def add_brick_data(T, north): B = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz') print('Looking up brick bounds') ibrick = dict([(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(B.brickname)]) bi = np.array([ibrick[n] for n in T.brickname]) T.brickid = B.brickid[bi] T.ra1 = B.ra1[bi] T.ra2 = B.ra2[bi] T.dec1 = B.dec1[bi] T.dec2 = B.dec2[bi] assert (np.all(T.ra2 > T.ra1)) T.area = ((T.ra2 - T.ra1) * (T.dec2 - T.dec1) * np.cos(np.deg2rad((T.dec1 + T.dec2) / 2.))) print('Resolving north/south split') from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import radectolb ll, bb = radectolb(T.ra, T.dec) from import desitarget_resolve_dec decsplit = desitarget_resolve_dec() if north: T.survey_primary = (bb > 0) * (T.dec >= decsplit) else: T.survey_primary = np.logical_not((bb > 0) * (T.dec >= decsplit)) print('Looking up in_desi') from import load_tiles from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi desitiles = load_tiles() T.in_desi = is_point_in_desi(desitiles, T.ra, T.dec)
def _get_healpixels_in_footprint(nside=64): """Obtain a list of HEALPix pixels in the DESI footprint. Parameters ---------- nside : int HEALPix nside parameter (in form nside=2**k, k=[1,2,3,...]). Returns ------- healpixels : ndarray List of HEALPix pixels within the DESI footprint. """ from desimodel import footprint from import load_tiles # Load DESI tiles. tile_tab = load_tiles() npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pix_ids = np.arange(npix) ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, pix_ids, lonlat=True) # Get a list of pixel IDs inside the DESI footprint. in_desi = footprint.is_point_in_desi(tile_tab, ra, dec) healpixels = pix_ids[in_desi] return healpixels
def apply_footprint(ra, dec, zz, zz_rsd, nzz): """ apply desi footprint """ tiles = point = foot.is_point_in_desi(tiles, ra, dec) idx = np.where(point) print("Selected {} out of {} galaxies.".format(len(idx[0]), len(ra))) return ra[idx], dec[idx], zz[idx], zz_rsd[idx], nzz[idx]
def generate_rnd(factor=3, out_path= None, method='random_choice'): """ Routine to generate a random catalog in 3D following certain N(z) distribution Args: ---- rad: z-values of the data catalog factor: Size of the generated catalog (before masking) out_path: Name of output file where randoms will be saved (default: None) method: Method to generate the random catalog (default: 'random_choice') """ #Creating random that follows N(z) tiles = load_tiles() nz_file ='example_data/Nz_qso_2_highZ.txt',format='ascii') zvec = np.linspace(np.min(nz_file['col1']),np.max(nz_file['col1']),5000) spl_z = interp1d(nz_file['col1'],nz_file['col2']) dndz = spl_z(zvec) ntot = 4*180**2/np.pi*np.sum(nz_file['col2'])*(nz_file['col1'][1]-nz_file['col1'][0]) ntot = int(factor*ntot) if method=='rnd_choice': z_rnd = np.random.choice(zvec[zvec>1.8],p=dndz[zvec>1.8]/np.sum(dndz[zvec>1.8]),size=ntot)+2*(z[1]-z[0])*np.random.normal(size=ntot) if method=='cdf': cdf = np.cumsum(dndz[zvec>=1.8])/np.sum(dndz[zvec>=1.8]) icdf = interp1d(cdf,zvec[zvec>=1.8],fill_value='extrapolate',bounds_error=False) z_rnd = icdf(np.random.random(size=ntot)) ra_rnd = 360.*np.random.random(size=len(z_rnd)) cth_rnd = -1+2.*np.random.random(size=len(z_rnd)) dec_rnd = np.arcsin(cth_rnd)*180/np.pi good = is_point_in_desi(tiles,ra_rnd,dec_rnd) ra_rnd = ra_rnd[good] dec_rnd = dec_rnd[good] z_rnd = z_rnd[good] if out_path is not None: tab_out = astropy.table.Table([ra_rnd,dec_rnd,z_rnd],names=('RA','DEC','Z')) tab_out.write(out_path,overwrite=True) return None
def select_gfas(infiles, maglim=18, numproc=4, tilesfile=None, cmx=False, mindec=-30, mingalb=10, addurat=True): """Create a set of GFA locations using Gaia and matching to sweeps. Parameters ---------- infiles : :class:`list` or `str` A list of input filenames (sweep files) OR a single filename. maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18 Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 4 The number of parallel processes to use. tilesfile : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Name of tiles file to load. For full details, see :func:``. cmx : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, do not limit output to DESI tiling footprint. Used for selecting wider-ranging commissioning targets. mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30 Minimum declination (o) for output sources that do NOT match an object in the passed `infiles`. mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10 Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output sources that do NOT match an object in the passed `infiles` (e.g. send 10 to limit to regions beyond -10o <= b < 10o)". addurat : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then substitute proper motions from the URAT catalog where Gaia is missing proper motions. Requires that the :envvar:`URAT_DIR` is set and points to data downloaded and formatted by, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.uratmatch.make_urat_files`. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` GFA objects from Gaia with the passed geometric constraints limited to the passed maglim and matched to the passed input files, formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`. Notes ----- - If numproc==1, use the serial code instead of parallel code. - If numproc > 4, then numproc=4 is enforced for (just those) parts of the code that are I/O limited. - The tiles loaded from `tilesfile` will only be those in DESI. So, for custom tilings, set IN_DESI==1 in your tiles file. """ # ADM force to no more than numproc=4 for I/O limited processes. numproc4 = numproc if numproc4 > 4:'Forcing numproc to 4 for I/O limited parts of code') numproc4 = 4 # ADM convert a single file, if passed to a list of files. if isinstance(infiles, str): infiles = [ infiles, ] nfiles = len(infiles) # ADM check that files exist before proceeding. for filename in infiles: if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = "{} doesn't exist".format(filename) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM load the tiles file. tiles = # ADM check some files loaded. if len(tiles) == 0: msg = "no tiles found in {}".format(tilesfile) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _get_gfas(fn): '''wrapper on gaia_gfas_from_sweep() given a file name''' return gaia_gfas_from_sweep(fn, maglim=maglim) # ADM this is just to count sweeps files in _update_status. t0 = time() nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % 50 == 0 and nfile > 0: elapsed = (time() - t0) / 60. rate = nfile / elapsed / 60.'{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec...t = {:.1f} mins'.format( nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed)) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification. return result # - Parallel process input files. if numproc4 > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc4) with pool: gfas =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) else: gfas = list() for file in infiles: gfas.append(_update_status(_get_gfas(file))) gfas = np.concatenate(gfas) # ADM resolve any duplicates between imaging data releases. gfas = resolve(gfas) # ADM retrieve Gaia objects in the DESI footprint or passed tiles.'Retrieving additional Gaia objects...t = {:.1f} mins'.format( (time() - t0) / 60)) gaia = all_gaia_in_tiles(maglim=maglim, numproc=numproc4, allsky=cmx, tiles=tiles, mindec=mindec, mingalb=mingalb) # ADM remove any duplicates. Order is important here, as np.unique # ADM keeps the first occurence, and we want to retain sweeps # ADM information as much as possible. gfas = np.concatenate([gfas, gaia]) _, ind = np.unique(gfas["REF_ID"], return_index=True) gfas = gfas[ind] # ADM for zero/NaN proper motion objects, add in URAT proper motions. if addurat: ii = ((np.isnan(gfas["PMRA"]) | (gfas["PMRA"] == 0)) & (np.isnan(gfas["PMDEC"]) | (gfas["PMDEC"] == 0))) 'Adding URAT for {} objects with no PMs...t = {:.1f} mins'.format( np.sum(ii), (time() - t0) / 60)) urat = add_urat_pms(gfas[ii], numproc=numproc) 'Found an additional {} URAT objects...t = {:.1f} mins'.format( np.sum(urat["URAT_ID"] != -1), (time() - t0) / 60)) for col in "PMRA", "PMDEC", "URAT_ID", "URAT_SEP": gfas[col][ii] = urat[col] # ADM a final clean-up to remove columns that are NaN (from # ADM Gaia-matching) or that are exactly 0 (in the sweeps). ii = ((np.isnan(gfas["PMRA"]) | (gfas["PMRA"] == 0)) & (np.isnan(gfas["PMDEC"]) | (gfas["PMDEC"] == 0))) gfas = gfas[~ii] # ADM limit to DESI footprint or passed tiles, if not cmx'ing. if not cmx: ii = is_point_in_desi(tiles, gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"]) gfas = gfas[ii] return gfas
files = glob.glob( '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/andes/tiles/*/*/cframe-b0-*.fits') plates = [] for p in files: p =[0] plates.append( [p.header['TILEID'], p.header['TILERA'], p.header['TILEDEC']]) plates = np.array(plates) plates = Table(plates, names=['TILEID', 'RA', 'DEC']) # tiles = load_tiles(extra=True, onlydesi=False) isin, indx = is_point_in_desi(plates, tsz['RA'], tsz['DEC'], return_tile_index=True) indx = np.unique(indx).astype( plates = plates[indx] desitsz = tsz[isin] print(plates) # andes_tsz = dat[isin] # andes_tsz.to_csv('andes_tsz.txt')
dec = dat.iloc[:, 6] tsz = Table(np.c_[ra, dec], names=['RA', 'DEC']) ## files = glob.glob( '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/andes/tiles/*/*/cframe-b0-*.fits') plates = [] for p in files: p =[0] plates.append( [p.header['TILEID'], p.header['TILERA'], p.header['TILEDEC']]) plates = np.array(plates) plates = Table(plates, names=['TILEID', 'RA', 'DEC']) # tiles = load_tiles(extra=True, onlydesi=False) isin = is_point_in_desi(plates, tsz['RA'], tsz['DEC'], return_tile_index=False) # indx = np.unique(indx).astype( # plates = plates[indx] desitsz = tsz[isin] print(plates) desitsz.write('andes_tsz.txt', format='ascii', overwrite=True)
import numpy as np import as fits import astropy.units as u from astropy.table import Table, vstack from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi, tiles2pix from import load_tiles from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask gcs = Table('/global/cscratch1/sd/mjwilson/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/masks/NGC-star-clusters.fits')[1].data) tiles = np.array([list(x) for x in load_tiles(onlydesi=True)]) tiles = Table([tiles[:, 0].astype(, tiles[:, 1].astype(np.float32), tiles[:,2].astype(np.float32)], names=['TILEID', 'RA', 'DEC']) isin, index = is_point_in_desi(tiles, gcs['ra'], gcs['dec'], return_tile_index=True) gcs['TILEID'] = -99 gcs['TILEID'][isin] = tiles['TILEID'][index[isin]] gcs = gcs[gcs['name'] == 'NGC5904'] gcs['RA'] = gcs['ra'] gcs['DEC'] = gcs['dec'] gcs = gcs['RA', 'DEC', 'name', 'TILEID'] tiles = tiles[tiles['TILEID'] == gcs['TILEID']] gcs.pprint() tiles.pprint() pix = tiles2pix(nside=2, tiles=tiles)
release=sv_mtl['RELEASE'], sky=0, mock=0) sv_mtl.pprint() sv_mtl.write( scratch + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/mtls/MTL_ALLBGS_STDFAINT_STDBRIGHT_svresolve.0.31.0_49677629_samePRIORITY.fits', format='fits', overwrite=True) ## nside = 64 (indesi, tindex) = is_point_in_desi(tiles, sv_mtl['RA'].quantity.value, sv_mtl['DEC'].quantity.value, return_tile_index=True) ## Prevent 'duplication' of e.g. RA cols after join. del tiles['RA'] del tiles['DEC'] ## Some objects in the .mtl are not in the tiles; rough cut on creation I guess. sv_mtl['TILEID'] = -99 * np.ones_like(sv_mtl['RA'].quantity.value, sv_mtl['TILEID'][indesi] = tiles['TILEID'].quantity[tindex[indesi]] sv_mtl.sort('TILEID') ## Not associated to a tile? ## notin = sv_mtl[sv_mtl['TILEID'] < 0] ## notin.sort('DEC')
def QSO_filter(RA, DEC): return is_point_in_desi(tiles, RA, DEC)
## ['tycho', 'gaia'] survey = 'gaia' ## scratch = os.environ['CSCRATCH'] gaia = + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/masks/{}_stellar_mask.fits'.format(survey)) gaia = Table(gaia[1].data) print(gaia) ## nside = 64 (indesi, tindex) = is_point_in_desi(tiles, gaia['RA'], gaia['DEC'], return_tile_index=True) ## Prevent 'duplication' of e.g. RA cols after join. del tiles['RA'] del tiles['DEC'] ## Some objects in the .mtl are not in the tiles; rough cut on creation I guess. gaia['TILEID'] = -99 * np.ones_like(gaia['RA'].quantity.value, gaia['TILEID'][indesi] = tiles['TILEID'].quantity[tindex[indesi]] gaia.sort('TILEID') print(gaia) ## Only keep the targets in a given tile. gaia = gaia[gaia['TILEID'] > 0] gaia = join(gaia, tiles, keys=['TILEID'], join_type='left')
def lsscat_gen(root, prod, odir): ''' # Get required parent pipeline files. _mtl = root + 'targets/mtl.fits' # Needed for fiberassign runs. # _skies = '/project/projectdirs/desi/target/catalogs/dr8/0.31.0/skies/skies-dr8-0.31.0.fits' # targets = Table( + 'targets/targets.fits')[1].data) mtl = Table( + 'targets/mtl.fits')[1].data) # exps = Table( + 'survey/sv_exposures.fits')[1].data) # HACK: Cumulative SNR2 achieved on a given tile by this exposure. Weird that this was missing? # exps['SNR2'] = np.random.uniform(0.9, 1.1, len(exps)) _tiles = + 'survey/SV-tiles.fits')[1] tiles = Table( + 'survey/SV-tiles.fits')[1].data) # zcat = Table( + 'spectro/redux/{}/zcatalog-{}.fits'.format(prod, prod))[1].data) # DR8 randoms. rows = np.arange(len(mtl)) randoms ='/project/projectdirs/desi/target/catalogs/dr8/0.31.0/randoms/randoms-inside-dr8-0.31.0-4.fits', rows=rows) # A list of targets that could have been assigned to each fiber; # rand_assignable, rand_assigned = get_randassign(root + 'fiberassign/tile-072015.fits', mtl=randoms, gen=True, randoms=randoms) ''' rand_assignable, rand_assigned = get_randassign(root + 'fiberassign/tile-072015.fits', mtl=None, gen=True, randoms=None, lite=True) exit(0) # TARGETID | FIBERID | LOCATION # print(rand_assignable) # Date stamped tiles meeting quality requirements. MJD0 = 58853.51129915193 MJD1 = 58881.40164263005 dst_tiles, hdr = datestamped_tiles(exps, MJD0, MJD1, printit=False) # Write here (should add header). Assign tile assignment completeness below. dst_tiles.write(odir + 'dst_tiles.fits', format='fits', overwrite=True) ''' # Sort Targets by TARGETID zcat.sort('TARGETID') targets.sort('TARGETID') # Unique TARGETID lists. assert np.all(np.unique(zcat['TARGETID']) == zcat['TARGETID']) assert np.all(np.unique(targets['TARGETID']) == targets['TARGETID']) ''' # Catalogue generation. ntarget = len(targets) final = lss_catalog(ntarget) final['TARGETID'] = targets['TARGETID'] final['RA'] = targets['RA'] final['DEC'] = targets['DEC'] final['IN_IMAGING'] = 1.0 ## Neglects area lost to e.g. GFA. final['IN_DESI'] = is_point_in_desi(tiles, final['RA'], final['DEC']).astype( final['DESI_TARGET'] = targets['SV1_DESI_TARGET'] final['BGS_TARGET'] = targets['SV1_BGS_TARGET'] final['PRIORITY_INIT'] = targets['PRIORITY_INIT'] final['SUBPRIORITY'] = targets['SUBPRIORITY'] in_zcat = np.in1d( zcat['TARGETID'], final['TARGETID']) in_final = np.in1d(final['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID']) final['Z'][in_final] = zcat['Z'][in_zcat] final['ZERR'][in_final] = zcat['ZERR'][in_zcat] final['ZWARN'][in_final] = zcat['ZWARN'][in_zcat] final['SPECTYPE'][in_final] = zcat['SPECTYPE'][in_zcat] ## Tag all galaxies that appeared in the redshift cats., even if bad etc. final['Z_VETO_FLAG'] = 0 final = pop_assigned(final, printit=True) final = set_ang_veto(final) final = set_z_veto(final) final = blind_distances(final) final = in_cosmo(final) final = final[final['Z'] > 0.] final.write(odir + 'lsscat_v1.fits', format='fits', overwrite=True) final.pprint(max_width=-1) # Add tile assignment completeness based on reachable fibers from final. dst_tiles = set_assigncomplete(dst_tiles, final)
import fitsio import desimodel import numpy as np import as fits from astropy.table import Table, unique from desisurvey.utils import get_date from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi ## tfiles = '/global/homes/m/mjwilson/desi/survey-validation/svdc-spring2020e-onepercent/run/survey/tiles/des.fits' tiles = # ids = complete['TILEID'] # isin = np.isin(tiles['TILEID'], ids) skies ='/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/target/catalogs/dr8/0.32.0/skies/skies-dr8-0.32.0.fits') # Cut to observed tiles. isin = is_point_in_desi(tiles, skies['RA'], skies['DEC']) skies = skies[isin] fitsio.write('/global/cscratch1/sd/mjwilson/svdc-spring2020e-onepercent/targets/skies.fits', skies)
def make_mock_sweeps(config_file, source_name, input_dir, epoch_dir, map_id_file_path, sweep_mock_root, override_root=None, dry_run=True, match_on_objid=False): """ """ if match_on_objid: print( 'NOTE: Matching on mock column "objid", only makes sense for 2016 data challenge outputs!' ) # Load the tile definitions TILES = epoch = int(os.path.split(epoch_dir.strip(os.path.sep))[-1]) print('Epoch: {}'.format(epoch)) # Read parameters for quicksurvey with open(config_file, 'r') as pfile: params = yaml.load(pfile) # Original mock path. root_mock_dir = params['sources'][source_name]['root_mock_dir'] if override_root is not None: original_root_mock_dir = root_mock_dir root_mock_dir = override_root # Read zcat and truth, and construct the mapping between them zcat, truth_table, target_table, itruth_for_izcat = match_zcat_truth( input_dir, epoch_dir) # Read the table of mock paths for this source map_id_file = np.loadtxt(map_id_file_path, dtype={ 'names': ('SOURCENAME', 'FILEID', 'FILENAME'), 'formats': ('S10', 'i4', 'S256') }) # Filter truth by source truth_this_source = truth_table['SOURCETYPE'] == source_name # Decode rowid and fileid for all targets associated with this source rowid, fileid = decode_rownum_filenum( truth_table['MOCKID'][truth_this_source]) # Store the row indices for this source, will save them later truth_rows_for_source = np.where(truth_this_source)[0] # Filter truth by source for sources in zcat obs_this_source = truth_table['SOURCETYPE'][ itruth_for_izcat] == source_name # Decode rowid and fileid for observed targets associated with this source obs_rowid, obs_fileid = decode_rownum_filenum( truth_table['MOCKID'][itruth_for_izcat][obs_this_source]) # Determine if target/truth rows for this source are in footprint print('Testing truth coordinates against DESIMODEL v %s' % (desimodel.__version__)) footprint_flag_targets_truth = footprint.is_point_in_desi( TILES, truth_table['RA'][truth_rows_for_source], truth_table['DEC'][truth_rows_for_source]) # Read original files fileid_to_read = np.array(list(set(fileid))) # Different mocks have different names for sky coordinate columns # Auto-detect this based on a list of possibilities. ra_column, dec_column = None, None # Names to try in order of priority ra_names = ['RA', 'ra', '_RA', '_ra'] dec_names = ['DEC', 'dec', 'DE', '_DEC', '_dec', '_DE'] for ifile in fileid_to_read: # Filemap entry for this file ID row_in_map = (map_id_file['SOURCENAME'] == source_name.encode()) & ( map_id_file['FILEID'] == ifile) filename = map_id_file['FILENAME'][row_in_map] filename = filename[0].decode() if override_root: filename = filename.replace(original_root_mock_dir, root_mock_dir) print('Reading mock file: {}'.format(filename)) sys.stdout.flush() if source_name in ['MWS_MAIN', 'MWS_WD', 'MWS_NEARBY']: n_this_mock_file = fits.getheader(filename, 1)['NAXIS2'] elif source_name in ['BGS']: with h5py.File(filename) as f: n_this_mock_file = f['/Header/number_galaxies'][...][0] else: raise Exception('Unrecognized source: {}'.format(source)) print('Mock file nrows: {}'.format(n_this_mock_file)) # This will be of the length of the total number of targets in this # mock file. Not all of these will be selected, and not all of these # will be observed. selected_as_target = np.repeat(False, n_this_mock_file) observed_this_epoch = np.repeat(False, n_this_mock_file) # Read the mock data for this file ID if source_name in ['MWS_MAIN', 'MWS_WD', 'MWS_NEARBY']: data = fits.getdata(filename, 1) elif source_name in ['BGS']: data = Table() with h5py.File(filename) as f: for recname in f['/Data']: d = f['/Data'][recname][...] data.add_column(Column(name=recname, data=d)) else: raise Exception('Unrecognized source: {}'.format(source)) # Set column names if not already set if ra_column is None: for ra_name in ra_names: if ra_name in data.dtype.names: ra_column = ra_name break if ra_column is None: raise Exception('No RA column found in mock data columns') if dec_column is None: for dec_name in dec_names: if dec_name in data.dtype.names: dec_column = dec_name break if dec_column is None: raise Exception('No DEC column found in mock data columns') # Flag mock rows in footprint print('Testing mock coordinates against DESIMODEL v %s' % (desimodel.__version__)) footprint_flag = footprint.is_point_in_desi(TILES, data[ra_column], data[dec_column]) # Select truth rows for this file ID fileid_mask = fileid == ifile obs_fileid_mask = obs_fileid == ifile if match_on_objid: # In the Dec 2016 data challenge, the 'row number' is actually the # Galaxia mock objid for MWS_MAIN. objid = data['objid'] objid_this_file_all = rowid[fileid_mask] objid_this_file_obs = obs_rowid[obs_fileid_mask] m = match(objid_this_file_all, objid) rows_this_file_all = m[np.where(m >= 0)[0]] m = match(objid_this_file_obs, objid) rows_this_file_obs = m[np.where(m >= 0)[0]] else: rows_this_file_all = rowid[fileid_mask] rows_this_file_obs = obs_rowid[obs_fileid_mask] print(' -- N in truth = {}'.format(len(rows_this_file_all))) print(' -- N observed = {}'.format(len(rows_this_file_obs))) selected_as_target[rows_this_file_all] = True observed_this_epoch[rows_this_file_obs] = True assert (not np.any((observed_this_epoch) & (~selected_as_target))) # Targets that could have been observed this epoch, but were not. selected_not_observed = np.where((selected_as_target) & (~observed_this_epoch))[0] # Sort rows in this file by row number. Can use this to reorder subsets # of targets and truth, if we want to output them. rows_this_file_all_sort = np.argsort(rows_this_file_all) # Write various outputs filename_path, filename_file = os.path.split(filename) base, original_ext = filename_file.split(os.path.extsep) ext = 'fits' # Output fits, even if input is hdf5 new_filename_status = base + os.path.extsep + 'status' + os.path.extsep + ext new_filename_observed = base + os.path.extsep + 'observed' + os.path.extsep + ext new_filename_unobserved = base + os.path.extsep + 'unobserved' + os.path.extsep + ext new_filename_targets_subset = base + os.path.extsep + 'targets' + os.path.extsep + ext new_filename_truth_subset = base + os.path.extsep + 'truth' + os.path.extsep + ext if override_root: filename_path = filename_path.replace(original_root_mock_dir, root_mock_dir) if filename_path.startswith(os.path.sep): filename_path = os.path.curdir + filename_path new_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sweep_mock_root, filename_path, str(epoch))) if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.makedirs(new_dir) new_path_status = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sweep_mock_root, filename_path, str(epoch), new_filename_status)) new_path_observed = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sweep_mock_root, filename_path, str(epoch), new_filename_observed)) new_path_unobserved = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sweep_mock_root, filename_path, str(epoch), new_filename_unobserved)) new_path_targets_subset = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sweep_mock_root, filename_path, str(epoch), new_filename_targets_subset)) new_path_truth_subset = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sweep_mock_root, filename_path, str(epoch), new_filename_truth_subset)) # Write the status table, which has the same number of rows as the # origianl mock file (hence generally more than the sweep). t = Table((selected_as_target, observed_this_epoch), names=('SELECTED', 'OBSERVED')) print('Writing {}'.format(new_path_status)) t.write(new_path_status, overwrite=True) # Provided that at least one target in this mock file has been # selected, write subsets of the mock file. # Previous had rows_this_file_obs here if len(rows_this_file_all) > 0: # For each row in mock that appears in targets/truth, get the # corresponding row number in the target/truth. input_target_row = np.zeros(n_this_mock_file, dtype=np.int32) - 1 # ... These are the t/t rows that are in this mock file. w_fileid_mask = np.where(fileid_mask)[0] # Store row input_target_row[rows_this_file_all] = truth_rows_for_source[ w_fileid_mask] assert (np.all(input_target_row[observed_this_epoch] >= 0)) # 1. Make the mock sweep for observed targets t = Table(data[observed_this_epoch]) t.add_column( Column(input_target_row[observed_this_epoch], name='TARGETROW')) t.add_column( Column(target_table[input_target_row[observed_this_epoch]] ['TARGETID'], name='TARGETID')) # Include flag for targets in actual footprint t.add_column( Column(footprint_flag[observed_this_epoch], name='IN_FOOTPRINT')) # Strict check assert (np.allclose(t[ra_column], target_table[t['TARGETROW']]['RA'], atol=1e-5)) t.write(new_path_observed, overwrite=True) print('Wrote {}'.format(new_path_observed)) # 2. Make the mock sweep for unobserved targets t = Table(data[selected_not_observed]) t.add_column( Column(input_target_row[selected_not_observed], name='TARGETROW')) t.add_column( Column(target_table[input_target_row[selected_not_observed]] ['TARGETID'], name='TARGETID')) # Include flag for targets in actual footprint t.add_column( Column(footprint_flag[selected_not_observed], name='IN_FOOTPRINT')) # Strict check assert (np.allclose(t[ra_column], target_table[t['TARGETROW']]['RA'], atol=1e-5)) t.write(new_path_unobserved, overwrite=True) print('Wrote {}'.format(new_path_unobserved)) # 3. Make a file extracted from targets for this mock brick # Save in rowid order subset_this_file = truth_rows_for_source[fileid_mask] t = Table(target_table[subset_this_file])[rows_this_file_all_sort] t.add_column( Column((footprint_flag_targets_truth[fileid_mask] )[rows_this_file_all_sort], name='IN_FOOTPRINT')) t.write(new_path_targets_subset, overwrite=True) print('Wrote {}'.format(new_path_targets_subset)) # 4. Make a file extracted from truth for this mock brick subset_this_file = truth_rows_for_source[fileid_mask] t = Table(truth_table[subset_this_file])[rows_this_file_all_sort] t.add_column( Column((footprint_flag_targets_truth[fileid_mask] )[rows_this_file_all_sort], name='IN_FOOTPRINT')) t.write(new_path_truth_subset, overwrite=True) print('Wrote {}'.format(new_path_truth_subset)) return
def select_gfas(infiles, maglim=18, numproc=4, tilesfile=None, cmx=False): """Create a set of GFA locations using Gaia. Parameters ---------- infiles : :class:`list` or `str` A list of input filenames (sweep files) OR a single filename. maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18 Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 4 The number of parallel processes to use. tilesfile : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Name of tiles file to load. For full details, see :func:``. cmx : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, do not limit output to DESI tiling footprint. Used for selecting wider-ranging commissioning targets. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` GFA objects from Gaia across all of the passed input files, formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`. Notes ----- - If numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - The tiles loaded from `tilesfile` will only be those in DESI. So, for custom tilings, set IN_DESI==1 in your tiles file. """ # ADM convert a single file, if passed to a list of files. if isinstance(infiles, str): infiles = [infiles, ] nfiles = len(infiles) # ADM check that files exist before proceeding. for filename in infiles: if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = "{} doesn't exist".format(filename) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM load the tiles file. tiles = # ADM check some files loaded. if len(tiles) == 0: msg = "no tiles found in {}".format(tilesfile) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _get_gfas(fn): '''wrapper on gaia_gfas_from_sweep() given a file name''' return gaia_gfas_from_sweep(fn, maglim=maglim) # ADM this is just to count sweeps files in _update_status. nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % 50 == 0 and nfile > 0: elapsed = (time()-t0)/60. rate = nfile/elapsed/60.'{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed)) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification. return result # - Parallel process input files. if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: gfas =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) else: gfas = list() for file in infiles: gfas.append(_update_status(_get_gfas(file))) gfas = np.concatenate(gfas) # ADM resolve any duplicates between imaging data releases. gfas = resolve(gfas) # ADM retrieve Gaia objects in the DESI footprint or passed tiles.'Retrieving additional Gaia objects...t = {:.1f} mins' .format((time()-t0)/60)) gaia = all_gaia_in_tiles(maglim=maglim, numproc=numproc, allsky=cmx, tiles=tiles) # ADM and limit them to just any missing bricks... brickids = set(gfas['BRICKID']) ii = [gbrickid not in brickids for gbrickid in gaia["BRICKID"]] gaia = gaia[ii] gfas = np.concatenate([gfas, gaia]) # ADM limit to DESI footprint or passed tiles, if not cmx'ing. if not cmx: ii = is_point_in_desi(tiles, gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"]) gfas = gfas[ii] return gfas