def draw_diagram(data, height, width): option = diagram.DOption() option.size = diagram.Point([width, height]) option.mode = 'g' stream = io.BytesIO() gram = diagram.DGWrapper(data=[list(data), range(len(data))], dg_option=option, ostream=stream) return stream.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
def _make_diagram(self): class Option(object): #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-few-public-methods """Diagram configuration.""" def __init__(self): self.axis = False self.batch = None self.color = True self.encoding = None self.function = None self.height = None self.keys = None self.legend = None self.palette = 'spectrum-reversed' self.reverse = None self.sleep = None data = istream = [str(x) for x in data['ticks']] ostream = StringIO.StringIO() size = diagram.Point((self.width, self.height)) option = Option() engine = diagram.AxisGraph(size, option) engine.consume(istream, ostream) meta = data['meta'] high_line = self._align_label(meta['time_max'], _format_value(meta['max'])) low_line = self._align_label(meta['time_min'], _format_value(meta['min'])) lines = [high_line] + ostream.getvalue().splitlines() + [low_line] output = "" output += "\n".join([u" │ %s" % x.decode('utf-8') for x in lines]) output += u"\n └" + u"─" * 80 return output
def main(): from docopt import docopt arguments = docopt( __doc__.format(cmd=__file__,, microsecond=0).isoformat())) time_range = int(arguments['--range']) metrics = arguments['<metric>'] or ['CPL.avg5'] end = iso8601.parse_date(arguments['--end'], default_timezone=None) begin = end - timedelta(hours=time_range) reader = AtopReader(arguments['--path'], arguments['--cmd']) with AtopParser(begin, end) as parser: for log_file in reader.atop_log_files(begin, end): for line in log_file: parser.add_line(line.decode()) if not len(parser.result): sys.stderr.write('empty result\n') sys.exit(1) elif arguments['metrics']: for metric in parser.available_metric_paths: print(metric) elif arguments['table']: from tabulate import tabulate print( tabulate([[time] + [py_.get(value, metric) for metric in metrics] for time, value in parser.result.items()], ['time'] + metrics, tablefmt="plain")) elif arguments['json']: from json import dumps print( dumps({ time.isoformat(): {metric: py_.get(value, metric) for metric in metrics} for time, value in parser.result.items() })) elif arguments['csv']: import csv writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout) writer.writerow(['time'] + metrics) for time, value in parser.result.items(): writer.writerow([time.isoformat()] + [py_.get(value, metric) for metric in metrics]) elif arguments['gnuplot']: for metric in metrics: width = int(arguments['--width']) height = int(arguments['--height']) process = subprocess.Popen(["gnuplot"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.stdin.write(b"set term dumb %d %d \n" % (width, height)) process.stdin.write(b"unset border \n") process.stdin.write(b"unset ytics \n") process.stdin.write(b"unset xtics \n") process.stdin.write(b"set xtics nomirror \n") process.stdin.write(b"unset key \n") process.stdin.write(b"set xdata time \n") process.stdin.write(b"set format x '%H' \n") process.stdin.write(b"set timefmt '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' \n") process.stdin.write(b"set datafile sep '\t' \n") process.stdin.write( b"plot '-' using 1:2 notitle with linespoints \n") for time, value in parser.result.items(): process.stdin.write( b"%s\t%s\n" % (str(time.isoformat()).encode('utf-8'), str(py_.get(value, metric)).encode('utf-8'))) process.stdin.write(b"e\n") process.stdin.flush() process.stdin.close() process.wait() elif arguments['diagram']: import diagram width = int(arguments['--width']) height = int(arguments['--height']) class DiagramOptions(object): axis = True batch = False color = False encoding = 'utf-8' function = None # None or any of diagram.FUNCTION.keys() legend = True palette = None # None or any of diagram.PALETTE.keys() reverse = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) for metric in metrics: engine = diagram.AxisGraph(diagram.Point((width, height)), DiagramOptions()) engine.update([ py_.deep_get(value, metric) for value in parser.result.values() ]) if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer'): engine.render(sys.stdout.buffer) else: engine.render(sys.stdout)