コード例 #1
    def __init__(self,
                 FWHM=0.66 * 1 / 0.2,

        self.Y = Y
        self.centre = centre
        self.P = P
        self.diag = diag
        self.pfa_bright = pfa_bright
        self.pfa_faint = pfa_faint
        self.FWHM = FWHM
        self.taille_f = taille_f
        self.beta = beta
        self.confident = confident
        self.pas_dic = pas_dic
        self.nb_ech_dic = nb_ech_dic

        self.marge = int(taille_f / 2)
        self.S = Y.shape[0]
        self.W = Y.shape[2]
        self.F = dp.Moffat(taille_f, FWHM, beta)
        self.D = dp.gen_dic(self.W, pas=pas_dic, nb_ech=nb_ech_dic, asym=0)
コード例 #2
    P = 54  # number of observations
    centre = np.array([int(S / 2), int(S / 2)])

    # FSF parameters:
    FWHM = 0.66 * 1 / 0.2
    beta = 2.6
    taille_f = 1
    marge = int(taille_f / 2)

    #Dictionary parameters
    beta = 2.6
    pas = 0.15
    nb_ech_dic = 50

    # Generating dictionary ("catalog" in the paper)
    D = dp.gen_dic(W, pas=pas, nb_ech=nb_ech_dic, asym=0)
    F = dp.Moffat(taille_f, FWHM, beta)

    # Here one can choose the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the image.
    # It is possible to create a sequence of SNR from which the selection is made later.
    SNR = np.array([-7])

    F_range = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11])

    marge = int(taille_f / 2)

    test_simu = 1

    pfa_bright = 0.001
    pfa_faint = 0.0001
コード例 #3
def whitening_masked(Y, X_sig, F, S, W, P):
    Spectral whitening while ignoring a masked region.
    Note : doit pouvoir etre simplifie.
    :param ndarray Y: Hyperspectral, multiple observation datacube. Shape: (spatial,spatial,spectral,observation).    
    :param ndarray X_sig: region to ignore in the whitening. Shape: (spatial,spatial).
    :param ndarray F: FSF to consider in the 3D repliation process.
    :param int S: spatial size (Y is supposed isotropic, *i.e.* square).
    :param int W: number of spectral band.
    :param int P: number of observation

    if P != 1:
        # When there are multiple observations, the whitening is done by observation.
        Y_tout_snr_blanc = np.zeros(shape=Y.shape)

        for p in range(P):
            Y_pose = Y[:, :, :, p]

            # reshaping the datacube into an array.
            liste_vec = np.reshape(Y_pose, (S * S, Y_pose.shape[2]))
            liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_sig, S * S)
            liste_msk = np.tile(liste_msk1d[:, np.newaxis], (1, W))

            liste_ext = np.ma.masked_array(liste_vec,
                                           np.invert(liste_msk == 0))
            liste_ext = ma.compress_rowcols(liste_ext, axis=0)
            liste_ext = liste_ext[~np.isnan(liste_ext).all(1)]

            # Covariance estimation on the averaged datacube.
            Sig_init = np.cov(liste_ext, rowvar=0)
            Sig_inv_dem = la.inv(la.sqrtm(Sig_init))

            # Actual whitening:
            liste_blanc = np.dot(liste_vec, Sig_inv_dem)

            # Reshaping the whitened array into a datacube.
            Y_tout_snr_blanc[:, :, :, p] = np.reshape(liste_blanc, (S, S, W))

        Y_src = np.reshape(Y_tout_snr_blanc[:, :, :, :], (S, S, W * P))

        # Now we process data averaged over multiple observations, which will
        # used altogether with the multiple observation data.
        if Y.ndim == 4:
            Y_src_unip = np.mean(Y[:, :, :, :], axis=3)
            Y_src_unip = Y

        liste_vec = np.reshape(Y_src_unip, (S * S, Y_src_unip.shape[2]))
        liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_sig, S * S)
        liste_msk = np.tile(liste_msk1d[:, np.newaxis], (1, W))

        liste_ext = np.ma.masked_array(liste_vec, np.invert(liste_msk == 0))
        liste_ext = ma.compress_rowcols(liste_ext, axis=0)
        liste_ext = liste_ext[~np.isnan(liste_ext).all(1)]

        Sig_init = np.cov(liste_ext, rowvar=0)
        Sig_inv_dem = la.inv(la.sqrtm(Sig_init))
        liste_blanc = np.dot(liste_vec, Sig_inv_dem)
        Y_src_unip = np.reshape(liste_blanc, (S, S, W))

        D_unip = dp.gen_dic(W, P=1)
        Y_3d_unip, D_3d_unip = dp.replique_3d_pose(Y_src_unip, F, D_unip, P=1)
        D_3d_unip = D_3d_unip[:Y_3d_unip.shape[2], :]

        liste_vec_unip = Y_3d_unip.reshape(
            (Y_3d_unip.shape[0]**2, Y_3d_unip.shape[2]))

        # One observation. The process is the same as above.
        if Y.ndim == 4:
            Y_src = np.mean(Y[:, :, :, :], axis=3)
            Y_src = Y

        liste_vec = np.reshape(Y_src, (S * S, Y_src.shape[2]))
        liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_sig, S * S)
        liste_msk = np.tile(liste_msk1d[:, np.newaxis], (1, W))

        liste_ext = np.ma.masked_array(liste_vec, np.invert(liste_msk == 0))
        liste_ext = ma.compress_rowcols(liste_ext, axis=0)
        liste_ext = liste_ext[~np.isnan(liste_ext).all(1)]

        Sig_init = np.cov(liste_ext, rowvar=0)
        Sig_inv_dem = la.inv(la.sqrtm(Sig_init))
        liste_blanc = np.dot(liste_vec, Sig_inv_dem)
        Y_src = np.reshape(liste_blanc, (S, S, W))

        liste_vec_unip = 0
        D_3d_unip = 0

    return Y_src, liste_vec_unip, D_3d_unip
コード例 #4
def GLR_as_pose(Y, X_init, X_sig, P, diag, pfa_faint, FWHM, taille_f, beta,
    GLR test with similarity/sparsity constraint.
    :param ndarray Y: Hyperspectral, multiple observation datacube. Shape: (spatial,spatial,spectral,observation).    
    :param ndarray X_init: Initial detection map to consider for similarity.
    :param ndarray X_sig: map to consider for covariance estimation. May be identical to X_init.
    :param int P: number of observation.
    :param bool diag: set if the estimated covariance matrix sould be constrained to be diagonal.
    :param float pfa_faint: target false alarm for the method.
    :param float FWHM: Full Width at Half Maximum for the spatial FSF, in pixels.
    :param int taille_f: size of the FSF window, in pixels.
    :param float beta: parameter for the FSF description.
    :param float ksi: test threshold.
    :returns: **X** *(bool image)* - binary extended detection map.
    :returns: **T** *(float image)* - continuous extended detection map (test statistic map).
    :returns: **ind_2d** *(int image)* - indices of the best-fitted atoms from the dictionary.

    # Dimensions
    S = Y.shape[0]
    W = Y.shape[2]

    # Dictionnary
    D = dp.gen_dic(W, P=P)
    # Field Spread Function
    F = dp.Moffat(taille_f, FWHM, beta)

    marge = int(taille_f / 2)

    # 1) Data whitening while ignoring a masked region:
    Y_src, liste_vec_unip, D_3d_unip = whitening_masked(Y, X_sig, F, S, W, P)

    # 2) Data reshaping for spatial, observation features.
    Y_3d, D_3d = dp.replique_3d_pose(Y_src, F, D, P=P)

    # 3) Actual detection

    # reshaping into a 2D array of appropriate size
    liste_vec = Y_3d.reshape((Y_3d.shape[0]**2, Y_3d.shape[2]))
    liste_msk1d = np.reshape(X_init[marge:S - marge, marge:S - marge],
                             (S - 2 * marge)**2)

    # MLE estimates from the initially detected region
    if P == 1:
        X_b_tout, Ind = estimer_xb(liste_vec, liste_msk1d, D_3d)
        # The estimates are on the observation-averaged datacube.
        X_b_tout, Ind = estimer_xb(liste_vec_unip, liste_msk1d, D_3d_unip)

        # Estimates have to be reshaped:
        X_b_tout_new = np.zeros(shape=(X_b_tout.shape[0],
                                       P * X_b_tout.shape[1]))

        for p in range(P):
            X_b_tout_new[:, p::P] = X_b_tout

        X_b_tout = X_b_tout_new

    # Indices of MLE 1-soarse estimtes in the dictionary.
    taille_ind = int(np.sqrt(Ind.shape[0]))
    ind_2d = np.reshape(Ind, (taille_ind, taille_ind))
    ind_2d_new = np.zeros(shape=(S, S))
    ind_2d_new[marge:S - marge, marge:S - marge] = ind_2d
    ind_2d = ind_2d_new

    # The covariance matrix is assumed (at least) block-diagonal.
    # Therefore, to avoid manipulating large array the calculus are done by
    # blocks.
    nb_lambda = W
    pas = taille_f**2
    contrib = 0

    sum_denom = 0
    sum_numer = 0
    for pl in range(P * nb_lambda):
        # Block beginning and end.
        deb = pl * pas
        fin = (pl + 1) * pas

        # Arrays to be manipulated at this step.
        Y_pl = liste_vec[:, deb:fin]
        X_pl = X_b_tout[:, deb:fin]

        if diag == True:
            # Here we assume the covariance matrix to be diagonal

            # Numerators and denominators for the current block.
            numer_courant = np.dot(Y_pl, X_pl.T)

            denom_courant = np.diag(np.dot(X_pl, X_pl.T))

            # Values are added to the total numerator, denominator values.
            sum_numer += numer_courant
            sum_denom += denom_courant

            # Here we assume the covariance matrix is block diagonal.

            # Covariance matrix for the current block, and its inverse.
            Sigma_pl = np.cov(Y_pl, rowvar=0)
            Sigma_pl_inv = la.inv(Sigma_pl)

            Sig_inv_X = np.dot(Sigma_pl_inv, X_pl.T)

            # Numerators and denominators for the current block.
            numer_courant = np.dot(Y_pl, Sig_inv_X)
            denom_courant = np.diag(np.dot(X_pl, Sig_inv_X))

            # Values are added to the total numerator, denominator values.
            sum_numer += numer_courant
            sum_denom += denom_courant

    # Total test statistic
    contrib = 0.5 * sum_numer**2 / sum_denom

    # Here we sum over the bright initial spectra set.
    val = contrib.sum(axis=1)

    # Actual thresholding, decision:
    dec = val > ksi

    # Reshaping into original dimensions.
    marge = int(taille_f / 2)
    T = val.reshape((S - 2 * marge, S - 2 * marge))
    X = dec.reshape((S - 2 * marge, S - 2 * marge))

    return X, T, ind_2d