def deserialize_typespec( spec: Typespec, ) -> Union[PrimitiveType, Dict[Union[PrimitiveType, "Proxytype"], Union[ PrimitiveType, "Proxytype"]], "Proxytype", ]: component = spec.WhichOneof("component") if component == "primitive": primitive_field = spec.primitive.WhichOneof("value") assert primitive_field is not None, "Primitive message must have a value set" return getattr(spec.primitive, primitive_field) elif component == "type": try: return types[spec.type] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No known type {!r}".format(spec.type)) elif component == "map": return { deserialize_typespec(param.key): deserialize_typespec(param.val) for param in } elif component == "composite": generic = deserialize_typespec(Typespec(type=spec.composite.type)) params = tuple( deserialize_typespec(param) for param in spec.composite.params) return generic[params] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid typespec in ``deserialize_typespec``: none of the `component` fields are set." )
def deserialize_typespec(spec): if spec.has_prim: if spec.prim.has_int: return spec.prim.int_ if spec.prim.has_float: return spec.prim.float_ if spec.prim.has_bool: return spec.prim.bool_ else: return spec.prim.string_ elif spec.has_type: try: return types[spec.type] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No known type {!r}".format(spec.type)) elif spec.has_map: return { deserialize_typespec(param.key): deserialize_typespec(param.val) for param in } elif spec.has_comp: generic = deserialize_typespec( Typespec(type=spec.comp.type, has_type=True)) params = tuple( deserialize_typespec(param) for param in spec.comp.params) return generic[params] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid typespec in ``deserialize_typespec``: none of the has_ values are set." )
def serialize_typespec(cls): if isinstance(cls, int): return Typespec(prim=Primitive(int_=cls, has_int=True), has_prim=True) if isinstance(cls, float): return Typespec(prim=Primitive(float_=cls, has_float=True), has_prim=True) if isinstance(cls, bool): return Typespec(prim=Primitive(bool_=cls, has_bool=True), has_prim=True) if isinstance(cls, str): return Typespec(prim=Primitive(string_=cls, has_string=True), has_prim=True) if isinstance(cls, dict): return Typespec( map=Map(items=[ MapFieldEntry(key=serialize_typespec(key), val=serialize_typespec(val)) for key, val in six.iteritems(cls) ]), has_map=True, ) if getattr(cls, "_named_concrete_type", False): # ^ cls doesn't have that attribute, or it does and the value is falsey name = cls.__name__ else: try: name = cls._generictype.__name__ except AttributeError: name = cls.__name__ try: expected_cls = types[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "{!r} is not in the types registry; cannot serialize it".format( name)) if not issubclass(cls, expected_cls): raise ValueError( "{} is not a subclass of {}, even though it has the same `__name__`" .format(cls, expected_cls)) if not hasattr(cls, "_type_params") or getattr(cls, "_named_concrete_type", False): return Typespec(type=name, has_type=True) else: type_params = cls._type_params if type_params is None: raise TypeError( "Can only serialize concrete types, not the generic type {}". format(cls)) serialized_params = [ serialize_typespec(param) for param in type_params ] return Typespec(comp=CompositeType(type=name, params=serialized_params), has_comp=True)
def typespec_to_unmarshal_str(typespec: Typespec) -> str: component = typespec.WhichOneof("component") if component == "type": marshal_type = typespec.type elif component == "composite": marshal_type = typespec.composite.type else: raise ValueError( "Invalid typespec: the `type` or `composite` field must be set in `component`." ) if marshal_type not in unmarshal.registry: raise TypeError( "{!r} is not a computable type. Note that if this is a function-like type, " "you should call it and compute the result, " "not the function itself.".format(marshal_type)) return marshal_type