def test_save_multiple_delivery_address(): profile = Profile() addresses = [Address('100 John Rd', 'Toronto', 'ON', 'M5R 7U6'), Address('200 Mark Blvd', 'Mississauga', 'ON', 'L5M 1Y1')] profile.add_adresses(addresses) assert len(profile.addresses) == 2, "The profile should now have two addresses"
def test_add_order_history(): profile = Profile() assert len(profile.order_history) == 0, "Order history should be empty" history1 = History('Salad', 'delivered', datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 17)) history2 = History('Burger', 'cancelled', datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 18)) profile.add_order_history(history1) profile.add_order_history(history2) assert len(profile.order_history) == 2, "Order history should contain the items that were ordered"
def test_modify_profile(): profile = Profile() account = Account('Shivam', 'shars48', 'password', profile) account.set_email('*****@*****.**') assert == '*****@*****.**', "The current email should be returned" account.set_email('*****@*****.**') assert == "*****@*****.**", "The updated email should be returned"
def test_add_payment_info_to_account(): profile = Profile() payment_info = PaymentInfo('VISA', '0000-1111-2222-3333') profile.add_payment_info(payment_info) assert profile.payment_info.details == '0000-1111-2222-3333', "The saved payment info should be correct"
def test_check_order_status(): history = History('Salad', 'delivered', datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 17)) profile = Profile() profile.add_order_history(history) assert profile.order_history[0].order_status == 'delivered', "Should be able to check order status from history"
def test_invalid_login(): profile = Profile() account = Account('Shivam', 'shars48', 'password', profile) assert account.authenticate('shars48', 'pass') is False, "Valid credentials should allow login"
def test_invalid_email_verification(): profile = Profile() account = Account('Shivam', 'shars48', 'password', profile) account.set_email('') assert != '', "Invalid email should not be added"
def test_apply_invalid_discount_coupon(): coupon = DiscountCoupon('15% off', datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 30)) profile = Profile() profile.add_discount_coupon(coupon) assert len(profile.discount_coupon) == 0, "Should not be able to add invalid coupon"
def test_profile_creation(): profile = Profile() account = Account('Shivam', 'shars48', 'password', profile) account.set_email('*****@*****.**') assert == 'Shivam' and == '*****@*****.**' and account.password == 'password' and account.username == 'shars48', "Account should be created"
def test_delete_account(): profile = Profile() account = Account('Shivam', 'shars48', 'password', profile) account.delete_account() assert account.authenticate('shars48', 'password') is False, "Should not be able to authenticate after account " \ "has been deleted"