コード例 #1
ファイル: test_symbol_caching.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_symbol_cache_aliasing_reverse():
    """Test to assert that removing he original u[x, y] instance does
    not impede our alisaing cache or leaks memory.

    # Ensure a clean cache to start with
    # FIXME: Currently not working, presumably due to our
    # failure to cache new instances?
    # assert(len(_SymbolCache) == 0)

    # Create first instance of u and fill its data
    grid = Grid(shape=(3, 4))
    u = Function(name='u', grid=grid)
    u.data[:] = 6.
    u_ref = weakref.ref(u.data)

    # Create derivative and delete orignal u[x, y]
    dx = u.dx
    del u
    # We still have a references to u
    # FIXME: Unreliable cache sizes
    # assert len(_SymbolCache) == 1
    # Ensure u[x + h, y] still holds valid data
    assert np.allclose(dx.args[0].args[1].data, 6.)

    del dx
    # FIXME: Unreliable cache sizes
    # assert len(_SymbolCache) == 0  # We still have a reference to u_h
    assert u_ref() is None
コード例 #2
ファイル: conftest.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def unit_box(name='a', shape=(11, 11), grid=None):
    """Create a field with value 0. to 1. in each dimension"""
    grid = grid or Grid(shape=shape)
    a = Function(name=name, grid=grid)
    dims = tuple([np.linspace(0., 1., d) for d in shape])
    a.data[:] = np.meshgrid(*dims)[1]
    return a
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_arithmetic(self):
        """Test arithmetic operations involving Data objects."""
        grid = Grid(shape=(16, 16, 16))
        u = Function(name='yu3D', grid=grid, space_order=0)
        u.data[:] = 1

        # Simple arithmetic
        assert np.all(u.data == 1)
        assert np.all(u.data + 2. == 3.)
        assert np.all(u.data - 2. == -1.)
        assert np.all(u.data * 2. == 2.)
        assert np.all(u.data / 2. == 0.5)
        assert np.all(u.data % 2 == 1.)

        # Increments and partial increments
        u.data[:] += 2.
        assert np.all(u.data == 3.)
        u.data[9, :, :] += 1.
        assert all(np.all(u.data[i, :, :] == 3.) for i in range(9))
        assert np.all(u.data[9, :, :] == 4.)

        # Right operations __rOP__
        u.data[:] = 1.
        arr = np.ndarray(shape=(16, 16, 16), dtype=np.float32)
        assert np.all(arr - u.data == 1.)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_slicing(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        myrank = grid.distributor.myrank
        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=0)

        u.data[:] = myrank

        # `u.data` is a view of the global data array restricted, on each rank,
        # to the local rank domain, so it must be == myrank
        assert np.all(u.data == myrank)
        assert np.all(u.data._local == myrank)
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data[:2, :2] == myrank)
            assert u.data[:2, 2:].size == u.data[2:, :2].size == u.data[2:, 2:].size == 0
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data[:2, 2:] == myrank)
            assert u.data[:2, :2].size == u.data[2:, :2].size == u.data[2:, 2:].size == 0
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data[2:, :2] == myrank)
            assert u.data[:2, 2:].size == u.data[:2, :2].size == u.data[2:, 2:].size == 0
            assert np.all(u.data[2:, 2:] == myrank)
            assert u.data[:2, 2:].size == u.data[2:, :2].size == u.data[:2, :2].size == 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_indexing(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        myrank = grid.distributor.myrank
        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=0)

        u.data[:] = myrank

        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert u.data[0, 0] == myrank
            assert u.data[2, 2] is None
            assert u.data[2].size == 0
            assert u.data[:, 2].size == 0
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert u.data[0, 0] is None
            assert u.data[2, 2] is None
            assert u.data[2].size == 0
            assert np.all(u.data[:, 2] == [myrank, myrank])
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert u.data[0, 0] is None
            assert u.data[2, 2] is None
            assert np.all(u.data[2] == [myrank, myrank])
            assert u.data[:, 2].size == 0
            assert u.data[0, 0] is None
            assert u.data[2, 2] == myrank
            assert np.all(u.data[2] == [myrank, myrank])
            assert np.all(u.data[:, 2] == [myrank, myrank])
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_yask.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_partial_offloading(self):
        Check that :class:`Function` objects not using any :class:`SpaceDimension`
        are computed in Devito-land, rather than via YASK.
        shape = (4, 4, 4)
        grid = Grid(shape=shape)
        dx = Dimension(name='dx')
        dy = Dimension(name='dy')
        dz = Dimension(name='dz')
        x, y, z = grid.dimensions

        u = TimeFunction(name='yu4D', grid=grid, space_order=0)
        f = Function(name='f', dimensions=(dx, dy, dz), shape=shape)

        u.data_with_halo[:] = 0.
        f.data[:] = 0.

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.),
                Eq(f, u[1, dx, dy, dz] + 1.)]
        op = Operator(eqns)

        assert np.all(u.data[0] == 0.)
        assert np.all(u.data[1] == 1.)
        assert np.all(f.data == 2.)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_interpolation.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def a(shape=(11, 11)):
    grid = Grid(shape=shape)
    a = Function(name='a', grid=grid)
    xarr = np.linspace(0., 1., shape[0])
    yarr = np.linspace(0., 1., shape[1])
    a.data[:] = np.meshgrid(xarr, yarr)[1]
    return a
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_localviews(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        myrank = grid.distributor.myrank
        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid)

        u.data[:] = grid.distributor.myrank

        assert u.data_ro_domain._local[0, 0] == grid.distributor.myrank
        assert u.data_ro_domain._local[1, 1] == grid.distributor.myrank
        assert u.data_ro_domain._local[-1, -1] == grid.distributor.myrank

        assert u.data_ro_with_halo._local[1, 1] == grid.distributor.myrank
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[1:, 1:] == myrank)
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[0] == 0.)
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[1:3, :2] == myrank)
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[0] == 0.)
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[:2, 1:3] == myrank)
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[2] == 0.)
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[:2, :2] == myrank)
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_with_halo._local[2] == 0.)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_broadcasting(self):
        Test Data broadcasting, expected to behave as NumPy broadcasting.

        Refer to https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.0/user/basics.broadcasting.html
        for more info about NumPy broadcasting rules.
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))
        u = Function(name='yu3D', grid=grid)
        u.data[:] = 2.

        # Assign from array with lower-dimensional shape
        v = np.ones(shape=(4, 4), dtype=u.dtype)
        u.data[:] = v
        assert np.all(u.data == 1.)

        # Assign from array with higher-dimensional shape causes a ValueError exception
        v = np.zeros(shape=(4, 4, 4, 4), dtype=u.dtype)
            u.data[:] = v
        except ValueError:
            assert True
            assert False

        # Assign from array having shape with some 1-valued entries
        v = np.zeros(shape=(4, 1, 4), dtype=u.dtype)
        u.data[:] = v
        assert np.all(u.data == 0.)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_derivatives.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_fd_space_staggered(self, space_order, stagger):
        This test compares the discrete finite-difference scheme against polynomials
        For a given order p, the finite difference scheme should
        be exact for polynomials of order p
        :param derivative: name of the derivative to be tested
        :param space_order: space order of the finite difference stencil
        # dummy axis dimension
        nx = 100
        xx = np.linspace(-1, 1, nx)
        dx = xx[1] - xx[0]
        # Symbolic data
        grid = Grid(shape=(nx,), dtype=np.float32)
        x = grid.dimensions[0]

        # Location of the staggered function
        if stagger == left:
            off = -.5
            side = -x
            xx2 = xx - off * dx
        elif stagger == right:
            off = .5
            side = x
            xx2 = xx[:-1] - off * dx
            off = 0
            side = NODE
            xx2 = xx

        u = Function(name="u", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, staggered=(side,))
        du = Function(name="du", grid=grid, space_order=space_order)
        # Define polynomial with exact fd
        coeffs = np.ones((space_order-1,), dtype=np.float32)
        polynome = sum([coeffs[i]*x**i for i in range(0, space_order-1)])
        polyvalues = np.array([polynome.subs(x, xi) for xi in xx2], np.float32)
        # Fill original data with the polynomial values
        u.data[:] = polyvalues
        # True derivative of the polynome
        Dpolynome = diff(polynome)
        Dpolyvalues = np.array([Dpolynome.subs(x, xi) for xi in xx], np.float32)
        # FD derivative, symbolic
        u_deriv = generic_derivative(u, deriv_order=1, fd_order=space_order,
                                     dim=x, stagger=stagger)
        # Compute numerical FD
        stencil = Eq(du, u_deriv)
        op = Operator(stencil, subs={x.spacing: dx})

        # Check exactness of the numerical derivative except inside space_brd
        space_border = space_order
        error = abs(du.data[space_border:-space_border] -

        assert np.isclose(np.mean(error), 0., atol=1e-3)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_trivial_insertion(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=0)
        v = Function(name='v', grid=grid, space_order=1)

        u.data[:] = 1.
        assert np.all(u.data == 1.)
        assert np.all(u.data._local == 1.)

        v.data_with_halo[:] = 1.
        assert v.data_with_halo[:].shape == (3, 3)
        assert np.all(v.data_with_halo == 1.)
        assert np.all(v.data_with_halo[:] == 1.)
        assert np.all(v.data_with_halo._local == 1.)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_pickle.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_function():
    grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))
    f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
    f.data[0] = 1.

    pkl_f = pickle.dumps(f)
    new_f = pickle.loads(pkl_f)

    # .data is initialized, so it should have been pickled too
    assert np.all(f.data[0] == 1.)
    assert np.all(new_f.data[0] == 1.)

    assert f.space_order == new_f.space_order
    assert f.dtype == new_f.dtype
    assert f.shape == new_f.shape
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_interpolation.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_inject_from_field(shape, coords, result, npoints=19):
    """Test point injection from a second field along a line
    through the middle of the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    a.data[:] = 0.
    b = Function(name='b', grid=a.grid)
    b.data[:] = 1.
    p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)

    expr = p.inject(field=a, expr=b)
    Operator(expr)(a=a, b=b)

    indices = [slice(4, 6, 1) for _ in coords]
    indices[0] = slice(1, -1, 1)
    assert np.allclose(a.data[indices], result, rtol=1.e-5)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_halo_indexing(self):
        """Test data packing/unpacking in presence of a halo region."""
        domain_shape = (16, 16, 16)
        grid = Grid(shape=domain_shape)
        u = Function(name='yu3D', grid=grid, space_order=2)

        assert u.shape == u.data.shape == domain_shape
        assert u._shape_with_inhalo == u.data_with_halo.shape == (20, 20, 20)
        assert u.shape_with_halo == u._shape_with_inhalo  # W/o MPI, these two coincide

        # Test simple insertion and extraction
        u.data_with_halo[0, 0, 0] = 1.
        u.data[0, 0, 0] = 2.
        assert u.data_with_halo[0, 0, 0] == 1.
        assert u.data[0, 0, 0] == 2.
        assert u.data_with_halo[2, 2, 2] == 2.

        # Test negative indices
        u.data_with_halo[-1, -1, -1] = 3.
        assert u.data[-1, -1, -1] == 0.
        assert u.data_with_halo[-1, -1, -1] == 3.
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_symbol_caching.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_symbol_cache_aliasing():
    """Test to assert that our aliasing cache isn't defeated by sympys
    non-aliasing symbol cache.

    For further explanation consider the symbol u[x, y] and it's first
    derivative in x, which includes the symbols u[x, y] and u[x + h, y].
    The two functions are aliased in devito's caching mechanism to allow
    multiple stencil indices pointing at the same data object u, but
    SymPy treats these two instances as separate functions and thus is
    allowed to delete one or the other when the cache is cleared.

    The test below asserts that u[x + h, y] is deleted, the data on u
    is still intact through our own caching mechanism."""

    # Ensure a clean cache to start with
    # FIXME: Currently not working, presumably due to our
    # failure to cache new instances?
    # assert(len(_SymbolCache) == 0)

    # Create first instance of u and fill its data
    grid = Grid(shape=(3, 4))
    u = Function(name='u', grid=grid)
    u.data[:] = 6.
    u_ref = weakref.ref(u.data)

    # Create u[x + h, y] and delete it again
    dx = u.dx  # Contains two u symbols: u[x, y] and u[x + h, y]
    del dx
    # FIXME: Unreliable cache sizes
    # assert len(_SymbolCache) == 1  # We still have a reference to u
    assert np.allclose(u.data, 6.)  # u.data is alive and well

    # Remove the final instance and ensure u.data got deallocated
    del u
    assert u_ref() is None
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_from_replicated_to_distributed(self):
        shape = (4, 4)
        grid = Grid(shape=shape)
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=0)  # distributed
        v = Function(name='v', grid=grid, space_order=0)  # distributed
        a = np.arange(16).reshape(shape)  # replicated

        # Full array
        u.data[:] = a
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data == [[0, 1], [4, 5]])
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data == [[2, 3], [6, 7]])
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data == [[8, 9], [12, 13]])
            assert np.all(u.data == [[10, 11], [14, 15]])

        # Subsection (all ranks touched)
        u.data[:] = 0
        u.data[1:3, 1:3] = a[1:3, 1:3]
        # Same as above but with negative indices
        v.data[:] = 0
        v.data[1:-1, 1:-1] = a[1:-1, 1:-1]
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data == [[0, 0], [0, 5]])
            assert np.all(v.data == [[0, 0], [0, 5]])
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data == [[0, 0], [6, 0]])
            assert np.all(v.data == [[0, 0], [6, 0]])
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data == [[0, 9], [0, 0]])
            assert np.all(v.data == [[0, 9], [0, 0]])
            assert np.all(u.data == [[10, 0], [0, 0]])
            assert np.all(v.data == [[10, 0], [0, 0]])

        # The assigned data must have same shape as the one of the distributed array,
        # otherwise an exception is expected
            u.data[1:3, 1:3] = a[1:2, 1:2]
        except ValueError:
            assert True
            assert False
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_dle.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def _new_operator1(shape, blockshape=None, dle=None):
    blockshape = as_tuple(blockshape)
    grid = Grid(shape=shape, dtype=np.int32)
    infield = Function(name='infield', grid=grid)
    infield.data[:] = np.arange(reduce(mul, shape), dtype=np.int32).reshape(shape)
    outfield = Function(name='outfield', grid=grid)

    stencil = Eq(outfield.indexify(), outfield.indexify() + infield.indexify()*3.0)
    op = Operator(stencil, dle=dle)

    blocksizes = get_blocksizes(op, dle, grid, blockshape)
    op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, **blocksizes)

    return outfield, op
コード例 #18
 def _gen_phys_param(self,
     if field is None and not init_empty:
         return default_value
     if isinstance(field, np.ndarray) or init_empty:
         function = Function(name=name,
         if not init_empty:
             if name is 'rho':
                 initialize_function(function, 1 / field, self.nbpml)
                 initialize_function(function, field, self.nbpml)
         function = Constant(name=name, value=field)
     return function
コード例 #19
    def test_function_wo(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))
        i = Dimension(name='i')

        f = Function(name='f', shape=(1,), dimensions=(i,), grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1),
                Eq(f[0], u[0, 0, 0, 0])]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt='noop', language='openmp')

        assert len(op.body.maps) == 1
        assert op.body.maps[0].pragmas[0].value ==\
            ('omp target enter data map(to: u[0:u_vec->size[0]]'
        assert len(op.body.unmaps) == 2
        assert op.body.unmaps[0].pragmas[0].value ==\
            ('omp target update from(u[0:u_vec->size[0]]'
        assert op.body.unmaps[1].pragmas[0].value ==\
            ('omp target exit data map(release: u[0:u_vec->size[0]]'
             '[0:u_vec->size[1]][0:u_vec->size[2]][0:u_vec->size[3]]) if(devicerm)')
コード例 #20
    def test_array_rw(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=2)

        eqn = Eq(u.forward, u*cos(f*2))

        op = Operator(eqn, language='openmp')

        assert len(op.body.allocs) == 1
        assert str(op.body.allocs[0]) ==\
            ('float *r0_vec = (float*) '
             'omp_target_alloc(sizeof(float[x_size*y_size*z_size]), '
        assert len(op.body.maps) == 2
        assert all('r0' not in str(i) for i in op.body.maps)

        assert len(op.body.frees) == 1
        assert str(op.body.frees[0]) ==\
            'omp_target_free(r0_vec, omp_get_default_device());'
        assert len(op.body.unmaps) == 3
        assert all('r0' not in str(i) for i in op.body.unmaps)
コード例 #21
    def test_if_parallel(self):
        a = np.arange(36).reshape((6, 6))
        grid = Grid(shape=(18, 18))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        f = Function(name='f',
                     halo=((3, 3), (3, 3)),
        initialize_function(f, a, 6, mode='reflect')

        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(a[::-1, 0:3] - np.array(f.data[0:6, 6:9]) == 0)
            assert np.all(a[0:3, ::-1] - np.array(f.data[6:9, 0:6]) == 0)
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(a[::-1, 3:6] - np.array(f.data[0:6, 9:12]) == 0)
            assert np.all(a[0:3, ::-1] - np.array(f.data[6:9, 12:18]) == 0)
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(a[::-1, 0:3] - np.array(f.data[12:18, 6:9]) == 0)
            assert np.all(a[3:6, ::-1] - np.array(f.data[9:12, 0:6]) == 0)
            assert np.all(a[::-1, 3:6] - np.array(f.data[12:18, 9:12]) == 0)
            assert np.all(a[3:6, ::-1] - np.array(f.data[9:12, 12:18]) == 0)
コード例 #22
    def test_save_w_nonaffine_time(self):
        factor = 4
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        time = grid.time_dim

        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid, dtype=np.int32)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=2, time_dim=time_subsampled)

        save_shift = Constant(name='save_shift', dtype=np.int32)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u[t, f[x, x], f[y, y]] + 1.),
                Eq(usave.subs(time_subsampled, time_subsampled - save_shift), u)]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('buffering', 'tasking', 'orchestrate'))

        # We just check the generated code here
        assert len([i for i in FindSymbols().visit(op) if isinstance(i, Lock)]) == 1
        assert len(op._func_table) == 2
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_yask.py プロジェクト: Guoyinzh/devito
    def test_misc_dims(self):
        Tests grid-independent :class:`Function`s, which require YASK's "misc"
        dx = Dimension(name='dx')
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=1, space_order=4, save=4)
        c = Function(name='c', dimensions=(x, dx), shape=(10, 5))

        step = Eq(u.forward, (
            u[time, x-2, y] * c[x, 0]
            + u[time, x-1, y] * c[x, 1]
            + u[time, x, y] * c[x, 2]
            + u[time, x+1, y] * c[x, 3]
            + u[time, x+2, y] * c[x, 4]))

        for i in range(10):
            c.data[i, 0] = 1.0+i
            c.data[i, 1] = 1.0+i
            c.data[i, 2] = 3.0+i
            c.data[i, 3] = 6.0+i
            c.data[i, 4] = 5.0+i

        u.data[:] = 0.0
        u.data[0, 2, :] = 2.0

        op = Operator(step)
        assert 'run_solution' in str(op)

        op(time_m=0, time_M=0)
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 0, :] == 10.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 1, :] == 14.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 2, :] == 10.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 3, :] == 8.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 4, :] == 10.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 5:10, :] == 0.0))
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_dimension.py プロジェクト: rohitthecool/devito
    def test_arrays_defined_over_subdims(self):
        Check code generation when an Array uses a SubDimension.
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, ))
        x, = grid.dimensions
        xi, = grid.interior.dimensions

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
        a = Array(name='a', dimensions=(xi, ), dtype=grid.dtype)
        op = Operator(
            [Eq(a[xi], 1),
             Eq(f, f + a[xi + 1], subdomain=grid.interior)],
            dle=('advanced', {
                'openmp': False
        assert len(op.parameters) == 6
        # neither `x_size` nor `xi_size` are expected here
        assert not any(i.name in ('x_size', 'xi_size') for i in op.parameters)
        # Try running it -- regardless of what it will produce, this should run
        # ie, this checks this error isn't raised:
        # "ValueError: No value found for parameter xi_size"
コード例 #25
    def test_default_functions(self):
        Test the default argument derivation for functions.
        grid = Grid(shape=(5, 6, 7))
        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid)
        op = Operator(Eq(g, g + f))

        expected = {
            'x_size': 5,
            'x_s': 0,
            'x_e': 5,
            'y_size': 6,
            'y_s': 0,
            'y_e': 6,
            'z_size': 7,
            'z_s': 0,
            'z_e': 7,
            'f': f.data,
            'g': g.data,
        self.verify_arguments(op.arguments(), expected)
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_caching.py プロジェクト: mmohrhard/devito
    def test_operator_leakage_sparse(self):
        Test to ensure that Operator creation does not cause memory leaks for
        grid = Grid(shape=(5, 6))
        a = Function(name='a', grid=grid)
        s = SparseTimeFunction(name='s', grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=1)
        w_a = weakref.ref(a)
        w_s = weakref.ref(s)

        # Create operator and delete everything again
        op = Operator(s.interpolate(a))
        w_op = weakref.ref(op)
        del op
        del s
        del a

        # Test whether things are still hanging around
        assert w_a() is None
        assert w_s() is None
        assert w_op() is None
コード例 #27
def run(shape=(50, 50, 50), spacing=(20.0, 20.0, 20.0), tn=1000.0,
        space_order=4, kernel='OT2', nbpml=40, full_run=False,
        autotune=False, constant=False, checkpointing=False, **kwargs):

    solver = acoustic_setup(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, nbpml=nbpml, tn=tn,
                            space_order=space_order, kernel=kernel,
                            constant=constant, **kwargs)

    # Smooth velocity
    initial_vp = Function(name='v0', grid=solver.model.grid, space_order=space_order)
    smooth(initial_vp, solver.model.m)
    dm = np.float32(initial_vp.data**2 - solver.model.m.data)

    info("Applying Forward")
    # Whether or not we save the whole time history. We only need the full wavefield
    # with 'save=True' if we compute the gradient without checkpointing, if we use
    # checkpointing, PyRevolve will take care of the time history
    save = full_run and not checkpointing
    # Define receiver geometry (spread across x, just below surface)
    rec, u, summary = solver.forward(save=save, autotune=autotune)

    if constant:
        # With  a new m as Constant
        m0 = Constant(name="m", value=.25, dtype=np.float32)
        solver.forward(save=save, m=m0)
        # With a new m as a scalar value
        solver.forward(save=save, m=.25)

    if not full_run:
        return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]

    info("Applying Adjoint")
    solver.adjoint(rec, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Born")
    solver.born(dm, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Gradient")
    solver.gradient(rec, u, autotune=autotune, checkpointing=checkpointing)
コード例 #28
ファイル: meu_teste(4).py プロジェクト: carlosjedwab/MyDevito
def fwi_gradient(m_in):
    # Create symbols to hold the gradient and residual
    grad = Function(name="grad", grid=model.grid)
    residual = Receiver(name='rec',
    objective = 0.

    # Creat forward wavefield to reuse to avoid memory overload
    u0 = TimeFunction(name='u',
    for i in range(nshots):
        # Important: We force previous wavefields to be destroyed,
        # so that we may reuse the memory.

        # Update source location
        geometry.src_positions[0, :] = source_locations[i, :]

        # Generate synthetic data from true model
        true_d, _, _ = solver.forward(m=model.m)

        # Compute smooth data and full forward wavefield u0
        smooth_d, _, _ = solver.forward(m=m_in, save=True, u=u0)

        # Compute gradient from data residual and update objective function
        residual.data[:] = smooth_d.data[:] - true_d.data[:]

        objective += .5 * np.linalg.norm(residual.data.flatten())**2
        solver.gradient(rec=residual, u=u0, m=m_in, grad=grad)

    return objective, grad.data
コード例 #29
    def gradient(self, rec, u, v=None, grad=None, m=None, **kwargs):
        Gradient modelling function for computing the adjoint of the
        Linearized Born modelling function, ie. the action of the
        Jacobian adjoint on an input data.

        :param recin: Receiver data as a numpy array
        :param u: Symbol for full wavefield `u` (created with save=True)
        :param v: (Optional) Symbol to store the computed wavefield
        :param grad: (Optional) Symbol to store the gradient field

        :returns: Gradient field and performance summary

        # Gradient symbol
        if grad is None:
            grad = Function(name='grad', grid=self.model.grid)

        # Create the forward wavefield
        if v is None:
            v = TimeFunction(name='v',

        # Pick m from model unless explicitly provided
        if m is None:
            m = m or self.model.m

        summary = self.op_grad().apply(rec=rec,
                                       dt=kwargs.pop('dt', self.dt),
        return grad, summary
コード例 #30
def test_mpi_fullmode_objects():
    grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))
    x, y, _ = grid.dimensions

    # Message
    f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
    obj = MPIMsgEnriched('msg', f, [Halo(x, LEFT)])
    pkl_obj = pickle.dumps(obj)
    new_obj = pickle.loads(pkl_obj)
    assert obj.name == new_obj.name
    assert obj.function.name == new_obj.function.name
    assert all(obj.function.dimensions[i].name == new_obj.function.dimensions[i].name
               for i in range(grid.dim))
    assert new_obj.function.dimensions[0] is new_obj.halos[0].dim

    # Region
    x_m, x_M = x.symbolic_min, x.symbolic_max
    y_m, y_M = y.symbolic_min, y.symbolic_max
    obj = MPIRegion('reg', 1, [y, x],
                    [(((x, OWNED, LEFT),), {x: (x_m, Min(x_M, x_m))}),
                     (((y, OWNED, LEFT),), {y: (y_m, Min(y_M, y_m))})])
    pkl_obj = pickle.dumps(obj)
    new_obj = pickle.loads(pkl_obj)
    assert obj.prefix == new_obj.prefix
    assert obj.key == new_obj.key
    assert obj.name == new_obj.name
    assert len(new_obj.arguments) == 2
    assert all(d0.name == d1.name for d0, d1 in zip(obj.arguments, new_obj.arguments))
    assert all(new_obj.arguments[i] is new_obj.owned[i][0][0][0]  # `x` and `y`
               for i in range(2))
    assert new_obj.owned[0][0][0][1] is new_obj.owned[1][0][0][1]  # `OWNED`
    assert new_obj.owned[0][0][0][2] is new_obj.owned[1][0][0][2]  # `LEFT`
    for n, i in enumerate(new_obj.owned):
        d, v = list(i[1].items())[0]
        assert d is new_obj.arguments[n]
        assert v[0] is d.symbolic_min
        assert v[1] == Min(d.symbolic_max, d.symbolic_min)
コード例 #31
    def test_multiple_subnests_v0(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))
        x, y, z = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=3)

        eqn = Eq(
                _R(u[t, x, y, z] + u[t, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1]) * 3. * f +
                _R(u[t, x + 2, y + 2, z + 2] + u[t, x + 3, y + 3, z + 3]) *
                3. * f) + 1.)
        op = Operator(eqn,
                      opt=('advanced', {
                          'openmp': True,
                          'cire-mingain': 0,
                          'par-nested': 0,
                          'par-collapse-ncores': 1,
                          'par-dynamic-work': 0

        bns, _ = assert_blocking(op, {'x0_blk0'})

        trees = retrieve_iteration_tree(bns['x0_blk0'])
        assert len(trees) == 2

        assert trees[0][0] is trees[1][0]
        assert trees[0][0].pragmas[0].value ==\
            'omp for collapse(2) schedule(dynamic,1)'
        assert trees[0][2].pragmas[0].value == ('omp parallel for collapse(2) '
                                                'schedule(dynamic,1) '
        assert trees[1][2].pragmas[0].value == ('omp parallel for collapse(2) '
                                                'schedule(dynamic,1) '
コード例 #32
def run(shape=(50, 50, 50),
        spacing=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0),

    solver = acoustic_ssa_setup(shape=shape,

    info("Applying Forward")
    # Define receiver geometry (spread across x, just below surface)
    rec, u, summary = solver.forward(save=full_run, autotune=autotune)

    if not full_run:
        return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]

    # Smooth velocity
    initial_vp = Function(name='v0',
    smooth(initial_vp, solver.model.vp)
    dm = solver.model.vp - initial_vp

    info("Applying Adjoint")
    solver.adjoint(rec, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Born")
    solver.jacobian(dm, autotune=autotune)
    info("Applying Gradient")
    solver.jacobian_adjoint(rec, u, autotune=autotune)
    return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u.data]
コード例 #33
    def test_argument_derivation_order(self, nt=100):
        """ Ensure the precedence order of arguments is respected
        Defaults < (overriden by) Tensor Arguments < Dimensions < Scalar Arguments
        i, j, k = dimify('i j k')
        shape = (10, 10, 10)
        grid = Grid(shape=shape, dimensions=(i, j, k))
        a = Function(name='a', grid=grid).indexed
        b_function = TimeFunction(name='b', grid=grid, save=True, time_dim=nt)
        b = b_function.indexed
        time = b_function.indices[0]
        b1 = TimeFunction(name='b1', grid=grid, save=True,
                          time_dim=nt + 1).indexed
        eqn = Eq(b[time, i, j, k], a[i, j, k])
        op = Operator(eqn)

        # Simple case, same as that tested above.
        # Repeated here for clarity of further tests.
        op_arguments, _ = op.arguments()
        assert (op_arguments[time.start_name] == 0)
        assert (op_arguments[time.end_name] == nt)

        # Providing a tensor argument should infer the dimension size from its shape
        op_arguments, _ = op.arguments(b=b1)
        assert (op_arguments[time.start_name] == 0)
        assert (op_arguments[time.end_name] == nt + 1)

        # Providing a dimension size explicitly should override the automatically inferred
        op_arguments, _ = op.arguments(b=b1, time=nt - 1)
        assert (op_arguments[time.start_name] == 0)
        assert (op_arguments[time.end_name] == nt - 1)

        # Providing a scalar argument explicitly should override the automatically\
        # inferred
        op_arguments, _ = op.arguments(b=b1, time=nt - 1, time_e=nt - 2)
        assert (op_arguments[time.start_name] == 0)
        assert (op_arguments[time.end_name] == nt - 2)
コード例 #34
    def test_expr_like_lowering(self):
        Test the lowering of an expr-like ConditionalDimension's condition.
        This test makes an Operator that should indexify and lower the condition
        passed in the Conditional Dimension

        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3))
        g1 = Function(name='g1', grid=grid)
        g2 = Function(name='g2', grid=grid)

        g1.data[:] = 0.49
        g2.data[:] = 0.49
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        ci = ConditionalDimension(name='ci',
                                  condition=Le((g1 + g2), 1.01 * (g1 + g2)))

        f = Function(name='f', shape=grid.shape, dimensions=(x, ci))
        Operator(Eq(f, g1 + g2)).apply()

        assert np.all(f.data[:] == g1.data[:] + g2.data[:])
コード例 #35
    def test_default_rules_deriv_offset(self, so, offset):
        Test that default_rules generates correct derivatives when derivatives
        are evaluated at offset x0.
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, ), extent=(10., ))
        x = grid.dimensions[0]
        h_x = x.spacing
        f_std = Function(name='f', grid=grid, space_order=so)
        f_sym = Function(name='f',
        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid, space_order=so)

        eval_std = str(
               f_std.dx(x0=x + offset * h_x / 2)).evaluate.evalf(_PRECISION))
        eval_sym = str(
               f_sym.dx(x0=x + offset * h_x / 2)).evaluate.evalf(_PRECISION))
        assert eval_std == eval_sym
コード例 #36
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: vkrGitHub/devito_fork_vkr
    def __init__(self,
        self.shape = shape
        self.nbl = int(nbl)
        self.origin = tuple([dtype(o) for o in origin])

        # Origin of the computational domain with boundary to inject/interpolate
        # at the correct index
        origin_pml = tuple(
            [dtype(o - s * nbl) for o, s in zip(origin, spacing)])
        phydomain = PhysicalDomain(self.nbl)
        subdomains = subdomains + (phydomain, )
        shape_pml = np.array(shape) + 2 * self.nbl
        # Physical extent is calculated per cell, so shape - 1
        extent = tuple(np.array(spacing) * (shape_pml - 1))
        self.grid = Grid(extent=extent,

        if self.nbl != 0:
            # Create dampening field as symbol `damp`
            self.damp = Function(name="damp", grid=self.grid)
            initialize_damp(self.damp, self.nbl, self.spacing, mask=damp_mask)
            self._physical_parameters = ['damp']
            self.damp = 1 if damp_mask else 0
            self._physical_parameters = []
コード例 #37
def test_operator_leakage_function():
    Test to ensure that Operator creation does not cause memory leaks for (Time)Functions.
    grid = Grid(shape=(5, 6))
    f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
    g = TimeFunction(name='g', grid=grid)

    # Take weakrefs to test whether symbols are dead or alive
    w_f = weakref.ref(f)
    w_g = weakref.ref(g)

    # Create operator and delete everything again
    op = Operator(Eq(f, 2 * g))
    w_op = weakref.ref(op)
    del op
    del f
    del g

    # Test whether things are still hanging around
    assert w_f() is None
    assert w_g() is None
    assert w_op() is None
コード例 #38
ファイル: operators.py プロジェクト: yuriyi/devito
def GradientOperator(model, source, receiver, space_order=4, save=True,
                     kernel='OT2', **kwargs):
    Constructor method for the gradient operator in an acoustic media

    :param model: :class:`Model` object containing the physical parameters
    :param source: :class:`PointData` object containing the source geometry
    :param receiver: :class:`PointData` object containing the acquisition geometry
    :param time_order: Time discretization order
    :param space_order: Space discretization order
    m, damp = model.m, model.damp

    # Gradient symbol and wavefield symbols
    grad = Function(name='grad', grid=model.grid)
    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=model.grid, save=source.nt if save
                     else None, time_order=2, space_order=space_order)
    v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=model.grid, save=None,
                     time_order=2, space_order=space_order)
    rec = Receiver(name='rec', grid=model.grid,
                   time_range=receiver.time_range, npoint=receiver.npoint)

    s = model.grid.stepping_dim.spacing
    eqn = iso_stencil(v, m, s, damp, kernel, forward=False)

    if kernel == 'OT2':
        gradient_update = Inc(grad, - u.dt2 * v)
    elif kernel == 'OT4':
        gradient_update = Inc(grad, - (u.dt2 + s**2 / 12.0 * u.laplace2(m**(-2))) * v)
    # Add expression for receiver injection
    receivers = rec.inject(field=v.backward, expr=rec * s**2 / m,

    # Substitute spacing terms to reduce flops
    return Operator(eqn + receivers + [gradient_update], subs=model.spacing_map,
                    name='Gradient', **kwargs)
コード例 #39
    def test_no_index(self):
        """Test behaviour when the ConditionalDimension is used as a symbol in
        an expression."""
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        assert(grid.stepping_dim in u.indices)

        v = Function(name='v', grid=grid)

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1), Eq(v, v + u*u*time_subsampled)]
        op = Operator(eqns)
        assert np.all(np.allclose(u.data[(nt-1) % 3], nt-1))
        # expected result is 1024
        # v = u[0]**2 * 0 + u[4]**2 * 1 + u[8]**2 * 2 + u[12]**2 * 3 + u[16]**2 * 4
        # with u[t] = t
        # v = 16 * 1 + 64 * 2 + 144 * 3 + 256 * 4 = 1600
        assert np.all(np.allclose(v.data, 1600))
コード例 #40
    def test_function_wo(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))
        i = Dimension(name='i')

        f = Function(name='f', shape=(1, ), dimensions=(i, ), grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1), Eq(f[0], u[0, 0, 0, 0])]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt='noop')

        assert len(op.body[1].header) == 2
        assert len(op.body[1].footer) == 2
        assert op.body[1].header[0].value ==\
            ('omp target enter data map(to: u[0:u_vec->size[0]]'
        assert str(op.body[1].header[1]) == ''
        assert str(op.body[1].footer[0]) == ''
        assert op.body[1].footer[1].contents[0].value ==\
            ('omp target update from(u[0:u_vec->size[0]]'
        assert op.body[1].footer[1].contents[1].value ==\
            ('omp target exit data map(release: u[0:u_vec->size[0]]'
コード例 #41
    def test_sdf_distance(self, space_order):
        """Check the mean error in SDF values"""
        # Error threshold
        thres = 0.11  # 0.11 grid increments
        # Sphere of radius 40, center (50, 50, 50)
        sphere = 'tests/trial_surfaces/sphere.ply'

        # Grid configuration
        extent = (100., 100., 100.)
        shape = (101, 101, 101)
        origin = (0., 0., 0.)

        grid = Grid(shape=shape, extent=extent, origin=origin)
        x, y, z = grid.dimensions
        h_x, h_y, h_z = grid.spacing

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid, space_order=space_order)

        # Create signed distance function
        sig = SignedDistanceFunction(f, sphere)

        pos_x, pos_y, pos_z = np.where(sig.sdf.data != -space_order//2-1)

        def true_dist(pos_1, pos_2, pos_3):
            return 40 - np.sqrt((h_x*pos_1 - 50)**2
                                + (h_y*pos_2 - 50)**2
                                + (h_z*pos_3 - 50)**2)

        err = np.absolute(sig.sdf.data[pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]
                          - true_dist(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z))

        avg = np.mean(err)

        if avg > thres:
            err_message = "Mean error in measured distances is {:.6}"
            raise ValueError(err_message.format(avg))
コード例 #42
def test_precomputed_interpolation():
    """ Test interpolation with PrecomputedSparseFunction which accepts
        precomputed values for interpolation coefficients
    shape = (101, 101)
    points = [(.05, .9), (.01, .8), (0.07, 0.84)]
    origin = (0, 0)

    grid = Grid(shape=shape, origin=origin)
    r = 2  # Constant for linear interpolation

    #  because we interpolate across 2 neighbouring points in each dimension

    def init(data):
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
            for j in range(data.shape[1]):
                     j] = sin(grid.spacing[0] * i) + sin(grid.spacing[1] * j)
        return data

    m = Function(name='m', grid=grid, initializer=init, space_order=0)

    gridpoints, interpolation_coeffs = precompute_linear_interpolation(
        points, grid, origin)

    sf = PrecomputedSparseFunction(name='s',
    eqn = sf.interpolate(m)
    op = Operator(eqn)
    expected_values = [sin(point[0]) + sin(point[1]) for point in points]
    assert (all(np.isclose(sf.data, expected_values, rtol=1e-6)))
コード例 #43
    def test_array_rw(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=2)

        eqn = Eq(u.forward, u * cos(f * 2))

        op = Operator(eqn)

        assert len(op.body[1].header) == 7
        assert str(op.body[1].header[0]) == 'float (*r1)[y_size][z_size];'
        assert op.body[1].header[1].text ==\
            'posix_memalign((void**)&r1, 64, sizeof(float[x_size][y_size][z_size]))'
        assert op.body[1].header[2].value ==\
            ('omp target enter data map(alloc: r1[0:x_size][0:y_size][0:z_size])'

        assert len(op.body[1].footer) == 6
        assert str(op.body[1].footer[0]) == ''
        assert op.body[1].footer[1].value ==\
            ('omp target exit data map(delete: r1[0:x_size][0:y_size][0:z_size])'
             ' if((x_size != 0) && (y_size != 0) && (z_size != 0))')
        assert op.body[1].footer[2].text == 'free(r1)'
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_operator.py プロジェクト: esiwgnahz/devito
    def test_override_function_size(self):
        Test runtime size overrides for :class:`Function` dimensions.

        Note: The current behaviour for size-only arguments seems
        ambiguous (eg. op(x=3, y=4), as it sets `dim_size` as well as
        `dim_end`. Since `dim_size` is used for the cast, we can get
        garbage results if it does not agree with the shape of the
        provided data. This should error out, or potentially we could
        set the corresponding size, while aliasing `dim` to `dim_e`?

        The same should be tested for :class:`TimeFunction` once fixed.
        grid = Grid(shape=(5, 6, 7))
        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid)

        op = Operator(Eq(g, 1.))
        args = {'x': 3, 'y': 4, 'z': 5}
        arguments = op.arguments(**args)
        expected = {
            'x_size': 5,
            'x_s': 0,
            'x_e': 3,
            'y_size': 6,
            'y_s': 0,
            'y_e': 4,
            'z_size': 7,
            'z_s': 0,
            'z_e': 5,
            'g': g.data
        self.verify_arguments(arguments, expected)
        # Verify execution
        assert (g.data[3:, 4:, 5:] == 0.).all()
        assert (g.data[:3, :4, :5] == 1.).all()
コード例 #45
    def test_tasking_fused(self):
        nt = 10
        bundle0 = Bundle()
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10, 10), subdomains=bundle0)

        tmp = Function(name='tmp', grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=nt)
        v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid, save=nt)
        w = TimeFunction(name='w', grid=grid)

        eqns = [Eq(w.forward, w + 1),
                Eq(tmp, w.forward),
                Eq(u.forward, tmp, subdomain=bundle0),
                Eq(v.forward, tmp, subdomain=bundle0)]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('tasking', 'fuse', 'orchestrate'))

        # Check generated code
        assert len(retrieve_iteration_tree(op)) == 4
        locks = [i for i in FindSymbols().visit(op) if isinstance(i, Lock)]
        assert len(locks) == 1  # Only 1 because it's only `tmp` that needs protection
        assert len(op._func_table) == 2
        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['copy_device_to_host0'].root)
        assert len(exprs) == 19
        assert str(exprs[12]) == 'int id = sdata0->id;'
        assert str(exprs[13]) == 'const int time = sdata0->time;'
        assert str(exprs[14]) == 'lock0[0] = 1;'
        assert exprs[15].write is u
        assert exprs[16].write is v
        assert str(exprs[17]) == 'lock0[0] = 2;'
        assert str(exprs[18]) == 'sdata0->flag = 1;'


        assert np.all(u.data[nt-1] == 9)
        assert np.all(v.data[nt-1] == 9)
コード例 #46
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: ofmla/devito
    def _initialize_bcs(self, bcs="damp"):
        # Create dampening field as symbol `damp`
        if self.nbl == 0:
            self.damp = 1 if bcs == "mask" else 0

        # First initialization
        init = self.damp is None
        # Get current Function if alread yinitialized
        self.damp = self.damp or Function(name="damp", grid=self.grid)
        if callable(bcs):
            bcs(self.damp, self.nbl)
            re_init = ((bcs == "mask" and mmin(self.damp) == 0) or
                       (bcs == "damp" and mmax(self.damp) == 1))
            if init or re_init:
                if re_init and not init:
                    bcs_o = "damp" if bcs == "mask" else "mask"
                    warning("Re-initializing damp profile from %s to %s" % (bcs_o, bcs))
                    warning("Model has to be created with `bcs=\"%s\"`"
                            "for this WaveSolver" % bcs)
                initialize_damp(self.damp, self.padsizes, self.spacing,
                                abc_type=bcs, fs=self.fs)
コード例 #47
    def test_multiple_subnests(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3, 3))
        x, y, z = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)

        eqn = Eq(u.forward, ((u[t, x, y, z] + u[t, x+1, y+1, z+1])*3*f +
                             (u[t, x+2, y+2, z+2] + u[t, x+3, y+3, z+3])*3*f + 1))
        op = Operator(eqn, dse='aggressive', dle=('advanced', {'openmp': True}))

        trees = retrieve_iteration_tree(op._func_table['bf0'].root)
        assert len(trees) == 2

        assert trees[0][0] is trees[1][0]
        assert trees[0][0].pragmas[0].value ==\
            'omp for collapse(1) schedule(dynamic,1)'
        assert trees[0][2].pragmas[0].value == ('omp parallel for collapse(1) '
                                                'schedule(dynamic,1) '
        assert trees[1][2].pragmas[0].value == ('omp parallel for collapse(1) '
                                                'schedule(dynamic,1) '
コード例 #48
ファイル: test_yask.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_misc_dims(self):
        Tests grid-independent :class:`Function`s, which require YASK's "misc"
        dx = Dimension(name='dx')
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=1, space_order=4, save=4)
        c = Function(name='c', dimensions=(x, dx), shape=(10, 5))

        step = Eq(u.forward, (
            u[time, x-2, y] * c[x, 0]
            + u[time, x-1, y] * c[x, 1]
            + u[time, x, y] * c[x, 2]
            + u[time, x+1, y] * c[x, 3]
            + u[time, x+2, y] * c[x, 4]))

        for i in range(10):
            c.data[i, 0] = 1.0+i
            c.data[i, 1] = 1.0+i
            c.data[i, 2] = 3.0+i
            c.data[i, 3] = 6.0+i
            c.data[i, 4] = 5.0+i

        u.data[:] = 0.0
        u.data[0, 2, :] = 2.0

        op = Operator(step)
        assert 'run_solution' in str(op)

        op(time_m=0, time_M=0)
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 0, :] == 10.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 1, :] == 14.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 2, :] == 10.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 3, :] == 8.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 4, :] == 10.0))
        assert(np.all(u.data[1, 5:10, :] == 0.0))
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_misc_data(self):
        Test data insertion/indexing for Functions with mixed
        distributed/replicated Dimensions.
        dx = Dimension(name='dx')
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map

        # Note: `grid` must be passed to `c` since `x` is a distributed dimension,
        # and `grid` carries the `x` decomposition
        c = Function(name='c', grid=grid, dimensions=(x, dx), shape=(4, 5))

        # Data insertion
        for i in range(4):
            c.data[i, 0] = 1.0+i
            c.data[i, 1] = 1.0+i
            c.data[i, 2] = 3.0+i
            c.data[i, 3] = 6.0+i
            c.data[i, 4] = 5.0+i

        # Data indexing
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x]:
            assert(np.all(c.data[0] == [1., 1., 3., 6., 5.]))
            assert(np.all(c.data[1] == [2., 2., 4., 7., 6.]))
            assert(np.all(c.data[2] == [3., 3., 5., 8., 7.]))
            assert(np.all(c.data[3] == [4., 4., 6., 9., 8.]))

        # Same as before, but with negative indices and non-trivial slices
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x]:
            assert(np.all(c.data[0:-3] == [1., 1., 3., 6., 5.]))
            assert(np.all(c.data[-3:-2] == [2., 2., 4., 7., 6.]))
            assert(np.all(c.data[-2:-1] == [3., 3., 5., 8., 7.]))
            assert(np.all(c.data[-1] == [4., 4., 6., 9., 8.]))
コード例 #50
ファイル: test_autotuner.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_at_is_actually_working(shape, expected):
    Check that autotuning is actually running when switched on,
    in both 2D and 3D operators.
    grid = Grid(shape=shape)
    infield = Function(name='infield', grid=grid)
    infield.data[:] = np.arange(reduce(mul, shape), dtype=np.int32).reshape(shape)
    outfield = Function(name='outfield', grid=grid)

    stencil = Eq(outfield.indexify(), outfield.indexify() + infield.indexify()*3.0)
    op = Operator(stencil, dle=('blocking', {'openmp': False,
                                             'blockinner': True,
                                             'blockalways': True}))

    # Run with whatever `configuration` says (by default, basic+preemptive)
    op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, autotune=True)
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['runs'] == 4
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['tpr'] == 1

    # Now try `aggressive` autotuning
    configuration['autotuning'] = 'aggressive'
    op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, autotune=True)
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['runs'] == expected
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['tpr'] == 1
    configuration['autotuning'] = configuration._defaults['autotuning']

    # Try again, but using the Operator API directly
    op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, autotune='aggressive')
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['runs'] == expected
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['tpr'] == 1

    # Similar to above
    op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, autotune=('aggressive', 'preemptive'))
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['runs'] == expected
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['tpr'] == 1
コード例 #51
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_simple_indexing(self):
        """Test data packing/unpacking via basic indexing."""
        grid = Grid(shape=(16, 16, 16))
        u = Function(name='yu3D', grid=grid, space_order=0)

        # Test simple insertion and extraction
        u.data[0, 1, 1] = 1.
        assert u.data[0, 0, 0] == 0.
        assert u.data[0, 1, 1] == 1.
        assert np.all(u.data == u.data[:, :, :])
        assert 1. in u.data[0]
        assert 1. in u.data[0, 1]

        # Test negative indices
        assert u.data[0, -15, -15] == 1.
        u.data[6, 0, 0] = 1.
        assert u.data[-10, :, :].sum() == 1.

        # Test setting whole array to given value
        u.data[:] = 3.
        assert np.all(u.data == 3.)

        # Test insertion of single value into block
        u.data[5, :, 5] = 5.
        assert np.all(u.data[5, :, 5] == 5.)

        # Test extraction of block with negative indices
        sliced = u.data[-11, :, -11]
        assert sliced.shape == (16,)
        assert np.all(sliced == 5.)

        # Test insertion of block into block
        block = np.ndarray(shape=(1, 16, 1), dtype=np.float32)
        u.data[4:5, :, 4:5] = block
        assert np.all(u.data[4, :, 4] == block)
コード例 #52
ファイル: test_autotuner.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_timesteps_per_at_run():
    Check that each autotuning run (ie with a given block shape) takes
    ``autotuning.core.options['squeezer']`` timesteps, for an operator
    performing the increment ``a[t + timeorder, ...] = f(a[t, ...], ...)``.
    shape = (30, 30, 30)
    grid = Grid(shape=shape)
    x, y, z = grid.dimensions
    t = grid.stepping_dim

    # Function
    infield = Function(name='infield', grid=grid)
    infield.data[:] = np.arange(reduce(mul, shape), dtype=np.int32).reshape(shape)
    outfield = Function(name='outfield', grid=grid)
    stencil = Eq(outfield.indexify(), outfield.indexify() + infield.indexify()*3.0)
    op = Operator(stencil, dle=('blocking', {'openmp': False, 'blockalways': True}))
    op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, autotune=True)
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['runs'] == 4
    assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['tpr'] == 1

    # TimeFunction with increasing time order; increasing the time order
    # shouldn't affect how many iterations the autotuner is gonna run
    for to in [1, 2, 4]:
        infield = TimeFunction(name='infield', grid=grid, time_order=to)
        infield.data[:] = np.arange(reduce(mul, infield.shape),
        outfield = TimeFunction(name='outfield', grid=grid, time_order=to)
        stencil = Eq(outfield[t + to, x, y, z],
                     outfield.indexify() + infield.indexify()*3.0)
        op = Operator(stencil, dle=('blocking', {'openmp': False, 'blockalways': True}))
        op(infield=infield, outfield=outfield, time=20, autotune=True)
        assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['runs'] == 4
        assert op._state['autotuning'][-1]['tpr'] == options['squeezer'] + 1
コード例 #53
ファイル: test_checkpointing.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
def test_index_alignment(const):
    """ A much simpler test meant to ensure that the forward and reverse indices are
    correctly aligned (i.e. u * v , where u is the forward field and v the reverse field
    corresponds to the correct timesteps in u and v). The forward operator does u = u + 1
    which means that the field a will be equal to nt (0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3), the number of
    timesteps this operator is run for. The field at the last time step of the forward is
    used to initialise the field v for the reverse pass. The reverse operator does
    v = v - 1, which means that if the reverse operator is run for the same number of
    timesteps as the forward operator, v should be 0 at the last time step
    (3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0). There is also a grad = grad + u * v accumulator in the reverse
    operator. If the alignment is correct, u and v should have the same value at every
    time step:
    0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 u
    0 <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 v
    and hence grad = 0*0 + 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 = sum(n^2) where n -> [0, nt]
    If the test fails, the resulting number can tell you how the fields are misaligned
    n = 4
    grid = Grid(shape=(2, 2))
    order_of_eqn = 1
    modulo_factor = order_of_eqn + 1
    nt = n - order_of_eqn
    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=n)
    # Increment one in the forward pass 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3
    fwd_op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, u + 1.*const))

    # Invocation 1
    fwd_op(time=nt-1, constant=1)
    last_time_step_v = nt % modulo_factor
    # Last time step should be equal to the number of timesteps we ran
    assert(np.allclose(u.data[nt, :, :], nt))

    v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid, save=None)
    v.data[last_time_step_v, :, :] = u.data[nt, :, :]
    # Decrement one in the reverse pass 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0
    adj_eqn = Eq(v, v.forward - 1.*const)
    adj_op = Operator(adj_eqn)

    # Invocation 2
    adj_op(time=nt-1, constant=1)
    # Last time step should be back to 0
    assert(np.allclose(v.data[0, :, :], 0))

    # Reset v to run the backward again
    v.data[last_time_step_v, :, :] = u.data[nt, :, :]
    prod = Function(name="prod", grid=grid)
    # Multiply u and v and add them
    # = 3*3 + 2*2 + 1*1 + 0*0
    prod_eqn = Eq(prod, prod + u * v)
    comb_op = Operator([adj_eqn, prod_eqn])

    # Invocation 3
    comb_op(time=nt-1, constant=1)
    final_value = sum([n**2 for n in range(nt)])
    # Final value should be sum of squares of first nt natural numbers
    assert(np.allclose(prod.data, final_value))

    # Now reset to repeat all the above tests with checkpointing
    prod.data[:] = 0
    v.data[last_time_step_v, :, :] = u.data[nt, :, :]
    # Checkpointed version doesn't require to save u
    u_nosave = TimeFunction(name='u_n', grid=grid)
    # change equations to use new symbols
    fwd_eqn_2 = Eq(u_nosave.forward, u_nosave + 1.*const)
    fwd_op_2 = Operator(fwd_eqn_2)
    cp = DevitoCheckpoint([u_nosave])
    wrap_fw = CheckpointOperator(fwd_op_2, constant=1)

    prod_eqn_2 = Eq(prod, prod + u_nosave * v)
    comb_op_2 = Operator([adj_eqn, prod_eqn_2])
    wrap_rev = CheckpointOperator(comb_op_2, constant=1)
    wrp = Revolver(cp, wrap_fw, wrap_rev, None, nt)

    # Invocation 4
    assert(np.allclose(u_nosave.data[last_time_step_v, :, :], nt))

    # Invocation 5
    assert(np.allclose(v.data[0, :, :], 0))
    assert(np.allclose(prod.data, final_value))
コード例 #54
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: opesci/devito
    def test_indexing_in_views(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        glb_pos_map = grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        myrank = grid.distributor.myrank
        u = Function(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=0)

        u.data[:] = myrank

        # Note that the `1`s are global indices
        view = u.data[1:, 1:]
        assert np.all(view[:] == myrank)
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert view.shape == (1, 1)
            assert np.all(view == 0.)
            assert view[0, 0] == 0.
            assert view[1, 1] is None
            assert view[1].shape == (0, 1)
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert view.shape == (1, 2)
            assert np.all(view == 1.)
            assert view[0, 0] is None
            assert view[1, 1] is None
            assert view[1].shape == (0, 2)
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert view.shape == (2, 1)
            assert np.all(view == 2.)
            assert view[0, 0] is None
            assert view[1, 1] is None
            assert view[1].shape == (1,)
            assert np.all(view[1] == 2.)
            assert view.shape == (2, 2)
            assert np.all(view == 3.)
            assert view[0, 0] is None
            assert view[1, 1] == 3.
            assert view[1].shape == (2,)
            assert np.all(view[1] == 3.)

        # Now we further slice into `view`
        view2 = view[1:, 1:]
        assert np.all(view2[:] == myrank)
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert view2.shape == (0, 0)
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert view2.shape == (0, 2)
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert view2.shape == (2, 0)
            assert view2.shape == (2, 2)

        # Now a change in `view2` by the only rank that "sees" it should affect
        # both `view` and `u.data`
        view2[:] += 1
        if RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data[:] == myrank + 1)
            assert np.all(view[:] == myrank + 1)
            assert np.all(view2[:] == myrank + 1)
            assert np.all(view[:] == myrank)
            assert np.all(view2[:] == myrank)
            assert view2.size == 0