コード例 #1
	def variable(self, mo):
		canmiss = False
		missabort = False
		key = mo.group(2)
		# Okay, straightforward must-be-present stuff is
		# somewhat lacking in features.
		if key[0] == '?':
			canmiss = True
			key = key[1:]
		elif key[0] == '!':
			missabort = True
			key = key[1:]
		if key and key[0] == '|':
			key = key[1:]
			ovars = key.split('|')
			if not ovars:
				raise derrors.RendErr("invalid key '%s'" % mo.group(1))
			for ov in ovars:
				if ov in self.context and self.context[ov]:
					vv = self.context[ov]
					return httputil.quotehtml(vv)
		elif not key:
			raise derrors.RendErr("invalid key '%s'" % mo.group(1))
			if key in self.context and self.context[key]:
				return httputil.quotehtml(self.context[key])
		# Error if we have to have a value (normal case).
		if canmiss:
			return ''
		elif missabort:
			raise ReturnNothing("variable expansion empty")
		raise derrors.RendErr("key with no value: '%s'" % mo.group(1))
コード例 #2
def validate_template(to, fail_on_error, tname):
	if not fail_on_error:
		if not (to.displayable() and to.type == "file"):
			return None
			return to
	# Errors:
	if not to.exists():
		raise derrors.IOErr("template '%s' does not exist" % tname)
	if not to.displayable():
		raise derrors.RendErr("template %s is not displayable" % tname)
	if to.type != "file":
		raise derrors.RendErr("template %s is not a file (is a %s)" % (tname, to.type))
	# all okay, go go go.
	return to
コード例 #3
	def expand_tname(self, namestr):
		ns = namestr.split('/')
		# We cannot use utils.goodpath() because '...' is not a good
		# path.
		if not namestr or '' in ns:
			raise derrors.RendErr("badly formed template name '%s'" % namestr)

		# If there is no '...' operator, all we have to do is expand
		# variables (once; there is no nested variable expansion).
		if '...' not in namestr:
			return [exp_varpat.sub(self._exp_var, namestr)]

		# There's a '...'. We must expand variables in components,
		# then actually do expansion.
		ns2 = [exp_varpat.sub(self._exp_var, x) for x in ns]
		return self._exp_piece([''], ns2)
コード例 #4
	def include(self, mo):
		def _tsplit(t):
			tpl = t.split('|')
			if not tpl:
				raise derrors.RendErr("badly formed template '%s'" % mo.group(1))
			return tpl
		template = mo.group(2)
		if template[0] == '|':
			# Multi-include that picks the first one to generate
			# content.
			for t in _tsplit(template[1:]):
				res = self.template(t)
				if res:
					return res
			return ''
		elif template[0] == "?":
			# If first generates content, expand all.
			tpl = _tsplit(template[1:])
			res = self.template(tpl[0])
			if res:
				rl = [res]
				for t in tpl[1:]:
				return ''.join(rl)
				return ''
		elif template[0] in ('!', '<'):
			# '<' behaves like '|' and '?': if we don't find
			# anything, we return empty. '!' errors on it.
			# .expand_tnames() throws away nonexistent
			# templates for us, so this is simple.
			r = self.expand_tnames(template[1:])
			if r:
				return self.template(r[0])
			if template[0] == '!':
				raise derrors.RendErr("Unfound template in: "+mo.group(0))
				return ''
			# Oh look, it's a *simple* case!
			return self.template(template)
コード例 #5
	def template(self, template):
		to = self.context.model.get_template(template)
		if not to:
			raise derrors.RendErr("unknown template '%s'" % template)
		res = Template(to).render(self.context)
		# The timestamps of templates are only considered
		# relevant if they expand to something. This is iffy,
		# but we can't win either way and this way is friendlier.
		# (The other way kicks *everything* any time a rarely
		# rendered template is updated; I would rather make
		# Last-Modified timestamps more useful.)
		if res:
		# The final trailing newline in a file is an
		# implementation artifact. Because it makes things nicer
		# and closer to what the template 'should' look like if
		# the file's real text was inserted, we remove it.
		if res and res[-1] == '\n':
			return res[:-1]
			return res
コード例 #6
ファイル: htmlrends.py プロジェクト: samveen/dwiki
def get_renderer(name):
    if name in reg_renderers:
        return reg_renderers[name]
        raise derrors.RendErr("renderer '%s' not available" % name)
コード例 #7
	def renderer(self, mo):
		actor = mo.group(2)
		if not actor.strip():
			raise derrors.RendErr("badly formed renderer macro: "+mo.group(1))
		rfunc = htmlrends.get_renderer(actor)
		return rfunc(self.context)
コード例 #8
	def _exp_var(self, mo):
		varname = mo.group(1)
		if varname not in self.context:
			raise derrors.RendErr("Bad variable name in template name: '%s'" % varname)
		return self.context[varname]
コード例 #9
		def _tsplit(t):
			tpl = t.split('|')
			if not tpl:
				raise derrors.RendErr("badly formed template '%s'" % mo.group(1))
			return tpl