コード例 #1
ファイル: indexing.py プロジェクト: perrette/dimarray
def getaxes_broadcast(obj, indices):
    """ broadcast array-indices & integers, numpy's classical

    >>> import dimarray as da
    >>> a = da.zeros(shape=(3,4,5,6))
    >>> a.take((slice(None),[0, 1],slice(None),2), broadcast=True).shape
    (2, 3, 5)
    >>> a.take((slice(None),[0, 1],2,slice(None)), broadcast=True).shape
    (3, 2, 6)
    from dimarray import Axis, Axes

    # new axes: broacast indices (should do the same as above, since integers are just broadcast)
    indices2 = broadcast_indices(indices)
    # assert np.all(newval == obj.values[indices2])

    # make a multi-axis with tuples
    is_array2 = np.array([np.iterable(ix) for ix in indices2])
    nb_array2 = is_array2.sum()

    # If none or one array is present, easy
    if nb_array2 <= 1:
        newaxes = [obj.axes[i][ix] for i, ix in enumerate(indices) if not np.isscalar(ix)] # indices or indices2, does not matter

    # else, finer check needed
        # same stats but on original indices
        is_array = np.array([np.iterable(ix) for ix in indices])
        array_ix_pos = np.where(is_array)[0]

        # Determine where the axis will be inserted
        # - need to consider the integers as well (broadcast as arrays)
        # - if two indexed dimensions are not contiguous, new axis placed at first position...
        # obj = zeros((3,4,5,6))
            # obj[:,[1,2],:,0].shape ==> (2, 3, 5)
            # obj[:,[1,2],0,:].shape ==> (3, 2, 6)
        array_ix_pos2 = np.where(is_array2)[0]
        if np.any(np.diff(array_ix_pos2) > 1):  # that mean, if two indexed dimensions are not contiguous
            insert = 0
            insert = array_ix_pos2[0]

        # Now determine axis value
        # ...if originally only one array was provided, use these values correspondingly
        if len(array_ix_pos) == 1:
            i = array_ix_pos[0]
            values = obj.axes[i].values[indices[i]]
            name = obj.axes[i].name

        # ...else use a list of tuples
            values = list(zip(*[obj.axes[i].values[indices2[i]] for i in array_ix_pos]))
            name = ",".join([obj.axes[i].name for i in array_ix_pos])

        broadcastaxis = Axis(values, name)

        newaxes = Axes()
        for i, ax in enumerate(obj.axes):

            # axis is already part of the broadcast axis: skip
            if is_array2[i]:

                newaxis = ax[indices2[i]]

                ## do not append axis if scalar
                #if np.isscalar(newaxis):
                #    continue


        # insert the right new axis at the appropriate position
        newaxes.insert(insert, broadcastaxis)

    return newaxes