コード例 #1
 def test_use_http(self):
     # If use_http=True is passed to interpret_config, all lp: branch
     # URLs will be transformed into http:// URLs.
     config = interpret_config(
         [['key', 'lp:~sabdfl/foo/trunk']], False, use_http=True)
     expected_url = 'http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sabdfl/foo/trunk'
     self.assertEqual(expected_url, config['key'][0])
コード例 #2
 def test_key_value_revision(self):
     # A (key, value) pair without a third optional value when the
     # value has a suffix of ``;revno=[REVISION]`` is returned in the
     # configuration as a dictionary entry under 'key' with '(value,
     # None, False)' as its value.
     config = interpret_config([['key', 'value;revno=45']], False)
     self.assertEqual({'key': ('value', '45', False)}, config)
コード例 #3
 def test_smoke_the_default_config(self):
     # Make sure we can parse, interpret and plan based on the default
     # config file.
     root = get_launchpad_root()
     config_filename = os.path.join(root, 'utilities', 'sourcedeps.conf')
     config_file = open(config_filename)
     config = interpret_config(parse_config_file(config_file), False)
     plan_update([], config)
コード例 #4
 def test_key_value_optional_public_only(self):
     # A (key, value, optional) entry is not returned in the configuration
     # when public_only is true.
     config = interpret_config([['key', 'value', 'optional']], True)
     self.assertEqual({}, config)
コード例 #5
 def test_key_value_optional(self):
     # A (key, value, optional) entry is returned in the configuration as a
     # dictionary entry under 'key' with '(value, True)' as its value.
     config = interpret_config([['key', 'value', 'optional']], False)
     self.assertEqual({'key': ('value', None, True)}, config)
コード例 #6
 def test_key_value_public_only(self):
     # A (key, value) pair without a third optional value is returned in
     # the configuration as a dictionary entry under 'key' with '(value,
     # None, False)' as its value when public_only is true.
     config = interpret_config([['key', 'value']], True)
     self.assertEqual({'key': ('value', None, False)}, config)
コード例 #7
 def test_empty(self):
     # An empty configuration stream means no configuration.
     config = interpret_config([], False)
     self.assertEqual({}, config)