def __init__(self, topics, params): """ Constructor @param topics: dictionary mapping topic names to publisher handles valid topic names are {"cloud", "scan0", "scan1", "scan2", "scan3"} @type topics: dict {topic_name:publisher_handle} @param params: dictionary mapping parameter names to values. Where applicable, the parameters must be in device units (e.g. ticks) @type params: dict {ros_parameter_string:value} """ self.params = params self.topics = topics # LaserScan messages (numbered 0-3, 0 is the lowest scan plane) # rewire for numpy serialization on publish self.scans = [numpy_msg(LaserScan)(), numpy_msg(LaserScan)(), numpy_msg(LaserScan)(), numpy_msg(LaserScan)()] self._init_scans() # PointCloud2 message # rewire for numpy serialization on publish self.point_cloud = numpy_msg(PointCloud2)() self._init_point_cloud() # put variables into the namespace to prevent # attribute exceptions when the class is abused self.header = None self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None self.echo = None self.layer = None self.flags = None self.echo_w = None self.h_angle = None self.rads_per_tick = None self.pc_data = None self.last_start_time = None self.rads_per_tick = None self.seq_num = -1 self.time_delta = rospy.Duration() self.n_points = 0 # timestamp smoothing self.smoothtime = None self.smoothtime_prev = None self.recv_time_prev = None self.known_delta_t = rospy.Duration(256.0/self.params['scan_frequency']) self.time_smoothing_factor = self.params['time_smoothing_factor'] self.time_error_threshold = self.params['time_error_threshold'] self.total_err = 0.0 #integrate errors self.header = {}.fromkeys(self.header_keys) # For diagnostics: self.diag_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() self.diag_updater.setHardwareID('none') # scan_frequency is in ticks and the rate is 256 ticks per second self.freq_bound = {'min': (self.params['scan_frequency']/256.0), 'max': (self.params['scan_frequency']/256.0)} fs_params = diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(self.freq_bound, 0.1, 5) self.fs_diag = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic('ldmrs', self.diag_updater, fs_params)
def rosSetup(self): """ Creates and setups ROS components """ # Diagnostic Updater self.diagnostics_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() self.diagnostics_updater.setHardwareID("%s-%s:%s" % (self.camera_model, self.camera_id, self.hostname) ) self.diagnostics_updater.add("Video stream updater", self.getStreamDiagnostic) #self.diagnostics_updater.add("Video stream frequency", self.getStreamFrequencyDiagnostic) if self.fps == 0: freq_bounds = {'min':0.5, 'max':100} else: freq_bounds = {'min':self.fps, 'max':self.fps} self.image_pub_freq = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic("%scompressed"%rospy.get_namespace(), self.diagnostics_updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.01, 1)) if self.ptz: # sets the ptz interface self.ptz_interface.rosSetup() self.diagnostics_updater.add("Ptz state updater", self.ptz_interface.getStateDiagnostic) # Creates a periodic callback to publish the diagnostics at desired freq self.diagnostics_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.publishDiagnostics)
def rosSetup(self): """ Creates and setups ROS components """ self.cinfo = camera_info_manager.CameraInfoManager( cname=self.camera_model, url=self.camera_info_url, namespace=rospy.get_name()) self.cinfo.loadCameraInfo() # Mirar de cambiar por ImageTransport self.compressed_image_publisher = rospy.Publisher( "%scompressed" % rospy.get_namespace(), CompressedImage, self, queue_size=10) self.caminfo_publisher = rospy.Publisher("%scamera_info" % rospy.get_namespace(), CameraInfo, self, queue_size=10) # Sets the url self.url = 'http://%s/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?streamprofile=%s&camera=%d&fps=%d&compression=%d' % ( self.hostname, self.profile, self.camera_number, self.fps, self.compression) rospy.loginfo('Axis:rosSetup: Camera %s (%s:%d): url = %s, PTZ %s' % (self.camera_model, self.hostname, self.camera_number, self.url, self.ptz)) self.encodedstring = base64.encodestring(self.username + ":" + str(self.password))[:-1] self.auth = "Basic %s" % self.encodedstring # Diagnostic Updater self.diagnostics_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() self.diagnostics_updater.setHardwareID( "%s-%s:%s" % (self.camera_model, self.camera_id, self.hostname)) self.diagnostics_updater.add("Video stream updater", self.getStreamDiagnostic) #self.diagnostics_updater.add("Video stream frequency", self.getStreamFrequencyDiagnostic) if self.fps == 0: freq_bounds = {'min': 0.5, 'max': 100} else: freq_bounds = {'min': self.fps, 'max': self.fps} self.image_pub_freq = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( "%scompressed" % rospy.get_namespace(), self.diagnostics_updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.01, 1)) if self.ptz: # sets the ptz interface self.ptz_interface.rosSetup() self.diagnostics_updater.add("Ptz state updater", self.ptz_interface.getStateDiagnostic) # Creates a periodic callback to publish the diagnostics at desired freq self.diagnostics_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.publishDiagnostics)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('base_controller') # Cleanup when termniating the node rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) self.port = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/ttyACM0") self.baud = int(rospy.get_param("~baud", 57600)) self.timeout = rospy.get_param("~timeout", 0.5) self.base_frame = rospy.get_param("~base_frame", 'base_link') # Overall loop rate: should be faster than fastest sensor rate self.rate = int(rospy.get_param("~base_controller_rate", 20)) r = rospy.Rate(self.rate) self.use_base_controller = rospy.get_param("~use_base_controller", False) self.diag_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() self.diag_updater.setHardwareID(self.port) self.diag_updater.add("Serial Port Status", self.update_diagnostics) freq_bounds = {'min': self.rate, 'max': self.rate} self.odom_pub_freq_updater = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( "Odometry", self.diag_updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds)) # Initialize a Twist message self.cmd_vel = Twist() # A cmd_vel publisher so we can stop the robot when shutting down self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5) # Initialize the controlller self.controller = Arduino(self.port, self.baud, self.timeout) # Make the connection self.controller.connect() rospy.loginfo("Connected to Arduino on port " + self.port + " at " + str(self.baud) + " baud") # Reserve a thread lock mutex = thread.allocate_lock() # Initialize the base controller if used if self.use_base_controller: self.myBaseController = BaseController(self.controller, self.base_frame, self.rate) # Start polling the sensors and base controller while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.diag_updater.update() if self.use_base_controller: mutex.acquire() self.myBaseController.poll() self.odom_pub_freq_updater.tick() mutex.release() r.sleep()
def listener(self): pub = rospy.Publisher('emlid_gps', NavSatFix, queue_size=100) rate = rospy.Rate(50) updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() updater.setHardwareID('Device : Reach') updater.add('Reach status', self.reach_diagnostics.run_diagnostics) freq_bounds = {'min': 5, 'max': 10} pub_freq = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( 'emlid_gps', updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.1, 10)) # try to establish connection with the TCP server of emlid if self.use_serial: self.init_serial() else: self.init_sockets() # if connection is successful begin collecting data and parsing them while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try getting data on the channel try: data = self.readline() if data: self.last_data_tstamp = time.time() self.handle_gps_msg(data) else: # if data is not there wait for some time then timeout self.timeout_counter = time.time() - self.last_data_tstamp if self.timeout_counter > self.timeout_threshold: rospy.loginfo('Connection timed out. Closing') self.shutdown() sys.exit() except socket.error as (code, msg): self.shutdown() rospy.loginfo('Exiting with MSG: %s' % (msg)) sys.exit() if self.flag_new_data is True: self.flag_new_data = False pub.publish(self.gps_data) pub_freq.tick() updater.update() rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): self.period = rospy.get_param('~period', 0.02) self.minPubPeriod = rospy.get_param('~min_pub_period', None) if self.minPubPeriod < self.period * 2: rospy.loginfo( "Warning: you attempted to set the min_pub_period" + " to a smaller value (%.3f)" % (self.minPubPeriod) + " than twice the period (2 * %.3f)." % (self.period) + " This is not allowed, hence I am setting the min_pub_period" + " to %.3f." % (self.period * 2)) self.minPubPeriod = self.period * 2 # encoders are identified by their index (i.e. on which port they are # plugged on the phidget) self.left = 0 self.right = 1 self.countBufs = {self.left: CountBuffer(), self.right: CountBuffer()} self.lastPub = None self._mutex = threading.RLock() self.initPhidget() self.encoder.setEnabled(self.left, True) self.encoder.setEnabled(self.right, True) = rospy.Publisher('encoder_counts', EncoderCounts) # diagnostics self.diag_updater = DIAG.Updater() self.diag_updater.setHardwareID('none') f = {'min': 1.0 / self.minPubPeriod} fs_params = DIAG.FrequencyStatusParam(f, 0.25, 1) self.pub_diag = DIAG.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic('encoder_counts', self.diag_updater, fs_params) #TODO: add a diagnostic task to monitor the connection with the phidget self.forcePub(None)
def __init__(self, component, name, error_threshold=10, rate=1.0, create_watchdog=False): self.component = component = name # Determines the OK, WARN and ERROR status flags self.error_threshold = error_threshold # Create a diagnostics updater self.diag_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() # Set the period from the rate self.diag_updater.period = 1.0 / rate # Set the hardware ID to name + pin try: self.diag_updater.setHardwareID( + '_pin_' + str( except: self.diag_updater.setHardwareID( # Create a frequency monitor that tracks the publishing frequency for this component if self.component.rate > 0: if "Servo" in str(self.component): freq_bounds = diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam( { 'min': self.component.device.joint_update_rate, 'max': self.component.device.joint_update_rate }, 0.3, 5) self.freq_diag = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( + '_freq', self.diag_updater, freq_bounds) else: freq_bounds = diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam( { 'min': self.component.rate, 'max': self.component.rate }, 0.3, 5) self.freq_diag = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( + '_freq', self.diag_updater, freq_bounds) # Create an error monitor that tracks timeouts, serial exceptions etc self.error_diag = diagnostic_updater.FunctionDiagnosticTask(, self.get_error_rate) self.diag_updater.add(self.error_diag) # Create a watchdog diagnostic to monitor the connection status if create_watchdog: self.watchdog_diag = diagnostic_updater.FunctionDiagnosticTask(, self.get_connection_status) self.diag_updater.add(self.watchdog_diag) # Counters used for diagnostics self.reads = 0 self.total_reads = 0 self.errors = 0 self.error_rates = [0.0] # Connection status for device self.watchdog = False
# Usually you would instantiate them via a HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic # (FrequencyStatus only, for topics that do not contain a header) or a # TopicDiagnostic (FrequencyStatus and TimestampStatus, for topics that # do contain a header). # # Some values are passed to the constructor as pointers. If these values # are changed, the FrequencyStatus/TimestampStatus will start operating # with the new values. # # Refer to diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam and # diagnostic_updater.TimestampStatusParam documentation for details on # what the parameters mean: freq_bounds = {'min': 0.5, 'max': 2} # If you update these values, the # HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic will use the new values. pub1_freq = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( "topic1", updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.1, 10)) # Note that TopicDiagnostic, HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher, # HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher and DiagnosedPublisher all descend from # CompositeDiagnosticTask, so you can add your own fields to them using # the addTask method. # # Each time pub1_freq is updated, lower will also get updated and its # output will be merged with the output from pub1_freq. pub1_freq.addTask(lower) # (This wouldn't work if lower was stateful). # If we know that the state of the node just changed, we can force an # immediate update. updater.force_update()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('follow_controllers') cmd_topic = rospy.get_param('~cmd_topic', 'cmd_vel_input') use_mocap = rospy.get_param("~use_mocap", True) self.active_controller_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'active_controller', UInt8, latch=True, queue_size=None) self.controllers = FollowControllers( v1_model_path=rospy.get_param('~v1_model_path'), v2_model_path=rospy.get_param('~v2_model_path'), v3_model_path=rospy.get_param('~v3_model_path')) self.should_publish_all_controllers = rospy.get_param('~enable_debug_pubs') self.active_controller = Controller(rospy.get_param('~controller')) self.srv = Server(ControllersConfig, self.callback) video = message_filters.Subscriber('video', CompressedImage) vo_odom_drone = message_filters.Subscriber('vo_odom_drone', Odometry) subs = [video, vo_odom_drone] if use_mocap: mocap_odom_drone = message_filters.Subscriber('mocap_odom_drone', Odometry) mocap_odom_head = message_filters.Subscriber('mocap_odom_head', Odometry) subs += [mocap_odom_drone, mocap_odom_head] self.controller_pub = {controller: rospy.Publisher( 'output_{name}'.format(, Twist, queue_size=1) for controller in Controller if controller != Controller.idle} self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher(cmd_topic, Twist, queue_size=1) message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer( subs, queue_size=10, slop=0.1).registerCallback(self.update) self.last_controller_duration = {} updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() updater.setHardwareID("ML") updater.add("Controllers", self.controllers_diagnostics) def update_diagnostics(event): updater.update() rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), update_diagnostics) freq_bounds = {'min': 4, 'max': 6} self.pub_freq = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( cmd_topic, updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.1, 10)) if use_mocap: self.start_pose = PoseStamped() self.start_pose.header.frame_id = 'World' self.start_pose.pose.position = Point( rospy.get_param('~start_x', 0), rospy.get_param('~start_y', 0), rospy.get_param('~start_z', 1)) start_yaw = rospy.get_param('~start_yaw', 0) self.start_pose.pose.orientation.w = np.cos(start_yaw * 0.5) self.start_pose.pose.orientation.z = np.sin(start_yaw * 0.5) #self.goto = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('fence_control', GoToPoseAction) #self.goto.wait_for_server() else: self.goto = None self.start_pose = None # self.target_pub = rospy.Publisher('target_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, self.stop, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo("Ready to start")
bounds = diagnostic_updater.CompositeDiagnosticTask("Bound check") bounds.addTask(lower_battery) bounds.addTask(upper_battery) updater.add(bounds) updater.broadcast(0, "Initializing...") pub_battery = rospy.Publisher("bb1_motor_driver", std_msgs.msg.Bool, queue_size=10) freq_bounds = {'min': 9, 'max': 11} pub_battery_freq = diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( "motor_driver", updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.1, 10)) pub_battery_freq.addTask(bounds) pub_battery_freq.addTask(upper_temperature) # If we know that the state of the node just changed, we can force an # immediate update. updater.force_update() # We can remove a task by refering to its name. if not updater.removeByName("Bound check"): rospy.logerr( "The Bound check task was not found when trying to remove it.") while not rospy.is_shutdown():
def main(): rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('diagnostic_updater_example') # The Updater class advertises to /diagnostics, and has a # ~diagnostic_period parameter that says how often the diagnostics # should be published. updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater(node) # The diagnostic_updater.Updater class will fill out the hardware_id # field of the diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus message. You need to # use the setHardwareID() method to set the hardware ID. # # The hardware ID should be able to identify the specific device you are # working with. If it is not appropriate to fill out a hardware ID in # your case, you should call setHardwareID("none") to avoid warnings. # (A warning will be generated as soon as your node updates with no # non-OK statuses.) updater.setHardwareID('none') # Or... updater.setHardwareID('Device-%i-%i' % (27, 46)) # Diagnostic tasks are added to the Updater. They will later be run when # the updater decides to update. # As opposed to the C++ API, there is only one add function. It can take # several types of arguments: # - add(task): where task is a DiagnosticTask # - add(name, fn): add a DiagnosticTask embodied by a name and function updater.add('Function updater', dummy_diagnostic) dc = DummyClass() updater.add('Method updater', dc.produce_diagnostics) # Internally, updater.add converts its arguments into a DiagnosticTask. # Sometimes it can be useful to work directly with DiagnosticTasks. Look # at FrequencyStatus and TimestampStatus in update_functions for a # real-life example of how to make a DiagnosticTask by deriving from # DiagnosticTask. # Alternatively, a FunctionDiagnosticTask is a derived class from # DiagnosticTask that can be used to create a DiagnosticTask from # a function. This will be useful when combining multiple diagnostic # tasks using a CompositeDiagnosticTask. lower = diagnostic_updater.FunctionDiagnosticTask('Lower-bound check', check_lower_bound) upper = diagnostic_updater.FunctionDiagnosticTask('Upper-bound check', check_upper_bound) # If you want to merge the outputs of two diagnostic tasks together, you # can create a CompositeDiagnosticTask, also a derived class from # DiagnosticTask. For example, we could combine the upper and lower # bounds check into a single DiagnosticTask. bounds = diagnostic_updater.CompositeDiagnosticTask('Bound check') bounds.addTask(lower) bounds.addTask(upper) # We can then add the CompositeDiagnosticTask to our Updater. When it is # run, the overall name will be the name of the composite task, i.e., # "Bound check". The summary will be a combination of the summary of the # lower and upper tasks (see DiagnosticStatusWrapper.mergeSummary for # details on how the merging is done). The lists of key-value pairs will be # concatenated. updater.add(bounds) # You can broadcast a message in all the DiagnosticStatus if your node # is in a special state. updater.broadcast(b'0', 'Doing important initialization stuff.') pub1 = node.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, 'topic1', 10) sleep(2) # It isn't important if it doesn't take time. # Some diagnostic tasks are very common, such as checking the rate # at which a topic is publishing, or checking that timestamps are # sufficiently recent. FrequencyStatus and TimestampStatus can do these # checks for you. # # Usually you would instantiate them via a HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic # (FrequencyStatus only, for topics that do not contain a header) or a # TopicDiagnostic (FrequencyStatus and TimestampStatus, for topics that # do contain a header). # # Some values are passed to the constructor as pointers. If these values # are changed, the FrequencyStatus/TimestampStatus will start operating # with the new values. # # Refer to diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam and # diagnostic_updater.TimestampStatusParam documentation for details on # what the parameters mean: freq_bounds = {'min': 0.5, 'max': 2} # If you update these values, the # HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic will use the new values. pub1_freq = (diagnostic_updater.HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic( 'topic1', updater, diagnostic_updater.FrequencyStatusParam(freq_bounds, 0.1, 10))) # Note that TopicDiagnostic, HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher, # HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisher and DiagnosedPublisher all descend from # CompositeDiagnosticTask, so you can add your own fields to them using # the addTask method. # # Each time pub1_freq is updated, lower will also get updated and its # output will be merged with the output from pub1_freq. pub1_freq.addTask(lower) # (This wouldn't work if lower was stateful). # If we know that the state of the node just changed, we can force an # immediate update. updater.force_update() # We can remove a task by refering to its name. if not updater.removeByName('Bound check'): node.get_logger().error( 'The Bound check task was not found when trying to remove it.') while rclpy.ok(): msg = std_msgs.msg.Bool() sleep(0.1) # Calls to pub1 have to be accompanied by calls to pub1_freq to keep # the statistics up to date. = False pub1.publish(msg) pub1_freq.tick() # We can call updater.update whenever is convenient. It will take care # of rate-limiting the updates. updater.update() rclpy.spin_once(node, timeout_sec=1)