def reportitem_post_save_system_case(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """ link system to case if system's reportitem was set to case """ # improve readability reportitem = instance # reportitem was linked with a case if # improve readability reportitem_case = reportitem_system = reportitem.system # check whether reportitem's system is linked with reportitem's case if not reportitem_case in # link reportitem's system with reportitem's case # get all users all_users = User.objects.all() # call message for all users message_users( all_users, f"System '{reportitem_system.system_name}' was assigned to case '{reportitem_case.case_name}' due to reportitem assignment.", constants.SUCCESS ) # call logger info_logger('signal', f' SYSTEM_CASE_ASSIGNMENT system_id:{reportitem_system.system_id}|system_name:{reportitem_system.system_name}|case_id:{reportitem_case.case_id}|case_name:{reportitem_case.case_name}|reason:reportitem_assignment')
def error_message_cron(message_text): """ error message for all users if function was called from 'artifact_cron' / 'system_cron' (w/o request) """ # get all users all_users = User.objects.all() # call message for all users message_users(all_users, f'[Scheduled task spreadsheet exporter] {message_text}', constants.ERROR) # return to calling function in 'checks' return
def final_messages_cron(systems_created_counter, systems_updated_counter, systems_skipped_counter, systems_multiple_counter, systems_multiple_list, starttime, endtime): """ final messages if function was called from 'system_cron' (w/o request) """ # get all users all_users = User.objects.all() # call message for all users message_users( all_users, f'System CSV importer:' f' created: {systems_created_counter}' f' | updated: {systems_updated_counter}' f' | skipped: {systems_skipped_counter}' f' | multiple: {systems_multiple_counter}' f' [{starttime} - {endtime}]', constants.SUCCESS) # show systems_multiple_list if systems_multiple_list: if systems_multiple_counter == 1: # call message for all users message_users( all_users, f'{systems_multiple_counter} system was skipped because it existed several times. {systems_multiple_list}', constants.WARNING) else: # call message for all users message_users( all_users, f'{systems_multiple_counter} systems were skipped because they existed several times. {systems_multiple_list}', constants.WARNING) # return to 'csv_main.system_handler' return