コード例 #1
def add_brick_data(T, north):
    B = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz')
    print('Looking up brick bounds')
    ibrick = dict([(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(B.brickname)])
    bi = np.array([ibrick[n] for n in T.brickname])
    T.brickid = B.brickid[bi]
    T.ra1 = B.ra1[bi]
    T.ra2 = B.ra2[bi]
    T.dec1 = B.dec1[bi]
    T.dec2 = B.dec2[bi]
    assert (np.all(T.ra2 > T.ra1))
    T.area = ((T.ra2 - T.ra1) * (T.dec2 - T.dec1) *
              np.cos(np.deg2rad((T.dec1 + T.dec2) / 2.)))

    print('Resolving north/south split')
    from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import radectolb
    ll, bb = radectolb(T.ra, T.dec)
    from desitarget.io import desitarget_resolve_dec
    decsplit = desitarget_resolve_dec()
    if north:
        T.survey_primary = (bb > 0) * (T.dec >= decsplit)
        T.survey_primary = np.logical_not((bb > 0) * (T.dec >= decsplit))

    print('Looking up in_desi')
    from desimodel.io import load_tiles
    from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi
    desitiles = load_tiles()
    T.in_desi = is_point_in_desi(desitiles, T.ra, T.dec)
コード例 #2
ファイル: targets.py プロジェクト: qmxp55/desitarget
def resolve(targets):
    """Resolve which targets are primary in imaging overlap regions.

    targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        Rec array of targets. Must have columns "RA" and "DEC" and
        either "RELEASE" or "PHOTSYS".

        The original target list trimmed to only objects from the "northern"
        photometry in the northern imaging area and objects from "southern"
        photometry in the southern imaging area.
    # ADM retrieve the photometric system from the RELEASE.
    from desitarget.io import release_to_photsys, desitarget_resolve_dec
    if 'PHOTSYS' in targets.dtype.names:
        photsys = targets["PHOTSYS"]
        photsys = release_to_photsys(targets["RELEASE"])

    # ADM a flag of which targets are from the 'N' photometry.
    from desitarget.cuts import _isonnorthphotsys
    photn = _isonnorthphotsys(photsys)

    # ADM grab the declination used to resolve targets.
    split = desitarget_resolve_dec()

    # ADM determine which targets are north of the Galactic plane. As
    # ADM a speed-up, bin in ~1 sq.deg. HEALPixels and determine
    # ADM which of those pixels are north of the Galactic plane.
    # ADM We should never be as close as ~1o to the plane.
    from desitarget.geomask import is_in_gal_box, pixarea2nside
    nside = pixarea2nside(1)
    theta, phi = np.radians(90 - targets["DEC"]), np.radians(targets["RA"])
    pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
    # ADM find the pixels north of the Galactic plane...
    allpix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, allpix, nest=True)
    ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), 90 - np.degrees(theta)
    pixn = is_in_gal_box([ra, dec], [0., 360., 0., 90.], radec=True)
    # ADM which targets are in pixels north of the Galactic plane.
    galn = pixn[pixnum]

    # ADM which targets are in the northern imaging area.
    arean = (targets["DEC"] >= split) & galn

    # ADM retain 'N' targets in 'N' area and 'S' in 'S' area.
    keep = (photn & arean) | (~photn & ~arean)

    return targets[keep]