コード例 #1
ファイル: test_simplify.py プロジェクト: cbm755/diofant
def test_besselsimp():
    assert besselsimp(exp(-I*pi*y/2)*besseli(y, z*exp_polar(I*pi/2))) == \
        besselj(y, z)
    assert besselsimp(exp(-I*pi*a/2)*besseli(a, 2*sqrt(x)*exp_polar(I*pi/2))) == \
        besselj(a, 2*sqrt(x))
    assert besselsimp(sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*root(x, 4)*exp(I*pi/4)*exp(-I*pi*a/2) *
                      besseli(-Rational(1, 2), sqrt(x)*exp_polar(I*pi/2)) *
                      besseli(a, sqrt(x)*exp_polar(I*pi/2))/2) == \
        besselj(a, sqrt(x)) * cos(sqrt(x))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(besseli(a, z*exp_polar(-I*pi/2))) == \
        exp(-I*pi*a/2)*besselj(a, z)
    assert cosine_transform(1/t*sin(a/t), t, y) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*besselj(0, 2*sqrt(a)*sqrt(y))/2
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_bessel.py プロジェクト: cbm755/diofant
def test_expand():
    assert expand_func(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
    assert expand_func(bessely(Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(yn)) == \
    assert expand_func(besselj(I, z)) == besselj(I, z)

    # Test simplify helper
    assert simplify(besselj(Rational(1, 2),
                            z)) == sqrt(2) * sin(z) / (sqrt(pi) * sqrt(z))

    # XXX: teach sin/cos to work around arguments like
    # x*exp_polar(I*pi*n/2).  Then change besselsimp -> expand_func
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(1, 2),
                              z)) == sqrt(2) * sin(z) / (sqrt(pi) * sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(-1, 2),
                              z)) == sqrt(2) * cos(z) / (sqrt(pi) * sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(-Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-1, 2),
                              z)) == sqrt(2) * sin(z) / (sqrt(pi) * sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(1, 2),
                              z)) == sqrt(2) * sinh(z) / (sqrt(pi) * sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*sinh(z) - 3*z*cosh(z) + 3*sinh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cosh(z) - 3*z*sinh(z) + 3*cosh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(1, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(pi)*exp(-z)/(sqrt(2)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(z**2 + 3*z + 3)*exp(-z)/(2*z**Rational(5, 2))

    def check(eq, ans):
        return tn(eq, ans) and eq == ans

    rn = randcplx(a=1, b=0, d=0, c=2)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        ri = Rational(2 * randint(-11, 10) + 1,
                      2)  # half integer in [-21/2, 21/2]
        assert tn(besselsimp(besselx(ri, z)), besselx(ri, z))

    assert check(expand_func(besseli(rn, x)),
                 besseli(rn - 2, x) - 2 * (rn - 1) * besseli(rn - 1, x) / x)
    assert check(expand_func(besseli(-rn, x)),
                 besseli(-rn + 2, x) + 2 * (-rn + 1) * besseli(-rn + 1, x) / x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselj(rn, x)),
                 -besselj(rn - 2, x) + 2 * (rn - 1) * besselj(rn - 1, x) / x)
    assert check(
        expand_func(besselj(-rn, x)),
        -besselj(-rn + 2, x) + 2 * (-rn + 1) * besselj(-rn + 1, x) / x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselk(rn, x)),
                 besselk(rn - 2, x) + 2 * (rn - 1) * besselk(rn - 1, x) / x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselk(-rn, x)),
                 besselk(-rn + 2, x) - 2 * (-rn + 1) * besselk(-rn + 1, x) / x)

    assert check(expand_func(bessely(rn, x)),
                 -bessely(rn - 2, x) + 2 * (rn - 1) * bessely(rn - 1, x) / x)
    assert check(
        expand_func(bessely(-rn, x)),
        -bessely(-rn + 2, x) + 2 * (-rn + 1) * bessely(-rn + 1, x) / x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + 2, z)) == \
        besseli(n, z) + (-2*n - 2)*(-2*n*besseli(n, z)/z + besseli(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + 2, z)) == \
        -besselj(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselj(n, z)/z - besselj(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselk(n + 2, z)) == \
        besselk(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselk(n, z)/z + besselk(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(bessely(n + 2, z)) == \
        -bessely(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*bessely(n, z)/z - bessely(n - 1, z))/z

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        (sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*exp(-I*pi*(n + Rational(1, 2))/2) *
         exp_polar(I*pi/4)*jn(n, z*exp_polar(I*pi/2))/sqrt(pi))
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*jn(n, z)/sqrt(pi)

    r = Symbol('r', extended_real=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, p).is_extended_real
        assert besselx(i, x).is_extended_real is None
        assert besselx(x, z).is_extended_real is None

    for besselx in [besselj, besseli]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real
    for besselx in [bessely, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real is None
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_bessel.py プロジェクト: skirpichev/diofant
def test_expand():
    assert expand_func(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
    assert expand_func(bessely(Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(yn)) == \
    assert expand_func(besselj(I, z)) == besselj(I, z)

    # Test simplify helper
    assert simplify(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))

    # XXX: teach sin/cos to work around arguments like
    # x*exp_polar(I*pi*n/2).  Then change besselsimp -> expand_func
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*cos(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(-Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sinh(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*sinh(z) - 3*z*cosh(z) + 3*sinh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cosh(z) - 3*z*sinh(z) + 3*cosh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(1, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(pi)*exp(-z)/(sqrt(2)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(z**2 + 3*z + 3)*exp(-z)/(2*z**Rational(5, 2))

    def check(eq, ans):
        return tn(eq, ans) and eq == ans

    rn = randcplx(a=1, b=0, d=0, c=2)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        ri = Rational(2*randint(-11, 10) + 1, 2)  # half integer in [-21/2, 21/2]
        assert tn(besselsimp(besselx(ri, z)), besselx(ri, z))

    assert check(expand_func(besseli(rn, x)),
                 besseli(rn - 2, x) - 2*(rn - 1)*besseli(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besseli(-rn, x)),
                 besseli(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*besseli(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselj(rn, x)),
                 -besselj(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*besselj(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselj(-rn, x)),
                 -besselj(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*besselj(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselk(rn, x)),
                 besselk(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*besselk(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselk(-rn, x)),
                 besselk(-rn + 2, x) - 2*(-rn + 1)*besselk(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(bessely(rn, x)),
                 -bessely(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*bessely(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(bessely(-rn, x)),
                 -bessely(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*bessely(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + 2, z)) == \
        besseli(n, z) + (-2*n - 2)*(-2*n*besseli(n, z)/z + besseli(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + 2, z)) == \
        -besselj(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselj(n, z)/z - besselj(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselk(n + 2, z)) == \
        besselk(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselk(n, z)/z + besselk(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(bessely(n + 2, z)) == \
        -bessely(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*bessely(n, z)/z - bessely(n - 1, z))/z

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        (sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*exp(-I*pi*(n + Rational(1, 2))/2) *
         exp_polar(I*pi/4)*jn(n, z*exp_polar(I*pi/2))/sqrt(pi))
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*jn(n, z)/sqrt(pi)

    r = Symbol('r', extended_real=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, p).is_extended_real
        assert besselx(i, x).is_extended_real is None
        assert besselx(x, z).is_extended_real is None

    for besselx in [besselj, besseli]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real
    for besselx in [bessely, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real is None