コード例 #1
ファイル: targets.py プロジェクト: qmxp55/desitarget
def resolve(targets):
    """Resolve which targets are primary in imaging overlap regions.

    targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        Rec array of targets. Must have columns "RA" and "DEC" and
        either "RELEASE" or "PHOTSYS".

        The original target list trimmed to only objects from the "northern"
        photometry in the northern imaging area and objects from "southern"
        photometry in the southern imaging area.
    # ADM retrieve the photometric system from the RELEASE.
    from desitarget.io import release_to_photsys, desitarget_resolve_dec
    if 'PHOTSYS' in targets.dtype.names:
        photsys = targets["PHOTSYS"]
        photsys = release_to_photsys(targets["RELEASE"])

    # ADM a flag of which targets are from the 'N' photometry.
    from desitarget.cuts import _isonnorthphotsys
    photn = _isonnorthphotsys(photsys)

    # ADM grab the declination used to resolve targets.
    split = desitarget_resolve_dec()

    # ADM determine which targets are north of the Galactic plane. As
    # ADM a speed-up, bin in ~1 sq.deg. HEALPixels and determine
    # ADM which of those pixels are north of the Galactic plane.
    # ADM We should never be as close as ~1o to the plane.
    from desitarget.geomask import is_in_gal_box, pixarea2nside
    nside = pixarea2nside(1)
    theta, phi = np.radians(90 - targets["DEC"]), np.radians(targets["RA"])
    pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
    # ADM find the pixels north of the Galactic plane...
    allpix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, allpix, nest=True)
    ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), 90 - np.degrees(theta)
    pixn = is_in_gal_box([ra, dec], [0., 360., 0., 90.], radec=True)
    # ADM which targets are in pixels north of the Galactic plane.
    galn = pixn[pixnum]

    # ADM which targets are in the northern imaging area.
    arean = (targets["DEC"] >= split) & galn

    # ADM retain 'N' targets in 'N' area and 'S' in 'S' area.
    keep = (photn & arean) | (~photn & ~arean)

    return targets[keep]
コード例 #2
ファイル: gfa.py プロジェクト: ShaunMCole/desitarget
def gaia_in_file(infile, maglim=18, mindec=-30., mingalb=10.):
    """Retrieve the Gaia objects from a HEALPixel-split Gaia file.

    infile : :class:`str`
        File name of a single Gaia "healpix" file.
    maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18
        Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band.
    mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30
        Minimum declination (o) to include for output Gaia objects.
    mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10
        Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output Gaia objects
        (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o)"

        Gaia objects in the passed Gaia file brighter than `maglim`,
        formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`.

       - A "Gaia healpix file" here is as made by, e.g.
    # ADM read in the Gaia file and limit to the passed magnitude.
    objs = read_gaia_file(infile)
    ii = objs['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim
    objs = objs[ii]

    # ADM rename GAIA_RA/DEC to RA/DEC, as that's what's used for GFAs.
    for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
        objs.dtype.names = [
            radec if col == "GAIA_" + radec else col
            for col in objs.dtype.names

    # ADM initiate the GFA data model.
    gfas = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=gfadatamodel.dtype)
    # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers
    gfas[...] = -99.
    for col in gfas.dtype.names:
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), (bytes, str)):
            gfas[col] = 'U'
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), int):
            gfas[col] = -1
    # ADM some default special cases. Default to REF_EPOCH of Gaia DR2,
    # ADM make RA/Dec very precise for Gaia measurements.
    gfas["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5
    gfas["RA_IVAR"], gfas["DEC_IVAR"] = 1e16, 1e16

    # ADM populate the common columns in the Gaia/GFA data models.
    cols = set(gfas.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names))
    for col in cols:
        gfas[col] = objs[col]

    # ADM update the Gaia morphological type.
    gfas["TYPE"] = gaia_morph(gfas)

    # ADM populate the BRICKID columns.
    gfas["BRICKID"] = bricks.brickid(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"])

    # ADM limit by Dec first to speed transform to Galactic coordinates.
    decgood = is_in_box(gfas, [0., 360., mindec, 90.])
    gfas = gfas[decgood]
    # ADM now limit to requesed Galactic latitude range.
    bbad = is_in_gal_box(gfas, [0., 360., -mingalb, mingalb])
    gfas = gfas[~bbad]

    return gfas
コード例 #3
def supplement_skies(nskiespersqdeg=None,
    """Generate supplemental sky locations using Gaia-G-band avoidance.

    nskiespersqdeg : :class:`float`, optional
        The minimum DENSITY of sky fibers to generate. Defaults to
        reading from :func:`~desimodel.io` with a margin of 4x.
    numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 16
        The number of processes over which to parallelize.
    gaiadir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to $GAIA_DIR
        The GAIA_DIR environment variable is set to this directory.
        If None is passed, then it's assumed to already exist.
    mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30
        Minimum declination (o) to include for output sky locations.
    mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10
        Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output sky locations
        (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o).
    radius : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 2
        Radius at which to avoid (all) Gaia sources (arcseconds).
    minobjid : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 0
        The minimum OBJID to start counting from in a brick. Used
        to make sure supplemental skies have different OBJIDs from
        regular skies.

        a structured array of supplemental sky positions in the DESI sky
        target format within the passed `mindec` and `mingalb` limits.

        - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set, or `gaiadir`
          must be passed.
    log.info("running on {} processors".format(numproc))

    # ADM if the GAIA directory was passed, set it.
    if gaiadir is not None:
        os.environ["GAIA_DIR"] = gaiadir

    # ADM if needed, determine the density of sky fibers to generate.
    if nskiespersqdeg is None:
        nskiespersqdeg = density_of_sky_fibers(margin=4)

    # ADM determine the HEALPixel nside of the standard Gaia files.
    anyfiles = find_gaia_files([0, 0], radec=True)
    hdr = fitsio.read_header(anyfiles[0], "GAIAHPX")
    nside = hdr["HPXNSIDE"]

    # ADM create a set of random locations accounting for mindec.
    log.info("Generating supplemental sky locations at Dec > {}o...t={:.1f}s".
                    time() - start))
    from desitarget.randoms import randoms_in_a_brick_from_edges
    ras, decs = randoms_in_a_brick_from_edges(0.,

    # ADM limit randoms by mingalb.
        "Generated {} sky locations. Limiting to |b| > {}o...t={:.1f}s".format(
            len(ras), mingalb,
            time() - start))
    bnorth = is_in_gal_box([ras, decs], [0, 360, mingalb, 90], radec=True)
    bsouth = is_in_gal_box([ras, decs], [0, 360, -90, -mingalb], radec=True)
    ras, decs = ras[bnorth | bsouth], decs[bnorth | bsouth]

    # ADM find HEALPixels for the random points.
        "Cut to {} sky locations. Finding their HEALPixels...t={:.1f}s".format(
            time() - start))
    theta, phi = np.radians(90 - decs), np.radians(ras)
    pixels = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
    upixels = np.unique(pixels)
    npixels = len(upixels)
    log.info("Running across {} HEALPixels.".format(npixels))

    # ADM parallelize across pixels. The function to run on every pixel.
    def _get_supp(pix):
        """wrapper on get_supp_skies() given a HEALPixel"""
        ii = (pixels == pix)
        return get_supp_skies(ras[ii], decs[ii], radius=radius)

    # ADM this is just to count pixels in _update_status.
    npix = np.zeros((), dtype='i8')
    t0 = time()

    def _update_status(result):
        """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation,
        that occurs on the main parallel process"""
        if npix % 500 == 0 and npix > 0:
            rate = npix / (time() - t0)
            log.info('{}/{} HEALPixels; {:.1f} pixels/sec'.format(
                npix, npixels, rate))
        npix[...] += 1  # this is an in-place modification.
        return result

    # - Parallel process across the unique pixels.
    if numproc > 1:
        pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc)
        with pool:
            supp = pool.map(_get_supp, upixels, reduce=_update_status)
        supp = []
        for upix in upixels:

    # ADM Concatenate the parallelized results into one rec array.
    supp = np.concatenate(supp)

    # ADM build the OBJIDs from the number of sources per brick.
    # ADM the for loop doesn't seem the smartest way, but it is O(n).
    log.info("Begin assigning OBJIDs to bricks...t={:.1f}s".format(time() -
    brxid = supp["BRICKID"]
    # ADM start each brick counting from minobjid.
    cntr = np.zeros(np.max(brxid) + 1, dtype=int) + minobjid
    objid = []
    for ibrx in brxid:
        cntr[ibrx] += 1
    # ADM ensure the number of sky positions that were generated doesn't exceed
    # ADM the largest possible OBJID (which is unlikely).
    if np.any(cntr > 2**targetid_mask.OBJID.nbits):
            '{} sky locations requested in brick {}, but OBJID cannot exceed {}'
            .format(nskies, brickname, 2**targetid_mask.OBJID.nbits))
        raise ValueError
    supp["OBJID"] = np.array(objid)
    log.info("Assigned OBJIDs to bricks...t={:.1f}s".format(time() - start))

    # ADM add the TARGETID, DESITARGET bits etc.
    nskies = len(supp)
    desi_target = np.zeros(nskies, dtype='>i8')
    desi_target |= desi_mask.SKY
    desi_target |= desi_mask.SUPP_SKY
    dum = np.zeros_like(desi_target)
    supp = finalize(supp, desi_target, dum, dum, sky=1)

    log.info('Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return supp
コード例 #4
def gaia_in_file(infile,
    """Retrieve the Gaia objects from a HEALPixel-split Gaia file.

    infile : :class:`str`
        File name of a single Gaia "healpix" file.
    maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18
        Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band.
    mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30
        Minimum declination (o) to include for output Gaia objects.
    mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10
        Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output Gaia objects
        (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o)"
    nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        (NESTED) HEALPix `nside` to use with `pixlist`.
    pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Only return sources in a set of (NESTED) HEALpixels at the
        supplied `nside`.
    addobjid : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        If ``True``, include, in the output, a column "GAIA_OBJID"
        that is the integer number of each row read from file.

        Gaia objects in the passed Gaia file brighter than `maglim`,
        formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`.

       - A "Gaia healpix file" here is as made by, e.g.
    # ADM read in the Gaia file and limit to the passed magnitude.
    objs = read_gaia_file(infile, addobjid=addobjid)
    ii = objs['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim
    objs = objs[ii]

    # ADM rename GAIA_RA/DEC to RA/DEC, as that's what's used for GFAs.
    for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
        objs.dtype.names = [
            radec if col == "GAIA_" + radec else col
            for col in objs.dtype.names

    # ADM initiate the GFA data model.
    dt = gfadatamodel.dtype.descr
    if addobjid:
        for tup in ('GAIA_BRICKID', '>i4'), ('GAIA_OBJID', '>i4'):

    gfas = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=dt)
    # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers
    gfas[...] = -99.
    for col in gfas.dtype.names:
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), (bytes, str)):
            gfas[col] = 'U'
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), int):
            gfas[col] = -1
    # ADM some default special cases. Default to REF_EPOCH of Gaia DR2,
    # ADM make RA/Dec very precise for Gaia measurements.
    gfas["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5
    gfas["RA_IVAR"], gfas["DEC_IVAR"] = 1e16, 1e16

    # ADM populate the common columns in the Gaia/GFA data models.
    cols = set(gfas.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names))
    for col in cols:
        gfas[col] = objs[col]

    # ADM update the Gaia morphological type.
    gfas["TYPE"] = gaia_morph(gfas)

    # ADM populate the BRICKID columns.
    gfas["BRICKID"] = bricks.brickid(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"])

    # ADM limit by HEALPixel first as that's the fastest.
    if pixlist is not None:
        inhp = is_in_hp(gfas, nside, pixlist)
        gfas = gfas[inhp]
    # ADM limit by Dec first to speed transform to Galactic coordinates.
    decgood = is_in_box(gfas, [0., 360., mindec, 90.])
    gfas = gfas[decgood]
    # ADM now limit to requesed Galactic latitude range.
    if mingalb > 1e-9:
        bbad = is_in_gal_box(gfas, [0., 360., -mingalb, mingalb])
        gfas = gfas[~bbad]

    return gfas