コード例 #1
ファイル: merge.py プロジェクト: jordigh/mercurial-crew
def manifestmerge(repo, wctx, p2, pa, branchmerge, force, partial,
    Merge p1 and p2 with ancestor pa and generate merge action list

    branchmerge and force are as passed in to update
    partial = function to filter file lists
    acceptremote = accept the incoming changes without prompting

    overwrite = force and not branchmerge
    actions, copy, movewithdir = [], {}, {}

    followcopies = False
    if overwrite:
        pa = wctx
    elif pa == p2: # backwards
        pa = wctx.p1()
    elif not branchmerge and not wctx.dirty(missing=True):
    elif pa and repo.ui.configbool("merge", "followcopies", True):
        followcopies = True

    # manifests fetched in order are going to be faster, so prime the caches
    [x.manifest() for x in
     sorted(wctx.parents() + [p2, pa], key=lambda x: x.rev())]

    if followcopies:
        ret = copies.mergecopies(repo, wctx, p2, pa)
        copy, movewithdir, diverge, renamedelete = ret
        for of, fl in diverge.iteritems():
            actions.append((of, "dr", (fl,), "divergent renames"))
        for of, fl in renamedelete.iteritems():
            actions.append((of, "rd", (fl,), "rename and delete"))

    repo.ui.note(_("resolving manifests\n"))
    repo.ui.debug(" branchmerge: %s, force: %s, partial: %s\n"
                  % (bool(branchmerge), bool(force), bool(partial)))
    repo.ui.debug(" ancestor: %s, local: %s, remote: %s\n" % (pa, wctx, p2))

    m1, m2, ma = wctx.manifest(), p2.manifest(), pa.manifest()
    copied = set(copy.values())

    if '.hgsubstate' in m1:
        # check whether sub state is modified
        for s in sorted(wctx.substate):
            if wctx.sub(s).dirty():
                m1['.hgsubstate'] += "+"

    aborts, prompts = [], []
    # Compare manifests
    fdiff = dicthelpers.diff(m1, m2)
    flagsdiff = m1.flagsdiff(m2)
    diff12 = dicthelpers.join(fdiff, flagsdiff)

    for f, (n12, fl12) in diff12.iteritems():
        if n12:
            n1, n2 = n12
        else: # file contents didn't change, but flags did
            n1 = n2 = m1.get(f, None)
            if n1 is None:
                # Since n1 == n2, the file isn't present in m2 either. This
                # means that the file was removed or deleted locally and
                # removed remotely, but that residual entries remain in flags.
                # This can happen in manifests generated by workingctx.
        if fl12:
            fl1, fl2 = fl12
        else: # flags didn't change, file contents did
            fl1 = fl2 = m1.flags(f)

        if partial and not partial(f):
        if n1 and n2:
            fla = ma.flags(f)
            nol = 'l' not in fl1 + fl2 + fla
            a = ma.get(f, nullid)
            if n2 == a and fl2 == fla:
                pass # remote unchanged - keep local
            elif n1 == a and fl1 == fla: # local unchanged - use remote
                if n1 == n2: # optimization: keep local content
                    actions.append((f, "e", (fl2,), "update permissions"))
                    actions.append((f, "g", (fl2,), "remote is newer"))
            elif nol and n2 == a: # remote only changed 'x'
                actions.append((f, "e", (fl2,), "update permissions"))
            elif nol and n1 == a: # local only changed 'x'
                actions.append((f, "g", (fl1,), "remote is newer"))
            else: # both changed something
                actions.append((f, "m", (f, f, False), "versions differ"))
        elif f in copied: # files we'll deal with on m2 side
        elif n1 and f in movewithdir: # directory rename
            f2 = movewithdir[f]
            actions.append((f, "d", (None, f2, fl1),
                            "remote renamed directory to " + f2))
        elif n1 and f in copy:
            f2 = copy[f]
            actions.append((f, "m", (f2, f, False),
                            "local copied/moved to " + f2))
        elif n1 and f in ma: # clean, a different, no remote
            if n1 != ma[f]:
                prompts.append((f, "cd")) # prompt changed/deleted
            elif n1[20:] == "a": # added, no remote
                actions.append((f, "f", None, "remote deleted"))
                actions.append((f, "r", None, "other deleted"))
        elif n2 and f in movewithdir:
            f2 = movewithdir[f]
            actions.append((None, "d", (f, f2, fl2),
                            "local renamed directory to " + f2))
        elif n2 and f in copy:
            f2 = copy[f]
            if f2 in m2:
                actions.append((f2, "m", (f, f, False),
                                "remote copied to " + f))
                actions.append((f2, "m", (f, f, True),
                                "remote moved to " + f))
        elif n2 and f not in ma:
            # local unknown, remote created: the logic is described by the
            # following table:
            # force  branchmerge  different  |  action
            #   n         *           n      |    get
            #   n         *           y      |   abort
            #   y         n           *      |    get
            #   y         y           n      |    get
            #   y         y           y      |   merge
            # Checking whether the files are different is expensive, so we
            # don't do that when we can avoid it.
            if force and not branchmerge:
                actions.append((f, "g", (fl2,), "remote created"))
                different = _checkunknownfile(repo, wctx, p2, f)
                if force and branchmerge and different:
                    actions.append((f, "m", (f, f, False),
                                    "remote differs from untracked local"))
                elif not force and different:
                    aborts.append((f, "ud"))
                    actions.append((f, "g", (fl2,), "remote created"))
        elif n2 and n2 != ma[f]:
            prompts.append((f, "dc")) # prompt deleted/changed

    for f, m in sorted(aborts):
        if m == "ud":
            repo.ui.warn(_("%s: untracked file differs\n") % f)
        else: assert False, m
    if aborts:
        raise util.Abort(_("untracked files in working directory differ "
                           "from files in requested revision"))

    if not util.checkcase(repo.path):
        # check collision between files only in p2 for clean update
        if (not branchmerge and
            (force or not wctx.dirty(missing=True, branch=False))):
            _checkcollision(repo, m2, [], [])
            _checkcollision(repo, m1, actions, prompts)

    for f, m in sorted(prompts):
        if m == "cd":
            if acceptremote:
                actions.append((f, "r", None, "remote delete"))
            elif repo.ui.promptchoice(
                _("local changed %s which remote deleted\n"
                  "use (c)hanged version or (d)elete?"
                  "$$ &Changed $$ &Delete") % f, 0):
                actions.append((f, "r", None, "prompt delete"))
                actions.append((f, "a", None, "prompt keep"))
        elif m == "dc":
            if acceptremote:
                actions.append((f, "g", (m2.flags(f),), "remote recreating"))
            elif repo.ui.promptchoice(
                _("remote changed %s which local deleted\n"
                  "use (c)hanged version or leave (d)eleted?"
                  "$$ &Changed $$ &Deleted") % f, 0) == 0:
                actions.append((f, "g", (m2.flags(f),), "prompt recreating"))
        else: assert False, m
    return actions
コード例 #2
def manifestmerge(repo,
    Merge p1 and p2 with ancestor pa and generate merge action list

    branchmerge and force are as passed in to update
    partial = function to filter file lists
    acceptremote = accept the incoming changes without prompting

    overwrite = force and not branchmerge
    actions, copy, movewithdir = [], {}, {}

    followcopies = False
    if overwrite:
        pa = wctx
    elif pa == p2:  # backwards
        pa = wctx.p1()
    elif not branchmerge and not wctx.dirty(missing=True):
    elif pa and repo.ui.configbool("merge", "followcopies", True):
        followcopies = True

    # manifests fetched in order are going to be faster, so prime the caches
        for x in sorted(wctx.parents() + [p2, pa], key=lambda x: x.rev())

    if followcopies:
        ret = copies.mergecopies(repo, wctx, p2, pa)
        copy, movewithdir, diverge, renamedelete = ret
        for of, fl in diverge.iteritems():
            actions.append((of, "dr", (fl, ), "divergent renames"))
        for of, fl in renamedelete.iteritems():
            actions.append((of, "rd", (fl, ), "rename and delete"))

    repo.ui.note(_("resolving manifests\n"))
    repo.ui.debug(" branchmerge: %s, force: %s, partial: %s\n" %
                  (bool(branchmerge), bool(force), bool(partial)))
    repo.ui.debug(" ancestor: %s, local: %s, remote: %s\n" % (pa, wctx, p2))

    m1, m2, ma = wctx.manifest(), p2.manifest(), pa.manifest()
    copied = set(copy.values())

    if '.hgsubstate' in m1:
        # check whether sub state is modified
        for s in sorted(wctx.substate):
            if wctx.sub(s).dirty():
                m1['.hgsubstate'] += "+"

    aborts, prompts = [], []
    # Compare manifests
    fdiff = dicthelpers.diff(m1, m2)
    flagsdiff = m1.flagsdiff(m2)
    diff12 = dicthelpers.join(fdiff, flagsdiff)

    for f, (n12, fl12) in diff12.iteritems():
        if n12:
            n1, n2 = n12
        else:  # file contents didn't change, but flags did
            n1 = n2 = m1.get(f, None)
            if n1 is None:
                # Since n1 == n2, the file isn't present in m2 either. This
                # means that the file was removed or deleted locally and
                # removed remotely, but that residual entries remain in flags.
                # This can happen in manifests generated by workingctx.
        if fl12:
            fl1, fl2 = fl12
        else:  # flags didn't change, file contents did
            fl1 = fl2 = m1.flags(f)

        if partial and not partial(f):
        if n1 and n2:
            fla = ma.flags(f)
            nol = 'l' not in fl1 + fl2 + fla
            a = ma.get(f, nullid)
            if n2 == a and fl2 == fla:
                pass  # remote unchanged - keep local
            elif n1 == a and fl1 == fla:  # local unchanged - use remote
                if n1 == n2:  # optimization: keep local content
                    actions.append((f, "e", (fl2, ), "update permissions"))
                    actions.append((f, "g", (fl2, ), "remote is newer"))
            elif nol and n2 == a:  # remote only changed 'x'
                actions.append((f, "e", (fl2, ), "update permissions"))
            elif nol and n1 == a:  # local only changed 'x'
                actions.append((f, "g", (fl1, ), "remote is newer"))
            else:  # both changed something
                actions.append((f, "m", (f, f, False), "versions differ"))
        elif f in copied:  # files we'll deal with on m2 side
        elif n1 and f in movewithdir:  # directory rename
            f2 = movewithdir[f]
                (f, "d", (None, f2, fl1), "remote renamed directory to " + f2))
        elif n1 and f in copy:
            f2 = copy[f]
                (f, "m", (f2, f, False), "local copied/moved to " + f2))
        elif n1 and f in ma:  # clean, a different, no remote
            if n1 != ma[f]:
                prompts.append((f, "cd"))  # prompt changed/deleted
            elif n1[20:] == "a":  # added, no remote
                actions.append((f, "f", None, "remote deleted"))
                actions.append((f, "r", None, "other deleted"))
        elif n2 and f in movewithdir:
            f2 = movewithdir[f]
                (None, "d", (f, f2, fl2), "local renamed directory to " + f2))
        elif n2 and f in copy:
            f2 = copy[f]
            if f2 in m2:
                    (f2, "m", (f, f, False), "remote copied to " + f))
                actions.append((f2, "m", (f, f, True), "remote moved to " + f))
        elif n2 and f not in ma:
            # local unknown, remote created: the logic is described by the
            # following table:
            # force  branchmerge  different  |  action
            #   n         *           n      |    get
            #   n         *           y      |   abort
            #   y         n           *      |    get
            #   y         y           n      |    get
            #   y         y           y      |   merge
            # Checking whether the files are different is expensive, so we
            # don't do that when we can avoid it.
            if force and not branchmerge:
                actions.append((f, "g", (fl2, ), "remote created"))
                different = _checkunknownfile(repo, wctx, p2, f)
                if force and branchmerge and different:
                    actions.append((f, "m", (f, f, False),
                                    "remote differs from untracked local"))
                elif not force and different:
                    aborts.append((f, "ud"))
                    actions.append((f, "g", (fl2, ), "remote created"))
        elif n2 and n2 != ma[f]:
            prompts.append((f, "dc"))  # prompt deleted/changed

    for f, m in sorted(aborts):
        if m == "ud":
            repo.ui.warn(_("%s: untracked file differs\n") % f)
            assert False, m
    if aborts:
        raise util.Abort(
            _("untracked files in working directory differ "
              "from files in requested revision"))

    if not util.checkcase(repo.path):
        # check collision between files only in p2 for clean update
        if (not branchmerge
                and (force or not wctx.dirty(missing=True, branch=False))):
            _checkcollision(repo, m2, [], [])
            _checkcollision(repo, m1, actions, prompts)

    for f, m in sorted(prompts):
        if m == "cd":
            if acceptremote:
                actions.append((f, "r", None, "remote delete"))
            elif repo.ui.promptchoice(
                    _("local changed %s which remote deleted\n"
                      "use (c)hanged version or (d)elete?"
                      "$$ &Changed $$ &Delete") % f, 0):
                actions.append((f, "r", None, "prompt delete"))
                actions.append((f, "a", None, "prompt keep"))
        elif m == "dc":
            if acceptremote:
                actions.append((f, "g", (m2.flags(f), ), "remote recreating"))
            elif repo.ui.promptchoice(
                    _("remote changed %s which local deleted\n"
                      "use (c)hanged version or leave (d)eleted?"
                      "$$ &Changed $$ &Deleted") % f, 0) == 0:
                actions.append((f, "g", (m2.flags(f), ), "prompt recreating"))
            assert False, m
    return actions
コード例 #3
 def flagsdiff(self, d2):
     return dicthelpers.diff(self._flags, d2._flags, "")
コード例 #4
 def flagsdiff(self, d2):
     return dicthelpers.diff(self._flags, d2._flags, "")