コード例 #1
def match_to_tycho(objs, matchrad=1., radec=False):
    """Match objects to Tycho healpixel files.

    objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        Must contain at least "RA" and "DEC".
    matchrad : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 1 arcsec
        The radius at which to match in arcseconds.
    radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of
        a rec array.

        The matching Tycho information for each object. The returned
        format is as for desitarget.tychomatch.tychodatamodel with
        an extra column "TYCHO_SEP" which is the matching distance
        in ARCSECONDS.

        - For objects with NO match in Tycho, the "TYC1", "TYC2" and
          "TYCHO_SEP" columns are -1, and other columns are zero.
        - Retrieves the CLOSEST match to Tycho for each passed object.
        - Because this reads in HEALPixel split files, it's (far) faster
          for objects that are clumped rather than widely distributed.
    # ADM parse whether a structure or coordinate list was passed.
    if radec:
        ra, dec = objs
        ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"]

    # ADM set up an array of Tycho information for the output.
    nobjs = len(ra)
    done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=tychodatamodel.dtype)

    # ADM objects without matches should have TYC1/2/3, TYCHO_SEP of -1.
    for col in "TYC1", "TYC2":
        done[col] = -1
    tycho_sep = np.zeros(nobjs) - 1

    # ADM determine which Tycho files need to be scraped.
    tychofiles = find_tycho_files([ra, dec], radec=True)
    nfiles = len(tychofiles)

    # ADM catch the case of no matches to Tycho.
    if nfiles > 0:
        # ADM loop through the Tycho files and find matches.
        for ifn, fn in enumerate(tychofiles):
            if ifn % 500 == 0 and ifn > 0:
                log.info('{}/{} files; {:.1f} total mins elapsed'
                         .format(ifn, nfiles, (time()-start)/60.))
            tycho = fitsio.read(fn)
            idtycho, idobjs, dist = radec_match_to(
                [tycho["RA"], tycho["DEC"]], [ra, dec],
                sep=matchrad, radec=True, return_sep=True)

            # ADM update matches whenever we have a CLOSER match.
            ii = (tycho_sep[idobjs] == -1) | (tycho_sep[idobjs] > dist)
            done[idobjs[ii]] = tycho[idtycho[ii]]
            tycho_sep[idobjs[ii]] = dist[ii]

    # ADM add the separation distances to the output array.
    dt = tychodatamodel.dtype.descr + [("TYCHO_SEP", ">f4")]
    output = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=dt)
    for col in tychodatamodel.dtype.names:
        output[col] = done[col]
    output["TYCHO_SEP"] = tycho_sep

    return output
コード例 #2
def make_bright_star_mask_in_hp(nside, pixnum, verbose=True, gaiaepoch=2015.5,
                                maglim=12., matchrad=1., maskepoch=2023.0):
    """Make a bright star mask in a HEALPixel using Tycho, Gaia and URAT.

    nside : :class:`int`
        (NESTED) HEALPixel nside.
    pixnum : :class:`int`
        A single HEALPixel number.
    verbose : :class:`bool`
        If ``True`` then log informational messages.

        The bright star mask in the form of `maskdatamodel.dtype`.

        - Runs in a a minute or so for a typical nside=4 pixel.
        - See :func:`~desitarget.brightmask.make_bright_star_mask` for
          descriptions of the output mask and the other input parameters.
    # ADM start the clock.
    t0 = time()

    # ADM read in the Tycho files.
    tychofns = find_tycho_files_hp(nside, pixnum, neighbors=False)
    tychoobjs = []
    for fn in tychofns:
        tychoobjs.append(fitsio.read(fn, ext='TYCHOHPX'))
    tychoobjs = np.concatenate(tychoobjs)
    # ADM create the Tycho reference magnitude, which is VT then HP
    # ADM then BT in order of preference.
    tychomag = tychoobjs["MAG_VT"].copy()
    tychomag[tychomag == 0] = tychoobjs["MAG_HP"][tychomag == 0]
    tychomag[tychomag == 0] = tychoobjs["MAG_BT"][tychomag == 0]
    # ADM discard any Tycho objects below the input magnitude limit
    # ADM and outside of the HEALPixels of interest.
    theta, phi = np.radians(90-tychoobjs["DEC"]), np.radians(tychoobjs["RA"])
    tychohpx = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
    ii = (tychohpx == pixnum) & (tychomag < maglim)
    tychomag, tychoobjs = tychomag[ii], tychoobjs[ii]
    if verbose:
        log.info('Read {} (mag < {}) Tycho objects (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'.
                 format(np.sum(ii), maglim, pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))

    # ADM read in the associated Gaia files. Also grab
    # ADM neighboring pixels to prevent edge effects.
    gaiafns = find_gaia_files(tychoobjs, neighbors=True)
    gaiaobjs = []
    cols = 'SOURCE_ID', 'RA', 'DEC', 'PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC'
    for fn in gaiafns:
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            gaiaobjs.append(fitsio.read(fn, ext='GAIAHPX', columns=cols))

    gaiaobjs = np.concatenate(gaiaobjs)
    gaiaobjs = rfn.rename_fields(gaiaobjs, {"SOURCE_ID": "REF_ID"})
    # ADM limit Gaia objects to 3 magnitudes fainter than the passed
    # ADM limit. This leaves some (!) leeway when matching to Tycho.
    gaiaobjs = gaiaobjs[gaiaobjs['PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim + 3]
    if verbose:
        log.info('Read {} (G < {}) Gaia sources (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'.format(
            len(gaiaobjs), maglim+3, pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))

    # ADM substitute URAT where Gaia proper motions don't exist.
    ii = ((np.isnan(gaiaobjs["PMRA"]) | (gaiaobjs["PMRA"] == 0)) &
          (np.isnan(gaiaobjs["PMDEC"]) | (gaiaobjs["PMDEC"] == 0)))
    if verbose:
        log.info('Add URAT for {} Gaia objs with no PMs (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'
                 .format(np.sum(ii), pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))

    urat = add_urat_pms(gaiaobjs[ii], numproc=1)
    if verbose:
        log.info('Found an additional {} URAT objects (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'
                 .format(np.sum(urat["URAT_ID"] != -1), pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))
    for col in "PMRA", "PMDEC":
        gaiaobjs[col][ii] = urat[col]
    # ADM need to track the URATID to track which objects have
    # ADM substituted proper motions.
    uratid = np.zeros_like(gaiaobjs["REF_ID"])-1
    uratid[ii] = urat["URAT_ID"]

    # ADM match to remove Tycho objects already in Gaia. Prefer the more
    # ADM accurate Gaia proper motions. Note, however, that Tycho epochs
    # ADM can differ from the mean (1991.5) by as as much as 0.86 years,
    # ADM so a star with a proper motion as large as Barnard's Star
    # ADM (10.3 arcsec) can be off by a significant margin (~10").
    margin = 10.
    ra, dec = rewind_coords(gaiaobjs["RA"], gaiaobjs["DEC"],
                            gaiaobjs["PMRA"], gaiaobjs["PMDEC"],
    # ADM match Gaia to Tycho with a suitable margin.
    if verbose:
        log.info('Match Gaia to Tycho with margin={}" (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'
                 .format(margin, pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))
    igaia, itycho = radec_match_to([ra, dec],
                                   [tychoobjs["RA"], tychoobjs["DEC"]],
                                   sep=margin, radec=True)
    if verbose:
        log.info('{} matches. Refining at 1" (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'.format(
            len(itycho), pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))

    # ADM match Gaia to Tycho at the more exact reference epoch.
    epoch_ra = tychoobjs[itycho]["EPOCH_RA"]
    epoch_dec = tychoobjs[itycho]["EPOCH_DEC"]
    # ADM some of the Tycho epochs aren't populated.
    epoch_ra[epoch_ra == 0], epoch_dec[epoch_dec == 0] = 1991.5, 1991.5
    ra, dec = rewind_coords(gaiaobjs["RA"][igaia], gaiaobjs["DEC"][igaia],
                            gaiaobjs["PMRA"][igaia], gaiaobjs["PMDEC"][igaia],
                            epochpast=epoch_ra, epochpastdec=epoch_dec)
    # ADM catch the corner case where there are no initial matches.
    if ra.size > 0:
        _, refined = radec_match_to([ra, dec], [tychoobjs["RA"][itycho],
                                    tychoobjs["DEC"][itycho]], radec=True)
        refined = np.array([], dtype='int')
    # ADM retain Tycho objects that DON'T match Gaia.
    keep = np.ones(len(tychoobjs), dtype='bool')
    keep[itycho[refined]] = False
    tychokeep, tychomag = tychoobjs[keep], tychomag[keep]
    if verbose:
        log.info('Kept {} Tychos with no Gaia match (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'
                 .format(len(tychokeep), pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))

    # ADM now we're done matching to Gaia, limit Gaia to the passed
    # ADM magnitude limit and to the HEALPixel boundary of interest.
    theta, phi = np.radians(90-gaiaobjs["DEC"]), np.radians(gaiaobjs["RA"])
    gaiahpx = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
    ii = (gaiahpx == pixnum) & (gaiaobjs['PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim)
    gaiakeep, uratid = gaiaobjs[ii], uratid[ii]
    if verbose:
        log.info('Mask also comprises {} Gaia sources (pix={})...t={:.1f} mins'
                 .format(len(gaiakeep), pixnum, (time()-t0)/60))

    # ADM move the coordinates forwards to the input mask epoch.
    epoch_ra, epoch_dec = tychokeep["EPOCH_RA"], tychokeep["EPOCH_DEC"]
    # ADM some of the Tycho epochs aren't populated.
    epoch_ra[epoch_ra == 0], epoch_dec[epoch_dec == 0] = 1991.5, 1991.5
    ra, dec = rewind_coords(
        tychokeep["RA"], tychokeep["DEC"], tychokeep["PM_RA"], tychokeep["PM_DEC"],
        epochnow=epoch_ra, epochnowdec=epoch_dec, epochpast=maskepoch)
    tychokeep["RA"], tychokeep["DEC"] = ra, dec
    ra, dec = rewind_coords(
        gaiakeep["RA"], gaiakeep["DEC"], gaiakeep["PMRA"], gaiakeep["PMDEC"],
        epochnow=gaiaepoch, epochpast=maskepoch)
    gaiakeep["RA"], gaiakeep["DEC"] = ra, dec

    # ADM finally, format according to the mask data model...
    gaiamask = np.zeros(len(gaiakeep), dtype=maskdatamodel.dtype)
    tychomask = np.zeros(len(tychokeep), dtype=maskdatamodel.dtype)
    for col in "RA", "DEC":
        gaiamask[col] = gaiakeep[col]
        gaiamask["PM"+col] = gaiakeep["PM"+col]
        tychomask[col] = tychokeep[col]
        tychomask["PM"+col] = tychokeep["PM_"+col]
    gaiamask["REF_ID"] = gaiakeep["REF_ID"]
    # ADM take care to rigorously convert to int64 for Tycho.
    tychomask["REF_ID"] = tychokeep["TYC1"].astype('int64')*int(1e6) + \
        tychokeep["TYC2"].astype('int64')*10 + tychokeep["TYC3"]
    gaiamask["REF_CAT"], tychomask["REF_CAT"] = 'G2', 'T2'
    gaiamask["REF_MAG"] = gaiakeep['PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG']
    tychomask["REF_MAG"] = tychomag
    gaiamask["URAT_ID"], tychomask["URAT_ID"] = uratid, -1
    gaiamask["TYPE"], tychomask["TYPE"] = 'PSF', 'PSF'
    mask = np.concatenate([gaiamask, tychomask])
    # ADM ...and add the mask radii.
    mask["IN_RADIUS"], mask["NEAR_RADIUS"] = radii(mask["REF_MAG"])

    if verbose:
        log.info("Done making mask...(pix={})...t={:.1f} mins".format(
            pixnum, (time()-t0)/60.))

    return mask
コード例 #3
ファイル: secondary.py プロジェクト: rongpu/desitarget
def match_secondary(primtargs, scxdir, scndout, sep=1., pix=None, nside=None):
    """Match secondary targets to primary targets and update bits.

    primtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        An array of primary targets.
    scndout : :class`~numpy.ndarray`
        Name of a sub-directory to which to write the information in
        `desitarget.secondary.outdatamodel` with `TARGETID` and (the
        highest) `PRIORITY_INIT` updated with matching primary info.
    scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Name of the directory that hosts secondary targets.
    sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond
        The separation at which to match in ARCSECONDS.
    pix : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Limit secondary targets to (NESTED) HEALpixels that touch
        pix at the supplied `nside`, as a speed-up.
    nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside to be used with `pixlist`.

        The array of primary targets, with the `SCND_TARGET` bit
        populated for matches to secondary targets
    # ADM add a SCND_TARGET column to the primary targets.
    dt = primtargs.dtype.descr
    dt.append(('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'))
    targs = np.zeros(len(primtargs), dtype=dt)
    for col in primtargs.dtype.names:
        targs[col] = primtargs[col]

    # ADM check if this is an SV or main survey file.
    cols, mx, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    log.info('running on the {} survey...'.format(surv))
    if surv != 'main':
        scxdir = os.path.join(scxdir, surv)

    # ADM read in non-OVERRIDE secondary targets.
    scxtargs = read_files(scxdir, mx[3])
    scxtargs = scxtargs[~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"]]

    # ADM match primary targets to non-OVERRIDE secondary targets.
    inhp = np.ones(len(scxtargs), dtype="?")
    # ADM as a speed-up, save memory by limiting the secondary targets
    # ADM to just HEALPixels that could touch the primary targets.
    if nside is not None and pix is not None:
        # ADM remember to grab adjacent pixels in case of edge effects.
        allpix = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pix)
        inhp = is_in_hp(scxtargs, nside, allpix)
        # ADM it's unlikely that the matching separation is comparable
        # ADM to the HEALPixel resolution, but guard against that anyway.
        halfpix = np.degrees(hp.max_pixrad(nside)) * 3600.
        if sep > halfpix:
            msg = 'sep ({}") exceeds (half) HEALPixel size ({}")'.format(
                sep, halfpix)
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # ADM warn the user if the secondary and primary samples are "large".
    big = 500000
    if np.sum(inhp) > big and len(primtargs) > big:
        log.warning('Large secondary (N={}) and primary (N={}) samples'.format(
            np.sum(inhp), len(primtargs)))
        log.warning('The code may run slowly')

    # ADM for each secondary target, determine if there is a match
    # ADM with a primary target. Note that sense is important, here
    # ADM (the primary targets must be passed first).
        'Matching primary and secondary targets for {} at {}"...t={:.1f}s'.
        format(scndout, sep,
               time() - start))
    mtargs, mscx = radec_match_to(targs, scxtargs[inhp], sep=sep)
    # ADM recast the indices to the full set of secondary targets,
    # ADM instead of just those that were in the relevant HEALPixels.
    mscx = np.where(inhp)[0][mscx]

    # ADM loop through the matches and update the SCND_TARGET
    # ADM column in the primary target list. The np.unique is a
    # ADM speed-up to assign singular matches first.
    umtargs, inv, cnt = np.unique(mtargs,
    # ADM number of times each primary target was matched, ordered
    # ADM the same as mtargs, i.e. n(mtargs) for each entry in mtargs.
    nmtargs = cnt[inv]
    # ADM assign anything with nmtargs = 1 directly.
    singular = nmtargs == 1
    targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[singular]] = scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM loop through things with nmtargs > 1 and combine the bits.
    for i in range(len((mtargs[~singular]))):
        targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[~singular][i]] |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM also assign the SCND_ANY bit to the primary targets.
    desicols, desimasks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    desi_mask = desimasks[0]

    targs[desicols[0]][umtargs] |= desi_mask.SCND_ANY

    # ADM rename the SCND_TARGET column, in case this is an SV file.
    targs = rfn.rename_fields(targs, {'SCND_TARGET': desicols[3]})

    # APC Secondary target bits only affect PRIORITY, NUMOBS and
    # APC obsconditions for specific DESI_TARGET bits
    # APC See https://github.com/desihub/desitarget/pull/530

    # APC Only consider primary targets with secondary bits set
    scnd_update = (targs[desicols[0]] & desi_mask['SCND_ANY']) != 0
    if np.any(scnd_update):
        # APC Allow changes to primaries if the DESI_TARGET bitmask has
        # APC only the following bits set, in any combination.
            'Testing if secondary targets can update {} matched primaries'.
        update_from_scnd_bits = desi_mask['SCND_ANY'] | desi_mask[
            'MWS_ANY'] | desi_mask['STD_BRIGHT'] | desi_mask[
                'STD_FAINT'] | desi_mask['STD_WD']
        scnd_update &= ((targs[desicols[0]] & ~update_from_scnd_bits) == 0)
            'Setting new priority, numobs and obsconditions from secondary for {} matched primaries'

        # APC Primary and secondary obsconditions are or'd
        scnd_obscon = set_obsconditions(targs[scnd_update], scnd=True)
        targs['OBSCONDITIONS'][scnd_update] &= scnd_obscon

        # APC bit of a hack here
        # APC Check for _BRIGHT, _DARK split in column names
        darkbright = 'NUMOBS_INIT_DARK' in targs.dtype.names
        if darkbright:
            ender, obscon = ["_DARK", "_BRIGHT"], ["DARK|GRAY", "BRIGHT"]
            ender, obscon = [""], [

        # APC secondaries can increase priority and numobs
        for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon):
            pc, nc = "PRIORITY_INIT" + edr, "NUMOBS_INIT" + edr
            scnd_priority, scnd_numobs = initial_priority_numobs(
                targs[scnd_update], obscon=oc, scnd=True)
            targs[nc][scnd_update] = np.maximum(targs[nc][scnd_update],
            targs[pc][scnd_update] = np.maximum(targs[pc][scnd_update],

    # ADM update the secondary targets with the primary information.
    scxtargs["TARGETID"][mscx] = targs["TARGETID"][mtargs]
    # ADM the maximum priority will be used to break ties in the
    # ADM unlikely event that a secondary matches two primaries.
    hipri = np.maximum(targs["PRIORITY_INIT_DARK"],
    scxtargs["PRIORITY_INIT"][mscx] = hipri[mtargs]

    # ADM write the secondary targets that have updated TARGETIDs.
    ii = scxtargs["TARGETID"] != -1
    nmatches = np.sum(ii)
    log.info('Writing {} secondary target matches to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(
        nmatches, scndout,
        time() - start))
    if nmatches > 0:
        hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
        hdr["SURVEY"] = surv

    log.info('Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return targs
コード例 #4
ファイル: secondary.py プロジェクト: ShaunMCole/desitarget
def match_secondary(infile, scxtargs, sep=1., scxdir=None):
    """Match secondary targets to primary targets and update bits.

    infile : :class:`str`
        The full path to a file containing primary targets.
    scxtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        An array of secondary targets.
    sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond
        The separation at which to match in ARCSECONDS.
    scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Name of the directory that hosts secondary targets. If passed,
        this is written to the output primary file header as `SCNDDIR`.

        The array of secondary targets, with the `TARGETID` bit
        updated with any matching primary targets from `infile`.

        - The primary target `infiles` are written back to their
          original path with `.fits` changed to `-wscnd.fits` and the
          `SCND_TARGET` bit populated for matching targets.
    # ADM just the file name for logging.
    fn = os.path.basename(infile)
    # ADM read in the primary targets.
    log.info('Reading primary targets file {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(
        time() - start))
    intargs, hdr = fitsio.read(infile, extension="TARGETS", header=True)

    # ADM fail if file's already been matched to secondary targets.
    if "SCNDDIR" in hdr:
        msg = "{} already matched to secondary targets".format(fn) \
              + " (did you mean to remove {}?)!!!".format(fn)
        raise ValueError(msg)
    # ADM add the SCNDDIR to the primary targets file header.
    hdr["SCNDDIR"] = scxdir
    # ADM add a SCND_TARGET column to the primary targets.
    dt = intargs.dtype.descr
    dt.append(('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'))
    targs = np.zeros(len(intargs), dtype=dt)
    for col in intargs.dtype.names:
        targs[col] = intargs[col]

    # ADM match to all secondary targets for non-custom primary files.
    inhp = np.ones(len(scxtargs), dtype="?")
    # ADM as a speed-up, save memory by limiting the secondary targets
    # ADM to just HEALPixels that could touch the primary targets.
    if 'FILEHPX' in hdr:
        nside, pix = hdr['FILENSID'], hdr['FILEHPX']
        # ADM remember to grab adjacent pixels in case of edge effects.
        allpix = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pix)
        inhp = is_in_hp(scxtargs, nside, allpix)
        # ADM it's unlikely that the matching separation is comparable
        # ADM to the HEALPixel resolution, but guard against that anyway.
        halfpix = np.degrees(hp.max_pixrad(nside)) * 3600.
        if sep > halfpix:
            msg = 'sep ({}") exceeds (half) HEALPixel size ({}")'.format(
                sep, halfpix)
            raise ValueError(msg)
    # ADM warn the user if the secondary and primary samples are "large".
    big = 500000
    if np.sum(inhp) > big and len(intargs) > big:
        log.warning('Large secondary (N={}) and primary (N={}) samples'.format(
            np.sum(inhp), len(intargs)))
        log.warning('The code may run slowly')

    # ADM for each secondary target, determine if there is a match
    # ADM with a primary target. Note that sense is important, here
    # ADM (the primary targets must be passed first).
        'Matching primary and secondary targets for {} at {}"...t={:.1f}s'.
        format(fn, sep,
               time() - start))
    mtargs, mscx = radec_match_to(targs, scxtargs[inhp], sep=sep)
    # ADM recast the indices to the full set of secondary targets,
    # ADM instead of just those that were in the relevant HEALPixels.
    mscx = np.where(inhp)[0][mscx]

    # ADM loop through the matches and update the SCND_TARGET
    # ADM column in the primary target list. The np.unique is a
    # ADM speed-up to assign singular matches first.
    umtargs, inv, cnt = np.unique(mtargs,
    # ADM number of times each primary target was matched, ordered
    # ADM the same as mtargs, i.e. n(mtargs) for each entry in mtargs.
    nmtargs = cnt[inv]
    # ADM assign anything with nmtargs = 1 directly.
    singular = nmtargs == 1
    targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[singular]] = scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM loop through things with nmtargs > 1 and combine the bits.
    for i in range(len((mtargs[~singular]))):
        targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[~singular][i]] |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM also assign the SCND_ANY bit to the primary targets.
    desicols, desimasks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    targs[desicols[0]][umtargs] |= desimasks[0].SCND_ANY

    # ADM rename the SCND_TARGET column, in case this is an SV file.
    targs = rfn.rename_fields(targs, {'SCND_TARGET': desicols[3]})

    # ADM update the secondary targets with the primary TARGETID.
    scxtargs["TARGETID"][mscx] = targs["TARGETID"][mtargs]

    # ADM form the output primary file name and write the file.
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(infile)
    outfile = "{}{}{}".format(base, '-wscnd', ext)
    log.info('Writing updated primary targets to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(
        time() - start))
    fitsio.write(outfile, targs, extname='TARGETS', header=hdr, clobber=True)

    log.info('Done for {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(fn, time() - start))

    return scxtargs
コード例 #5
ファイル: secondary.py プロジェクト: sdss/lvmtarget
def match_secondary(primtargs, scxdir, scndout, sep=1., pix=None, nside=None):
    """Match secondary targets to primary targets and update bits.

    primtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        An array of primary targets.
    scndout : :class`~numpy.ndarray`
        Name of a sub-directory to which to write the information in
        `desitarget.secondary.outdatamodel` with `TARGETID` and (the
        highest) `PRIORITY_INIT` updated with matching primary info.
    scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Name of the directory that hosts secondary targets.
    sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond
        The separation at which to match in ARCSECONDS.
    pix : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Limit secondary targets to (NESTED) HEALpixels that touch
        pix at the supplied `nside`, as a speed-up.
    nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside to be used with `pixlist`.

        The array of primary targets, with the `SCND_TARGET` bit
        populated for matches to secondary targets
    # ADM add a SCND_TARGET column to the primary targets.
    dt = primtargs.dtype.descr
    dt.append(('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'))
    targs = np.zeros(len(primtargs), dtype=dt)
    for col in primtargs.dtype.names:
        targs[col] = primtargs[col]

    # ADM check if this is an SV or main survey file.
    cols, mx, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    log.info('running on the {} survey...'.format(surv))
    if surv != 'main':
        scxdir = os.path.join(scxdir, surv)

    # ADM read in non-OVERRIDE secondary targets.
    scxtargs = read_files(scxdir, mx[3])
    scxtargs = scxtargs[~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"]]

    # ADM match primary targets to non-OVERRIDE secondary targets.
    inhp = np.ones(len(scxtargs), dtype="?")
    # ADM as a speed-up, save memory by limiting the secondary targets
    # ADM to just HEALPixels that could touch the primary targets.
    if nside is not None and pix is not None:
        # ADM remember to grab adjacent pixels in case of edge effects.
        allpix = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pix)
        inhp = is_in_hp(scxtargs, nside, allpix)
        # ADM it's unlikely that the matching separation is comparable
        # ADM to the HEALPixel resolution, but guard against that anyway.
        halfpix = np.degrees(hp.max_pixrad(nside)) * 3600.
        if sep > halfpix:
            msg = 'sep ({}") exceeds (half) HEALPixel size ({}")'.format(
                sep, halfpix)
            raise ValueError(msg)
    # ADM warn the user if the secondary and primary samples are "large".
    big = 500000
    if np.sum(inhp) > big and len(primtargs) > big:
        log.warning('Large secondary (N={}) and primary (N={}) samples'.format(
            np.sum(inhp), len(primtargs)))
        log.warning('The code may run slowly')

    # ADM for each secondary target, determine if there is a match
    # ADM with a primary target. Note that sense is important, here
    # ADM (the primary targets must be passed first).
        'Matching primary and secondary targets for {} at {}"...t={:.1f}s'.
        format(scndout, sep,
               time() - start))
    mtargs, mscx = radec_match_to(targs, scxtargs[inhp], sep=sep)
    # ADM recast the indices to the full set of secondary targets,
    # ADM instead of just those that were in the relevant HEALPixels.
    mscx = np.where(inhp)[0][mscx]

    # ADM loop through the matches and update the SCND_TARGET
    # ADM column in the primary target list. The np.unique is a
    # ADM speed-up to assign singular matches first.
    umtargs, inv, cnt = np.unique(mtargs,
    # ADM number of times each primary target was matched, ordered
    # ADM the same as mtargs, i.e. n(mtargs) for each entry in mtargs.
    nmtargs = cnt[inv]
    # ADM assign anything with nmtargs = 1 directly.
    singular = nmtargs == 1
    targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[singular]] = scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM loop through things with nmtargs > 1 and combine the bits.
    for i in range(len((mtargs[~singular]))):
        targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[~singular][i]] |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM also assign the SCND_ANY bit to the primary targets.
    desicols, desimasks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    targs[desicols[0]][umtargs] |= desimasks[0].SCND_ANY

    # ADM rename the SCND_TARGET column, in case this is an SV file.
    targs = rfn.rename_fields(targs, {'SCND_TARGET': desicols[3]})

    # ADM update the secondary targets with the primary information.
    scxtargs["TARGETID"][mscx] = targs["TARGETID"][mtargs]
    # ADM the maximum priority will be used to break ties in the
    # ADM unlikely event that a secondary matches two primaries.
    hipri = np.maximum(targs["PRIORITY_INIT_DARK"],
    scxtargs["PRIORITY_INIT"][mscx] = hipri[mtargs]

    # ADM write the secondary targets that have updated TARGETIDs.
    ii = scxtargs["TARGETID"] != -1
    nmatches = np.sum(ii)
    log.info('Writing {} secondary target matches to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(
        nmatches, scndout,
        time() - start))
    if nmatches > 0:
        hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
        hdr["SURVEY"] = surv

    log.info('Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return targs