return total_loss / total_len if torch.cuda.is_available(): if not args.cuda: print( "WARNING: You have a CUDA device, so you should probably run with --cuda" ) eval_batch_size = 32 if args.test: dictionary = Dictionary( test = tokenize(dictionary, args.test) print("Size, OOV", test.size(0), sum(test == dictionary.word2idx["<unk>"])) test_data = batchify(test, eval_batch_size, args.cuda) ntokens = len(dictionary) else: corpus = Corpus( print("Size, OOV", corpus.test.size(0), sum(corpus.test == corpus.dictionary.word2idx["<unk>"])) test_data = batchify(corpus.test, eval_batch_size, args.cuda) dictionary = corpus.dictionary # Load the best saved model. with open(args.checkpoint, 'rb') as f: print("Loading the model") if args.cuda:
with open(args.checkpoint, 'rb') as f: if args.cuda: model = torch.load(f) else: # to convert model trained on cuda to cpu model model = torch.load(f, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.eval() if args.cuda: model.cuda() else: model.cpu() dictionary = dictionary_corpus.Dictionary( vocab_size = len(dictionary) prefix = dictionary_corpus.tokenize(dictionary, args.prefixfile) def _get_predictions_inner(sentences, model, dictionary, seed, device="cpu"): """ Returns torch tensors. See `get_predictions` for Numpy returns. """ ntokens = dictionary.__len__() with torch.no_grad(): for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences): torch.manual_seed(seed) hidden = model.init_hidden(1) input = torch.randint(ntokens, (1, 1), dtype=torch.long).to(device) prev_word = None
else: # to convert model trained on cuda to cpu model model = torch.load(f, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.eval() if args.cuda: model.cuda() else: model.cpu() eval_batch_size = 1 seq_len = 20 dictionary = dictionary_corpus.Dictionary( vocab_size = len(dictionary) print("Vocab size", vocab_size) print("TESTING") # assuming the mask file contains one number per line indicating the index of the target word index_col = 0 mask = create_target_mask(args.path + ".text", args.path + ".eval", index_col) mask_data = batchify(torch.LongTensor(mask), eval_batch_size, args.cuda) test_data = batchify( dictionary_corpus.tokenize(dictionary, args.path + ".text"), eval_batch_size, args.cuda) f_output = open(args.path + ".output_" + args.suffix, 'w') evaluate(test_data, mask_data) f_output.close()
with open(, 'rb') as f: print("Loading the model") if args.cuda: model = torch.load(f) model.cuda() else: # to convert model trained on cuda to cpu model model = torch.load(f, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.cpu() model.eval() eval_batch_size = 1 ntokens = len(dictionary) #print("Vocab size", ntokens) #print("TESTING") # depends on generation script (constantly modified) - the column where the target word index is written index_col = 3 mask = create_target_mask(args.test_path + ".text", args.test_path + ".gold", index_col) mask_data = batchify(torch.LongTensor(mask), eval_batch_size, False) test_data = batchify(tokenize(dictionary, args.test_path + ".text"), eval_batch_size, args.cuda) f_output = open(args.test_path + ".output_" + args.suffix, 'w') evaluate_on_mask(test_data, mask_data) f_output.close()
eprint("Loading model from {}".format(args.checkpoint)) if args.cuda: model = torch.load(f) else: # to convert model trained on cuda to cpu model model = torch.load(f, map_location = lambda storage, loc: storage) model.eval() if args.cuda: model.cuda() else: model.cpu() eval_batch_size = 1 seq_len = 20 dictionary = dictionary_corpus.Dictionary( vocab_size = len(dictionary) idx2word = dictionary.idx2word eprint("GLSTM vocab size", vocab_size) id_tensor, tokens = dictionary_corpus.tokenize(dictionary, args.path) test_data = batchify(id_tensor, eval_batch_size, args.cuda) eprint("Computing surprisal for target words in {}".format(args.path)) print("word totsurp glstmunk") # GLSTM cannot make predictions for the first token print(tokens[0]+" inf 1") evaluate(test_data, tokens[1:])
clean_sentence = sentence.replace('*', '') target_indices = [ i for i, word in enumerate(split_sentence) if '*' in word ] mask = np.zeros(np.shape(split_sentence)) mask.put(target_indices, 1) mask_data = batchify(torch.LongTensor(mask), eval_batch_size, args.cuda) current_sentence_file = input_path[0] + '/' + 'current_sentence' with open(current_sentence_file, 'w') as f: f.write(clean_sentence) test_data = batchify( dictionary_corpus.tokenize(dictionary, current_sentence_file), eval_batch_size, args.cuda) outputs = evaluate(test_data, mask_data) target_words = [ word.replace('*', '') for i, word in enumerate(split_sentence) if '*' in word ] try: target_dict_indices = [ dictionary.word2idx[word] for word in target_words ] for i in range(len(target_words)):