コード例 #1
# Reorient the displacement field according to its grid-to-space
# transform
dcopy = np.copy(d)
vfu.reorient_vector_field_3d(dcopy, field_grid2world)

extended_dcopy = np.zeros((ns + 2, nr + 2, nc + 2, 3), dtype=floating)
extended_dcopy[1:ns + 1, 1:nr + 1, 1:nc + 1, :] = dcopy

# Compute the warping coordinates (see warp_2d documentation)
Y = np.apply_along_axis(A.dot, 0, X)[0:3, ...]
Z = np.zeros_like(X)
Z[0, ...] = map_coordinates(extended_dcopy[..., 0], Y + 1, order=1)
Z[1, ...] = map_coordinates(extended_dcopy[..., 1], Y + 1, order=1)
Z[2, ...] = map_coordinates(extended_dcopy[..., 2], Y + 1, order=1)
Z[3, ...] = 0
Z = np.apply_along_axis(C.dot, 0, Z)[0:3, ...]
T = np.apply_along_axis(B.dot, 0, X)[0:3, ...]
W = T + Z

# Test bilinear interpolation
# expected = map_coordinates(sphere, W, order=1)
# warped = vfu.warp_3d(sphere, dcopy, A, B, C,
#                      np.array(sh, dtype=np.int32))
# np.save('sl_syn_warp_3d.npy', warped)

# Test nearest neighbor interpolation
expected = map_coordinates(sphere, W, order=0)
warped = vfu.warp_3d_nn(sphere, dcopy, A, B, C, np.array(sh, dtype=np.int32))
# assert_array_almost_equal(warped, expected, decimal=5)
np.save('sl_syn_warp_3d_nn.npy', warped)