コード例 #1
ファイル: dvhcalc.py プロジェクト: jajenQin/dicompyler-core
def get_dvh(structure,
    """Calculate a cumulative DVH in Gy from a DICOM RT Structure Set & Dose.

    structure : pydicom Dataset
        DICOM RT Structure Set used to determine the structure data.
    dose : pydicom Dataset
        DICOM RT Dose used to determine the dose grid.
    roi : int
        The ROI number used to uniquely identify the structure in the structure
    limit : int, optional
        Dose limit in cGy as a maximum bin for the histogram.
    calculate_full_volume : bool, optional
        Calculate the full structure volume including contours outside of the
        dose grid.
    thickness : float, optional
        Structure thickness used to calculate volume of a voxel.
    callback : function, optional
        A function that will be called at every iteration of the calculation.
    from dicompylercore import dicomparser
    rtss = dicomparser.DicomParser(structure)
    rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser(dose)
    structures = rtss.GetStructures()
    s = structures[roi]
    s['planes'] = rtss.GetStructureCoordinates(roi)
    s['thickness'] = thickness if thickness else rtss.CalculatePlaneThickness(

    calcdvh = calculate_dvh(s, rtdose, limit, calculate_full_volume, callback)
    return dvh.DVH(counts=calcdvh.histogram,
                   bins=(np.arange(0, 2) if (calcdvh.histogram.size == 1) else
                         np.arange(0, calcdvh.histogram.size + 1) / 100),
コード例 #2
def get_pixels_hu(im):
    ds = dicomparser.DicomParser(im)
    #intercept, slope = ds.GetRescaleInterceptSlope
    intercept = im.RescaleIntercept
    slope = im.RescaleSlope
    rescale = im.pixel_array * slope + intercept
    window, level = ds.GetDefaultImageWindowLevel()
    pixel = ds.GetLUTValue(rescale, window, level)
    return pixel
コード例 #3
ファイル: quickopen.py プロジェクト: leesei/dicompyler
    def pluginMenu(self, evt):
        """Import DICOM data quickly."""

        dlg = wx.FileDialog(
            wildcard="All Files (*.*)|*.*|DICOM File (*.dcm)|*.dcm",
            message="Choose a DICOM File",

        patient = {}
        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            filename = dlg.GetPath()
            # Try to parse the file if is a DICOM file
                logger.debug("Reading: %s", filename)
                dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(filename)
            # Otherwise show an error dialog
            except (AttributeError, EOFError, IOError, KeyError):
                logger.info("%s is not a valid DICOM file.", filename)
                dlg = wx.MessageDialog(
                    filename + " is not a valid DICOM file.",
                    "Invalid DICOM File",
                    wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR,
            # If this is really a DICOM file, place it in the appropriate bin
                if ("ImageOrientationPatient"
                        in dp.ds) and not (dp.ds.Modality in ["RTDOSE"]):
                    patient["images"] = []
                elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTSTRUCT"]:
                    patient["rtss"] = dp.ds
                elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTPLAN"]:
                    patient["rtplan"] = dp.ds
                elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTDOSE"]:
                    patient["rtdose"] = dp.ds
                    patient[dp.ds.Modality] = dp.ds
                # Since we have decided to use this location to import from,
                # update the location in the preferences for the next session
                # if the 'import_location_setting' is "Remember Last Used"
                if self.import_location_setting == "Remember Last Used":
        pub.sendMessage("patient.updated.raw_data", msg=patient)
コード例 #4
    def show(self, z=None):
        """Show the dose grid using Matplotlib if present.

        z : float, optional
            slice position to display initially, by default None

        if not mpl_available:
            raise ImportError(
                "Matplotlib could not be loaded. Install and try again.")
            return self
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.widgets import Slider

        # Extract the list of planes (z) from the dose grid
        planes = (np.array(self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector) *
                  self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient[0] *
                  ) + self.ds.ImagePositionPatient[2]

        # Set up the plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser(self.ds)

        # Get the middle slice if the z is not provided
        z = planes[planes.size // 2] if z is None else z
        zplane = rtdose.GetDoseGrid(z) * self.ds.DoseGridScaling
        # Flag to invert slider min/max if GFOV is decreasing (i.e. FFS)
        reverse = planes[0] > planes[-1]
        im = ax.imshow(

        # Create a slider to change the (z)
        axslice = fig.add_axes([0.34, 0.01, 0.50, 0.02])
        slider = Slider(
            label="Slice Position (mm):",
            valmin=planes[-1] if reverse else planes[0],
            valmax=planes[0] if reverse else planes[-1],

        def updateslice(z):
            """Update the data to show on the plot."""
            im.set_data(rtdose.GetDoseGrid(z) * self.ds.DoseGridScaling)

        return self
コード例 #5
    def get_roi_names(self, mrn):

        structure_file = self.structure[self.mrn.index(mrn)]
        rt_st = dicomparser.DicomParser(structure_file)
        rt_structures = rt_st.GetStructures()

        roi = {}
        for key in list(rt_structures):
            if rt_structures[key]['type'].upper() not in {'MARKER', 'REGISTRATION', 'ISOCENTER'}:
                roi[key] = rt_structures[key]['name']

        return roi
コード例 #6
ファイル: dvhcalc.py プロジェクト: ZiyuanMadoka/pydoserecon
def calDVHmetrics(rtssfile, rtdosefile, outputfile=None):
    RTss = dicomparser.DicomParser(rtssfile)
    #RTdose = dicomparser.DicomParser("testdata/rtdose.dcm")
    RTstructures = RTss.GetStructures()
    patient = rtssfile[rtssfile.rfind('RS.') + 3:rtssfile.rfind('.dcm')]
    calcdvhs = {}
    OARs = ['Liver', 'Spleen', 'Kidney R', 'Kidney L', 'Spinal cord T10 S1']
    strDVH = ""
    for key, structure in RTstructures.iteritems():
        OARname = structure['name'].replace("_", " ")
        if OARname in OARs:
            calcdvhs[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile, rtdosefile, key)
            diff_dvh = calcdvhs[key].differential
            mean_dose = np.sum(
                diff_dvh.counts * diff_dvh.bins[1:]
            ) / diff_dvh.volume  #integra of the differential dvh, and divide the volume
            if len(calcdvhs[key].counts) > 1000:
                V10 = calcdvhs[key].counts[1000] / calcdvhs[key].volume * 100
                V5 = calcdvhs[key].counts[500] / calcdvhs[key].volume * 100
            elif len(calcdvhs[key].counts) > 500:
                V10 = 0
                V5 = calcdvhs[key].counts[500] / calcdvhs[key].volume * 100
                V10 = 0
                V5 = 0
            if calcdvhs[key].volume > 0:
                v2cc = 2 / calcdvhs[
                    key].volume * 100  # relative volume of 2cc to the OAR
                binsabove2cc = calcdvhs[key].bins[np.where(
                    calcdvhs[key].counts > v2cc)]
                D2cc = calcdvhs[key].bins[np.where(
                    calcdvhs[key].counts > v2cc)][-1]
                D2cc = 0
            strDVH = strDVH + patient + ', ' + structure['name'] + ', ' + str(
                np.round(calcdvhs[key].volume, 2)) + ', ' + str(
                    np.round(mean_dose, 2)) + ', ' + str(np.round(
                        V5, 2)) + ', ' + str(np.round(V10, 2)) + ', ' + str(
                            np.round(D2cc, 2)) + '\n'
    if outputfile is None:
        print "patient, OAR, volumn(cc), Mean dose(Gy), V5(%), V10(%), D2cc(Gy)\n", strDVH
        return strDVH
        fl = open(outputfile, "a")
        if os.stat(outputfile).st_size == 0:
                "patient, OAR, volumn(cc), Mean dose(Gy), V5(%), V10(%), D2cc(Gy)\n"
        return None
コード例 #7
def get_dicom_dose(file):
    """Will return the prescribed dose (in Gy) from an rtplan file. This is needed for DVH analysis.
    An error will be shown to the user if a non RTPlan file is supplied"""
    if dicom_type(file) != 'rtplan':
        print('Prescription cannot be obtained from non RTPlan DICOM file. Returned None.')
        dicom_dose = None
        if is_oncentra(file) == True: ## oncentra seems to not store the prescribed dose in the same way, so deal with seperately
            print('Oncentra File - Attempting to determine prescription...')
            dicom_dose = get_oncentra_dose(file)
            ## get oncentra dose...
            dicom_dose = dicomparser.DicomParser(file).GetPlan()['rxdose']/100 ## convert to Gy for use
    return dicom_dose
コード例 #8
def get_image(slice):
    Retorna um array de pixels com valores LUT

    :param slice: dataset dicom
    :return pixels_slice:  array numpy com os pixels transformados
    ds = dicomparser.DicomParser(slice)
    intercept, slope = ds.GetRescaleInterceptSlope()
    rescaled_image = slice.pixel_array * slope + intercept
    window, level = ds.GetDefaultImageWindowLevel()
    pixels_slice = ds.GetLUTValue(rescaled_image, window, level)

    return pixels_slice
コード例 #9
 def update_plan_structures(self):
     self.structures = dicomparser.DicomParser(
     self.roi_keys = [
         key for key in self.structures
         if self.structures[key]['type'].upper() != 'MARKER'
     self.roi_names = [
         str(self.structures[key]['name']) for key in self.roi_keys
     self.roi_key_map = {
         name: self.roi_keys[i]
         for i, name in enumerate(self.roi_names)
     self.select_roi.options = [''] + self.roi_names
コード例 #10
    def buildPlan(self, planRawDataDict):
        planRawData = planRawDataDict.patientBaseDict
        if 'planListRawData' in planRawData:
            for plan in planRawData.planListRawData:
                logging.info('planName:%s', plan.PlanName)
                refImageID = plan.PrimaryCTImageSetID
                refImageHder = None
                refImageInfo = None
                refImageData = None
                for image in planRawData.imageSetListRawData:
                    if image.ImageSetID == refImageID:
                        refImageHder = image.CTHeader
                        refImageInfo = image.CTInfo
                        refImageData = image.CTData

                setupPosition = None
                roiShiftVector = None
                if refImageHder:
                    setupPosition = refImageHder.patient_position
                    roiShiftVector = self.getStructShift(refImageHder)

                # if 'planPointsRawData' in plan.planData:
                #     pointsDict = self.getPoints(
                #         plan.planData.planPointsRawData, setupPosition, roiShiftVector)

                if 'planROIsRawData' in plan.planData:
                    # contourDict = self.getContours(
                    # plan.planData.planROIsRawData, setupPosition, roiShiftVector)

                    # createStructDS(patientInfoDict, ImageInfoUIDs, planROIsRawData,setupPosition, roiShiftVector)
                    RS_ds = self.createStructDS(plan.planData, refImageInfo,
                                                setupPosition, roiShiftVector)
                    rsObject = dicomparser.DicomParser(RS_ds)
                    structs = rsObject.GetStructures()
                    for (key, Roi) in structs.items():
                        # print('============================')

                        planes = rsObject.GetStructureCoordinates(key)
                        thickness = rsObject.CalculatePlaneThickness(planes)
                        volume = rsObject.CalculateStructureVolume(
                            planes, thickness)
                        logging.info('key=%d,name=%s,volume=%s', key,
                                     Roi['name'], str(volume))

コード例 #11
def getImages(datasets):
    Retorna um array de pixels com valores LUT para cada dataset

    :param datasets: lista de datasets dicom
    :return pixels_slice:  lista de arrays numpy com os pixels transformados para
                           cada dataset
    pixels_slice = list()
    for slice in datasets:
        ds = dicomparser.DicomParser(slice)
        intercept, slope = ds.GetRescaleInterceptSlope()
        rescaled_image = slice.pixel_array * slope + intercept
        window, level = ds.GetDefaultImageWindowLevel()
        pixels_slice.append(ds.GetLUTValue(rescaled_image, window, level))

    return pixels_slice
コード例 #12
def load_rtstruct(path):
    Carrega o documento de marcação RT STRUCT do volume
    no referente path

    :param path: str indicando o diretório do conjunto
                 de slices DICOM, incluindo o RT STRUCT
    :return rt_struct: uma instância do dicompyler com as
    rt_struct = None

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for file in files:
            ds = pydicom.dcmread(root + '/'+ file)
            if ds.Modality != 'CT':
                rt_struct = dicomparser.DicomParser(ds)

    return rt_struct
コード例 #13
 def rebuild_tree_ctrl_rois(self, plan_uid):
     Delete all nodes of current tree_ctrl_rois and build for the specified plan
     :param plan_uid: pydicom ds.SOPInstanceUID for the RT Plan of interest
     if self.dicom_file_paths[plan_uid]['rtstruct'][0]:
         self.tree_ctrl_rois.SetItemBackgroundColour(self.root_rois, None)
         dicom_rt_struct = dicomparser.DicomParser(self.dicom_file_paths[plan_uid]['rtstruct'][0])
         structures = dicom_rt_struct.GetStructures()
         self.roi_name_map = {structures[key]['name']: {'key': key, 'type': structures[key]['type']}
                              for key in list(structures) if structures[key]['type'] != 'MARKER'}
         self.roi_nodes = {}
         rois = list(self.roi_name_map)
         for roi in rois:
             self.roi_nodes[roi] = self.tree_ctrl_rois.AppendItem(self.root_rois, roi, ct_type=0)
         self.tree_ctrl_rois.SetItemBackgroundColour(self.root_rois, wx.Colour(255, 0, 0))
コード例 #14
def get_mark(dataset, position, spacing, roi):
    Retorna a marcação de uma região de interesse (ROI) dado um dataset DICOM
    na modalidade RTSTRUCT

    :param dataset: Dataset da modalidade RTSTRUCT 
    :param position: tuple() com coordenadas x,y,z do canto superior esquerdo
                     da imagem
    :param spacing: tuple() com a distância física no paciente entre o centro de cada pixel, 
                    especificado por um par numérico - espaçamento de linhas adjacentes 
                    (delimitador) espaçamento de colunas adjacentes em mm.
    :param roi: str() representando o nome da região de interesse que se deseja obter a marcação

    :return coordinates: list() com indices das marcação na imagem.
    marking = dicomparser.DicomParser(dataset)
    structures = marking.GetStructures()
    roi_numbers = list()
    for i in structures:
        if roi in structures[i]['name']:
    if roi_numbers == None:
        raise NameError(roi + " não está entre as estruturas marcadas")

    coordinates = list()
    for roi_number in roi_numbers:
            for mark in marking.GetStructureCoordinates(roi_number)[
                    str(round(position[2], 2)) + '0']:
                contours = np.array(mark['data'])
                lista = list()
                for c in contours:
                    lista.append(((c[0] - position[0]) / spacing[0],
                                  (c[1] - position[1]) / spacing[1]))
                #rows = ((contour[:, 1] - position[1])/spacing[1]).astype(int)
                #columns = ((contour[:, 0] - position[0])/spacing[0]).astype(int)

    return coordinates
コード例 #15
def getStandardTemplate(standard_path):
    ###########Suponha que o volume tenha sido selecionado aleatoriamente
    #Gerando o template padrão
    #- Seleciona aleatoriamente um volume dentre todos os outros do banco de dados.

    volume = choice_volume(standard_path)
    quant_slices = len(volume)
    slice = choice(volume[1])
    #- Encontrar a marcação do especialista, encontrar o centro da massa dessa marcação
    marking = dicomparser.DicomParser(volume[0])
    structures = marking.GetStructures()
    number_roi = None
    for i in structures:
        if structures[i]['name'] == 'SpinalCord':
            number_roi = structures[i]['id']

    while True:
        #Sorteia um novo slice caso o slice sorteado não contenha a medula
            contour = np.array(marking.GetStructureCoordinates(number_roi)['{0:.2f}'.format(slice.ImagePositionPatient[2])][0]['data'])
        except KeyError:
            slice = choice(volume[1])

    rows = ((contour[:, 1] - slice.ImagePositionPatient[1])/slice.PixelSpacing[1]).astype(int)
    columns = ((contour[:, 0] - slice.ImagePositionPatient[0])/slice.PixelSpacing[0]).astype(int)
    #Conseguindo LUT Values
    pixels_slice = getImage(slice)

    diameter_x = rows.max() - rows.min()
    diameter_y = columns.max() - columns.min()
    center_x = int(diameter_x//2 + rows.min())
    center_y = int(diameter_y//2 + columns.min())

    #- Recortar duas vezes o tamanho da região correspondente de todos os lados.
    #print("[{0}:{1}, {2}:{3}]".format(rows.min() - (2*diameter_y), rows.max() + (2*diameter_y), columns.min() - (2*diameter_x), columns.max() + (2*diameter_x)))
    standard_template = pixels_slice[rows.min() - (2*diameter_y): rows.max() + (2*diameter_y), columns.min() - (2*diameter_x):columns.max() + (2*diameter_x)]
    cv2.imwrite("standard_template.png", standard_template)
    return standard_template
コード例 #16
def dicom_type(file):
    """ will return 'rtss', 'rtdose', 'rtplan','ct' dependant on type of dicom file"""
    the_type = dicomparser.DicomParser(file).GetSOPClassUID()
    return the_type
コード例 #17
 def setUp(self):
     """Setup files for Image modality testing."""
     ct_0_dcm = os.path.join(example_data, "ct.0.dcm")
     self.dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(ct_0_dcm)
コード例 #18
 def test_dataset_import(self):
     """Test if a pydicom dataset file can be parsed."""
     dp1 = dicomparser.DicomParser(self.dp.ds)
     self.assertEqual(self.dp.ds, dp1.ds)
コード例 #19
 def setUp(self):
     """Setup the files for RT Dose modality testing."""
     rtdose_dcm = os.path.join(example_data, "rtdose.dcm")
     self.dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(rtdose_dcm)
コード例 #20
 def setUp(self):
     """Setup the files for RT Structure Set modality testing."""
     rtss_dcm = os.path.join(example_data, "rtss.dcm")
     self.dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(rtss_dcm)
コード例 #21
ファイル: dcm2mha.py プロジェクト: 18349305126/web_dl_total
def DirectorySearchThread(path):
    """Search the directory."""
    patients = {}
    patients['path'] = path
    patients['series'] = {}
    # Check if the path is valid
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        files = []
        # 遍历整个目录
        for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(path):
            files += map(lambda f: os.path.join(root, f), filenames)  # 获得所有的文件
        patients['filearray'] = filenames

        # print("files:{}".format(files))

        for n in range(len(files)):
            if (os.path.isfile(files[n])):
                    logger.debug("Reading: %s", files[n])
                    dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(files[n])
                except (AttributeError, EOFError, IOError, KeyError):
                    logger.info("%s is not a valid DICOM file.", files[n])
                    patient = dp.GetDemographics()
                    patients['demographics'] = patient
                    # Create each Series of images
                    if (('ImageOrientationPatient' in dp.ds) and \
                            not (dp.GetSOPClassUID() == 'rtdose')):
                        seinfo = dp.GetSeriesInfo()
                        seinfo['numimages'] = 0
                        seinfo['modality'] = dp.ds.SOPClassUID.name
                        if not seinfo['id'] in patients['series']:
                            patients['series'][seinfo['id']] = seinfo
                        if not 'images' in patients:
                            patients['images'] = {}
                        image = {}
                        image['id'] = dp.GetSOPInstanceUID()
                        image['filename'] = files[n]
                        image['series'] = seinfo['id']
                        image['referenceframe'] = dp.GetFrameOfReferenceUID()
                        patients['series'][seinfo['id']]['numimages'] = \
                            patients['series'][seinfo['id']]['numimages'] + 1
                        patients['images'][image['id']] = image
                    # Create each RT Structure Set
                    elif dp.ds.Modality in ['RTSTRUCT']:
                        if not 'structures' in patients:
                            patients['structures'] = {}
                        structure = dp.GetStructureInfo()
                        structure['id'] = dp.GetSOPInstanceUID()
                        structure['filename'] = files[n]
                        structure['series'] = dp.GetReferencedSeries()
                            'referenceframe'] = dp.GetFrameOfReferenceUID()
                        patients['structures'][structure['id']] = structure
                    # Otherwise it is a currently unsupported file
                        logger.info("%s is a %s file and is not " + \
                            "currently supported.",
                            files[n], dp.ds.SOPClassUID.name)
        return patients
        # resultFunc(patients)
    # if the path is not valid, display an error message
        print('No dcm!')
コード例 #22
ファイル: dcm2mha.py プロジェクト: 18349305126/web_dl_total
def GetPatientData(patients):
    """Get the data of the selected patient from the DICOM importer dialog."""
    filearray = patients['filearray']
    # print(filearray)
    path = patients['path']
    # print(path)
    for n in range(0, len(filearray)):
        dcmfile = str(os.path.join(path, filearray[n]))
        dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(dcmfile)  # 解析dicom文件
        if (n == 0):
            patient = {}
        if (('ImageOrientationPatient' in dp.ds) and \
            not (dp.GetSOPClassUID() == 'rtdose')):
            if not 'images' in patient:
                patient['images'] = []
                dp.ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = pydicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian
            # print(dp.ds.pixel_array.shape)

#            patient['images'][n-1].pixel_array = np.array([bytearray(patient['images'][n-1].PixelData)])\
#.view(dtype = np.uint16).reshape(patient['images'][n-1].Rows, patient['images'][n-1].Columns)
        elif (dp.ds.Modality in ['RTSTRUCT']):
            patient['rtss'] = dp.ds
    # Sort the images based on a sort descriptor:
    # (ImagePositionPatient, InstanceNumber or AcquisitionNumber)
    if 'images' in patient:
        sortedimages = []
        unsortednums = []
        sortednums = []
        images = patient['images']
        sort = 'IPP'
        # Determine if all images in the series are parallel
        # by testing for differences in ImageOrientationPatient
        parallel = True
        for i, item in enumerate(images):
            if (i > 0):
                iop0 = np.array(item.ImageOrientationPatient)
                iop1 = np.array(images[i - 1].ImageOrientationPatient)
                if (np.any(np.array(np.round(iop0 - iop1), dtype=np.int32))):
                    parallel = False
                # Also test ImagePositionPatient, as some series
                # use the same patient position for every slice
                ipp0 = np.array(item.ImagePositionPatient)
                ipp1 = np.array(images[i - 1].ImagePositionPatient)
                if not (np.any(np.array(np.round(ipp0 - ipp1),
                    parallel = False
        # If the images are parallel, sort by ImagePositionPatient
        if parallel:
            sort = 'IPP'
            # Otherwise sort by Instance Number
            if not (images[0].InstanceNumber == \
                sort = 'InstanceNumber'
            # Otherwise sort by Acquisition Number
            elif not (images[0].AcquisitionNumber == \
                sort = 'AcquisitionNumber'

        # Add the sort descriptor to a list to be sorted
        for i, image in enumerate(images):
            if (sort == 'IPP'):

        # Sort image numbers in descending order for head first patients
        if ('hf' in image.PatientPosition.lower()) and (sort == 'IPP'):
            sortednums = sorted(unsortednums, reverse=True)
        # Otherwise sort image numbers in ascending order
            sortednums = sorted(unsortednums)

        # Add the images to the array based on the sorted order
        for s, slice in enumerate(sortednums):
            for i, image in enumerate(images):
                if (sort == 'IPP'):
                    if (slice == image.ImagePositionPatient[2]):
                elif (slice == image.data_element(sort).value):

        # Save the images back to the patient dictionary
        patient['images'] = sortedimages
        return patient
コード例 #23
ファイル: dicom_parser.py プロジェクト: Obsir/DICOMParser
    def get_patient_data(self, rxdose):
        """Get the data of the selected patient from the DICOM importer dialog."""
        for n in range(0, len(self.filearray)):
            dcmfile = str(os.path.join(self.path, self.filearray[n]))
            dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(dcmfile)
            if (n == 0):
                self.patient = {}
                self.patient['rxdose'] = rxdose
            if (('ImageOrientationPatient' in dp.ds)
                    and not (dp.GetSOPClassUID() == 'rtdose')):
                if not 'images' in self.patient:
                    self.patient['images'] = []
            elif (dp.ds.Modality in ['RTSTRUCT']):
                self.patient['rtss'] = dp.ds
            elif (dp.ds.Modality in ['RTPLAN']):
                self.patient['rtplan'] = dp.ds
            elif (dp.ds.Modality in ['RTDOSE']):
                self.patient['rtdose'] = dp.ds
        # Sort the images based on a sort descriptor:
        # (ImagePositionPatient, InstanceNumber or AcquisitionNumber)
        if 'images' in self.patient:
            sortedimages = []
            unsortednums = []
            sortednums = []
            images = self.patient['images']
            sort = 'IPP'
            # Determine if all images in the series are parallel
            # by testing for differences in ImageOrientationPatient
            parallel = True
            for i, item in enumerate(images):
                if (i > 0):
                    iop0 = np.array(item.ImageOrientationPatient)
                    iop1 = np.array(images[i - 1].ImageOrientationPatient)
                    if (np.any(np.array(np.round(iop0 - iop1),
                        parallel = False
                    # Also test ImagePositionPatient, as some series
                    # use the same patient position for every slice
                    ipp0 = np.array(item.ImagePositionPatient)
                    ipp1 = np.array(images[i - 1].ImagePositionPatient)
                    if not (np.any(
                            np.array(np.round(ipp0 - ipp1), dtype=np.int32))):
                        parallel = False
            # If the images are parallel, sort by ImagePositionPatient
            if parallel:
                sort = 'IPP'
                # Otherwise sort by Instance Number
                if not (images[0].InstanceNumber == images[1].InstanceNumber):
                    sort = 'InstanceNumber'
                # Otherwise sort by Acquisition Number
                elif not (images[0].AcquisitionNumber
                          == images[1].AcquisitionNumber):
                    sort = 'AcquisitionNumber'

            # Add the sort descriptor to a list to be sorted
            for i, image in enumerate(images):
                if (sort == 'IPP'):

            # Sort image numbers in descending order for head first patients
            if ('hf' in image.PatientPosition.lower()) and (sort == 'IPP'):
                sortednums = sorted(unsortednums, reverse=True)
            # Otherwise sort image numbers in ascending order
                sortednums = sorted(unsortednums)

            # Add the images to the array based on the sorted order
            for s, slice in enumerate(sortednums):
                for i, image in enumerate(images):
                    if (sort == 'IPP'):
                        if (slice == image.ImagePositionPatient[2]):
                    elif (slice == image.data_element(sort).value):

            # Save the images back to the patient dictionary
            self.patient['images'] = sortedimages
コード例 #24
ファイル: dicom_parser.py プロジェクト: Obsir/DICOMParser
    def parse_patient_data(self):
        """Thread to load the patient data."""
        ptdata = self.patient
        patient = {}
        pbar = tqdm(total=100)
        if not 'images' in ptdata:
            # Look for DICOM data in the ptdata dictionary
            for rtdatatype in ptdata.keys():
                if isinstance(ptdata[rtdatatype], pydicom.dataset.FileDataset):
        if 'rtss' in ptdata:
            # pbar.update(20)
            pbar.n = 20
            pbar.set_description('Processing RT Structure Set...')

            d = dicomparser.DicomParser(ptdata['rtss'])
            s = d.GetStructures()
            for k in s.keys():
                s[k]['planes'] = d.GetStructureCoordinates(k)
                s[k]['thickness'] = d.CalculatePlaneThickness(s[k]['planes'])
            patient['structures'] = s
        if 'rtplan' in ptdata:
            pbar.n = 40
            pbar.set_description('Processing RT Plan...')
            patient['plan'] = dicomparser.DicomParser(
        if 'rtdose' in ptdata:
            pbar.n = 60
            pbar.set_description('Processing RT Dose...')
            patient['dvhs'] = dicomparser.DicomParser(
            patient['dose'] = dicomparser.DicomParser(ptdata['rtdose'])
        if 'images' in ptdata:
            pbar.n = 80
            pbar.set_description('Processing Images...')
            if not 'id' in patient:
            patient['images'] = []
            for image in ptdata['images']:
        if 'rxdose' in ptdata:
            if not 'plan' in patient:
                patient['plan'] = {}
            patient['plan']['rxdose'] = ptdata['rxdose']
        # if the min/max/mean dose was not present, calculate it and save it for each structure
        pbar.n = 90
        pbar.set_description('Processing DVH data...')
        if ('dvhs' in patient) and ('structures' in patient):
            # If the DVHs are not present, calculate them
            i = 0
            for key, structure in patient['structures'].items():
                # Only calculate DVHs if they are not present for the structure
                # or recalc all DVHs if the preference is set
                if ((not (key in patient['dvhs'].keys()))):
                    # Only calculate DVHs for structures, not applicators
                    # and only if the dose grid is present
                    if ((structure['name'].startswith('Applicator'))
                            or (not "PixelData" in patient['dose'].ds)):
                    pbar.n = int(np.round(
                        10 * i / len(patient['structures']))) + 90
                    pbar.set_description('Calculating DVH for ' +
                                         structure['name'] + '...')
                    # Limit DVH bins to 500 Gy due to high doses in brachy
                    dvh = dvhcalc.get_dvh(ptdata['rtss'], patient['dose'].ds,
                                          key, 50000)
                    if len(dvh.counts):
                        patient['dvhs'][key] = dvh
                    i += 1
            for key, dvh in patient['dvhs'].items():
                dvh.rx_dose = patient['plan']['rxdose'] / 100
        pbar.n = 100
        self.parse_patient = patient
コード例 #25
def get_pt_id(file):
    """Get patient ID from dicom file"""
    pt_info = dicomparser.DicomParser(file).GetDemographics()
    return pt_info['id']
コード例 #26
    def plot(self):

        #retrieve plan data & design DVH window
        plan1files = float(self.box5.get())
        plan2files = float(self.box6.get())
        self.newWindow = Toplevel(
            self.window)  #initiate new window for summed DVH
        self.newWindow.title("Recalculated DVH")

        rtssfile1 = self.filename5  #structure file
        RTss1 = dicomparser.DicomParser(
            rtssfile1)  #read through structure file
        RTstructures1 = RTss1.GetStructures(
        )  #get each individual structure information

        #at least one dose file required for plan 1 and plan 2
        rtdosefile1 = self.filename1
        rtdosefile5 = self.filename6
        #conditional statements for multiple dose file input
        if plan1files >= 2:
            rtdosefile2 = self.filename2
        if plan1files >= 3:
            rtdosefile3 = self.filename3
        if plan1files >= 4:
            rtdosefile4 = self.filename4
        if plan2files >= 2:
            rtdosefile6 = self.filename7
        if plan2files >= 3:
            rtdosefile7 = self.filename8
        if plan2files >= 4:
            rtdosefile8 = self.filename9

        #structure to be analysed
        enteredtext = str(self.box4.get())

        #EQD2 parameters
        dpf1 = float(self.box1.get())  #plan 1 dose per fraction
        dpf2 = float(self.box2.get())  #plan 2 dose per fraction
        abratio = float(self.box3.get())  # tissue-specific alpha/beta ratio

        #EQD2 equation
        x1 = np.array((dpf1 + abratio) / (float(2.0) + abratio))
        x2 = np.array((dpf2 + abratio) / (float(2.0) + abratio))

        # Generation of the calculated DVHs
        #initiation of empty arrays to fill with correct structure data
        calcdvhs1 = {}
        calcdvhs2 = {}
        calcdvhs3 = {}
        calcdvhs4 = {}
        calcdvhs5 = {}
        calcdvhs6 = {}
        calcdvhs7 = {}
        calcdvhs8 = {}

        print("RED is calculating your EQD2 DVH....")
        print("Please wait, this could take a few moments")
        #iterate through dose file 1 to find correct stucture data
        for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
            calcdvhs1[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile1, key)
            if (key in calcdvhs1) and (structure['name'] == enteredtext) and (
                    and calcdvhs1[key].counts[0] != 0):
                print('1st Plan 1 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                data1 = np.array(calcdvhs1[key].bins) * x1
                lastdata1 = data1[-1]
                vola = calcdvhs1[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs1[key].counts[0]

        # iterate through dose file 2 to find correct stucture data
        if plan1files >= 2:
            for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
                calcdvhs2[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile2, key)
                if (key in calcdvhs2) and (structure['name']
                                           == enteredtext) and (
                                               len(calcdvhs2[key].counts) and
                                               calcdvhs2[key].counts[0] != 0):
                    print('2nd Plan 1 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                    data2 = np.array(calcdvhs2[key].bins) * x1
                    lastdata2 = data2[-1]
                    volb = calcdvhs2[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs2[key].counts[

        # iterate through dose file 3 to find correct stucture data
        if plan1files >= 3:
            for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
                calcdvhs3[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile3, key)
                if (key in calcdvhs3) and (structure['name']
                                           == enteredtext) and (
                                               len(calcdvhs3[key].counts) and
                                               calcdvhs3[key].counts[0] != 0):
                    print('3rd Plan 1 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                    data3 = np.array(calcdvhs3[key].bins) * x1
                    lastdata3 = data3[-1]
                    volc = calcdvhs3[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs3[key].counts[

        # iterate through dose file 4 to find correct stucture data
        if plan1files >= 4:
            for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
                calcdvhs4[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile4, key)
                if (key in calcdvhs4) and (structure['name']
                                           == enteredtext) and (
                                               len(calcdvhs4[key].counts) and
                                               calcdvhs4[key].counts[0] != 0):
                    print('4th Plan 1 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                    data4 = np.array(calcdvhs4[key].bins) * x1
                    lastdata4 = data4[-1]
                    vold = calcdvhs4[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs4[key].counts[

        # iterate through dose file 5 to find correct stucture data
        for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
            calcdvhs5[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile5, key)
            if (key in calcdvhs5) and (structure['name'] == enteredtext) and (
                    and calcdvhs5[key].counts[0] != 0):
                print('1st Plan 2 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                data5 = np.array(calcdvhs5[key].bins) * x2
                lastdata5 = data5[-1]
                vole = calcdvhs5[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs5[key].counts[0]

        # iterate through dose file 6 to find correct stucture data
        if plan2files >= 2:
            for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
                calcdvhs6[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile6, key)
                if (key in calcdvhs6) and (structure['name']
                                           == enteredtext) and (
                                               len(calcdvhs6[key].counts) and
                                               calcdvhs6[key].counts[0] != 0):
                    print('2nd Plan 2 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                    data6 = np.array(calcdvhs6[key].bins) * x2
                    lastdata6 = data6[-1]
                    volf = calcdvhs6[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs6[key].counts[

        # iterate through dose file 7 to find correct stucture data
        if plan2files >= 3:
            for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
                calcdvhs7[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile7, key)
                if (key in calcdvhs7) and (structure['name']
                                           == enteredtext) and (
                                               len(calcdvhs7[key].counts) and
                                               calcdvhs7[key].counts[0] != 0):
                    print('3rd Plan 2 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                    data7 = np.array(calcdvhs7[key].bins) * x2
                    lastdata7 = data7[-1]
                    volg = calcdvhs7[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs7[key].counts[

        # iterate through dose file 8 to find correct stucture data
        if plan2files >= 4:
            for key, structure in RTstructures1.items():
                calcdvhs8[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile1, rtdosefile8, key)
                if (key in calcdvhs8) and (structure['name']
                                           == enteredtext) and (
                                               len(calcdvhs8[key].counts) and
                                               calcdvhs8[key].counts[0] != 0):
                    print('4th Plan 2 DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
                    data8 = np.array(calcdvhs8[key].bins) * x2
                    lastdata8 = data8[-1]
                    volh = calcdvhs8[key].counts * 100 / calcdvhs8[key].counts[

        #initiation of DVH window
        fig = Figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        #addition of plan 1 dose data
        if plan1files == 1:
            totaldose1 = lastdata1
        if plan1files == 2:
            totaldose1 = lastdata1 + lastdata2
        if plan1files == 3:
            totaldose1 = lastdata1 + lastdata2 + lastdata3
        if plan1files == 4:
            totaldose1 = lastdata1 + lastdata2 + lastdata3 + lastdata4

        #addition of plan 2 dose data
        if plan2files == 1:
            totaldose2 = lastdata5
        if plan2files == 2:
            totaldose2 = lastdata5 + lastdata6
        if plan2files == 3:
            totaldose2 = lastdata5 + lastdata6 + lastdata7
        if plan2files == 4:
            totaldose2 = lastdata5 + lastdata6 + lastdata7 + lastdata8

        #conditional statements for plan 1 based on number of dose files
        #definition of volume and dose data
        if plan1files == 1:
            y = vola  #volume data
            y1len = len(y)
            x = np.linspace(0, totaldose1, num=y1len)  #dose data
        elif plan1files == 2:
            interyvaluesplan1b = np.concatenate((vola, volb),
                                                axis=0)  #summed volume data
            sorty21 = np.sort(interyvaluesplan1b
                              )  #sorted volume data array in ascending order
            vol21 = sorty21[::
                            -1]  #volume data array reversed to descending order
            y = vol21  #volume data
            y1len = len(y)
            x = np.linspace(0, totaldose1, num=y1len)  #dose data
        elif plan1files == 3:
            interyvalues1plan1a = np.concatenate((vola, volb), axis=0)
            interyvaluesplan1c = np.concatenate((interyvalues1plan1a, volc),
                                                axis=0)  #sumed volume data
            sorty31 = np.sort(interyvaluesplan1c
                              )  #sorted volume data array in ascending order
            vol31 = sorty31[::
                            -1]  #volume data array reversed to descending order
            y = vol31  #volume data
            y1len = len(y)
            x = np.linspace(0, totaldose1, num=y1len)  #dose data
        elif plan1files == 4:
            interyvalues1plan1b = np.concatenate((vola, volb), axis=0)
            interyvalues2plan1a = np.concatenate((volc, vold), axis=0)
            interyvaluesplan1d = np.concatenate(
                (interyvalues1plan1b, interyvalues2plan1a),
                axis=0)  #summed volume data
            sorty41 = np.sort(interyvaluesplan1d
                              )  #sorted volume data array in ascending order
            vol41 = sorty41[::
                            -1]  #volume data array reversed to descending order
            y = vol41
            y1len = len(y)
            x = np.linspace(0, totaldose1, num=y1len)  #dose data
            print("please check code starting at line 367")

        if plan2files == 1:
            b = vole  #volume data
            blen = len(b)
            a = np.linspace(0, totaldose2, num=blen)  #dose data

        elif plan2files == 2:
            interyvaluesplan2b = np.concatenate((vole, volf),
                                                axis=0)  #summed volume data
            sorty22 = np.sort(interyvaluesplan2b
                              )  # sorted volume data array in ascending order
            vol22 = sorty22[::
                            -1]  #volume data array reversed to descending order
            b = vol22
            blen = len(b)
            a = np.linspace(0, totaldose2, num=blen)  #dose data

        elif plan2files == 3:
            interyvalues1plan2a = np.concatenate((vole, volf), axis=0)
            interyvaluesplan2c = np.concatenate((interyvalues1plan2a, volg),
                                                axis=0)  #summed volume data
            sorty32 = np.sort(interyvaluesplan2c
                              )  #sorted volume data array in ascending order
            vol32 = sorty32[::
                            -1]  #volume data array reversed to descending order
            b = vol32
            blen = len(b)
            a = np.linspace(0, totaldose2, num=blen)  #dose data

        elif plan2files == 4:
            interyvalues1plan2b = np.concatenate((vole, volf), axis=0)
            interyvalues2plan2a = np.concatenate((volg, volh), axis=0)
            interyvaluesplan2d = np.concatenate(
                (interyvalues1plan2b, interyvalues2plan2a),
                axis=0)  #summed volume data
            sorty42 = np.sort(interyvaluesplan2d
                              )  #sorted volume data array in ascending order
            vol42 = sorty42[::
                            -1]  # volume data array reversed to descending order
            b = vol42
            blen = len(b)
            a = np.linspace(0, totaldose2, num=blen)  #dose data
            print("please check code starting at line 398")

        #plot plan 1 and plan 2 re-calculated DVH
        ax.plot(x, y, c='b')
        ax.plot(a, b, c='g')
        array = np.linspace(0, 100, 9000, endpoint=False)
        # get values from plan1 graph
        line1 = ax.lines[0]
        xdat1 = line1.get_xdata()  #get x data
        fp1 = xdat1[::
                    -1]  # reverses x values to match reversed y values in array#
        ydat1 = line1.get_ydata()  #get y data
        xp1 = ydat1[::
                    -1]  # reverses y values from decreasng to increasing so interpolation function can work

        # get values from plan2 graph
        line2 = ax.lines[1]
        xdat2 = line2.get_xdata()  #get xdata
        fp2 = xdat2[::
                    -1]  # reverses x values to match reversed y values in array
        ydat2 = line2.get_ydata()  #get y data
        xp2 = ydat2[::
                    -1]  # reverses y values from decreasng to increasing so interpolation function can work

        # set volume array to use for dose interpolation
        inter1 = np.interp([array], xp1, fp1)  # interpolation of plan1 dose
        reshapeinter1 = np.reshape(inter1, (9000, 1))
        inter2 = np.interp([array], xp2, fp2)  # interpolation of plan2 dose
        reshapeinter2 = np.reshape(inter2, (9000, 1))
        xvalues = reshapeinter1 + reshapeinter2  # adding plan1 and plan2 dose
        reshapearray = np.reshape(
            array, (9000, 1))  # array of specified %volume intervals

        #define strings
        dpf12 = str(dpf1)
        dpf21 = str(dpf2)
        abdisplay = str(abratio)

        #plot summed re-calculated DVH in seperate window
        plt.plot(xvalues, reshapearray, c='r')
        plt.title("Recalculated Summed DVH")
        # plt.iconbitmap("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/Rlogo2.ico")
        plt.title("Summed EQD2 DVH for " + enteredtext + " a/b=" + abdisplay +
                  " dpf Plan 1=" + dpf12 + " dpf Plan 2=" + dpf21)
        ax.legend(["Plan 1", "Plan 2"])
        ax.set_title("EQD2 DVH for " + enteredtext + " a/b=" + abdisplay +
                     " dpf Plan 1=" + dpf12 + " dpf Plan 2=" + dpf21)
        ax.set_ylabel("Volume %", fontsize=14)
        ax.set_xlabel("EQD2 Gy", fontsize=14)
        plt.legend(["Plan 1 + 2"])
        plt.ylabel("Volume %", fontsize=14)
        plt.xlabel("EQD2 Gy", fontsize=14)

        #design of summed dvh
        plt.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
        ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
        ax.xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')

        #draw sumed DVH
        canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=self.newWindow)

        #initiate toolbar for analysis
        toolbarFrame = Frame(master=self.newWindow)
        toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(canvas, toolbarFrame)
コード例 #27
ファイル: dicomgui.py プロジェクト: leesei/dicompyler
    def GetPatientData(self, path, filearray, RxDose, terminate, progressFunc):
        """Get the data of the selected patient from the DICOM importer dialog."""

        wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, -1, 100, "Importing patient. Please wait...")
        for n in range(0, len(filearray)):
            if terminate():
                wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, 98, 100, "Importing patient cancelled.")
            dcmfile = str(os.path.join(self.path, filearray[n]))
            dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(dcmfile)
            if n == 0:
                self.patient = {}
                self.patient["rxdose"] = RxDose
            if ("ImageOrientationPatient" in dp.ds) and not (
                dp.GetSOPClassUID() == "rtdose"
                if not "images" in self.patient:
                    self.patient["images"] = []
            elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTSTRUCT"]:
                self.patient["rtss"] = dp.ds
            elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTPLAN"]:
                self.patient["rtplan"] = dp.ds
            elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTDOSE"]:
                self.patient["rtdose"] = dp.ds
                progressFunc, n, len(filearray), "Importing patient. Please wait..."
        # Sort the images based on a sort descriptor:
        # (ImagePositionPatient, InstanceNumber or AcquisitionNumber)
        if "images" in self.patient:
            sortedimages = []
            unsortednums = []
            sortednums = []
            images = self.patient["images"]
            sort = "IPP"
            # Determine if all images in the series are parallel
            # by testing for differences in ImageOrientationPatient
            parallel = True
            for i, item in enumerate(images):
                if i > 0:
                    iop0 = np.array(item.ImageOrientationPatient)
                    iop1 = np.array(images[i - 1].ImageOrientationPatient)
                    if np.any(np.array(np.round(iop0 - iop1), dtype=np.int32)):
                        parallel = False
                    # Also test ImagePositionPatient, as some series
                    # use the same patient position for every slice
                    ipp0 = np.array(item.ImagePositionPatient)
                    ipp1 = np.array(images[i - 1].ImagePositionPatient)
                    if not (np.any(np.array(np.round(ipp0 - ipp1), dtype=np.int32))):
                        parallel = False
            # If the images are parallel, sort by ImagePositionPatient
            if parallel:
                sort = "IPP"
                # Otherwise sort by Instance Number
                if not (images[0].InstanceNumber == images[1].InstanceNumber):
                    sort = "InstanceNumber"
                # Otherwise sort by Acquisition Number
                elif not (images[0].AcquisitionNumber == images[1].AcquisitionNumber):
                    sort = "AcquisitionNumber"

            logger.debug(f"parallel: {parallel}, sort: {sort}")
            # Add the sort descriptor to a list to be sorted
            for i, image in enumerate(images):
                if sort == "IPP":

            # Sort image numbers in descending order for head first patients
            if ("hf" in image.PatientPosition.lower()) and (sort == "IPP"):
                sortednums = sorted(unsortednums, reverse=True)
            # Otherwise sort image numbers in ascending order
                sortednums = sorted(unsortednums)

            # Add the images to the array based on the sorted order
            for s, slice in enumerate(sortednums):
                for i, image in enumerate(images):
                    if sort == "IPP":
                        if slice == image.ImagePositionPatient[2]:
                    elif slice == image.data_element(sort).value:

            # Save the images back to the patient dictionary
            self.patient["images"] = sortedimages
        wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, 98, 100, "Importing patient complete.")
コード例 #28
ファイル: dicomgui.py プロジェクト: leesei/dicompyler
    def DirectorySearchThread(
        self, parent, path, subfolders, terminate, progressFunc, foundFunc, resultFunc
        """Thread to start the directory search."""

        # Call the progress function to update the gui
        wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, 0, 0, "Searching for patients...")

        patients = {}

        # Check if the path is valid
        if os.path.isdir(path):

            files = []
            for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(path):
                files += map(lambda f: os.path.join(root, f), filenames)
                if self.import_search_subfolders == False:
            for n in range(len(files)):

                # terminate the thread if the value has changed
                # during the loop duration
                if terminate():
                    wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, 0, 0, "Search terminated.")

                if os.path.isfile(files[n]):
                        logger.debug("Reading: %s", files[n])
                        dp = dicomparser.DicomParser(files[n])
                    except (AttributeError, EOFError, IOError, KeyError):
                        logger.info("%s is not a valid DICOM file.", files[n])
                        patient = dp.GetDemographics()
                        h = hashlib.sha1(patient["id"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
                        if not h in patients:
                            patients[h] = {}
                            patients[h]["demographics"] = patient
                            if not "studies" in patients[h]:
                                patients[h]["studies"] = {}
                                patients[h]["series"] = {}
                            wx.CallAfter(foundFunc, patient)
                        # Create each Study but don't create one for RT Dose
                        # since some vendors use incorrect StudyInstanceUIDs
                        if not (dp.GetSOPClassUID() == "rtdose"):
                            stinfo = dp.GetStudyInfo()
                            if not stinfo["id"] in patients[h]["studies"]:
                                patients[h]["studies"][stinfo["id"]] = stinfo
                        # Create each Series of images
                        if ("ImageOrientationPatient" in dp.ds) and not (
                            dp.GetSOPClassUID() == "rtdose"
                            seinfo = dp.GetSeriesInfo()
                            seinfo["numimages"] = 0
                            seinfo["modality"] = dp.ds.SOPClassUID.name
                            if not seinfo["id"] in patients[h]["series"]:
                                patients[h]["series"][seinfo["id"]] = seinfo
                            if not "images" in patients[h]:
                                patients[h]["images"] = {}
                            image = {}
                            image["id"] = dp.GetSOPInstanceUID()
                            image["filename"] = files[n]
                            image["series"] = seinfo["id"]
                            image["referenceframe"] = dp.GetFrameOfReferenceUID()
                            patients[h]["series"][seinfo["id"]]["numimages"] = (
                                patients[h]["series"][seinfo["id"]]["numimages"] + 1
                            patients[h]["images"][image["id"]] = image
                        # Create each RT Structure Set
                        elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTSTRUCT"]:
                            if not "structures" in patients[h]:
                                patients[h]["structures"] = {}
                            structure = dp.GetStructureInfo()
                            structure["id"] = dp.GetSOPInstanceUID()
                            structure["filename"] = files[n]
                            structure["series"] = dp.GetReferencedSeries()
                            structure["referenceframe"] = dp.GetFrameOfReferenceUID()
                            patients[h]["structures"][structure["id"]] = structure
                        # Create each RT Plan
                        elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTPLAN"]:
                            if not "plans" in patients[h]:
                                patients[h]["plans"] = {}
                            plan = dp.GetPlan()
                            plan["id"] = dp.GetSOPInstanceUID()
                            plan["filename"] = files[n]
                            plan["series"] = dp.ds.SeriesInstanceUID
                            plan["referenceframe"] = dp.GetFrameOfReferenceUID()
                            plan["beams"] = dp.GetReferencedBeamsInFraction()
                            plan["rtss"] = dp.GetReferencedStructureSet()
                            patients[h]["plans"][plan["id"]] = plan
                        # Create each RT Dose
                        elif dp.ds.Modality in ["RTDOSE"]:
                            if not "doses" in patients[h]:
                                patients[h]["doses"] = {}
                            dose = {}
                            dose["id"] = dp.GetSOPInstanceUID()
                            dose["filename"] = files[n]
                            dose["referenceframe"] = dp.GetFrameOfReferenceUID()
                            dose["hasdvh"] = dp.HasDVHs()
                            dose["hasgrid"] = "PixelData" in dp.ds
                            dose["summationtype"] = dp.ds.DoseSummationType
                            dose["beam"] = dp.GetReferencedBeamNumber()
                            dose["rtss"] = dp.GetReferencedStructureSet()
                            dose["rtplan"] = dp.GetReferencedRTPlan()
                            patients[h]["doses"][dose["id"]] = dose
                        # Otherwise it is a currently unsupported file
                                "%s is a %s file and is not " + "currently supported.",

                # Call the progress function to update the gui
                wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, n, len(files), "Searching for patients...")

            if len(patients) == 0:
                progressStr = "Found 0 patients."
            elif len(patients) == 1:
                progressStr = "Found 1 patient. Reading DICOM data..."
            elif len(patients) > 1:
                progressStr = (
                    "Found " + str(len(patients)) + " patients. Reading DICOM data..."
            wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, 0, 1, progressStr)
            wx.CallAfter(resultFunc, patients)

        # if the path is not valid, display an error message
            wx.CallAfter(progressFunc, 0, 0, "Select a valid location.")
            dlg = wx.MessageDialog(
                "The DICOM import location does not exist. Please select a valid location.",
                "Invalid DICOM Import Location",
                wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR,
コード例 #29
def get_dvh(structure,
    """Calculate a cumulative DVH in Gy from a DICOM RT Structure Set & Dose.

    structure : pydicom Dataset or filename
        DICOM RT Structure Set used to determine the structure data.
    dose : pydicom Dataset or filename
        DICOM RT Dose used to determine the dose grid.
    roi : int
        The ROI number used to uniquely identify the structure in the structure
    limit : int, optional
        Dose limit in cGy as a maximum bin for the histogram.
    calculate_full_volume : bool, optional
        Calculate the full structure volume including contours outside of the
        dose grid.
    use_structure_extents : bool, optional
        Limit the DVH calculation to the in-plane structure boundaries.
    interpolation_resolution : tuple or float, optional
        Resolution in mm (row, col) to interpolate structure and dose data to.
        If float is provided, original dose grid pixel spacing must be square.
    interpolation_segments_between_planes : integer, optional
        Number of segments to interpolate between structure slices.
    thickness : float, optional
        Structure thickness used to calculate volume of a voxel.
    memmap_rtdose : bool, optional
        Use memory mapping to access the pixel array of the DICOM RT Dose.
        This reduces memory usage at the expense of increased calculation time.
    callback : function, optional
        A function that will be called at every iteration of the calculation.

        An instance of dvh.DVH in cumulative dose. This can be converted to
        different formats using the attributes and properties of the DVH class.
    from dicompylercore import dicomparser

    rtss = dicomparser.DicomParser(structure)
    rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser(dose, memmap_pixel_array=memmap_rtdose)
    structures = rtss.GetStructures()
    s = structures[roi]
    s['planes'] = rtss.GetStructureCoordinates(roi)
    s['thickness'] = thickness if thickness else rtss.CalculatePlaneThickness(

    calcdvh = _calculate_dvh(s, rtdose, limit, calculate_full_volume,
                             use_structure_extents, interpolation_resolution,
    return dvh.DVH(counts=calcdvh.histogram,
                   bins=(np.arange(0, 2) if (calcdvh.histogram.size == 1) else
                         np.arange(0, calcdvh.histogram.size + 1) / 100),
コード例 #30
ファイル: dvhs.py プロジェクト: mchamberland/DVH-Analytics
    def calculate_review_dvh(self):
        global x, y

        patches = {
            'x': [(0, [])],
            'y': [(0, [])],
            'roi_name': [(0, '')],
            'volume': [(0, 1)],
            'min_dose': [(0, '')],
            'mean_dose': [(0, '')],
            'max_dose': [(0, '')],
            'mrn': [(0, '')],
            'rx_dose': [(0, 1)]

            if not self.sources.dvhs.data['x']:

                file_index = self.temp_dvh_info.mrn.index(
                roi_index = self.dvh_review_rois.index(
                structure_file = self.temp_dvh_info.structure[file_index]
                plan_file = self.temp_dvh_info.plan[file_index]
                dose_file = self.temp_dvh_info.dose[file_index]
                key = list(

                rt_st = dicomparser.DicomParser(structure_file)
                rt_structures = rt_st.GetStructures()
                review_dvh = dvhcalc.get_dvh(structure_file, dose_file, key)
                dicompyler_plan = dicomparser.DicomParser(plan_file).GetPlan()

                roi_name = rt_structures[key]['name']
                volume = review_dvh.volume
                min_dose = review_dvh.min
                mean_dose = review_dvh.mean
                max_dose = review_dvh.max
                if not self.review_rx.value:
                    rx_dose = float(dicompyler_plan['rxdose']) / 100.
                    self.review_rx.value = str(round(rx_dose, 2))
                    rx_dose = round(float(self.review_rx.value), 2)

                x = review_dvh.bincenters
                if max(review_dvh.counts):
                    y = np.divide(review_dvh.counts, max(review_dvh.counts))
                    y = review_dvh.counts

                if self.radio_group_dose.active == 1:
                    f = 5000
                    bin_count = len(x)
                    new_bin_count = int(bin_count * f / (rx_dose * 100.))

                    x1 = np.linspace(0, bin_count, bin_count)
                    x2 = np.multiply(
                        np.linspace(0, new_bin_count, new_bin_count),
                        rx_dose * 100. / f)
                    y = np.interp(x2, x1, review_dvh.counts)
                    y = np.divide(y, np.max(y))
                    x = np.divide(np.linspace(0, new_bin_count, new_bin_count),

                if self.radio_group_volume.active == 0:
                    y = np.multiply(y, volume)

                patches = {
                    'x': [(0, x)],
                    'y': [(0, y)],
                    'roi_name': [(0, roi_name)],
                    'volume': [(0, volume)],
                    'min_dose': [(0, min_dose)],
                    'mean_dose': [(0, mean_dose)],
                    'max_dose': [(0, max_dose)],
                    'mrn': [(0, self.select_reviewed_mrn.value)],
                    'rx_dose': [(0, rx_dose)]


