def draw_proposals(self, proposals): img = self.img.copy() labels = [str(round(score, 2)) for score in proposals.scores] self.overlay_instances(boxes=proposals.pred_boxes, labels=labels, alpha=1) rendered = self.output.get_image() self.img = img self.output = VisImage(self.img) return rendered
def __init__(self, img_rgb, metadata, scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE): self.img = np.asarray(img_rgb).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) self.metadata = metadata self.output = VisImage(self.img, scale=scale) self.cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") self._default_font_size = max( np.sqrt(self.output.height * self.output.width) // 90, 10 // scale ) self._instance_mode = instance_mode
def __init__(self, img_rgb, metadata=None, scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE): """ Args: img_rgb: a numpy array of shape (H, W, C), where H and W correspond to the height and width of the image respectively. C is the number of color channels. The image is required to be in RGB format since that is a requirement of the Matplotlib library. The image is also expected to be in the range [0, 255]. metadata (Metadata): image metadata. instance_mode (ColorMode): defines one of the pre-defined style for drawing instances on an image. """ self.img = np.asarray(img_rgb).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) if metadata is None: metadata = MetadataCatalog.get("__nonexist__") self.metadata = metadata self.output = VisImage(self.img, scale=scale) self.cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") # too small texts are useless, therefore clamp to 9 self._default_font_size = max( np.sqrt(self.output.height * self.output.width) // 50, 10 // scale) self._instance_mode = instance_mode
class Visualizer(D2Visualizer): def __init__(self, img_rgb, metadata, scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE): self.img = np.asarray(img_rgb).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) self.metadata = metadata self.output = VisImage(self.img, scale=scale) self.cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") self._default_font_size = max( np.sqrt(self.output.height * self.output.width) // 90, 10 // scale ) self._instance_mode = instance_mode def smart_concatenate(self, images, min_side: int = None, num_rows: int = None, num_colums: int = None, out_shape=None) -> np.ndarray: assert all_the_same([img.shape for img in images]) num_items = len(images) if num_rows is None and num_colums is None: num_colums = int(math.sqrt(num_items)) num_rows = int(math.ceil(num_items / num_colums)) elif num_rows is None: num_rows = int(math.ceil(num_items / num_colums)) elif num_colums is None: num_colums = int(math.ceil(num_items / num_rows)) canvas = np.zeros_like(images[0]) if min_side is not None: assert out_shape is None, "out_shape has been specified" ratio = (canvas.shape[0] * num_rows) / (canvas.shape[1] * num_colums) if ratio < 1: out_shape = (min_side, int(min_side / ratio + 0.5)) else: out_shape = (int(min_side * ratio + 0.5), min_side) if out_shape is not None: canvas = cv2.resize(canvas, out_shape[::-1]) h, w = int(canvas.shape[0] / num_rows), int(canvas.shape[1] / num_colums) for r in range(num_rows): for c in range(num_colums): if not r * num_colums + c < len(images): break canvas[r * h:(r + 1) * h, c * w:(c + 1) * w] = cv2.resize(images[r * num_colums + c], (w, h)) return canvas def draw_proposals_separately(self, proposals, image_shape, conf_threshold): ratios_ranges = [(0, 0.6), (0.9, 1.2), (1.5, 2.2)] width_ranges = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512] previous_mark = 0 area_ranges = [] for w in width_ranges: area_ranges.append((previous_mark ** 2 + 4, w ** 2 + 64)) previous_mark = w boxes = np.asarray([x["bbox"] for x in proposals]).reshape(-1, 4) box_area = (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]) * (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) box_ratios = (boxes[:, 0] - boxes[:, 2]) / (boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3]) scores = np.asarray([x["score"] for x in proposals]) output_images = [] for r_r in ratios_ranges: # a_r = area_ranges[0] # if True: for a_r in area_ranges: instance = Instances(image_shape) chosen = np.logical_and( between(box_ratios, r_r), between(box_area, a_r)) chosen = np.logical_and(chosen, scores > conf_threshold).nonzero()[0] score = scores[chosen] bbox = np.asarray([proposals[i]["bbox"] for i in chosen]).reshape(-1, 4) bbox = BoxMode.convert(bbox, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) instance.scores = score instance.pred_boxes = Boxes(bbox) output_images.append(self.draw_proposals(instance)) return output_images def draw_proposals(self, proposals): img = self.img.copy() labels = [str(round(score, 2)) for score in proposals.scores] self.overlay_instances(boxes=proposals.pred_boxes, labels=labels, alpha=1) rendered = self.output.get_image() self.img = img self.output = VisImage(self.img) return rendered def topk_iou_boxes(self, candidates: Boxes, targets: Boxes, k=1): iou_matrix = pairwise_iou(candidates, targets) _, topk_idxs = iou_matrix.topk(k, dim=0) return candidates.tensor[topk_idxs], topk_idxs def draw_box(self, box_coord, alpha=0.5, edge_color="g", line_style="-", linewidth=2): """ Args: box_coord (tuple): a tuple containing x0, y0, x1, y1 coordinates, where x0 and y0 are the coordinates of the image's top left corner. x1 and y1 are the coordinates of the image's bottom right corner. alpha (float): blending efficient. Smaller values lead to more transparent masks. edge_color: color of the outline of the box. Refer to `matplotlib.colors` for full list of formats that are accepted. line_style (string): the string to use to create the outline of the boxes. Returns: output (VisImage): image object with box drawn. """ x0, y0, x1, y1 = box_coord width = x1 - x0 height = y1 - y0 mpl.patches.Rectangle( (x0, y0), width, height, fill=False, edgecolor=edge_color, linewidth=linewidth * self.output.scale, alpha=alpha, linestyle=line_style, ) ) return self.output def group_by(self, object_list, values, ranges_dic): """ Group given boxes by judging whether values are bwtween the ranges in ranges_dic. A box can be assigned to multiple groups as there are no regulations on the intersections of ranges. """ grouped = defaultdict(list) assert len(object_list) == len(values) for index, item in enumerate(object_list): for key, ranges in ranges_dic.items(): # An item in ranges dic may be a list of conditions. if any_of(ranges, between, values[index]): grouped[key].append(item) return grouped def select_dataset_dict_by_ratio(self, anno, ratios_ranges): boxes = np.asarray([x["bbox"] for x in predictions]).reshape(-1, 4) boxes = BoxMode.convert(boxes, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) box_ratios = (boxes[:, 0] - boxes[:, 2]) / (boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3]) scores = np.asarray([x["score"] for x in predictions]) selected_predictions = [] for r_r in ratios_ranges: chosen = between(box_ratios, r_r).nonzero()[0] chosen_predictions = np.asarray(predictions)[chosen] selected_predictions.append(chosen_predictions) return selected_predictions def draw_instance_predictions(self, predictions): """ Draw instance-level prediction results on an image. Args: predictions (Instances): the output of an instance detection/segmentation model. Following fields will be used to draw: "pred_boxes", "pred_classes", "scores", "pred_masks" (or "pred_masks_rle"). Returns: output (VisImage): image object with visualizations. """ boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has("pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has("pred_classes") else None labels = _create_text_labels(classes, scores, self.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has("pred_keypoints") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks] else: masks = None if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.SEGMENTATION and self.metadata.get("thing_colors"): colors = [ self._jitter([x / 255 for x in self.metadata.thing_colors[c]]) for c in classes ] alpha = 0.8 else: colors = None alpha = 0.5 if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: self.output.img = self._create_grayscale_image( (predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0).numpy() ) alpha = 0.3 self.overlay_instances( masks=masks, boxes=boxes, labels=labels, keypoints=keypoints, assigned_colors=colors, alpha=alpha, ) return self.output def draw_circle(self, circle_coord, color, radius=6): """ Args: circle_coord (list(int) or tuple(int)): contains the x and y coordinates of the center of the circle. color: color of the polygon. Refer to `matplotlib.colors` for a full list of formats that are accepted. radius (int): radius of the circle. Returns: output (VisImage): image object with box drawn. """ x, y = circle_coord mpl.patches.Circle(circle_coord, radius=radius, fill=True, color=color) ) return self.output def overlay_instances( self, *, boxes=None, labels=None, masks=None, keypoints=None, assigned_colors=None, alpha=0.5 ): """ Args: boxes (Boxes, RotatedBoxes or ndarray): either a :class:`Boxes`, or an Nx4 numpy array of XYXY_ABS format for the N objects in a single image, or a :class:`RotatedBoxes`, or an Nx5 numpy array of (x_center, y_center, width, height, angle_degrees) format for the N objects in a single image, labels (list[str]): the text to be displayed for each instance. masks (masks-like object): Supported types are: * :class:`detectron2.structures.PolygonMasks`, :class:`detectron2.structures.BitMasks`. * list[list[ndarray]]: contains the segmentation masks for all objects in one image. The first level of the list corresponds to individual instances. The second level to all the polygon that compose the instance, and the third level to the polygon coordinates. The third level should have the format of [x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn] (n >= 3). * list[ndarray]: each ndarray is a binary mask of shape (H, W). * list[dict]: each dict is a COCO-style RLE. keypoints (Keypoint or array like): an array-like object of shape (N, K, 3), where the N is the number of instances and K is the number of keypoints. The last dimension corresponds to (x, y, visibility or score). assigned_colors (list[matplotlib.colors]): a list of colors, where each color corresponds to each mask or box in the image. Refer to 'matplotlib.colors' for full list of formats that the colors are accepted in. Returns: output (VisImage): image object with visualizations. """ num_instances = None if boxes is not None: boxes = self._convert_boxes(boxes) num_instances = len(boxes) if masks is not None: masks = self._convert_masks(masks) if num_instances: assert len(masks) == num_instances else: num_instances = len(masks) if keypoints is not None: if num_instances: assert len(keypoints) == num_instances else: num_instances = len(keypoints) keypoints = self._convert_keypoints(keypoints) if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == num_instances if assigned_colors is None: assigned_colors = [random_color(rgb=True, maximum=1) for _ in range(num_instances)] if num_instances == 0: return self.output if boxes is not None and boxes.shape[1] == 5: return self.overlay_rotated_instances( boxes=boxes, labels=labels, assigned_colors=assigned_colors ) # Display in largest to smallest order to reduce occlusion. areas = None if boxes is not None: areas =[:, 2:] - boxes[:, :2], axis=1) elif masks is not None: areas = np.asarray([x.area() for x in masks]) if areas is not None: sorted_idxs = np.argsort(-areas).tolist() # Re-order overlapped instances in descending order. boxes = boxes[sorted_idxs] if boxes is not None else None labels = [labels[k] for k in sorted_idxs] if labels is not None else None masks = [masks[idx] for idx in sorted_idxs] if masks is not None else None assigned_colors = [assigned_colors[idx] for idx in sorted_idxs] keypoints = keypoints[sorted_idxs] if keypoints is not None else None for i in range(num_instances): color = assigned_colors[i] if boxes is not None: if boxes[i, 0] - boxes[i, 2] == 0 and boxes[i, 1] - boxes[i, 3] == 0: self.draw_circle(boxes[i, :2], color) else: self.draw_box(boxes[i], edge_color=color) if masks is not None: for segment in masks[i].polygons: self.draw_polygon(segment.reshape(-1, 2), color, alpha=alpha) if labels is not None: # first get a box if boxes is not None: x0, y0, x1, y1 = boxes[i] text_pos = (x0, y0) # if drawing boxes, put text on the box corner. horiz_align = "left" elif masks is not None: x0, y0, x1, y1 = masks[i].bbox() # draw text in the center (defined by median) when box is not drawn # median is less sensitive to outliers. text_pos = np.median(masks[i].mask.nonzero(), axis=1)[::-1] horiz_align = "center" else: continue # drawing the box confidence for keypoints isn't very useful. # for small objects, draw text at the side to avoid occlusion instance_area = (y1 - y0) * (x1 - x0) if ( instance_area < _SMALL_OBJECT_AREA_THRESH * self.output.scale or y1 - y0 < 40 * self.output.scale ): if y1 >= self.output.height - 5: text_pos = (x1, y0) else: text_pos = (x0, y1) height_ratio = (y1 - y0) / np.sqrt(self.output.height * self.output.width) lighter_color = self._change_color_brightness(color, brightness_factor=0.7) font_size = ( np.clip((height_ratio - 0.02) / 0.08 + 1, 1.2, 2) * 0.5 * self._default_font_size ) self.draw_text( labels[i], text_pos, color=lighter_color, horizontal_alignment=horiz_align, font_size=font_size, ) # draw keypoints if keypoints is not None: for keypoints_per_instance in keypoints: self.draw_and_connect_keypoints(keypoints_per_instance) return self.output