.e., "fuel" or "cool")
        :type name: str.
        :param k: The thermal conductivity of the component
        :type k: float, pint.unit.Quantity :math:'watt/meter/K'
        :param cp: specific heat capacity, :math:`c_p`, in :math:`J/kg-K`
        :type cp: float, pint.unit.Quantity :math:`J/kg-K`
        :param mu: dynamic viscosity(for fluid), :math:`mu`, in :math:`Pa.s`
        :type mu: float, pint.unit.Quantity :math:`Pa.s`
        :param dm: The density of the material
        :type dm: DensityModel object
        self.name = name
        self.k = k.to('watt/meter/kelvin')
        validation.validate_ge("k", k, 0*units.watt/units.meter/units.kelvin)
        self.cp = cp.to('joule/kg/kelvin')
        validation.validate_ge("cp", cp, 0*units.joule/units.kg/units.kelvin)
        self.mu = mu.to('pascal*seconds')
        self.dm = dm
コード例 #3
ファイル: ss316.py プロジェクト: tylerweis14/pyrk
 def density(self):
     SS316 density in [kg/m^3]
     from asm.matweb.com
     return DensityModel(a=8000.0 * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
コード例 #4
ファイル: flibe.py プロジェクト: netherash/pyrk
    def density(self):
        FLiBe density as a funciton of T. [kg/m^3]

        return DensityModel(a=2413.2172*units.kg/(units.meter**3),
コード例 #5
ファイル: kernel.py プロジェクト: tylerweis14/pyrk
    def density(self):
        Kernel density for TRISO kernel is 10500.0kg/m^3

        A constant density model appears sufficiently accurate according to
        most sources - Andreades et al in particular:

        Andreades, C., A.T. Cisneros, J.K. Choi, A.Y.K Chong, David L.
        Krumwiede, Lakshana Huddar, Kathryn D. Huff, et al. 2014. Technical
        Description of the 'Mark 1' Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled,
        High-Temperature Reactor Power Plant. Thermal Hydraulics Group
        UCBTH-14-002. FHR Project. Berkeley, CA: University of California,
        Berkeley, Department of Nuclear Engineering.

        return DensityModel(a=10500.0*units.kg/(units.meter**3),
コード例 #6
ファイル: graphite.py プロジェクト: joshia55/pyrk
    def density(self):
        Graphite density for H451 nuclear grade graphite is 1740kg/m^3.

        A constant density model appears sufficiently accurate according to
        most sources - Andreades et al in particular:

        Andreades, C., A.T. Cisneros, J.K. Choi, A.Y.K Chong, David L.
        Krumwiede, Lakshana Huddar, Kathryn D. Huff, et al. 2014. Technical
        Description of the Mark 1 Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled,
        High-Temperature Reactor Power Plant. Thermal Hydraulics Group
        UCBTH-14-002. FHR Project. Berkeley, CA: University of California,
        Berkeley, Department of Nuclear Engineering.

        Note that in the dissertation by M. Fratoni, this number is reported as
        "1.74 kg/m^3". However, this is a units error. The number intended by
        that document was 1.74 g/cm^3, which corresponds to this model.
        return DensityModel(a=1740. * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
コード例 #7
    def density(self):
        FLiBe density as a funciton of T. [kg/m^3]

        The relation is
        .. math::
        2415 + 0.49072T\]

        This is based on
        it is valid between the melting point and the critical point

        .. math::
        t_m = 732.2

        .. math::
        t_c = 4498.8
        return DensityModel(a=2415.6 * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
                            b=0.49072 * units.kg / (units.meter**3) /
コード例 #8
ファイル: input.py プロジェクト: wuhao1938/pyrk
# External Reactivity
from reactivity_insertion import RampReactivityInsertion
rho_ext = RampReactivityInsertion(timer=ti,
                                  t_start=60.0 * units.seconds,
                                  t_end=70.0 * units.seconds,
                                  rho_init=0.0 * units.delta_k,
                                  rho_rise=600.0 * units.pcm,
                                  rho_final=600.0 * units.pcm)

# maximum number of internal steps that the ode solver will take
nsteps = 5000

k_mod = random.gauss(17, 17 * 0.05) * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_mod = random.gauss(1650.0, 1650.0 * 0.05) * \
    units.joule / (units.kg * units.kelvin)
rho_mod = DensityModel(a=1740. * units.kg / (units.meter**3), model="constant")
Moderator = Material('mod', k_mod, cp_mod, dm=rho_mod)

k_fuel = random.uniform(15.0, 19.0) * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_fuel = random.gauss(
    1818.0, 1818 * 0.05) * units.joule / units.kg / units.kelvin  # [J/kg/K]
rho_fuel = DensityModel(a=2220.0 * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
Fuel = Material('fuel', k_fuel, cp_fuel, dm=rho_fuel)

k_shell = random.gauss(17, 17 * 0.05) * units.watt / \
    (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_shell = random.gauss(
    1650.0, 1650.0 * 0.05) * units.joule / (units.kg * units.kelvin)
rho_shell = DensityModel(a=1740. * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
コード例 #9
ファイル: trisos.py プロジェクト: joshia55/pyrk
 def density(self):
     return DensityModel(a=10500.*units.kg/(units.meter**3),
コード例 #10
from density_model import DensityModel

T0 = 0.0 * units.kelvin
k_default = 0 * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_default = 0.0 * units.joule / (units.kg * units.kelvin)
mu_default = 0.0 * units.pascal * units.second
rho_at_time_zero = 0.0 * units.kg / units.meter**3
rho_at_temp_zero = 0.0 * units.kg / units.meter**3

name = "defaulttestname"
defaultLiq = liquid_material.LiquidMaterial(name=name)

T0_test = 0.0 * units.kelvin
k_test = 0 * units.watt / (units.meter * units.kelvin)
cp_test = 0.0 * units.joule / (units.kg * units.kelvin)
rho_test = DensityModel(a=1740.0 * units.kg / (units.meter**3),
name_test = "testname"

def test_constructor_liq():
    assert_equal(defaultLiq.name, name)
    assert_equal(defaultLiq.k, k_default)
    assert_equal(defaultLiq.cp, cp_default)
    assert_equal(defaultLiq.mu, mu_default)
    assert_equal(defaultLiq.rho(T0), rho_at_time_zero)
    assert_equal(defaultLiq.rho(0 * units.kelvin), rho_at_temp_zero)

def test_all_vars_avail_liquid():
    tester = liquid_material.LiquidMaterial(name_test, k_test, cp_test,
                                            rho_test, mu_default)