def text_viewer_view(request, item_partid=0, master_location_type='', master_location=''): from digipal.utils import is_model_visible if not is_model_visible('textcontentxml', request): raise Http404('Text view not enabled') from digipal.models import ItemPart context = {'item_partid': item_partid, 'item_part': ItemPart.objects.filter(id=item_partid).first()} # Define the content of content type and location type drop downs # on top of each panel context['dd_content_types'] = [ {'key': 'transcription', 'label': 'Transcription', 'icon': 'align-left', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Text']]}, {'key': 'translation', 'label': 'Translation', 'icon': 'indent-left', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Text']]}, {'key': 'image', 'label': 'Image', 'icon': 'picture', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Image']]}, ] context['dd_location_types'] = [ {'key': 'whole', 'label': 'Whole text', 'icon': 'book'}, {'key': 'locus', 'label': 'Locus', 'icon': 'file'}, {'key': 'entry', 'label': 'Entry', 'icon': 'entry'}, {'key': 'section', 'label': 'Section', 'icon': 'section'}, {'key': 'sync', 'label': 'Synchronise with', 'icon': 'link'}, ] context['statuses'] = TextContentXMLStatus.objects.all().order_by('sort_order') context['body_class'] = 'page-text-viewer' update_viewer_context(context, request) return render(request, 'digipal_text/text_viewer.html', context)
def get_search_types(request=None): from content_type.search_hands import SearchHands from content_type.search_manuscripts import SearchManuscripts from content_type.search_scribes import SearchScribes from content_type.search_graphs import SearchGraphs search_hands = SearchHands() from digipal.utils import is_model_visible ret = [search_model for search_model in [SearchManuscripts(), search_hands, SearchScribes( ), SearchGraphs(search_hands)] if is_model_visible(search_model.get_model(), request or True)] return ret
def render(self, context): ret = self.nodelist.render(context) args, kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context) link = get_link_from_obj(*args, **kwargs) obj = args[0] request = context.get('request', None) if request and not dputils.is_model_visible(obj, request): link['url'] = None ret = ret.strip() or link['content'] if link['url']: ret = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link['url'], ret) return ret
def get_search_types(request=None): from content_type.search_hands import SearchHands from content_type.search_manuscripts import SearchManuscripts from content_type.search_scribes import SearchScribes from content_type.search_graphs import SearchGraphs search_hands = SearchHands() from digipal.utils import is_model_visible ret = [ search_model for search_model in [ SearchManuscripts(), search_hands, SearchScribes(), SearchGraphs(search_hands) ] if is_model_visible(search_model.get_model(), request or True) ] return ret
def text_viewer_view(request, item_partid=0, master_location_type='', master_location=''): from digipal.utils import is_model_visible if not is_model_visible('textcontentxml', request): raise Http404('The Text Viewer is not enabled on this site') from digipal.models import ItemPart context = {'item_partid': item_partid, 'item_part': ItemPart.objects.filter(id=item_partid).first()} if not context['item_part']: raise Http404('This document doesn\'t exist') if not can_user_see_main_text(context['item_part'], request): raise Http404('This document is not publicly accessible') # Define the content of content type and location type drop downs # on top of each panel context['dd_content_types'] = [ {'key': 'transcription', 'label': 'Transcription', 'icon': 'align-left', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Text']]}, {'key': 'translation', 'label': 'Translation', 'icon': 'indent-left', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Text']]}, {'key': 'image', 'label': 'Image', 'icon': 'picture', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Image']]}, ] context['dd_location_types'] = [ {'key': 'whole', 'label': 'Whole text', 'icon': 'book'}, {'key': 'locus', 'label': 'Locus', 'icon': 'file'}, {'key': 'entry', 'label': 'Entry', 'icon': 'entry'}, {'key': 'section', 'label': 'Section', 'icon': 'section'}, {'key': 'sync', 'label': 'Synchronise with', 'icon': 'link'}, ] context['dd_download_formats'] = [ {'key': 'html', 'label': 'HTML', 'icon': 'download'}, {'key': 'tei', 'label': 'TEI', 'icon': 'download'}, {'key': 'plain', 'label': 'Plain Text', 'icon': 'download'}, ] context['statuses'] = TextContentXMLStatus.objects.all( ).order_by('sort_order') context['body_class'] = 'page-text-viewer' context['text_editor_options'] = settings.TEXT_EDITOR_OPTIONS update_viewer_context(context, request) return render(request, 'digipal_text/text_viewer.html', context)
def image(request, image_id): """The view for the front-end annotator page""" from digipal.utils import request_invisible_model, raise_404 try: image = Image.objects.get(id=image_id) except Image.DoesNotExist: raise_404('This Image record does not exist') # 404 if content type Image not visible request_invisible_model(Image, request, 'Image') # 404 if image is private and user not staff if image.is_private_for_user(request): raise_404('This Image is currently not publicly available') is_admin = has_edit_permission(request, Image) # annotations_count = image.annotation_set.all().values('graph').count() # annotations = image.annotation_set.all() annotations = Annotation.objects.filter( image_id=image_id, graph__isnull=False).exclude_hidden(is_admin).select_related( 'graph__hand', 'graph__idiograph__allograph') dimensions = { 'width': image.dimensions()[0], 'height': image.dimensions()[1] } hands = image.hands.count() url = request.path url = url.split('/') url.pop(len(url) - 1) url = url[len(url) - 1] # Check for a vector_id in image referral, if it exists the request has # come via Scribe/allograph route vector_id = request.GET.get('graph', '') or request.GET.get( 'vector_id', '') hands_list = [] hand = {} hands_object = Hand.objects.filter(images=image_id) data_allographs = OrderedDict() for h in hands_object.values(): if h['label'] == None: label = "None" else: label = mark_safe(h['label']) hand = {'id': h['id'], 'name': label.encode('cp1252')} hands_list.append(hand) # annotations by allograph for a in annotations: if a.graph and a.graph.hand: hand_label = a.graph.hand allograph_name = a.graph.idiograph.allograph if hand_label in data_allographs: if allograph_name not in data_allographs[hand_label]: data_allographs[hand_label][allograph_name] = [] else: data_allographs[hand_label] = OrderedDict() data_allographs[hand_label][allograph_name] = [] data_allographs[hand_label][allograph_name].append(a) image_link = urlresolvers.reverse('admin:digipal_image_change', args=(, )) form = ImageAnnotationForm(auto_id=False) form.fields['hand'].queryset = image.hands.all() width, height = image.dimensions() image_server_url = image.zoomify zoom_levels = settings.ANNOTATOR_ZOOM_LEVELS from digipal.models import OntographType from digipal.utils import is_model_visible images = Image.objects.none() if image.item_part: images = image.item_part.images.exclude( 'hands', 'annotation_set') images = Image.filter_permissions_from_request(images, request) images = Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(images, True) from digipal_text.models import TextContentXML context = { 'form': form.as_ul(), 'dimensions': dimensions, 'images': images, 'image': image, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'image_server_url': image_server_url, 'hands_list': hands_list, 'image_link': image_link, 'annotations': annotations.count(), 'annotations_list': data_allographs, 'url': url, 'hands': hands, 'is_admin': is_admin, 'no_image_reason': image.get_media_unavailability_reason(), # True is the user can edit the database 'can_edit': has_edit_permission(request, Annotation), 'ontograph_types': OntographType.objects.order_by('name'), 'zoom_levels': zoom_levels, 'repositories': Repository.objects.filter(currentitem__itempart__images=image_id), # hide all annotations and all annotation tools from the user 'hide_annotations': int(not is_model_visible('graph', request)), 'PAGE_IMAGE_SHOW_MSDATE': settings.PAGE_IMAGE_SHOW_MSDATE, 'text_content_xmls': TextContentXML.objects.filter(text_content__item_part=image.item_part), } if settings.PAGE_IMAGE_SHOW_MSSUMMARY: context['document_summary'] = image.get_document_summary() context['annotations_switch_initial'] = 1 - int( context['hide_annotations'] or ((request.GET.get( 'annotations', 'true')).strip().lower() in ['0', 'false'])) context[ 'show_image'] = context['can_edit'] or not context['no_image_reason'] if vector_id: context['vector_id'] = vector_id return render_to_response('digipal/image_annotation.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def __getitem__(self, index): from digipal.utils import is_model_visible return is_model_visible(index, self.request)
def image(request, image_id): """The view for the front-end annotator page""" from digipal.utils import request_invisible_model, raise_404 try: image = Image.objects.get(id=image_id) except Image.DoesNotExist: raise_404('This Image record does not exist') # 404 if content type Image not visible request_invisible_model(Image, request, 'Image') # 404 if image is private and user not staff if image.is_private_for_user(request): raise_404('This Image is currently not publicly available') is_admin = has_edit_permission(request, Image) #annotations_count = image.annotation_set.all().values('graph').count() #annotations = image.annotation_set.all() annotations = Annotation.objects.filter(image_id=image_id, graph__isnull=False).exclude_hidden(is_admin).select_related('graph__hand', 'graph__idiograph__allograph') dimensions = { 'width': image.dimensions()[0], 'height': image.dimensions()[1] } hands = image.hands.count() url = request.path url = url.split('/') url.pop(len(url) - 1) url = url[len(url) - 1] # Check for a vector_id in image referral, if it exists the request has # come via Scribe/allograph route vector_id = request.GET.get('graph', '') or request.GET.get('vector_id', '') hands_list = [] hand = {} hands_object = Hand.objects.filter(images=image_id) data_allographs = SortedDict() for h in hands_object.values(): if h['label'] == None: label = "None" else: label = mark_safe(h['label']) hand = {'id': h['id'], 'name': label.encode('cp1252')} hands_list.append(hand) #annotations by allograph for a in annotations: if a.graph and a.graph.hand: hand_label = a.graph.hand allograph_name = a.graph.idiograph.allograph if hand_label in data_allographs: if allograph_name not in data_allographs[hand_label]: data_allographs[hand_label][allograph_name] = [] else: data_allographs[hand_label] = SortedDict() data_allographs[hand_label][allograph_name] = [] data_allographs[hand_label][allograph_name].append(a) image_link = urlresolvers.reverse('admin:digipal_image_change', args=(,)) form = ImageAnnotationForm(auto_id=False) form.fields['hand'].queryset = image.hands.all() width, height = image.dimensions() image_server_url = image.zoomify zoom_levels = settings.ANNOTATOR_ZOOM_LEVELS from digipal.models import OntographType from digipal.utils import is_model_visible images = image.item_part.images.exclude('hands', 'annotation_set') images = Image.filter_permissions_from_request(images, request) images = Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(images, True) from digipal_text.models import TextContentXML context = { 'form': form.as_ul(), 'dimensions': dimensions, 'images': images, 'image': image, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'image_server_url': image_server_url, 'hands_list': hands_list, 'image_link': image_link, 'annotations': annotations.count(), 'annotations_list': data_allographs, 'url': url, 'hands': hands, 'is_admin': is_admin, 'no_image_reason': image.get_media_unavailability_reason(), # True is the user can edit the database 'can_edit': has_edit_permission(request, Annotation), 'ontograph_types': OntographType.objects.order_by('name'), 'zoom_levels': zoom_levels, 'repositories': Repository.objects.filter(currentitem__itempart__images=image_id), # hide all annotations and all annotation tools from the user 'hide_annotations': int(not is_model_visible('graph', request)), 'PAGE_IMAGE_SHOW_MSDATE': settings.PAGE_IMAGE_SHOW_MSDATE, 'text_content_xmls': TextContentXML.objects.filter(text_content__item_part=image.item_part), } if settings.PAGE_IMAGE_SHOW_MSSUMMARY: context['document_summary'] = image.get_document_summary() context['annotations_switch_initial'] = 1 - int(context['hide_annotations'] or ((request.REQUEST.get('annotations', 'true')).strip().lower() in ['0', 'false'])) context['show_image'] = context['can_edit'] or not context['no_image_reason'] if vector_id: context['vector_id'] = vector_id return render_to_response('digipal/image_annotation.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def text_api_view(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type=u'default', location=''): format = dputils.get_request_var(request, 'format', 'html').strip().lower() if request.is_ajax(): format = 'json' from digipal.utils import is_model_visible if not is_model_visible('textcontentxml', request): raise Http404('Text view not enabled') max_size = MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE if format == 'json' else None response = None # DELEGATE TO A CUSTOM VIEW FOR THE GIVEN CONTENT TYPE # Look up the content_type in the function name # e.g. content_type = image => text_api_view_image text_api_view_content_type = globals().get( 'text_api_view_' + content_type, None) content_type_record = None if not text_api_view_content_type: # Look up the content_type in the TextContentType table # e.g. content_type = translation or transcription, we assume it must # be a TextContentXML from digipal_text.models import TextContentType content_type_record = TextContentType.objects.filter( slug=content_type).first() if content_type_record: text_api_view_content_type = text_api_view_text if text_api_view_content_type: response = text_api_view_content_type( request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, content_type_record, max_size=max_size) # we didn't find a custom function for this content type if response is None: response = {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Invalid Content Type (%s)' % content_type} # If sublocation is not defined by specific function we just return # the desired sublocation. # If specific function want to remove they can set it to [] response['sub_location'] = response.get( 'sub_location', get_sub_location_from_request(request)) if not response['sub_location']: del response['sub_location'] # HANDLE location_type = sync # We take care of syncing logic here, customisations don't need to worry # about it. # Sync in => sync out. For UI/client logic purpose. # If we don't return sync, client assumes we can't support sync. # Only exception is in resolve_default_location() below. if response.get('location_type', '') == 'sync': response['location_type'] = location_type response['location'] = location response['content'] = 'Synchronising panel...' set_message(response, 'Synchronising panel...', '') ret = None # RESPONSE FORMATTING if format == 'json': ret = HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type='application/json') if format == 'html': context = {'response': response} context['display_classes'] = ' '.join( (dputils.get_request_var(request, 'ds', '').split(','))) context['content_type_key'] = content_type ret = render(request, 'digipal_text/text_view.html', context) if format == 'tei': tei = get_tei_from_text_response(response, item_partid, content_type) ret = HttpResponse(tei, content_type='text/xml; charset=utf-8') if format == 'plain': plain_text = dputils.get_plain_text_from_xmltext( response.get('content', '')) ret = HttpResponse( plain_text, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8') if not ret: raise Exception('Unknown output format: "%s"' % format) return ret
def text_api_view(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type=u'default', location=''): format = request.REQUEST.get('format', 'html').strip().lower() if request.is_ajax(): format = 'json' from digipal.utils import is_model_visible if not is_model_visible('textcontentxml', request): raise Http404('Text view not enabled') max_size = MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE if format == 'json' else None response = None # delegate to a custom function if it exists # Look up the content_type in the function name # e.g. content_type = image => text_api_view_image function = globals().get('text_api_view_' + content_type, None) if function: response = function(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, max_size=max_size) else: # Look up the content_type in the TextContentType table # e.g. content_type = translation or transcription, we assume it must be a TextContentXML from digipal_text.models import TextContentType content_type_record = TextContentType.objects.filter(slug=content_type).first() if content_type_record: response = text_api_view_text(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, content_type_record, max_size=max_size) # we didn't find a custom function for this content type if response is None: response = {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Invalid Content Type (%s)' % content_type} # If sublocation is not defined by specific funciton we just return # the desired sublocation. # If specific function want to remove they can set it to [] response['sub_location'] = response.get('sub_location', get_sub_location_from_request(request)) if not response['sub_location']: del response['sub_location'] if location_type == 'sync': # dummy response in case of syncing with another panel response['location'] = location response['location_type'] = location_type response['content'] = 'Syncing...' set_message(response, 'Syncing...', '') ret = None if format == 'json': ret = HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type='application/json') if format == 'html': context = {'response': response} context['display_classes'] = ' '.join((request.REQUEST.get('ds', '').split(','))) context['content_type_key'] = content_type ret = render(request, 'digipal_text/text_view.html', context) if format == 'tei': tei = get_tei_from_text_response(response, item_partid, content_type) ret = HttpResponse(tei, content_type='text/xml; charset=utf-8') if not ret: raise Exception('Unknown output format: "%s"' % format) return ret
def text_viewer_view(request, item_partid=0, master_location_type='', master_location=''): from digipal.utils import is_model_visible if not is_model_visible('textcontentxml', request): raise Http404('The Text Viewer is not enabled on this site') from digipal.models import ItemPart context = { 'item_partid': item_partid, 'item_part': ItemPart.objects.filter(id=item_partid).first() } if not context['item_part']: raise Http404('This document doesn\'t exist') if not can_user_see_main_text(context['item_part'], request): raise Http404('This document is not publicly accessible') # Define the content of content type and location type drop downs # on top of each panel context['dd_content_types'] = [ { 'key': 'transcription', 'label': 'Transcription', 'icon': 'align-left', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Text']] }, { 'key': 'translation', 'label': 'Translation', 'icon': 'indent-left', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Text']] }, { 'key': 'image', 'label': 'Image', 'icon': 'picture', 'attrs': [['data-class', 'Image']] }, ] context['dd_location_types'] = [ { 'key': 'whole', 'label': 'Whole text', 'icon': 'book' }, { 'key': 'locus', 'label': 'Locus', 'icon': 'file' }, { 'key': 'entry', 'label': 'Entry', 'icon': 'entry' }, { 'key': 'section', 'label': 'Section', 'icon': 'section' }, { 'key': 'sync', 'label': 'Synchronise with', 'icon': 'link' }, ] context['dd_download_formats'] = [ { 'key': 'html', 'label': 'HTML', 'icon': 'download' }, { 'key': 'tei', 'label': 'TEI', 'icon': 'download' }, { 'key': 'plain', 'label': 'Plain Text', 'icon': 'download' }, ] context['statuses'] = TextContentXMLStatus.objects.all().order_by( 'sort_order') context['body_class'] = 'page-text-viewer' context['text_editor_options'] = settings.TEXT_EDITOR_OPTIONS update_viewer_context(context, request) return render(request, 'digipal_text/text_viewer.html', context)
def text_api_view(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type=u'default', location=''): format = dputils.get_request_var(request, 'format', 'html').strip().lower() if request.is_ajax(): format = 'json' from digipal.utils import is_model_visible if not is_model_visible('textcontentxml', request): raise Http404('Text view not enabled') max_size = MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE if format == 'json' else None response = None # DELEGATE TO A CUSTOM VIEW FOR THE GIVEN CONTENT TYPE # Look up the content_type in the function name # e.g. content_type = image => text_api_view_image text_api_view_content_type = globals().get('text_api_view_' + content_type, None) content_type_record = None if not text_api_view_content_type: # Look up the content_type in the TextContentType table # e.g. content_type = translation or transcription, we assume it must # be a TextContentXML from digipal_text.models import TextContentType content_type_record = TextContentType.objects.filter( slug=content_type).first() if content_type_record: text_api_view_content_type = text_api_view_text if text_api_view_content_type: response = text_api_view_content_type(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, content_type_record, max_size=max_size) # we didn't find a custom function for this content type if response is None: response = { 'status': 'error', 'message': 'Invalid Content Type (%s)' % content_type } # If sublocation is not defined by specific function we just return # the desired sublocation. # If specific function want to remove they can set it to [] response['sub_location'] = response.get( 'sub_location', get_sub_location_from_request(request)) if not response['sub_location']: del response['sub_location'] # HANDLE location_type = sync # We take care of syncing logic here, customisations don't need to worry # about it. # Sync in => sync out. For UI/client logic purpose. # If we don't return sync, client assumes we can't support sync. # Only exception is in resolve_default_location() below. if response.get('location_type', '') == 'sync': response['location_type'] = location_type response['location'] = location response['content'] = 'Synchronising panel...' set_message(response, 'Synchronising panel...', '') ret = None # RESPONSE FORMATTING if format == 'json': ret = HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type='application/json') if format == 'html': context = {'response': response} context['display_classes'] = ' '.join( (dputils.get_request_var(request, 'ds', '').split(','))) context['content_type_key'] = content_type ret = render(request, 'digipal_text/text_view.html', context) if format == 'tei': tei = get_tei_from_text_response(response, item_partid, content_type) ret = HttpResponse(tei, content_type='text/xml; charset=utf-8') if format == 'plain': plain_text = dputils.get_plain_text_from_xmltext( response.get('content', '')) ret = HttpResponse(plain_text, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8') if not ret: raise Exception('Unknown output format: "%s"' % format) return ret