コード例 #1
ファイル: dataset.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def remap(directory):
    train_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'train')
    maps_dir = [os.path.join(directory, 'Maps%d_T' % i)
                for i in range(1, 7)]  # Original maps
    maps_out = [
        os.path.join(directory, 'Remaps%d_T' % i) for i in range(1, 7)
    ]  # Remaps

    # Create "Remaps" directories if they don't exist yet
    for m in maps_out:
        if (os.path.exists(m) == False):

    images = [f for f in os.listdir(train_dir)]

    printProgressBar(0, len(images))
    for idi, im in enumerate(images):
        for idm, m in enumerate(maps_dir):
            f_out = os.path.join(
                '%s_classimg_nonconvex.png' % im.replace('.jpg', ''))
            if os.path.isfile(f_out): break

            fname = os.path.join(
                m, '%s_classimg_nonconvex.png' % im.replace('.jpg', ''))
            if (os.path.isfile(fname)):
                anno = imread(fname)
                anno[anno > 5] = 1
                imsave(f_out, anno)
        printProgressBar(idi, len(images))
コード例 #2
ファイル: dataset.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def generate_STAPLE(directory, maps, keep_annotations, map_out):
    train_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'train')

    m_out = os.path.join(directory, map_out)
    if (os.path.exists(m_out) == False):

    # Get all the cores from the training set
    f_train = os.listdir(train_dir)
    cores = [f.split('.')[0] for f in f_train]

    reader = sitk.ImageFileReader()
    msf = sitk.MultiLabelSTAPLEImageFilter()

    printProgressBar(0, len(cores) - 1)
    for i, core in enumerate(cores):
        fname_out = os.path.join(m_out, '%s.png' % core)
        if os.path.isfile(fname_out):
            continue  # pass if it's already been done

        maps_ = []
        for idm, m in enumerate(maps):
            if (keep_annotations[i, idm]):
                maps_ += [m]

        im_ = coreSTAPLE(directory, core, maps_, msf, reader)
        if (im_ == None):
            print("EXCLUDE: ", core)
        imsave(fname_out, im_)

        printProgressBar(i, len(cores) - 1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: grades.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def get_ssp_epstein(pxPerGrades, saveAs=None):
    sspg = np.ones((pxPerGrades.shape[0], pxPerGrades.shape[1])).astype('int')
    printProgressBar(0, pxPerGrades.shape[0])
    for idi in range(pxPerGrades.shape[0]):
        for idm in range(pxPerGrades.shape[1]):
            if (pxPerGrades[idi, idm].sum() > 0):
                h = pxPerGrades[idi, idm][1:]
                if (h.sum() == 0):
                    sspg[idi, idm] = 0
                    s = np.argsort(h)[::-1]
                    if (h[s][1] > 0):  # >=2 types of glands present:
                        p1 = s[0] + 1
                        p2 = s[1] + 1
                        if (p1 + p2 <= 6): sspg[idi, idm] = 1
                        elif (p1 == 3 and p2 == 4): sspg[idi, idm] = 2
                        elif (p1 == 4 and p2 == 3): sspg[idi, idm] = 3
                        elif (p1 == 5 or p2 == 5): sspg[idi, idm] = 5
                        else: print("error!", idi, idm)
                    else:  # only 1 type
                        p1 = s[0] + 1
                        if (p1 <= 3): sspg[idi, idm] = 1
                        elif (p1 == 4): sspg[idi, idm] = 4
                        elif (p1 == 5): sspg[idi, idm] = 5
                        else: print("error!", idi, idm)
        printProgressBar(idi + 1, pxPerGrades.shape[0])

    if (saveAs != None):
        np.save(saveAs, sspg)
    return sspg
コード例 #4
ファイル: grades.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def compute_pxPerGrades(directory, maps, saveAs=None):
    train_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'train')
    images = [f for f in os.listdir(train_dir)]

    maps_dir = [os.path.join(directory, m) for m in maps]

    pxPerGrades_all = np.zeros((len(images), len(maps), 6))
    for idm, m in enumerate(maps_dir):
        printProgressBar(0, len(images))
        for idi, im in enumerate(images):
            fname = os.path.join(m, '%s.png' % im.replace('.jpg', ''))
            if (os.path.isfile(fname) == False):
                fname = os.path.join(
                    m, '%s_classimg_nonconvex.png' % im.replace('.jpg', ''))
            if (os.path.isfile(fname) == False):
            anno = imread(fname)
            for v in range(6):
                pxPerGrades_all[idi, idm, v] = (anno == v).sum()
            printProgressBar(idi + 1, len(images))

    if saveAs != None:
        np.save(saveAs, pxPerGrades_all)

    return pxPerGrades_all
コード例 #5
def process(sess, rgb, X, Y_seg, tile_size, bgDetection=True, verbose=False):
    if (verbose): print("Processing RGB image")

    # Background detection
    if (verbose): print("Background detection.")
    bg_mask = np.ones((rgb.shape[0], rgb.shape[1])).astype('bool')
    if (bgDetection):
        bg_mask = getBackgroundMask(rgb)  # 1 = foreground, 0 = background

    overlap = 2

    if (verbose): print("Tiling")
    im = rgb / 255. - 0.5  # Offset image
    imshape = im.shape
    nr, nc = (overlap * np.ceil(
        (imshape[0] - 1) / tile_size), overlap * np.ceil(
            (imshape[1] - 1) / tile_size))
    yr, xr = (np.arange(0, nr) *
              ((imshape[0] - 1 - tile_size) //
               (nr - 1))).astype('int'), (np.arange(0, nc) *
                                          ((imshape[1] - 1 - tile_size) //
                                           (nc - 1))).astype('int')
    mesh = np.meshgrid(yr, xr)
    tiles = zip(mesh[0].flatten(), mesh[1].flatten())

    im_pred = np.zeros(imshape[:2]).astype('float')

    if (verbose):
        printProgressBar(0, len(mesh[0].flatten()))
    for idt, t in enumerate(tiles):
        batch_X = [im[t[0]:t[0] + tile_size, t[1]:t[1] + tile_size]]
        sm = Y_seg.eval(session=sess, feed_dict={X: batch_X})[:, :, :, 0]
        im_pred[t[0]:t[0] + tile_size, t[1]:t[1] + tile_size] = np.maximum(
            im_pred[t[0]:t[0] + tile_size, t[1]:t[1] + tile_size], sm[0, :, :])
        if (verbose): printProgressBar(idt + 1, len(mesh[0].flatten()))

    mask_pred = im_pred <= 0.5  # mask_pred will be 0=artefact, 1=no artefact
    mask_out = mask_pred * bg_mask  # 1=normal tissue, 0 = background or artefact
    im_out = imageWithOverlay(rgb, mask_out)  #blend2Images(rgb, mask_out)

    return im_pred, im_out, bg_mask
コード例 #6
ファイル: grades.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def get_ssp(pxPerGrades, saveAs=None):
    ssp = np.zeros((pxPerGrades.shape[0], pxPerGrades.shape[1])).astype('int')
    printProgressBar(0, pxPerGrades.shape[0])
    for idi in range(pxPerGrades.shape[0]):
        for idm in range(pxPerGrades.shape[1]):
            if (pxPerGrades[idi, idm].sum() > 0):
                h = pxPerGrades[idi, idm][1:]
                if (h.sum() == 0):
                    ssp[idi, idm] = 0
                    s = np.argsort(h)[::-1]
                    if (h[s][1] > 0):  # 2 types of glands present:
                        ssp[idi, idm] = (s[:2] + 1).sum()
                    else:  # only 1 type
                        ssp[idi, idm] = (s[0] + 1) * 2
        printProgressBar(idi + 1, pxPerGrades.shape[0])

    if (saveAs != None):
        np.save(saveAs, ssp)
    return ssp
コード例 #7
ファイル: dataset.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def generate_vote(directory, maps, keep_annotations, weights, map_out):
    train_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'train')
    maps_dir = [os.path.join(directory, m) for m in maps]
    images = [f for f in os.listdir(train_dir)]
    m_out = os.path.join(directory, map_out)

    if (os.path.exists(m_out) == False):

    printProgressBar(0, len(images) - 1)
    for idi, im in enumerate(images):
        annos = []
        for idm, m in enumerate(maps_dir):
            if (keep_annotations[idi, idm]):
                annos += [
                            m, '%s_classimg_nonconvex.png' %
                            im.replace('.jpg', '')))
        annos = np.array(annos)

        if (weights == 'majority'):
            ws = np.ones(keep_annotations[idi].sum())
            ws = weights[keep_annotations[idi]]
        ws /= ws.sum()
        votes = np.zeros((annos.shape[1], annos.shape[2], 6))
        for v in range(6):
            for idr, w in enumerate(ws):
                mask = annos[idr, :, :] == v
                votes[mask, v] += w * mask[mask]

        final_v = np.argmax(votes, axis=2)

        imsave(os.path.join(m_out, '%s.png' % im.replace('.jpg', '')), final_v)
        printProgressBar(idi, len(images) - 1)
コード例 #8
ファイル: SNOWGenerator.py プロジェクト: adfoucart/deephisto
def SNOWGenerator(input_dir,
    Yfiles = os.listdir(input_dir)
    total = len(Yfiles)

    if (verbose):
        print("Generating SNOW annotations for %d files in %s" %
              (total, input_dir))
        print("Noise %%: %d" % (pRemove * 100))
        print("Std of erosion/dilation: %d" % defStd)
        print("Simplification factor: %d" % simplificationFactor)
        if (boundingBoxes):
            print("Using bounding boxes as output.")
        if (doLabelAugmentation):
            print("Adding label augmentation.")

    nLabelsIn = 0
    nLabelsOut = 0

    for f in Yfiles:
        Y = imread(os.path.join(input_dir, f))
        Yout = np.zeros_like(Y)

        # Check if annotations are already labelled or if it's a mask:
        labels = np.unique(Y[Y > 0])
        if (len(labels) == 1):
            Y = label(Y > 0)
            labels = np.unique(Y[Y > 0])

        nLabels = len(labels)
        if (verbose):
            print("Processing: %s" % f)
            if (nLabels > 0): printProgressBar(0, nLabels)

        nLabelsIn += nLabels

        # SNOW generation:

        # Draw which objects will be removed from the image
        toRemove = np.random.random(nLabels) < pRemove
        # Draw random deformation parameters:
        if (defStd > 0):
            diskRadii = np.random.normal(0, defStd,
                                         labels.max() + 1).astype('int')

        # If label augmentation : prepare additional outputs:
        if (doLabelAugmentation):
            Yout_p5 = np.copy(Yout)
            Yout_m5 = np.copy(Yout)
            disk5 = disk(5)

        # To be able to get the complete contour of all objects, we first zero-pad the label image:
        Ypadded = np.zeros((Y.shape[0] + 2, Y.shape[1] + 2)).astype('uint8')
        Ypadded[1:-1, 1:-1] = Y

        newLabel = 0  # We will re-label from 0 the resulting annotation.
        for idl, lab in enumerate(labels):

            if (toRemove[idl]
                ):  # Ignore remove objects so they won't be added to Yout

            # Select current object
            Yobj = (Ypadded == lab).astype('uint8')

            #  Deforming objects
            if (defStd > 0):
                if (diskRadii[lab] < 0):
                    Yobj = erosion(Yobj, disk(abs(diskRadii[lab])))
                elif (diskRadii[lab] > 0):
                    Yobj = dilation(Yobj, disk(abs(diskRadii[lab])))

            # Check if we completely removed the object in the process...
            if (Yobj.sum() == 0): continue

            # Find the contour.
            if (simplificationFactor > 1):
                cont = find_contours(Yobj, 0)[0]
                sCont = cont[::simplificationFactor]
                sContours = np.vstack([sCont, cont[0]])  # Close contour
                rr, cc = polygon(sCont[:, 0], sCont[:, 1], Yout.shape)
                # Replace object
                Yobj[Yobj > 0] = 0
                Yobj[rr, cc] = 1

            # Replace with bounding boxes
            if (boundingBoxes):
                # Compute boundaries
                rows = np.any(Yobj, axis=1)
                cols = np.any(Yobj, axis=0)
                rmin, rmax = np.nonzero(rows)[0][[0, -1]]
                cmin, cmax = np.nonzero(cols)[0][[0, -1]]
                # Replace object
                Yobj[Yobj > 0] = 0
                Yobj[rmin:rmax + 1, cmin:cmax + 1] = 1

            # Add to output array with new label after de-padding
            newLabel += 1
            Yout += Yobj[1:-1, 1:-1] * newLabel

            # Label Augmentation
            if (doLabelAugmentation):
                Yobj_p5 = dilation(Yobj, disk5)
                Yobj_m5 = erosion(Yobj, disk5)
                Yout_p5 += Yobj_p5[1:-1, 1:-1] * newLabel
                Yout_m5 += Yobj_m5[1:-1, 1:-1] * newLabel

            if (verbose): printProgressBar(idl + 1, nLabels)

        nLabelsOut += Yout.max()

        # Save output file(s)
        imsave(os.path.join(output_dir, f), Yout)
        if (doLabelAugmentation):
            ext = f.rsplit('.')[-1]
                os.path.join(output_dir, f.replace('.%s' % ext,
                                                   '-p5.%s' % ext)), Yout_p5)
                os.path.join(output_dir, f.replace('.%s' % ext,
                                                   '-m5.%s' % ext)), Yout_m5)

    if (verbose): print("In: %d -> Out: %d" % (nLabelsIn, nLabelsOut))