コード例 #1
def get_pix_coords(wavelength, A, mill_arr, detector, delta_i=0.02):
    """ Code copied from sim.py courtesy of Aaron and Tara """
    q=flex.vec3_double([A*col(idx) for idx in  mill_arr.indices().as_vec3_double()])
    e1_hat = q_hat.cross(s0_hat)
    c0_hat = s0_hat.cross(e1_hat)
    q_len_sq = flex.double([col(v).length_sq() for v in q])
    #flex.vec3_double([sqrt(q.length_sq()-a_side**2 for idx in mill_arr)])

    len_EQ=flex.double([col(v).length() for v in EQ])

    indices = flex.miller_index()
    coords =flex.vec2_double()
    for i in range(len(s1)):
        if ratio[i] > 1 - delta_i and ratio[i] < 1 + delta_i:
            pix = detector[0].get_ray_intersection_px(s1[i])
            if detector[0].is_coord_valid(pix):

    return coords, indices
コード例 #2
def large_reflection_table():
    """Generate reflection table to test the basis and target function."""
    # these miller_idx/d_values don't make physical sense, but I didn't want to
    # have to write the tests for lots of reflections.
    reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    reflections["intensity"] = flex.double(
        [75.0, 10.0, 100.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 25.0, 20.0, 300.0, 10.0])
    reflections["variance"] = flex.double(
        [50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 10.0])
    reflections["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(10, 1.0)
    reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 4, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 4, 0),
    ])  # don't change
    reflections["d"] = flex.double(
        [2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 1.0])  # don't change
    reflections["partiality"] = flex.double(10, 1.0)
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(
        [(0.0, 0.0, i) for i in range(0, 45, 5)] + [(0.0, 0.0, 59.0)])
    reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.1, 1.0)] * 2 +
                                         [(0.0, 0.1, 20.0)] * 8)
    return reflections
コード例 #3
  def generate_reflections(self):
    """Use reeke_model to generate indices of reflections near to the Ewald
    sphere that might be observed on a still image. Build a reflection_table
    of these."""
    from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group_info

    space_group_type = space_group_info("P 1").group().type()

    # create a ReekeIndexGenerator
    UB = self.crystal.get_A()
    axis = self.goniometer.get_rotation_axis()
    s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
    dmin = 1.5
    # use the same UB at the beginning and end - the margin parameter ensures
    # we still have indices close to the Ewald sphere generated
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ReekeIndexGenerator
    r = ReekeIndexGenerator(UB, UB, space_group_type, axis, s0, dmin=1.5, margin=1)

    # generate indices
    hkl = r.to_array()
    nref = len(hkl)

    # create a reflection table
    from dials.array_family import flex
    table = flex.reflection_table()
    table['flags'] = flex.size_t(nref, 0)
    table['id']    = flex.int(nref, 0)
    table['panel'] = flex.size_t(nref, 0)
    table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(hkl)
    table['entering']     = flex.bool(nref, True)
    table['s1']           = flex.vec3_double(nref)
    table['xyzcal.mm']    = flex.vec3_double(nref)
    table['xyzcal.px']    = flex.vec3_double(nref)

    return table
コード例 #4
  def __call__(self, experiments, reflections, add_correction_column=False):
    result = flex.reflection_table()

    for expt_id, experiment in enumerate(experiments):
      refls = reflections.select(reflections['id'] == expt_id)
      beam = experiment.beam
      # Remove the need for pixel size within cxi.merge.  Allows multipanel detector with dissimilar panels.
      # Relies on new frame extractor code called by dials.stills_process that writes s0, s1 and polarization normal
      # vectors all to the integration pickle.  Future path (IE THIS CODE): use dials json and reflection file.
      s0_vec = matrix.col(beam.get_s0()).normalize()
      s0_polar_norm = beam.get_polarization_normal()
      s1_vec = refls['s1']
      Ns1 = len(s1_vec)
      # project the s1_vector onto the plane normal to s0.  Get result by subtracting the
      # projection of s1 onto s0, which is (s1.dot.s0_norm)s0_norm
      s0_norm = flex.vec3_double(Ns1,s0_vec)
      s1_proj = (s1_vec.dot(s0_norm))*s0_norm
      s1_in_normal_plane = s1_vec - s1_proj
      # Now want the polar angle between the projected s1 and the polarization normal
      s0_polar_norms = flex.vec3_double(Ns1,s0_polar_norm)
      dotprod = (s1_in_normal_plane.dot(s0_polar_norms))
      costheta = dotprod/(s1_in_normal_plane.norms())
      theta = flex.acos(costheta)
      cos_two_polar_angle = flex.cos(2.0*theta)
      # gives same as old answer to ~1% but not exact.  Not sure why, should not matter.

      tt_vec = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell().two_theta(miller_indices = refls['miller_index'],
                                                            wavelength = beam.get_wavelength())
      cos_tt_vec = flex.cos(tt_vec)
      sin_tt_vec = flex.sin(tt_vec)
      cos_sq_tt_vec = cos_tt_vec * cos_tt_vec
      sin_sq_tt_vec = sin_tt_vec * sin_tt_vec
      P_nought_vec = 0.5 * (1. + cos_sq_tt_vec)

      F_prime = -1.0 # Hard-coded value defines the incident polarization axis
      P_prime = 0.5 * F_prime * cos_two_polar_angle * sin_sq_tt_vec

      # added as a diagnostic
      #prange=P_nought_vec - P_prime
      #other_F_prime = 1.0
      #otherP_prime = 0.5 * other_F_prime * cos_two_polar_angle * sin_sq_tt_vec
      #otherprange=P_nought_vec - otherP_prime
      #diff2 = flex.abs(prange - otherprange)
      #print >> out, "mean diff is",flex.mean(diff2), "range",flex.min(diff2), flex.max(diff2)
      # done

      correction = 1 / ( P_nought_vec - P_prime )
      refls['intensity.sum.value'] = refls['intensity.sum.value'] * correction
      refls['intensity.sum.variance'] = refls['intensity.sum.variance'] * correction**2 # propagated error
      # This corrects observations for polarization assuming 100% polarization on
      # one axis (thus the F_prime = -1.0 rather than the perpendicular axis, 1.0)
      # Polarization model as described by Kahn, Fourme, Gadet, Janin, Dumas & Andre
      # (1982) J. Appl. Cryst. 15, 330-337, equations 13 - 15.

      if add_correction_column:
        refls['polarization_correction'] = correction


    return result
コード例 #5
def test_calc_crystal_frame_vectors(test_reflection_table, mock_exp):
    """Test the namesake function, to check that the vectors are correctly rotated
    into the crystal frame."""
    rt, exp = test_reflection_table, mock_exp
    s0_vec = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    s1_vec = (1.0 / sqrt(2.0), 0.0, 1.0 / sqrt(2.0))
    reflection_table = calc_crystal_frame_vectors(rt, exp)
    assert list(reflection_table["s0"]) == list(
        flex.vec3_double([s0_vec, s0_vec, s0_vec])
    assert approx_equal(
                [s0_vec, (1.0 / sqrt(2.0), -1.0 / sqrt(2.0), 0.0), (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)]
    assert approx_equal(
                    (1.0 / 2.0, -1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)),
                    (0.0, -1.0 / sqrt(2.0), 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)),
コード例 #6
def generated_refl(not_integrated=False, idval=0):
    """Generate a test reflection table."""
    reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double([1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1.0])
    reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double(
        [1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1.0])
    reflections["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double(
        [12.0, 120.0, 1200.0, 21.0])
    reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double(
        [12.0, 120.0, 2100.0, 1.0])
    # reflections['inverse_scale_factor'] = flex.double(4, 1.0)
    reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1),
                                                     (2, 0, 0), (2, 2, 2)
                                                     ])  # don't change
    reflections["d"] = flex.double([0.8, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0])  # don't change
    reflections["partiality"] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                                                       (0.0, 0.0, 5.0),
                                                       (0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
                                                       (0.0, 0.0, 10.0)])
    reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
                                          (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0)])
    if not_integrated:
        reflections.set_flags(flex.bool([False, False, False, False]),
        reflections.set_flags(flex.bool([True, True, False, False]),
    reflections.set_flags(flex.bool([False, False, True, True]),
    reflections["id"] = flex.int(4, idval)
    reflections.experiment_identifiers()[idval] = str(idval)
    return reflections
コード例 #7
  def generate_reflections(self):
    """Use reeke_model to generate indices of reflections near to the Ewald
    sphere that might be observed on a still image. Build a reflection_table
    of these."""
    from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group_info

    space_group_type = space_group_info("P 1").group().type()

    # create a ReekeIndexGenerator
    UB = self.crystal.get_U() * self.crystal.get_B()
    axis = self.goniometer.get_rotation_axis()
    s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
    dmin = 1.5
    # use the same UB at the beginning and end - the margin parameter ensures
    # we still have indices close to the Ewald sphere generated
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ReekeIndexGenerator
    r = ReekeIndexGenerator(UB, UB, space_group_type, axis, s0, dmin=1.5, margin=1)

    # generate indices
    hkl = r.to_array()
    nref = len(hkl)

    # create a reflection table
    from dials.array_family import flex
    table = flex.reflection_table()
    table['flags'] = flex.size_t(nref, 0)
    table['id']    = flex.int(nref, 0)
    table['panel'] = flex.size_t(nref, 0)
    table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(hkl)
    table['entering']     = flex.bool(nref, True)
    table['s1']           = flex.vec3_double(nref)
    table['xyzcal.mm']    = flex.vec3_double(nref)
    table['xyzcal.px']    = flex.vec3_double(nref)

    return table
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_scaler.py プロジェクト: TiankunZhou/dials
def generated_refl_2(exclude_refl=True):
    """Generate a reflection table."""
    # these miller_idx/d_values don't make physical sense, but I didn't want to
    # have to write the tests for lots of reflections.
    reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    reflections["intensity"] = flex.double([1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1.0])
    reflections["variance"] = flex.double([1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1.0])
    reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1),
                                                     (2, 0, 0), (2, 2, 2)
                                                     ])  # don't change
    reflections["d"] = flex.double([0.8, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0])  # don't change
    reflections["d"] = flex.double([0.8, 2.0, 2.1, 0.1])
    reflections["Esq"] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    reflections["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    reflections["id"] = flex.int(4, 0)
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                                                       (0.0, 0.0, 5.0),
                                                       (0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
                                                       (0.0, 0.0, 10.0)])
    reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
                                          (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0)])
    if exclude_refl:
        integrated_list = flex.bool([True, True, False, False])
        bad_list = flex.bool([False, False, True, True])
        integrated_list = flex.bool(4, True)
        bad_list = flex.bool(4, False)
    reflections.set_flags(integrated_list, reflections.flags.integrated)
    reflections.set_flags(bad_list, reflections.flags.bad_for_scaling)
    return reflections
コード例 #9
ファイル: spot_utils.py プロジェクト: dermen/cxid9114_gain
def refls_to_q(refls, detector, beam, update_table=False):

    orig_vecs = {}
    fs_vecs = {}
    ss_vecs = {}
    u_pids = set([r['panel'] for r in refls])
    for pid in u_pids:
        orig_vecs[pid] = np.array(detector[pid].get_origin())
        fs_vecs[pid] = np.array(detector[pid].get_fast_axis())
        ss_vecs[pid] = np.array(detector[pid].get_slow_axis())

    s1_vecs = []
    q_vecs = []
    for r in refls:
        pid = r['panel']
        i_fs, i_ss, _ = r['xyzobs.px.value']
        panel = detector[pid]
        orig = orig_vecs[pid]  #panel.get_origin()
        fs = fs_vecs[pid]  #panel.get_fast_axis()
        ss = ss_vecs[pid]  #panel.get_slow_axis()

        fs_pixsize, ss_pixsize = panel.get_pixel_size()
        s1 = orig + i_fs * fs * fs_pixsize + i_ss * ss * ss_pixsize  # scattering vector
        s1 = s1 / np.linalg.norm(s1) / beam.get_wavelength()
        q_vecs.append(s1 - beam.get_s0())

    if update_table:
        refls['s1'] = flex.vec3_double(tuple(map(tuple, s1_vecs)))
        refls['rlp'] = flex.vec3_double(tuple(map(tuple, q_vecs)))

    return np.vstack(q_vecs)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_Ih_table.py プロジェクト: huwjenkins/dials
def generated_refl_for_splitting_1():
    """"Make a reflection table."""
    reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    reflections["intensity"] = flex.double([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
    reflections["variance"] = flex.double(6, 1.0)
    reflections["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(6, 1.0)
    reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(
        [(1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (2, 2, 2), (1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0)]
    reflections["d"] = flex.double([0.8, 2.1, 2.0, 1.4, 1.6, 2.5])
    reflections["partiality"] = flex.double(6, 1.0)
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            (0.0, 0.0, 5.0),
            (0.0, 0.0, 8.0),
            (0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
            (0.0, 0.0, 12.0),
            (0.0, 0.0, 15.0),
    reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double(
            (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
            (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
            (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
            (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
            (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
            (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
    reflections.set_flags(flex.bool(6, True), reflections.flags.integrated)
    reflections.set_flags(flex.bool(6, False), reflections.flags.bad_for_scaling)
    return reflections
コード例 #11
def import_integrated(integrate_hkl, min_ios=3):
    reader = integrate_hkl_as_flex.reader(integrate_hkl, "IOBS,SIGMA,XCAL,YCAL,ZCAL,XOBS,YOBS,ZOBS,ISEG".split(","))

    # reference: dials/command_line/import_xds.py
    table = flex.reflection_table()
    table["id"] = flex.int(len(reader.hkl), 0)
    table["panel"] = flex.size_t(len(reader.hkl), 0) # only assuming single panel
    table["miller_index"] = reader.hkl
    table["xyzcal.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(reader.data["XCAL"], reader.data["YCAL"], reader.data["ZCAL"])
    table["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(reader.data["XOBS"], reader.data["YOBS"], reader.data["ZOBS"])
    table["intensity.cor.value"] = reader.data["IOBS"]
    table["intensity.cor.sigma"] = reader.data["SIGMA"] # not valid name, just for making selection
    table["flags"] = flex.size_t(len(table), table.flags.indexed | table.flags.strong)

    table = table.select(table["intensity.cor.sigma"] > 0)
    table = table.select(table["intensity.cor.value"]/table["intensity.cor.sigma"] >= min_ios)
    table = table.select(table["xyzobs.px.value"].norms() > 0) # remove invalid xyzobs

    # dummy
    table["xyzobs.px.variance"] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (1,1,1)) # TODO appropriate variance value
    table["s1"] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (0,0,0)) # will be updated by set_obs_s1()

    del table["intensity.cor.value"]
    del table["intensity.cor.sigma"]

    return table
コード例 #12
def get_pix_coords(wavelength, A, mill_arr, detector, delta_i=0.02):
    """ Code copied from sim.py courtesy of Aaron and Tara """
    s0 = col((0, 0, -1 / wavelength))
    q = flex.vec3_double(
        [A * col(idx) for idx in mill_arr.indices().as_vec3_double()])
    s0_hat = flex.vec3_double([s0.normalize()] * len(q))
    q_hat = q.each_normalize()
    e1_hat = q_hat.cross(s0_hat)
    c0_hat = s0_hat.cross(e1_hat)
    q_len_sq = flex.double([col(v).length_sq() for v in q])
    a_side = q_len_sq * wavelength / 2
    b_side = flex.sqrt(q_len_sq) - a_side**2
    #flex.vec3_double([sqrt(q.length_sq()-a_side**2 for idx in mill_arr)])
    r_vec = flex.vec3_double(-a_side * s0_hat + b_side * c0_hat)
    s1 = r_vec + s0

    EQ = q + s0
    len_EQ = flex.double([col(v).length() for v in EQ])
    ratio = len_EQ * wavelength

    indices = flex.miller_index()
    coords = flex.vec2_double()
    for i in range(len(s1)):
        if ratio[i] > 1 - delta_i and ratio[i] < 1 + delta_i:
            pix = detector[0].get_ray_intersection_px(s1[i])
            if detector[0].is_coord_valid(pix):

    return coords, indices
コード例 #13
  def prepare_reflection_list(self,detector):

    spots = self.triclinic.get_observations_with_outlier_removal()
    ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations = [
      for item in self.triclinic_pairs

    self.length = len(ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations)
    R= flex.reflection_table.empty_standard(self.length)

    R['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index([item["miller_index"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations])
    R['xyzobs.px.value'] = flex.vec3_double([item["xyzobs.px.value"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations])
    R['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double([item["xyzobs.px.variance"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations])
    R['spotfinder_lookup'] = flex.int([item["spotfinder_lookup"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations])

    R['xyzobs.mm.value'] = flex.vec3_double(self.length)
    R['xyzobs.mm.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(self.length)

    pxlsz = detector[0].get_pixel_size()

    for idx in xrange(self.length):
      R['xyzobs.mm.value'][idx] = (R['xyzobs.px.value'][idx][0]*pxlsz[0], R['xyzobs.px.value'][idx][1]*pxlsz[1], R['xyzobs.px.value'][idx][2])
      R['xyzobs.mm.variance'][idx] = (R['xyzobs.px.variance'][idx][0]*pxlsz[0], R['xyzobs.px.variance'][idx][1]*pxlsz[1], R['xyzobs.px.variance'][idx][2])

    return R
コード例 #14
def _make_input_for_exclude_tests(exclude_images=True):
    """Generate input data, that upon exclusion should leave only the first
    if exclude_images:
        exclude_images = [["0:360:720"], ["1:360:720"]]
    expt1 = Experiment(scan=Scan(image_range=(0, 720), oscillation=(0.0, 1.0)))
    expt2 = Experiment(scan=Scan(image_range=(0, 720), oscillation=(0.0,
    refls1 = flex.reflection_table()
    refls2 = flex.reflection_table()
    refls1["xyzobs.mm.value"] = flex.vec3_double([
        (0.0, 0.0, 10.0 * math.pi / 180.0), (0.0, 0.0, 370.0 * math.pi / 180.0)
    refls1["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
                                                  (0.0, 0.0, 370.0)])
    refls1["i"] = flex.int([0, 1])
    refls2["xyzobs.mm.value"] = flex.vec3_double([
        (0.0, 0.0, -10.0 * math.pi / 180.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, -370.0 * math.pi / 180.0)
    refls2["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
                                                  (0.0, 0.0, 370.0)])
    refls2["i"] = flex.int([0, 1])
    expts = ExperimentList([expt1, expt2])
    tables = [refls1, refls2]
    expts, tables = assign_unique_identifiers(expts, tables)
    return exclude_images, expts, tables
コード例 #15
 def _xyzcal_mm_to_px(self, experiments, reflections):
     # set xyzcal.px field in reflections
     reflections["xyzcal.px"] = flex.vec3_double(len(reflections))
     for i, expt in enumerate(experiments):
         imgset_sel = reflections["imageset_id"] == i
         refined_reflections = reflections.select(imgset_sel)
         panel_numbers = flex.size_t(refined_reflections["panel"])
         xyzcal_mm = refined_reflections["xyzcal.mm"]
         x_mm, y_mm, z_rad = xyzcal_mm.parts()
         xy_cal_mm = flex.vec2_double(x_mm, y_mm)
         xy_cal_px = flex.vec2_double(len(xy_cal_mm))
         for i_panel in range(len(expt.detector)):
             panel = expt.detector[i_panel]
             sel = panel_numbers == i_panel
                 sel, panel.millimeter_to_pixel(xy_cal_mm.select(sel))
         x_px, y_px = xy_cal_px.parts()
         if expt.scan is not None:
             z_px = expt.scan.get_array_index_from_angle(z_rad, deg=False)
             # must be a still image, z centroid not meaningful
             z_px = z_rad
         xyzcal_px = flex.vec3_double(x_px, y_px, z_px)
         reflections["xyzcal.px"].set_selected(imgset_sel, xyzcal_px)
コード例 #16
def fix_xy(reflections_in, reflections_out):
    reflections = pickle.load(open(reflections_in, "r"))

    # validate that input is from 60 panel detector, assumed to be
    # 5 x 12 configuration

    assert flex.max(reflections["panel"]) == 59

    delta_x = 487 + 7
    delta_y = 195 + 17

    panel_x = reflections["panel"].as_int() % 5
    panel_y = reflections["panel"].as_int() / 5

    x_offset = delta_x * panel_x
    y_offset = delta_y * panel_y

    # apply fixes
    x, y, z = reflections["xyzobs.px.value"].parts()
    x += x_offset.as_double()
    y += y_offset.as_double()
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(x, y, z)

    x, y, z = reflections["xyzcal.px"].parts()
    x += x_offset.as_double()
    y += y_offset.as_double()
    reflections["xyzcal.px"] = flex.vec3_double(x, y, z)

    # save - should probably do this "properly"
    pickle.dump(reflections, open(reflections_out, "wb"))

コード例 #17
ファイル: kapton_correction.py プロジェクト: rjgildea/dials
    def abs_correction_flex(self, s1_flex):
        s1_flex_length = len(s1_flex)
        surface_normal = flex.vec3_double(s1_flex_length, self.surface_normal)
        edge_of_tape_normal = flex.vec3_double(s1_flex_length, self.edge_of_tape_normal)

        dsurf1 = flex.double(len(s1_flex), 0)
        dsurf2 = flex.double(len(s1_flex), 0)
        dot_product = s1_flex.dot(surface_normal)
        sel = dot_product != 0
        dsurf1.set_selected(sel, self.sn1 / dot_product.select(sel))
        dsurf2.set_selected(sel, self.sn2 / dot_product.select(sel))
        dsurf3 = self.sn3 / (s1_flex.dot(edge_of_tape_normal))

        # determine path length through kapton tape
        kapton_path_mm = flex.double(s1_flex_length, 0)
        unshadowed_sel = (dsurf3 < dsurf1) | (dsurf1 < 0)
        nearsel = ~unshadowed_sel & (dsurf3 < dsurf2)
        kapton_path_mm.set_selected(nearsel, (dsurf3 - dsurf1).select(nearsel))
        farsel = ~unshadowed_sel & (dsurf3 >= dsurf2)
        kapton_path_mm.set_selected(farsel, (dsurf2 - dsurf1).select(farsel))

        # determine absorption correction
        absorption_correction = 1 / flex.exp(
            -self.abs_coeff * kapton_path_mm
        )  # unitless, >=1
        return absorption_correction
コード例 #18
    def _predict(self):
        Predict the position of the spots


        # Get some stuff from experiment
        A = matrix.sqr(self.experiments[0].crystal.get_A())
        s0 = matrix.col(self.experiments[0].beam.get_s0())

        # Compute the vector to the reciprocal lattice point
        # since this is not on the ewald sphere, lets call it s2
        h = self.reflections["miller_index"]
        s1 = flex.vec3_double(len(h))
        s2 = flex.vec3_double(len(h))
        for i in range(len(self.reflections)):
            r = A * matrix.col(h[i])
            s2[i] = s0 + r
            s1[i] = matrix.col(s2[i]).normalize() * s0.length()
        self.reflections["s1"] = s1
        self.reflections["s2"] = s2
        self.reflections["entering"] = flex.bool(len(h), False)

        # Compute the ray intersections
        xyzpx = flex.vec3_double()
        xyzmm = flex.vec3_double()
        for i in range(len(s2)):
            ss = s1[i]
            mm = self.experiments[0].detector[0].get_ray_intersection(ss)
            px = self.experiments[0].detector[0].millimeter_to_pixel(mm)
            xyzpx.append(px + (0, ))
            xyzmm.append(mm + (0, ))
        self.reflections["xyzcal.mm"] = xyzmm
        self.reflections["xyzcal.px"] = xyzpx
        logger.info("Do prediction for %d reflections" % len(self.reflections))
コード例 #19
ファイル: show.py プロジェクト: kmdalton/dials
def show_experiments(experiments, show_scan_varying=False):

    text = []
    for i_expt, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        text.append("Experiment %i:" % i_expt)
        format_class = expt.imageset.get_format_class()
        if not format_class.is_abstract():
            text.append(f"Format class: {format_class.__name__}")
        if expt.identifier != "":
            text.append(f"Experiment identifier: {expt.identifier}")
            template = expt.imageset.get_template()
        except AttributeError:
            template = None
        if template:
            text.append(f"Image template: {template}")
        text.append("Max resolution (at corners): %f" %
            "Max resolution (inscribed):  %f" %
        text.append(show_beam(expt.detector, expt.beam))
        if expt.scan is not None:
        if expt.goniometer is not None:

        if expt.crystal is not None:
            if expt.crystal.num_scan_points:
                abc = flex.vec3_double()
                angles = flex.vec3_double()
                for n in range(expt.crystal.num_scan_points):
                    ) = expt.crystal.get_unit_cell_at_scan_point(
                    abc.append((a, b, c))
                    angles.append((alpha, beta, gamma))
                a, b, c = abc.mean()
                alpha, beta, gamma = angles.mean()
                mean_unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell((a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma))
                text.append(f"  Average unit cell: {mean_unit_cell}")
        if expt.profile is not None:
        if expt.scaling_model is not None:

    return "\n".join(text)
コード例 #20
ファイル: import_xds.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
  def __call__(self, params, options):
    ''' Import the integrate.hkl file. '''

    from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from dials.util.command_line import Command
    from cctbx import sgtbx

    # Get the unit cell to calculate the resolution
    uc = self._experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell()

    # Read the INTEGRATE.HKL file
    Command.start('Reading INTEGRATE.HKL')
    handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    hkl    = flex.miller_index(handle.hkl)
    xyzcal = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzcal)
    xyzobs = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzobs)
    iobs   = flex.double(handle.iobs)
    sigma  = flex.double(handle.sigma)
    rlp = flex.double(handle.rlp)
    peak = flex.double(handle.peak) * 0.01
    Command.end('Read %d reflections from INTEGRATE.HKL file.' % len(hkl))

    # Derive the reindex matrix
    rdx = self.derive_reindex_matrix(handle)
    print 'Reindex matrix:\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d' % (rdx.elems)

    # Reindex the reflections
    Command.start('Reindexing reflections')
    cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(sgtbx.rt_mx(sgtbx.rot_mx(rdx.elems)))
    hkl = cb_op.apply(hkl)
    Command.end('Reindexed %d reflections' % len(hkl))

    # Create the reflection list
    Command.start('Creating reflection table')
    table = flex.reflection_table()
    table['id'] = flex.int(len(hkl), 0)
    table['panel'] = flex.size_t(len(hkl), 0)
    table['miller_index'] = hkl
    table['xyzcal.px'] = xyzcal
    table['xyzobs.px.value'] = xyzobs
    table['intensity.cor.value'] = iobs
    table['intensity.cor.variance'] = sigma**2
    table['intensity.prf.value'] = iobs * peak / rlp
    table['intensity.prf.variance'] = (sigma * peak / rlp)**2
    table['lp'] = 1.0 / rlp
    table['d'] = flex.double(uc.d(h) for h in hkl)
    Command.end('Created table with {0} reflections'.format(len(table)))

    # Output the table to pickle file
    if params.output.filename is None:
      params.output.filename = 'integrate_hkl.pickle'
    Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
    Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
コード例 #21
def generate_reflection_table():
    """Create a reflection table with s1 and phi."""
    rt = flex.reflection_table()
    s1_vec = (1.0 / sqrt(2.0), 0.0, 1.0 / sqrt(2.0))
    rt["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([s1_vec, s1_vec, s1_vec])
    rt["phi"] = flex.double([0.0, 45.0, 90.0])
    rt["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                                              (0.0, 0.0, 45.0),
                                              (0.0, 0.0, 90.0)])
    return rt
コード例 #22
def align_rotation_axis_along_z(exp_rot_axis, vectors):
    """Rotate the coordinate system such that the exp_rot_axis is along z."""
    if list(exp_rot_axis) == [(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]:
        return vectors
    (ux, uy, uz) = exp_rot_axis[0][0], exp_rot_axis[0][1], exp_rot_axis[0][2]
    cross_prod_uz = flex.vec3_double([(uy, -1.0 * ux, 0.0)])
    angle_between_u_z = +1.0 * acos(uz / ((ux**2 + uy**2 + uz**2)**0.5))
    phi = flex.double(vectors.size(), angle_between_u_z)
    new_vectors = rotate_vectors_about_axis(cross_prod_uz, vectors, phi)
    return flex.vec3_double(new_vectors)
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: jasonroyprice/dials
def generated_refl():
    """Create a reflection table."""
    rt = flex.reflection_table()
    rt["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.2)])
    rt["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (0.1, 0.1, 1.1)])
    rt["s1c"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), (0.1, 0.1, 1.1)])
    rt["s0c"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)])
    rt["d"] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0])
    rt["batch"] = flex.int([0, 1])
    return rt
コード例 #24
ファイル: import_xds.py プロジェクト: kek-pf-mx/dials
    def __call__(self, params, options):
        ''' Import the spot.xds file. '''
        from iotbx.xds import spot_xds
        from dials.util.command_line import Command
        from dials.array_family import flex

        # Read the SPOT.XDS file
        Command.start('Reading SPOT.XDS')
        handle = spot_xds.reader()
        centroid = handle.centroid
        intensity = handle.intensity
            miller_index = handle.miller_index
        except AttributeError:
            miller_index = None
        Command.end('Read {0} spots from SPOT.XDS file.'.format(len(centroid)))

        # Create the reflection list
        Command.start('Creating reflection list')
        table = flex.reflection_table()
        table['id'] = flex.int(len(centroid), 0)
        table['panel'] = flex.size_t(len(centroid), 0)
        if miller_index:
            table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(miller_index)
        table['xyzobs.px.value'] = flex.vec3_double(centroid)
        table['intensity.sum.value'] = flex.double(intensity)
        Command.end('Created reflection list')

        # Remove invalid reflections
        Command.start('Removing invalid reflections')
        if miller_index and params.remove_invalid:
            flags = flex.bool([h != (0, 0, 0) for h in table['miller_index']])
            table = table.select(flags)
        Command.end('Removed invalid reflections, %d remaining' % len(table))

        # Fill empty standard columns
        if params.add_standard_columns:
            Command.start('Adding standard columns')
            rt = flex.reflection_table.empty_standard(len(table))
            table = rt
            # set variances to unity
            table['xyzobs.mm.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(
                len(table), (1, 1, 1))
            table['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(
                len(table), (1, 1, 1))
            Command.end('Standard columns added')

        # Output the table to pickle file
        if params.output.filename is None:
            params.output.filename = 'spot_xds.pickle'
        Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
        Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
コード例 #25
    def get_fd_gradients(self, pred_param, ref_predictor):

        # get finite difference gradients
        p_vals = pred_param.get_param_vals()
        deltas = [1.0e-7] * len(p_vals)

        fd_grads = []
        p_names = pred_param.get_param_names()
        for i in range(len(deltas)):

            # save parameter value
            val = p_vals[i]

            # calc reverse state
            p_vals[i] -= deltas[i] / 2.0


            x, y, _ = self.reflections["xyzcal.mm"].deep_copy().parts()
            delpsi = self.reflections["delpsical.rad"].deep_copy()
            rev_state = flex.vec3_double(x, y, delpsi)

            # calc forward state
            p_vals[i] += deltas[i]


            x, y, _ = self.reflections["xyzcal.mm"].deep_copy().parts()
            delpsi = self.reflections["delpsical.rad"].deep_copy()
            fwd_state = flex.vec3_double(x, y, delpsi)

            # reset parameter to saved value
            p_vals[i] = val

            # finite difference
            fd = fwd_state - rev_state
            x_grads, y_grads, delpsi_grads = fd.parts()
            x_grads /= deltas[i]
            y_grads /= deltas[i]
            delpsi_grads /= deltas[i]

                "name": p_names[i],
                "dX_dp": x_grads,
                "dY_dp": y_grads,
                "dDeltaPsi_dp": delpsi_grads,

        # return to the initial state

        return fd_grads
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_scaler.py プロジェクト: TiankunZhou/dials
def generated_refl_for_comb():
    """Create a reflection table suitable for splitting into blocks."""
    reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    reflections["intensity"] = flex.double(
        [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 500.0, 6.0, 2.0, 2.0])
    reflections["variance"] = flex.double(8, 1.0)
    reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double(
        [1.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 50.0, 6.0, 3.0, 2.0])
    reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double(
        [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0])
    reflections["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double(
        [1.0, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0, 500.0, 6.0, 6.0, 2.0])
    reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double(8, 1.0)
    reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([
        (1, 0, 0),
        (2, 0, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (2, 2, 2),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (2, 0, 0),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (1, 0, 0),
    reflections["d"] = flex.double([0.8, 2.1, 2.0, 1.4, 1.6, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5])
    reflections["partiality"] = flex.double(8, 1.0)
    reflections["Esq"] = flex.double(8, 1.0)
    reflections["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(8, 1.0)
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([
        (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 5.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 8.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 12.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 15.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 15.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 15.0),
    reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
    reflections.set_flags(flex.bool(8, True), reflections.flags.integrated)
    reflections.set_flags(flex.bool([False] * 5 + [True] + [False] * 2),
    reflections["id"] = flex.int(8, 0)
    reflections.experiment_identifiers()[0] = "0"
    reflections = calculate_prescaling_correction(reflections)
    return reflections
コード例 #27
ファイル: import_xds.py プロジェクト: jasonroyprice/dials
    def __call__(self, params, options):
        """ Import the spot.xds file. """
        from iotbx.xds import spot_xds
        from dials.util.command_line import Command

        # Read the SPOT.XDS file
        Command.start("Reading SPOT.XDS")
        handle = spot_xds.reader()
        centroid = handle.centroid
        intensity = handle.intensity
            miller_index = handle.miller_index
        except AttributeError:
            miller_index = None
        Command.end("Read {} spots from SPOT.XDS file.".format(len(centroid)))

        # Create the reflection list
        Command.start("Creating reflection list")
        table = flex.reflection_table()
        table["id"] = flex.int(len(centroid), 0)
        table["panel"] = flex.size_t(len(centroid), 0)
        if miller_index:
            table["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(miller_index)
        table["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(centroid)
        table["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double(intensity)
        Command.end("Created reflection list")

        # Remove invalid reflections
        Command.start("Removing invalid reflections")
        if miller_index and params.remove_invalid:
            flags = flex.bool([h != (0, 0, 0) for h in table["miller_index"]])
            table = table.select(flags)
        Command.end("Removed invalid reflections, %d remaining" % len(table))

        # Fill empty standard columns
        if params.add_standard_columns:
            Command.start("Adding standard columns")
            rt = flex.reflection_table.empty_standard(len(table))
            table = rt
            # set variances to unity
            table["xyzobs.mm.variance"] = flex.vec3_double(
                len(table), (1, 1, 1))
            table["xyzobs.px.variance"] = flex.vec3_double(
                len(table), (1, 1, 1))
            Command.end("Standard columns added")

        # Output the table to pickle file
        if params.output.filename is None:
            params.output.filename = "spot_xds.refl"
        Command.start("Saving reflection table to %s" % params.output.filename)
        Command.end("Saved reflection table to %s" % params.output.filename)
コード例 #28
  def get_fd_gradients(self, pred_param, ref_predictor):

    # get finite difference gradients
    p_vals = pred_param.get_param_vals()
    deltas = [1.e-7] * len(p_vals)

    fd_grads = []
    p_names = pred_param.get_param_names()
    for i in range(len(deltas)):

      # save parameter value
      val = p_vals[i]

      # calc reverse state
      p_vals[i] -= deltas[i] / 2.


      x, y, _ = self.reflections['xyzcal.mm'].deep_copy().parts()
      delpsi = self.reflections['delpsical.rad'].deep_copy()
      rev_state = flex.vec3_double(x, y, delpsi)

      # calc forward state
      p_vals[i] += deltas[i]


      x, y, _ = self.reflections['xyzcal.mm'].deep_copy().parts()
      delpsi = self.reflections['delpsical.rad'].deep_copy()
      fwd_state = flex.vec3_double(x, y, delpsi)

      # reset parameter to saved value
      p_vals[i] = val

      # finite difference
      fd = (fwd_state - rev_state)
      x_grads, y_grads, delpsi_grads = fd.parts()
      x_grads /= deltas[i]
      y_grads /= deltas[i]
      delpsi_grads /= deltas[i]


    # return to the initial state

    return fd_grads
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_refiner.py プロジェクト: kmdalton/dials
def test_RefinerData(testdata):

    experiment = testdata.experiment
    reflections = testdata.reflections

    panel = experiment.detector[0]
    s0_length = matrix.col(experiment.beam.get_s0()).length()
    reflections["bbox"] = flex.int6(len(reflections))
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(len(reflections))
    reflections["s2"] = reflections["s1"].each_normalize() * s0_length
    reflections["sp"] = flex.vec3_double(len(reflections))
    for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(reflections["xyzcal.px"]):
        x0 = int(x) - 5
        x1 = int(x) + 5 + 1
        y0 = int(y) - 5
        y1 = int(y) + 5 + 1
        z0 = int(z)
        z1 = z0 + 1
        reflections["bbox"][i] = x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1
        reflections["xyzobs.px.value"][i] = (int(x) + 0.5, int(y) + 0.5,
                                             int(z) + 0.5)
        reflections["sp"][i] = (matrix.col(
                reflections["xyzobs.px.value"][i][0:2])).normalize() *

    reflections["shoebox"] = flex.shoebox(reflections["panel"],

    shoebox_data = flex.float(flex.grid(1, 11, 11))
    shoebox_mask = flex.int(flex.grid(1, 11, 11))
    for j in range(11):
        for i in range(11):
            shoebox_data[0, j, i] = (100 * exp(-0.5 * (j - 5)**2 / 1**2) *
                                     exp(-0.5 * (i - 5)**2 / 1**2))
            shoebox_mask[0, j, i] = 5
    for sbox in reflections["shoebox"]:
        sbox.data = shoebox_data
        sbox.mask = shoebox_mask

    data = RefinerData.from_reflections(experiment, reflections)

    assert tuple(data.s0) == pytest.approx(experiment.beam.get_s0())
    assert data.h_list == reflections["miller_index"]
    for i, sp in enumerate(reflections["sp"]):
        assert data.sp_list[:, i] == pytest.approx(sp)
    assert data.ctot_list[0] == sum(shoebox_data)

    mobs1 = np.abs(data.mobs_list[0, :])
    mobs2 = np.abs(data.mobs_list[1, :])
    assert np.max(mobs1) < 1e-6
    assert np.max(mobs2) < 1e-6
コード例 #30
    def __init__(self):
        from dials.array_family import flex

        self.reflections = flex.reflection_table()
        self.reflections['panel'] = flex.size_t()
        self.reflections['bbox'] = flex.int6()
        self.reflections['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index()
        self.reflections['s1'] = flex.vec3_double()
        self.reflections['xyzcal.px'] = flex.vec3_double()
        self.reflections['xyzcal.mm'] = flex.vec3_double()
        self.reflections['entering'] = flex.bool()
        self.reflections['id'] = flex.int()
        self.reflections["flags"] = flex.size_t()

        self.npanels = 2
        self.width = 1000
        self.height = 1000
        self.nrefl = 10000
        self.array_range = (0, 130)
        self.block_size = 20

        from random import randint, seed, choice
        self.processed = [[] for i in range(12)]
        for i in range(self.nrefl):
            x0 = randint(0, self.width - 10)
            y0 = randint(0, self.height - 10)
            zs = randint(2, 9)
            x1 = x0 + randint(2, 10)
            y1 = y0 + randint(2, 10)
            for k, j in enumerate(
                [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120]):
                m = k + i * 12
                pos = choice(["left", "right", "centre"])
                if pos == 'left':
                    z0 = j - zs
                    z1 = j
                elif pos == 'right':
                    z0 = j
                    z1 = j + zs
                    z0 = j - zs // 2
                    z1 = j + zs // 2
                bbox = (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1)
                    randint(0, 1),
コード例 #31
def test_align_rotation_axis_along_z():
    """Test the function to rotate the coordinate system such that the rotation
    axis is along z. In the test, the rotation axis is x, so we expect the
    transformation to be: x > z, y > y, z > -x, x+z > -x+z."""
    rot_axis = flex.vec3_double([(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
    vectors = flex.vec3_double(
        [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
    rotated_vectors = align_rotation_axis_along_z(rot_axis, vectors)
    expected = [(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
    for v1, v2 in zip(rotated_vectors, expected):
        assert v1 == pytest.approx(v2)
コード例 #32
ファイル: import_xds.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def __call__(self, params, options):
    ''' Import the spot.xds file. '''
    from iotbx.xds import spot_xds
    from dials.util.command_line import Command
    from dials.array_family import flex

    # Read the SPOT.XDS file
    Command.start('Reading SPOT.XDS')
    handle = spot_xds.reader()
    centroid = handle.centroid
    intensity = handle.intensity
      miller_index = handle.miller_index
    except AttributeError:
      miller_index = None
    Command.end('Read {0} spots from SPOT.XDS file.'.format(len(centroid)))

    # Create the reflection list
    Command.start('Creating reflection list')
    table = flex.reflection_table()
    table['id'] = flex.int(len(centroid), 0)
    table['panel'] = flex.size_t(len(centroid), 0)
    if miller_index:
      table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(miller_index)
    table['xyzobs.px.value'] = flex.vec3_double(centroid)
    table['intensity.sum.value'] = flex.double(intensity)
    Command.end('Created reflection list')

    # Remove invalid reflections
    Command.start('Removing invalid reflections')
    if miller_index and params.remove_invalid:
      flags = flex.bool([h != (0, 0, 0) for h in table['miller_index']])
      table = table.select(flags)
    Command.end('Removed invalid reflections, %d remaining' % len(table))

    # Fill empty standard columns
    if params.add_standard_columns:
      Command.start('Adding standard columns')
      rt = flex.reflection_table.empty_standard(len(table))
      table = rt
      # set variances to unity
      table['xyzobs.mm.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (1,1,1))
      table['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (1,1,1))
      Command.end('Standard columns added')

    # Output the table to pickle file
    if params.output.filename is None:
      params.output.filename = 'spot_xds.pickle'
    Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
    Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
コード例 #33
    def _prepare_for_compose(self, reflections, skip_derivatives=False):
        """Add columns to the reflection table to hold the varying state matrices
    or vectors for the experimental models, if required. Also add columns for
    the derivatives of states that are scan-varying"""

        nref = len(reflections)
        # set columns if needed
        if 'u_matrix' not in reflections:
            reflections['u_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)
        if 'b_matrix' not in reflections:
            reflections['b_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)
        if 's0_vector' not in reflections:
            reflections['s0_vector'] = flex.vec3_double(nref)
        if 'd_matrix' not in reflections:
            reflections['d_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)
        if 'D_matrix' not in reflections:
            reflections['D_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)

        # set columns in the reflection table to store the derivative of state for
        # each reflection, if needed
        if not skip_derivatives:
            null9 = (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
            null3 = (0., 0., 0.)
            if self._varying_xl_orientations and "dU_dp0" not in reflections:
                max_free_params = max([
                    for e in self._xl_orientation_parameterisations
                for i in range(max_free_params):
                    colname = "dU_dp{0}".format(i)
                    reflections[colname] = flex.mat3_double(nref, null9)
            if self._varying_xl_unit_cells and "dB_dp0" not in reflections:
                max_free_params = max([
                    e.num_free() for e in self._xl_unit_cell_parameterisations
                for i in range(max_free_params):
                    colname = "dB_dp{0}".format(i)
                    reflections[colname] = flex.mat3_double(nref, null9)
            if self._varying_detectors and "dd_dp0" not in reflections:
                max_free_params = max(
                    [e.num_free() for e in self._detector_parameterisations])
                for i in range(max_free_params):
                    colname = "dd_dp{0}".format(i)
                    reflections[colname] = flex.mat3_double(nref, null9)
            if self._varying_beams and "ds0_dp0" not in reflections:
                max_free_params = max(
                    [e.num_free() for e in self._beam_parameterisations])
                for i in range(max_free_params):
                    colname = "ds0_dp{0}".format(i)
                    reflections[colname] = flex.vec3_double(nref, null3)

コード例 #34
def generated_10_refl():
    """Generate reflection table to test the basis and target function."""
    # these miller_idx/d_values don't make physical sense, but I didn't want to
    # have to write the tests for lots of reflections.
    reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double(
        [75.0, 10.0, 100.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 25.0, 20.0, 300.0, 10.0])
    reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double(
        [50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 10.0])
    reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 4, 0),
        (0, 0, 1),
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 4, 0),
    ])  # don't change
    reflections["d"] = flex.double(
        [2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 1.0])  # don't change
    reflections["partiality"] = flex.double(10, 1.0)
    reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([
        (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 5.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 15.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 25.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 30.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 35.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 40.0),
        (0.0, 0.0, 59.0),
    reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 1.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
        (0.0, 0.1, 20.0),
    reflections.set_flags(flex.bool(10, True), reflections.flags.integrated)
    reflections["id"] = flex.int(10, 0)
    reflections.experiment_identifiers()[0] = str(0)
    return [reflections]
コード例 #35
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(read_experiments=True, read_reflections=True)

    params, options = parser.parse_args(show_diff_phil=True)

    experiments = flatten_experiments(params.input.experiments)
    reflections = flatten_reflections(params.input.reflections)

    data = reflections[0]
    expt = experiments[0]
    data = data.select(data.get_flags(data.flags.integrated))

    # data = data.select(data['d'] > 2.0)

    z = data["xyzcal.px"].parts()[2]

    shoebox = data["shoebox"]

    # make a new reflection table, this one empty - then add columns for
    # every event in this set (with some shuffle) - flags = 32 apparently,
    # id == id above, intensity.sum.value=1 variance=1 n_signal=1 panel=panel
    # xyzobs.px.value = pixel + random.random() - 0.5 variance = 1/12 in each
    # direction - then map to reciprocal space

    events = flex.vec3_double()

    for s in shoebox:
        d = s.data
        k0, j0, i0 = s.bbox[0], s.bbox[2], s.bbox[4]
        k1, j1, i1 = d.focus()
        for k in range(k1):
            for j in range(j1):
                for i in range(i1):
                    for n in range(int(d[k, j, i])):
                        if random.random() > 0.1:
                        z = k + k0 + random.random()
                        y = j + j0 + random.random()
                        x = i + i0 + random.random()
                        events.append((z, y, x))

    rt = flex.reflection_table()
    rt["xyzobs.px.value"] = events
    variance = flex.double(events.size(), 1.0 / 12.0)
    rt["xyzobs.px.variance"] = flex.vec3_double(variance, variance, variance)
    rt["flags"] = flex.size_t(events.size(), 32)
    rt["id"] = flex.int(events.size(), 0)
    rt["panel"] = flex.size_t(events.size(), 0)
    rt["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double(events.size(), 1)
    rt["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double(events.size(), 1)
コード例 #36
ファイル: tst_interface.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def __init__(self):
    from dials.array_family import flex

    self.reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    self.reflections['panel'] = flex.size_t()
    self.reflections['bbox'] = flex.int6()
    self.reflections['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index()
    self.reflections['s1'] = flex.vec3_double()
    self.reflections['xyzcal.px'] = flex.vec3_double()
    self.reflections['xyzcal.mm'] = flex.vec3_double()
    self.reflections['entering'] = flex.bool()
    self.reflections['id'] = flex.int()
    self.reflections["flags"] = flex.size_t()

    self.npanels = 2
    self.width = 1000
    self.height = 1000
    self.nrefl = 10000
    self.array_range = (0, 130)
    self.block_size = 20

    from random import randint, seed, choice
    self.processed = [[] for i in range(12)]
    for i in range(self.nrefl):
      x0 = randint(0, self.width-10)
      y0 = randint(0, self.height-10)
      zs = randint(2, 9)
      x1 = x0 + randint(2, 10)
      y1 = y0 + randint(2, 10)
      for k, j in enumerate([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120]):
        m = k + i * 12
        pos = choice(["left", "right", "centre"])
        if pos == 'left':
          z0 = j - zs
          z1 = j
        elif pos == 'right':
          z0 = j
          z1 = j + zs
          z0 = j - zs // 2
          z1 = j + zs // 2
        bbox = (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1)
          "panel" : randint(0,1),
          "bbox" : bbox,
          "flags" : flex.reflection_table.flags.reference_spot
コード例 #37
  def get_gradients(self, reflections, callback=None):
    Calculate gradients of the prediction formula with respect to each
    of the parameters of the contained models, for all of the reflections.

    To be implemented by a derived class, which determines the space of the
    prediction formula (e.g. we calculate dX/dp, dY/dp, dphi/dp for the
    prediction formula for a rotation scan expressed in detector space, but
    components of d\vec{r}/dp for the prediction formula in reciprocal space


    ### Calculate various quantities of interest for the reflections

    # Set up arrays of values for each reflection
    n = len(reflections)
    D = flex.mat3_double(n)
    s0 = flex.vec3_double(n)
    U = flex.mat3_double(n)
    B = flex.mat3_double(n)
    axis = flex.vec3_double(n)
    fixed_rotation = flex.mat3_double(n)

    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

      sel = reflections['id'] == iexp
      isel = sel.iselection()

      # D matrix array
      panels = reflections['panel'].select(isel)
      for ipanel, D_mat in enumerate([p.get_D_matrix() for p in exp.detector]):
        subsel = isel.select(panels == ipanel)
        D.set_selected(subsel, D_mat)

      # s0 array
      s0.set_selected(isel, exp.beam.get_s0())

      # U and B arrays
      exp_U, exp_B = self._get_U_B_for_experiment(exp.crystal, reflections, isel)
      U.set_selected(isel, exp_U)
      B.set_selected(isel, exp_B)

      # axis array
      if exp.goniometer:
        axis.set_selected(isel, exp.goniometer.get_rotation_axis())
        fixed_rotation.set_selected(isel, exp.goniometer.get_fixed_rotation())

    return self._get_gradients_core(reflections, D, s0, U, B, axis, fixed_rotation, callback)
コード例 #38
ファイル: stills_indexer.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
  def refine(self, experiments, reflections):

    sel = ((reflections['id'] >= -1))
    refl = reflections.select(sel)

    acceptance_flags = self.identify_outliers(self.all_params, experiments, refl)
    #create a new "indexed" list with outliers thrown out:
    refl = refl.select(acceptance_flags)

    print "$$$ stills_indexer::refine"
    R = e_refine(params = self.all_params, experiments=experiments, reflections=refl, graph_verbose=False)
    ref_experiments = R.get_experiments()

    # try to improve the outcome with a second round of outlier rejection post-initial refinement:
    acceptance_flags = self.identify_outliers(self.all_params, ref_experiments, refl)

    # insert a round of Nave-outlier rejection on top of the r.m.s.d. rejection
    nv0 = nave_parameters(params = self.all_params, experiments=ref_experiments, reflections=refl, refinery=R, graph_verbose=False)
    crystal_model_nv0 = nv0()
    acceptance_flags_nv0 = nv0.nv_acceptance_flags
    refl = refl.select(acceptance_flags & acceptance_flags_nv0)

    print "$$$ stills_indexer::refine after positional and delta-psi outlier rejection"
    refiner = e_refine(params = self.all_params, experiments=ref_experiments, reflections=refl, graph_verbose=False)

    matches = refiner.get_matches()
    xyzcal_mm = flex.vec3_double(len(refl))
    xyzcal_mm.set_selected(matches['iobs'], matches['xyzcal.mm'])
    refl['xyzcal.mm'] = xyzcal_mm
    refl.set_flags(matches['iobs'], refl.flags.used_in_refinement)
    refl['entering'] = flex.bool(len(refl), False)
    return refiner.get_experiments(), refl
コード例 #39
  def calculate_weights(self, reflections):
    """Set weights to constant terms. If stills, the z weights are
    the 'delpsical.weights' attribute of the reflection table. Otherwise, use
    the usual 'xyzobs.mm.weights'"""

    wx = flex.double(len(reflections), self._wx)
    wy = flex.double(len(reflections), self._wy)
    wz = flex.double(len(reflections), self._wz)
    if self._stills:
      null = flex.double(len(reflections), 0)
      reflections['xyzobs.mm.weights'] = flex.vec3_double(wx, wy, null)
      reflections['delpsical.weights'] = wz
      reflections['xyzobs.mm.weights'] = flex.vec3_double(wx, wy, wz)

    return reflections
コード例 #40
ファイル: tst_index_synthetic.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
def generate_spots(crystal_model, detector, beam, goniometer=None, scan=None,
  import math

  experiment = Experiment(beam=beam,

  # if we don't set the imageset then from_predictions uses the StillsReflectionPredictor :-(
  from dxtbx.imageset import NullReader, ImageSweep
  imageset = ImageSweep(NullReader, indices=range(len(scan.get_epochs())), beam=beam, goniometer=goniometer,
                        detector=detector, scan=scan)
  experiment.imageset = imageset

  predicted = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions(experiment)

  sel = flex.random_selection(len(predicted),
  predicted = predicted.select(sel)
  predicted['imageset_id'] = flex.size_t(len(predicted), 0)
  predicted['xyzobs.px.value'] = predicted['xyzcal.px']
  predicted['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(
    len(predicted), (0.5,0.5,0.5))
  return predicted
コード例 #41
ファイル: tst_index_synthetic.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
def add_random_noise_xyz(datablock, strong_spots, rmsds):
  import scitbx.random
  errors = flex.vec3_double(*list(
      scitbx.random.normal_distribution(0, rmsds[i]))(len(strong_spots))
    for i in range(3)))
  strong_spots['xyzobs.px.value'] += errors
コード例 #42
 def get_s1_array(self, values):
   miller_vec = self.MILLER.as_vec3_double()
   ref_ori = matrix.sqr(self.ORI.reciprocal_matrix())
   Rx = matrix.col((1,0,0)).axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(values.thetax)
   Ry = matrix.col((0,1,0)).axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(values.thetay)
   s_array = flex.mat3_double(len(self.MILLER),Ry * Rx * ref_ori) * miller_vec
   s1_array = s_array + flex.vec3_double(len(self.MILLER), self.BEAM)
   return s1_array
コード例 #43
  def _beam_derivatives(self, isel, parameterisation=None, reflections=None):
    """helper function to extend the derivatives lists by derivatives of the
    beam parameterisations"""

    # Get required data
    s0 = self._s0.select(isel)
    s0u = self._s0u.select(isel)
    wl = self._wavelength.select(isel)
    r = self._r.select(isel)
    e1 = self._e1.select(isel)
    q = self._q.select(isel)
    c0 = self._c0.select(isel)
    DeltaPsi = self._DeltaPsi.select(isel)
    D = self._D.select(isel)

    # get the derivatives of the beam vector wrt the parameters
    ds0_dbeam_p = parameterisation.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)

    dDeltaPsi_dp = []
    dpv_dp = []

    # loop through the parameters
    for der in ds0_dbeam_p:

      if der is None:

      # repeat the derivative in an array
      ds0 = flex.vec3_double(len(s0u), der.elems)

      # we need the derivative of the unit beam direction too. This requires
      # scaling by the wavelength and projection onto the Ewald sphere
      scaled = ds0 * wl
      ds0u = scaled.dot(c0) * c0 + scaled.dot(e1) * e1

      # calculate the derivative of DeltaPsi for this parameter
      dDeltaPsi = -1.0 * (r.dot(ds0)) / (e1.cross(r).dot(s0))

      # calculate (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp)
      de1_dp = c0.cross(ds0u)
      dr_de1 = dRq_de(DeltaPsi, e1, q)
      drde_dedp = dr_de1 * de1_dp

      #dp = 1.e-8 # finite step size for the parameter
      #del_e1 = de1_dp * dp
      #e1f = e1 + del_e1 * 0.5
      #rfwd = q.rotate_around_origin(e1f, DeltaPsi)
      #e1r = e1 - del_e1 * 0.5
      #rrev = q.rotate_around_origin(e1r, DeltaPsi)
      #drde_dedp = (rfwd - rrev) * (1 / dp)

      # calculate the derivative of pv for this parameter
      dpv_dp.append(D * (ds0 + e1.cross(r) * dDeltaPsi + drde_dedp))

    return dpv_dp, dDeltaPsi_dp
コード例 #44
  def _prepare_for_compose(self, reflections, skip_derivatives=False):
    """Add columns to the reflection table to hold the varying state matrices
    or vectors for the experimental models, if required. Also add columns for
    the derivatives of states that are scan-varying"""

    nref = len(reflections)
    # set columns if needed
    if 'u_matrix' not in reflections:
      reflections['u_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)
    if 'b_matrix' not in reflections:
      reflections['b_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)
    if 's0_vector' not in reflections:
      reflections['s0_vector'] = flex.vec3_double(nref)
    if 'd_matrix' not in reflections:
      reflections['d_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)
    if 'D_matrix' not in reflections:
      reflections['D_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nref)

    # set columns in the reflection table to store the derivative of state for
    # each reflection, if needed
    if not skip_derivatives:
      null9 = (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
      null3 = (0., 0., 0.)
      if self._varying_xl_orientations and "dU_dp0" not in reflections:
        max_free_params = max([e.num_free() for e in self._xl_orientation_parameterisations])
        for i in range(max_free_params):
          colname = "dU_dp{0}".format(i)
          reflections[colname] = flex.mat3_double(nref, null9)
      if self._varying_xl_unit_cells and "dB_dp0" not in reflections:
        max_free_params = max([e.num_free() for e in self._xl_unit_cell_parameterisations])
        for i in range(max_free_params):
          colname = "dB_dp{0}".format(i)
          reflections[colname] = flex.mat3_double(nref, null9)
      if self._varying_detectors and "dd_dp0" not in reflections:
        max_free_params = max([e.num_free() for e in self._detector_parameterisations])
        for i in range(max_free_params):
          colname = "dd_dp{0}".format(i)
          reflections[colname] = flex.mat3_double(nref, null9)
      if self._varying_beams and "ds0_dp0" not in reflections:
        max_free_params = max([e.num_free() for e in self._beam_parameterisations])
        for i in range(max_free_params):
          colname = "ds0_dp{0}".format(i)
          reflections[colname] = flex.vec3_double(nref, null3)

コード例 #45
  def calculate_weights(reflections):
    """set 'statistical weights', that is w(x) = 1/var(x)"""

    weights = (reflections['xyzobs.mm.variance']).deep_copy()
    parts = weights.parts()
    for w in parts:
      sel = w > 0.
      w.set_selected(sel, 1./w.select(sel))
    reflections['xyzobs.mm.weights'] = flex.vec3_double(*parts)

    return reflections
コード例 #46
  def _beam_derivatives(self, isel, parameterisation=None, reflections=None):
    """helper function to extend the derivatives lists by derivatives of the
    beam parameterisations"""

    # Get required data
    s0 = self._s0.select(isel)
    s0u = self._s0u.select(isel)
    nu = self._nu.select(isel)
    r = self._r.select(isel)
    e1 = self._e1.select(isel)
    q_s0 = self._q_s0.select(isel)
    inv_s = self._inv_s.select(isel)
    inv_sss = self._inv_sss.select(isel)
    DeltaPsi = self._DeltaPsi.select(isel)
    D = self._D.select(isel)

    # get the derivatives of the beam vector wrt the parameters
    ds0_dbeam_p = parameterisation.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)

    dDeltaPsi_dp = []
    dpv_dp = []

    # loop through the parameters
    for der in ds0_dbeam_p:

      if der is None:

      # repeat the derivative in an array
      ds0 = flex.vec3_double(len(s0u), der.elems)

      # we need the derivative of the unit beam direction too. This requires
      # scaling by the wavelength and projection onto the Ewald sphere
      #scaled = ds0 * wl
      #ds0u = scaled.dot(c0) * c0 + scaled.dot(e1) * e1

      # calculate the derivative of DeltaPsi for this parameter
      dDeltaPsi = -1.0 * (r.dot(ds0)) / (e1.cross(r).dot(s0))

      # term 1
      term1 = (s0u.dot(ds0) * q_s0 + nu * ds0) * inv_s

      # term 2
      term2 = (nu * q_s0 * q_s0.dot(ds0)) * inv_sss

      # calculate the derivative of pv for this parameter
      dpv_dp.append(D * (term1 - term2))

    return dpv_dp, dDeltaPsi_dp
コード例 #47
ファイル: reflection_manager.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data):
    """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions.

    This step includes rejection of reflections too close to the spindle,
    reflections measured outside the scan range, rejection of the (0,0,0)
    Miller index and rejection of reflections with the overload flag set.
    Outlier rejection is done later."""

    # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0
    sel1 = obs_data['miller_index'] != (0,0,0)

    # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids
    sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded)

    # combine selections
    sel = sel1 & sel2
    inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel)
    obs_data = obs_data.select(sel)

    # Default to True to pass the following test if there is no rotation axis
    # for a particular experiment
    to_keep = flex.bool(len(inc), True)

    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):
      axis = self._axes[iexp]
      if not axis or exp.scan is None: continue
      if exp.scan.get_oscillation()[1] == 0.0: continue
      sel = obs_data['id'] == iexp
      s0 = self._s0vecs[iexp]
      s1 = obs_data['s1'].select(sel)
      phi = obs_data['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[2].select(sel)

      # first test: reject reflections for which the parallelepiped formed
      # between the gonio axis, s0 and s1 has a volume of less than the cutoff.
      # Those reflections are by definition closer to the spindle-beam
      # plane and for low values of the cutoff are troublesome to
      # integrate anyway.
      p_vol = flex.abs(s1.cross(flex.vec3_double(s1.size(), s0)).dot(axis))
      passed1 = p_vol > self._close_to_spindle_cutoff

      # second test: reject reflections that lie outside the scan range
      phi_min, phi_max = exp.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False)
      passed2 = (phi >= phi_min) & (phi <= phi_max)

      # combine tests
      to_update = passed1 & passed2
      to_keep.set_selected(sel, to_update)

    inc = inc.select(to_keep)

    return inc
コード例 #48
ファイル: sematura.py プロジェクト: mewall/lunus
    def set_general_variables(self):

        self.frame = load(self.raw)
        self.detector = self.frame.get_detector()
        self.beam = self.frame.get_beam()
        self.s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
        self.gonio = self.frame.get_goniometer()
        self.scan = self.frame.get_scan()

        self.lab_coordinates = flex.vec3_double()
        for panel in self.detector:
            self.beam_center_mm_x, self.beam_center_mm_y = col(panel.get_beam_centre(self.s0))
            pixels = flex.vec2_double(panel.get_image_size())
            mms = panel.pixel_to_millimeter(pixels)
            self.Isizex, self.Isizey = panel.get_image_size()
            self.beam_center_x, self.beam_center_y = col(panel.get_beam_centre_px(self.s0))
            self.detector_distance = panel.get_distance()
            thrshim_min, thrshim_max = panel.get_trusted_range()
            self.pixel_size = panel.get_pixel_size()[0]

        self.raw_data = self.frame.get_raw_data()

        if thrshim_min < 0 :
            self.thrshim_min = int(0)
            self.thrshim_min = thrshim_min

        if thrshim_max > 32767:
            self.thrshim_max = int(32767)
            self.thrshim_max = int(thrshim_max)

        self.polarization_fraction = self.beam.get_polarization_fraction()
        self.polarization_offset = 0.0
        self.cassette_x = 0.0
        self.cassette_y = 0.0
        self.windim_xmax     = int(self.Isizex)-100          # right border for processed image (pixels)
        self.windim_xmin     = 100          # left border for processed image (pixels)
        self.windim_ymax     = int(self.Isizey)-100     # top border for processed image (pixels)
        self.windim_ymin     = 100          # bottom border for processed image (pixels)
        ### beamstop borders
        self.punchim_xmax    = int(self.Isizex)          # right border of beam stop shadow (pixels)
        self.punchim_xmin    = int(self.beam_center_x)-80          # left border of beam stop shadow (pixels)
        self.punchim_ymax    = int(self.beam_center_y)+100          # top border of beam stop shadow (pixels)
        self.punchim_ymin    = int(self.beam_center_y)-40          # bottom border of beam stop shadow (pixels)
        self.mode_filter_footprint = int(20)

コード例 #49
    def generate_single_central_non_negative_profiles(self):
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from tst_profile_helpers import gaussian

        rlist = flex.reflection_table(1)

        profile = gaussian(self.grid_size, 1000, (4, 4, 4), (1.5, 1.5, 1.5))

        x = 500
        y = 500
        z = 5
        xyz = flex.vec3_double(1)
        xyz[0] = (x, y, z)
        profiles = [profile.deep_copy()]
        rlist["xyzcal.px"] = xyz

        return rlist, profiles, profile
コード例 #50
    def generate_identical_non_negative_profiles(self):
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from random import uniform
        from tst_profile_helpers import gaussian

        rlist = flex.reflection_table(1000)

        profile = gaussian(self.grid_size, 1000, (4, 4, 4), (1.5, 1.5, 1.5))

        xyz = flex.vec3_double(1000)
        profiles = []
        for i in range(1000):
            x = uniform(0, 1000)
            y = uniform(0, 1000)
            z = uniform(0, 10)
            xyz[i] = (x, y, z)
        rlist["xyzcal.px"] = xyz

        return rlist, profiles, profile
コード例 #51
    def generate_systematically_offset_profiles(self):
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from random import uniform
        from tst_profile_helpers import gaussian

        rlist = flex.reflection_table(1000)

        xyz = flex.vec3_double(1000)
        profiles = []
        for i in range(1000):
            x = uniform(0, 1000)
            y = uniform(0, 1000)
            z = uniform(0, 10)

            offset = -4.5 + 9 * x / 1000.0

            profile = gaussian(self.grid_size, 1000, (4 + offset, 4, 4), (1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
            xyz[i] = (x, y, z)

        rlist["xyzcal.px"] = xyz
        return rlist, profiles
コード例 #52
ファイル: prediction_parameters.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def _beam_derivatives(self, isel, parameterisation=None,
    ds0_dbeam_p=None, reflections=None):
    """helper function to extend the derivatives lists by derivatives of the
    beam parameterisations."""

    # Get required data
    r = self._r.select(isel)
    e_X_r = self._e_X_r.select(isel)
    e_r_s0 = self._e_r_s0.select(isel)
    D = self._D.select(isel)

    if ds0_dbeam_p is None:

      # get the derivatives of the beam vector wrt the parameters
      ds0_dbeam_p = parameterisation.get_ds_dp(use_none_as_null=True)

      ds0_dbeam_p = [None if e is None else flex.vec3_double(len(r), e.elems) \
                     for e in ds0_dbeam_p]

    dphi_dp = []
    dpv_dp = []

    # loop through the parameters
    for der in ds0_dbeam_p:

      if der is None:

      # calculate the derivative of phi for this parameter
      dphi = (r.dot(der) / e_r_s0) * -1.0

      # calculate the derivative of pv for this parameter
      dpv_dp.append(D * (e_X_r * dphi + der))

    return dpv_dp, dphi_dp
コード例 #53
  def __init__(self):
    from dials.algorithms.integration.profile import GridSampler2D
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from random import randint, uniform

    # Number of reflections
    nrefl = 1000

    # Size of the images
    width = 1000
    height = 1000

    # Create the grid
    self.grid = GridSampler2D((width, height), (5,5))

    # Create the list of xyz and bboxes
    self.xyz = flex.vec3_double(nrefl)
    self.bbox = flex.int6(nrefl)
    self.panel = flex.size_t(nrefl, 0)
    for i in range(nrefl):
      x0 = randint(0,width-10)
      x1 = x0 + randint(3,10)
      y0 = randint(0,height-10)
      y1 = y0 + randint(3,10)
      z0 = randint(0,10)
      z1 = z0 + randint(1,10)
      b = x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1
      c = (x1 + x0) / 2, (y1 + y0) / 2, (z1 + z0) / 2
      self.xyz[i] = c
      self.bbox[i] = b

    # Create the array of shoeboxes
    self.sbox = flex.shoebox(self.panel, self.bbox)
    for i in range(len(self.sbox)):
      data = self.sbox[i].data
      for j in range(len(data)):
        data[j] = uniform(0, 100)
コード例 #54
  def tst_for_reflection_table(self):
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import \
      ScanVaryingReflectionPredictor, ScanStaticReflectionPredictor
    from dials.array_family import flex

    predict = ScanStaticReflectionPredictor(self.experiments[0])
    preds = predict.for_ub(self.experiments[0].crystal.get_A())

    preds['ub_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(len(preds), self.experiments[0].crystal.get_A())
    preds['s0'] = flex.vec3_double(len(preds), self.experiments[0].beam.get_s0())
    preds['d_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(len(preds))
    for ipanel, panel in enumerate(self.experiments[0].detector):
      sel = preds['panel'] == ipanel
      D = panel.get_d_matrix()
      preds['d_matrix'].set_selected(sel, D)
    predict = ScanVaryingReflectionPredictor(self.experiments[0])
    from copy import deepcopy
    old_preds = deepcopy(preds)

    # Because UB, s0 and d values are the same for all reflections, the new
    # reflections should be approx equal to those produced by the scan static
    # predictor
    old_x, old_y, old_z = old_preds['xyzcal.px'].parts()
    new_x, new_y, new_z = preds['xyzcal.px'].parts()
    assert old_x.all_approx_equal(new_x)
    assert old_y.all_approx_equal(new_y)
    assert old_z.all_approx_equal(new_z)

    print "OK"

コード例 #55
def main(reflections, experiment, params):
  nref0 = len(reflections)

  method = params.method
  ids = params.id

  #if 'intensity.prf.variance' in reflections:
  #  selection = reflections.get_flags(
  #    reflections.flags.integrated,
  #    all=True)
  #  selection = reflections.get_flags(
  #    reflections.flags.integrated_sum)
  #reflections = reflections.select(selection)

  # filter according to rules

  if params.min_isum:
    selection = reflections['intensity.sum.value'] > params.min_isum
    reflections = reflections.select(selection)

  if params.num > len(reflections):
    raise RuntimeError, 'you asked for too many reflections sorry'

  from dials.array_family import flex
  if params.seed > 0 and params.num > 0:
    import random
    selected = flex.bool(len(reflections), False)
    while len(selected.iselection()) < params.num:
      selected[random.randint(0, len(reflections))] = True
    reflections = reflections.select(selected)

  nref1 = len(reflections)

  print 'Removed %d reflections, %d remain' % (nref0 - nref1, nref1)

  results = []
  simmed = reflections.copy()[0:0]
  simmed['dqe'] = flex.double()
  simmed['xyzsim.mm'] = flex.vec3_double()
  simmed['xyzpred.mm'] = flex.vec3_double()

  for j, reflection in enumerate(reflections):
    result = None
    if ids:
      if j in ids:
        result = globals()['model_reflection_%s' % method](reflection, experiment, params)
    elif params.id_start and params.id_end:
      if j < params.id_start or j >= params.id_end:
      print j
      result = globals()['model_reflection_%s' % method](reflection, experiment, params)

      print j
      result = globals()['model_reflection_%s' % method](reflection, experiment, params)
    if not result is None:

  import math
  if params.debug:
    print "RMSD obs - cal:", math.sqrt((simmed['xyzobs.mm.value'] - simmed['xyzcal.mm']).sum_sq()/len(simmed)) * 1000
    print "RMSD obs - sim:", math.sqrt((simmed['xyzobs.mm.value'] - simmed['xyzsim.mm']).sum_sq()/len(simmed)) * 1000
    print "Functional:", (simmed['xyzobs.mm.value'] - simmed['xyzsim.mm']).sum_sq()
  return results
コード例 #56
ファイル: stills_indexer.py プロジェクト: biochem-fan/dials
    if len(self.refined_experiments) > 1:
      from dials.algorithms.indexing.compare_orientation_matrices \
           import show_rotation_matrix_differences
        self.refined_experiments.crystals(), out=info_handle)

    info("Final refined crystal models:")
    for i, crystal_model in enumerate(self.refined_experiments.crystals()):
      n_indexed = 0
      for i_expt in experiments.where(crystal=crystal_model):
        n_indexed += (self.reflections['id'] == i).count(True)
      info("model %i (%i reflections):" %(i+1, n_indexed))

    self.refined_reflections['xyzcal.px'] = flex.vec3_double(
    for i, imageset in enumerate(self.imagesets):
      imgset_sel = self.refined_reflections['imageset_id'] == i
      # set xyzcal.px field in self.refined_reflections
      refined_reflections = self.refined_reflections.select(imgset_sel)
      panel_numbers = flex.size_t(refined_reflections['panel'])
      xyzcal_mm = refined_reflections['xyzcal.mm']
      x_mm, y_mm, z_rad = xyzcal_mm.parts()
      xy_cal_mm = flex.vec2_double(x_mm, y_mm)
      xy_cal_px = flex.vec2_double(len(xy_cal_mm))
      for i_panel in range(len(imageset.get_detector())):
        panel = imageset.get_detector()[i_panel]
        sel = (panel_numbers == i_panel)
        isel = sel.iselection()
        ref_panel = refined_reflections.select(panel_numbers == i_panel)
コード例 #57
ファイル: prediction_parameters.py プロジェクト: dials/dials
  def get_gradients(self, reflections, callback=None):
    """Calculate gradients of the prediction formula with respect to each
    of the parameters of the contained models, for all of the reflections.
    This method sets up required quantities relevant to the current step of
    refinement and then loops over the parameterisations of each type extending
    a results list each time."""

    # Set up arrays of quantities of interest for each reflection
    self._nref = len(reflections)
    self._D = flex.mat3_double(self._nref)
    self._s0 = flex.vec3_double(self._nref)
    self._U = flex.mat3_double(self._nref)
    self._B = flex.mat3_double(self._nref)
    self._axis = flex.vec3_double(self._nref)
    self._fixed_rotation = flex.mat3_double(self._nref)
    self._setting_rotation = flex.mat3_double(self._nref)

    # Set up experiment to index mapping
    self._experiment_to_idx = []

    # Populate values in these arrays
    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

      sel = reflections['id'] == iexp
      isel = sel.iselection()
      subref = reflections.select(sel)
      states = self._get_model_data_for_experiment(exp, subref)

      self._D.set_selected(sel, states['D'])
      self._s0.set_selected(sel, states['s0'])
      self._U.set_selected(sel, states['U'])
      self._B.set_selected(sel, states['B'])
      if exp.goniometer:
        self._axis.set_selected(sel, exp.goniometer.get_rotation_axis_datum())
        self._fixed_rotation.set_selected(sel, exp.goniometer.get_fixed_rotation())
        self._setting_rotation.set_selected(sel, exp.goniometer.get_setting_rotation())

    # Other derived values
    self._h = reflections['miller_index'].as_vec3_double()
    self._UB = self._U * self._B
    self._s1 = reflections['s1']
    self._pv = self._D * self._s1 # 'projection vector' for the ray along s1.

    # Quantities derived from pv, precalculated for efficiency
    u, v, w = self._pv.parts()
    self._w_inv = 1./w
    self._u_w_inv = u * self._w_inv
    self._v_w_inv = v * self._w_inv

    # Reset a pointer to the parameter number
    self._iparam = 0

    # Do additional setup specified by derived classes

    # Set up empty list in which to store gradients
    results = []

    # loop over detector parameterisations and extend results
    results = self._grads_detector_loop(reflections, results, callback)

    # loop over the beam parameterisations and extend results
    results = self._grads_beam_loop(reflections, results, callback)

    # loop over the crystal orientation parameterisations and extend results
    results = self._grads_xl_orientation_loop(reflections, results, callback)

    # loop over the crystal unit cell parameterisations and extend results
    results = self._grads_xl_unit_cell_loop(reflections, results, callback)

    return results
コード例 #58
    print "You really should supply datasize, but ok"
#    raise ValueError,"Output datasze file must be specified."
    datasize = args.pop(datasizeidx).split("=")[1]

  import copy, os

  import dxtbx
  from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory
  from dials.array_family import flex
  experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(json, check_format=False)
  beam = experiments[0].beam
  detector = experiments[0].detector
  lab_coordinates = flex.vec3_double()
  for panel in detector: 
    pixels = flex.vec2_double(panel.get_image_size())
    mms = panel.pixel_to_millimeter(pixels)

    # generate s1 vectors
  s1 = lab_coordinates.each_normalize() * (1/beam.get_wavelength())
    # Generate x vectors
  x = np.asarray(s1 - beam.get_s0())
#  DATAsize = np.asarray(detector[0].get_image_size())

#  np.save(xvectors,x)
#  np.save(datasize,DATAsize)
コード例 #59
  def integration_concept_detail(self, experiments, reflections, spots,image_number,cb_op_to_primitive,**kwargs):
    detector = experiments[0].detector
    crystal = experiments[0].crystal
    from cctbx.crystal import symmetry
    c_symmetry = symmetry(space_group = crystal.get_space_group(), unit_cell = crystal.get_unit_cell())

    self.image_number = image_number
    NEAR = 10
    pxlsz = detector[0].get_pixel_size()

    Predicted = self.get_predictions_accounting_for_centering(experiments,reflections,cb_op_to_primitive,**kwargs)

    FWMOSAICITY = self.inputai.getMosaicity()
    self.DOMAIN_SZ_ANG = kwargs.get("domain_size_ang",  self.__dict__.get("actual",0)  )
    refineflag = {True:0,False:1}[kwargs.get("domain_size_ang",0)==0]
    c_symmetry.show_summary(prefix="EXCURSION%1d REPORT FWMOS= %6.4f DOMAIN= %6.1f "%(refineflag,FWMOSAICITY,self.DOMAIN_SZ_ANG))
    from annlib_ext import AnnAdaptor
    self.cell = c_symmetry.unit_cell()

    query = flex.double()
    print len(self.predicted)

    for pred in self.predicted: # predicted spot coord in pixels

    self.reserve_hkllist_for_signal_search = self.hkllist

    reference = flex.double()

    assert self.length>NEAR# Can't do spot/pred matching with too few spots
    for spot in spots:

    IS_adapt = AnnAdaptor(data=reference,dim=2,k=NEAR)
    idx_cutoff = float(min(self.mask_focus[image_number]))

    from rstbx.apps.slip_helpers import slip_callbacks
    cache_refinement_spots = getattr(slip_callbacks.slip_callback,"requires_refinement_spots",False)

    indexed_pairs_provisional = []
    correction_vectors_provisional = []
    c_v_p_flex = flex.vec3_double()
    this_setting_matched_indices = reflections["miller_index"]
    for j,item in enumerate(this_setting_matched_indices):
      this_setting_index = self.hkllist.first_index(item)
      if this_setting_index:
        Match = dict(spot=j,pred=this_setting_index)
        vector = matrix.col(
            [reflections["xyzobs.px.value"][j][0] - self.predicted[Match["pred"]][0]/pxlsz[0],
             reflections["xyzobs.px.value"][j][1] - self.predicted[Match["pred"]][1]/pxlsz[1]])
    self.N_correction_vectors = len(correction_vectors_provisional)
    self.rmsd_px = math.sqrt(flex.mean(c_v_p_flex.dot(c_v_p_flex)))
    print "... %d provisional matches"%self.N_correction_vectors,
    print "r.m.s.d. in pixels: %6.3f"%(self.rmsd_px)

    if self.horizons_phil.integration.enable_residual_scatter:
      from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
      fig = plt.figure()
      for cv in correction_vectors_provisional:
      plt.title(" %d matches, r.m.s.d. %5.2f pixels"%(len(correction_vectors_provisional),math.sqrt(flex.mean(c_v_p_flex.dot(c_v_p_flex)))))

    if self.horizons_phil.integration.enable_residual_map:
      from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
      PX = reflections["xyzobs.px.value"]
      fig = plt.figure()
      for match,cv in zip(indexed_pairs_provisional,correction_vectors_provisional):
        plt.plot([PX[match["spot"]][1], PX[match["spot"]][1] + 10.*cv[1]],
                 [-PX[match["spot"]][0], -PX[match["spot"]][0] - 10.*cv[0]],'r-')
      if kwargs.get("user-reentrant") != None and self.horizons_phil.integration.spot_prediction == "dials" \
             and self.horizons_phil.integration.enable_residual_map_deltapsi:
        from rstbx.apps.stills.util import residual_map_special_deltapsi_add_on
          reflections = self.dials_spot_prediction,
          matches = indexed_pairs_provisional, experiments=experiments,
          hkllist = self.hkllist,
          predicted = self.predicted, plot=plt, eta_deg=FWMOSAICITY, deff=self.DOMAIN_SZ_ANG
      plt.title(" %d matches, r.m.s.d. %5.2f pixels"%(len(correction_vectors_provisional),math.sqrt(flex.mean(c_v_p_flex.dot(c_v_p_flex)))))

    indexed_pairs = indexed_pairs_provisional
    correction_vectors = correction_vectors_provisional
    ########### skip outlier rejection for this derived class

    ### However must retain the ability to write out correction vectiors.
    if True: # at Aaron's request; test later
      correction_lengths = flex.double([v.length() for v in correction_vectors_provisional])
      clorder = flex.sort_permutation(correction_lengths)
      sorted_cl = correction_lengths.select(clorder)
      indexed_pairs = []
      correction_vectors = []
      self.correction_vectors = []
      for icand in xrange(len(sorted_cl)):
        # somewhat arbitrary sigma = 1.0 cutoff for outliers
        if cache_refinement_spots:
        if kwargs.get("verbose_cv")==True:
            print "CV OBSCENTER %7.2f %7.2f REFINEDCENTER %7.2f %7.2f"%(
              self.inputai.xbeam()/pxlsz[0], self.inputai.ybeam()/pxlsz[1]),
            print "OBSSPOT %7.2f %7.2f PREDSPOT %7.2f %7.2f"%(
            the_hkl = self.hkllist[indexed_pairs[-1]["pred"]]
            print "HKL %4d %4d %4d"%the_hkl,"%2d"%self.setting_id,
            radial, azimuthal = spots[indexed_pairs[-1]["spot"]].get_radial_and_azimuthal_size(
              self.inputai.xbeam()/pxlsz[0], self.inputai.ybeam()/pxlsz[1])
            print "RADIALpx %5.3f AZIMUTpx %5.3f"%(radial,azimuthal)

        # Store a list of correction vectors in self.
        radial, azimuthal = spots[indexed_pairs[-1]['spot']].get_radial_and_azimuthal_size(
          self.inputai.xbeam()/pxlsz[0], self.inputai.ybeam()/pxlsz[1])
          dict(obscenter=(float(self.inputpd['size1']) / 2,
                          float(self.inputpd['size2']) / 2),
               refinedcenter=(self.inputai.xbeam() / pxlsz[0],
                              self.inputai.ybeam() / pxlsz[1]),
               predspot=(self.predicted[indexed_pairs[-1]['pred']][0] / pxlsz[0],
                         self.predicted[indexed_pairs[-1]['pred']][1] / pxlsz[1]),

    self.inputpd["symmetry"] = c_symmetry
    self.inputpd["symmetry"].show_summary(prefix="SETTING ")

    if self.horizons_phil.integration.model == "user_supplied":
      # Not certain of whether the reentrant_* dictionary keys create a memory leak
      if kwargs.get("user-reentrant",None)==None:
        kwargs["reentrant_experiments"] = experiments
        kwargs["reentrant_reflections"] = reflections
        from cxi_user import post_outlier_rejection
        self.indexed_pairs = indexed_pairs
        self.spots = spots
    ########### finished with user-supplied code

    correction_lengths=flex.double([v.length() for v in correction_vectors])

    self.r_residual = pxlsz[0]*flex.mean(correction_lengths)

    #assert len(indexed_pairs)>NEAR # must have enough indexed spots
    if (len(indexed_pairs) <= NEAR):
      raise Sorry("Not enough indexed spots, only found %d, need %d" % (len(indexed_pairs), NEAR))

    reference = flex.double()
    for item in indexed_pairs:

    PS_adapt = AnnAdaptor(data=reference,dim=2,k=NEAR)

    self.BSmasks = []
    # do not use null: self.null_correction_mapping( predicted=self.predicted,
    self.positional_correction_mapping( predicted=self.predicted,
                                        correction_vectors = correction_vectors,
                                        PS_adapt = PS_adapt,
                                        IS_adapt = IS_adapt,
                                        spots = spots)

    # which spots are close enough to interfere with background?
    OS_adapt = AnnAdaptor(data=query,dim=2,k=MAXOVER) #six near nbrs
    if self.mask_focus[image_number] is None:
      raise Sorry("No observed/predicted spot agreement; no Spotfinder masks; skip integration")
    nbr_cutoff = 2.0* max(self.mask_focus[image_number])
    FRAME = int(nbr_cutoff/2)
    #print "The overlap cutoff is %d pixels"%nbr_cutoff
    nbr_cutoff_sq = nbr_cutoff * nbr_cutoff

    #print "Optimized C++ section...",
    flex_sorted = flex.int()
    for item in self.sorted:

    if self.horizons_phil.integration.mask_pixel_value is not None:

    image_obj = self.imagefiles.imageindex(self.frame_numbers[self.image_number])
    rawdata = image_obj.linearintdata # assume image #1

    if self.inputai.active_areas != None:
      self.detector_xy_draft = self.safe_background( rawdata=rawdata,
      self.detector_xy_draft = self.safe_background( rawdata=rawdata,
    for i in xrange(len(self.predicted)): # loop over predicteds
      B_S_mask = {}
      keys = self.get_bsmask(i)
      for k in xrange(0,len(keys),2):
    #print "Done"