class Slot(DirectFrame): def __init__(self, baseGui, index, pos, parent): DirectFrame.__init__( self, pos=pos, parent=parent, image=loader.loadTexture('phase_3.5/maps/slot_%s_%s.png' % (str(index), 'idle')), scale=0.15, frameSize=(-1, 1, -1, 1), frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0), sortOrder=0) self.initialiseoptions(Slot) self.gui = baseGui self.index = index self.hoverObj = None self.gagImage = None self.gag = None self.mouseRlvrSfx = base.loadSfx('phase_3/audio/sfx/GUI_rollover.ogg') self.soundRecharged = base.loadSfx( 'phase_3.5/audio/sfx/tt_s_gui_sbk_cdrSuccess.ogg') self.infoText = OnscreenText(text='No\nAmmo', fg=(1, 0, 0, 1), parent=self, scale=0.5, shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), align=TextNode.ACenter, pos=(0, 0.1)) self.infoText.setBin('unsorted', 100) self.infoText.hide() self.rechargeBar = DirectWaitBar(value=0, range=100, frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 1), barColor=(0.286, 0.901, 1, 1), relief=DGG.RAISED, borderWidth=(0.04, 0.04), pos=(-1.25, 0, 0), hpr=(0, 0, -90), parent=self, frameSize=(-0.85, 0.85, -0.12, 0.12)) self.rechargeBar.setBin('fixed', 60) self.rechargeBar.hide() self.gagLabel = OnscreenText(text='Birthday Cake', fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), parent=self, scale=0.25, shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), align=TextNode.ACenter, pos=(0, -0.9), mayChange=1) self.gagLabel.setBin('fixed', 50) self.gagLabel.hide() battleGui = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/battle_gui.bam') arrow = battleGui.find('**/PckMn_BackBtn') arrowRlvr = battleGui.find('**/PckMn_BackBtn_Rlvr') arrowDn = battleGui.find('**/PckMn_BackBtn_Dn') self.leftArrow = DirectButton(geom=(arrow, arrowDn, arrowRlvr, arrow), parent=self, pos=(-0.925, -2.0, -1.02), relief=None, scale=2, command=self.updateLoadout, extraArgs=[0], geom3_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)) self.leftArrow.setBin('fixed', 60) self.rightArrow = DirectButton(geom=(arrow, arrowDn, arrowRlvr, arrow), parent=self, pos=(0.925, -2.0, -1.02), hpr=(180, 0, 0), relief=None, scale=2, command=self.updateLoadout, extraArgs=[1], geom3_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)) self.rightArrow.setBin('fixed', 60) self.hoverObj = DirectButton(relief=None, parent=self, frameSize=self['frameSize']) self.setBin('transparent', 30) self.setOutlineImage('idle') self.hoverObj.guiItem.setActive(True) self.hoverObj.bind(DGG.WITHIN, self.mouseEntered) self.hoverObj.bind(DGG.WITHOUT, self.mouseExited) self.hoverObj.bind(DGG.B1CLICK, self.gui.click_setWeapon, [self]) return def toggleArrows(self, left, right): if left: self.leftArrow['state'] = DGG.NORMAL else: self.leftArrow['state'] = DGG.DISABLED if right: self.rightArrow['state'] = DGG.NORMAL else: self.rightArrow['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def updateArrows(self): if not self.gag: self.toggleArrows(False, False) else: track = GagGlobals.TrackGagNamesByTrackName.get( GagGlobals.getTrackOfGag(self.gag.getID())) index = None useTrack = [] for name in track: gag = self.gui.backpack.getGagByID( GagGlobals.getIDByName(name)) if gag == self.gag or gag not in self.gui.backpack.getLoadout( ): useTrack.append(name) index = useTrack.index(self.gag.getName()) if index == 0: self.toggleArrows(False, True) else: if index > 0 and index < len(useTrack) - 1: gagId = GagGlobals.getIDByName(useTrack[index + 1]) if not self.gui.backpack.hasGag(gagId): self.toggleArrows(True, False) else: if index == len(useTrack) - 1: self.toggleArrows(True, False) else: self.toggleArrows(True, True) return def updateLoadout(self, forward): if self.gag and self.gag.getState() in [ GagState.RECHARGING, GagState.LOADED ]: track = GagGlobals.TrackGagNamesByTrackName.get( GagGlobals.getTrackOfGag(self.gag.getID())) index = None useTrack = [] for name in track: gag = self.gui.backpack.getGagByID( GagGlobals.getIDByName(name)) if gag == self.gag or gag not in self.gui.backpack.getLoadout( ): useTrack.append(name) index = useTrack.index(self.gag.getName()) if forward == 1: nextGagIndex = index + 1 else: nextGagIndex = index - 1 if nextGagIndex < 0 or nextGagIndex >= len(useTrack): return gagId = GagGlobals.getIDByName(useTrack[nextGagIndex]) loadout = self.gui.backpack.getLoadout() if self.gui.backpack.hasGag(gagId) and self.gag in loadout: self.hideInfoText() if self.gag not in loadout: return loadout[loadout.index( self.gag)] = self.gui.backpack.getGagByID(gagId) self.gui.backpack.setLoadout(loadout) return def showNoAmmo(self): self.infoText['text'] = 'No\nAmmo' self.infoText['scale'] = 0.5 self.infoText['fg'] = (1, 0, 0, 1) self.infoText['pos'] = (0, 0.1) if self.gag and self.gag.getState() == GagState.RECHARGING: def showRecharging(self): self.infoText['text'] = 'Recharging...' self.infoText['scale'] = 0.315 self.infoText['fg'] = (0.286, 0.901, 1, 1) self.infoText['pos'] = (0, 0) def __tickRecharge(self): if not self.gag: self.ignoreAll() else: elapsedTime = float(self.gag.getRechargeElapsedTime()) totalTime = float(self.gag.getRechargeTime()) barValue = int( float(elapsedTime / totalTime) * self.rechargeBar['range']) self.rechargeBar['value'] = barValue if barValue == 0: self.gui.setWeapon(self, playSound=False) self.setOutlineImage('no_ammo') self.showRecharging() else: if barValue >= 100: base.playSfx(self.soundRecharged) slotImage = 'idle' if base.localAvatar.getBackpack().getSupply( self.gag.getID()) <= 0: slotImage = 'no_ammo' else: if self.gui.getActiveSlot() == self: slotImage = 'selected' Sequence(Wait(0.5), Func(self.setOutlineImage, slotImage)).start() def hideInfoText(self): self.infoText.hide() self.rechargeBar.hide() def setSlotImage(self, gagImage): if self.gagImage: self.gagImage.destroy() self.gagImage = None self.gagImage = OnscreenImage(image=gagImage, parent=self) self.gagImage.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) return def setOutline(self): self.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) def setOutlineImage(self, image): phase = 'phase_3.5/maps/' if hasattr(self, '_optionInfo'): self['image'] = loader.loadTexture(phase + 'slot_%s_%s.png' % (str(self.index), image)) self.setOutline() if image != 'no_ammo': if self.gag and base.localAvatar.getBackpack().getSupply( self.gag.getID( )) == 0 or self.gag and self.gag.getState( ) == GagState.RECHARGING: image = 'no_ammo' if image == 'no_ammo': if self.gag and self.gag.getState() == GagState.RECHARGING: self.showRecharging() else: self.showNoAmmo() self.rechargeBar.hide() self.setBin('fixed', 40) if self.gagImage: self.gagImage.setBin('transparent', 30) else: self.hideInfoText() if self.gagImage: self.gagImage.setBin('fixed', 40) self.setBin('transparent', 30) def getOutline(self): return self.outline def mouseEntered(self, cmd): if self.gag: def mouseExited(self, cmd): self.gagLabel.hide() def setGag(self, gag): if type(gag) == types.IntType: gag = self.gui.backpack.getGagByID(gag) self.ignoreAll() self.gag = gag if gag: self.setSlotImage(self.gag.getImage()) self.gagLabel['text'] = self.gag.getName() self.accept('%s-Recharge-Tick' % str(self.gag.getID()), self.__tickRecharge) else: self.hide() self.gagLabel['text'] = '' self.updateArrows() def getGag(self): return self.gag
class QuestPoster(DirectFrame): notify = directNotify.newCategory('QuestPoster') # We need to declare and initialize these variables here # because some methods use them as default arguments. auxIcon = None # Requires one parameter, quest, this must be a Quest instance. # The next argument, parent, is where to reparent the DirectFrame to. # The next arguments are simply additional options when setting up the DirectFrame. def __init__(self, quest, parent=aspect2d, **kw): # The quest this poster is representing. = quest self.accessibleObjectives = quest.accessibleObjectives if quest else [] self.viewObjective = ) if quest else None isObjComplete = False if not quest else ( self.accessibleObjectives.isComplete() or quest.isComplete()) # Let's define our options for the DirectFrame. bookModel = loader.loadModel( 'phase_3.5/models/gui/stickerbook_gui.bam') optiondefs = (('relief', None, None), ('image', bookModel.find('**/questCard'), None), ('image_scale', (0.8, 1.0, 0.58), None), ('image_color', (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if not isObjComplete else Vec4( *QuestGlobals.LIGHT_GREEN), None), ('state', DGG.NORMAL, None)) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Finally, initialize the DirectFrame. DirectFrame.__init__(self, parent, relief=None) self.initialiseoptions(QuestPoster) # Let's declare and initialize our barebone GUI element variables. questTitle = '' if not else self.titleLabel = DirectLabel(parent=self, relief=None, text=questTitle, text_font=CIGlobals.getMinnieFont(), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=0.05, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=25.0, textMayChange=1, pos=(0, 0, 0.23)) ########################################################################## # THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS BELOW ARE GROUPED TOGETHER # ########################################################################## # The background frame where the objective image is displayed. # This is the colored background frame. circleGui = loader.loadModel( 'phase_4/models/gui/CircleIconBackgroundGui.bam') self.auxFrame = DirectFrame( parent=self, relief=None, image=circleGui.find('**/circle_display_interior'), image_scale=0.18, text='', text_pos=(0, -0.11), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=QuestGlobals.QPtextScale, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=11.0, pos=QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_LEFT_PICTURE_POS) if and len( > 1 and not isObjComplete: # We can only use arrows when we have more than one objective available. arrowGui = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/gui/QuestArrowGui.bam') self.prevObjArrow = DirectButton( parent=self.auxFrame, relief=None, geom=((arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_enabled'), arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_click'), arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_mouseover'), arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_disabled'))), scale=0.08, command=self.switchObjective, extraArgs=[0], hpr=(180, 0, 0), pos=QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_LEFT_ARROW_POS) self.nextObjArrow = DirectButton( parent=self.auxFrame, relief=None, geom=((arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_enabled'), arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_click'), arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_mouseover'), arrowGui.find('**/quest_arrow_disabled'))), scale=0.08, command=self.switchObjective, pos=QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_RIGHT_ARROW_POS) # The icon that goes on top of the aux frame. self.auxIcon = DirectFrame(parent=self.auxFrame, relief=None, text=' ', text_font=CIGlobals.getSuitFont(), text_pos=(0, -0.03), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=0.13, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=13.0, textMayChange=1) self.auxIcon.setColorOff(-1) self.auxOutline = DirectLabel( parent=self.auxFrame, relief=None, image=circleGui.find('**/circle_display_outline'), image_scale=0.18) # The aux text saying: DEFEAT, RECOVER, etc. self.auxText = DirectLabel(parent=self, relief=None, text=QuestGlobals.RECOVER, text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_scale=QuestGlobals.QPauxText, text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, textMayChange=1, pos=QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_AUX_POS) self.auxText.hide() ########################################################################## # Information displayed about the objective. self.objectiveInfo = DirectLabel( parent=self, relief=None, text='', text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=0.04, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=QuestGlobals.QPtextWordwrap, textMayChange=1, pos=(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_INFO_POS)) self.objectiveInfo.hide() # Information displayed showing the location. self.locationInfo = DirectLabel( parent=self, relief=None, text='N/A', text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=QuestGlobals.QPtextScale, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=QuestGlobals.QPtextWordwrap, textMayChange=1, pos=(0, 0, -0.115)) self.locationInfo.hide() # The progress bar showing the objective's progress self.progressBar = DirectWaitBar(parent=self, relief=DGG.SUNKEN, frameSize=(-0.95, 0.95, -0.1, 0.12), borderWidth=(0.025, 0.025), scale=0.2, frameColor=(0.945, 0.875, 0.706, 1.0), barColor=(0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 1), text='0/0', text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_scale=0.19, text_fg=(0.05, 0.14, 0.4, 1), text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_pos=(0, -0.05), pos=(0, 0, -0.2425)) self.progressBar.hide() # The wood panel at the bottom where rewards are displayed. rewardFrameGeom = loader.loadModel( 'phase_4/models/gui/gag_shop_purchase_gui.bam') self.rewardFrame = DirectFrame( parent=self, relief=None, geom=rewardFrameGeom.find('**/Goofys_Sign'), geom_scale=(0.62, 0, 0.4), pos=(-0.015, 0, -0.25)) # Let's setup our reward frames. reward = None if and len( > 0: reward =[0] self.lReward = QuestRewardFrame(self, reward) # The text displayed on the right side of the frame with additional information, if necessary. self.sideInfo = DirectLabel(parent=self, relief=None, text=QuestGlobals.JUST_FOR_FUN, text_fg=(0.0, 0.439, 1.0, 1.0), text_shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), pos=(-0.2825, 0, 0.2), scale=0.03) self.sideInfo.setR(-30) # This side information is usually not needed, let's hide it. self.sideInfo.hide() # Remove the nodes of the loaded models we no longer need. circleGui.removeNode() bookModel.removeNode() rewardFrameGeom.removeNode() # We are only removing this node if we generated arrows. if hasattr(self, 'arrowGui'): arrowGui.removeNode() # Let's hide this until it is needed. self.hide() return def switchObjective(self, forward=1): if forward: self.accessibleObjectives.nextObjective() else: self.accessibleObjectives.lastObjective() self.viewObjective = self.setup() def setup(self): if objective = self.viewObjective complete = self.accessibleObjectives.isComplete() # Let's reset our positioning of elements. self.auxFrame.setPos(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_LEFT_PICTURE_POS) self.auxText.setPos(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_AUX_POS) self.objectiveInfo.setPos(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_INFO_POS) # Let's reset our icon. self.auxIcon.setScale(1, 1, 1) self.auxIcon.setPos(0, 0, 0) self.auxIcon.setHpr(0, 0, 0) # Let's setup the quest progress bar progress = objective.progress if hasattr(objective, 'progress') else None if objective.goal > 1: self.progressBar['range'] = objective.goal self.progressBar['value'] = progress & pow(2, 16) - 1 if objective.HasProgress and objective.goal > 1 and not complete: # Let's handle the objectives. if not complete: if objective.__class__ == CogObjective: self.handleCogObjective() elif objective.__class__ == CogBuildingObjective: self.handleCogBuildingObjective() elif objective.__class__ == MinigameObjective: self.handleMinigameObjective() elif objective.__class__ == VisitNPCObjective: self.handleNPCObjective() else: bgColor = QuestGlobals.RED if objective.type in DefeatObjectives: bgColor = QuestGlobals.BLUE self.handleNPCObjective(auxText=QuestGlobals.RETURN + ' to', frameColor=bgColor) self.lReward.setup() newLineInObjInfo = '\n' in self.objectiveInfo['text'] isShopLoc = QuestGlobals.isShopLocation( objective.area) if not complete else True if complete: locationText = QuestGlobals.getLocationText(None, objective) else: locationText = QuestGlobals.getLocationText(objective.area) self.locationInfo['text'] = locationText self.locationInfo['text_pos'] = (0.0, (0.025 if isShopLoc else ( -0.025 if newLineInObjInfo else 0.0))) else: # We want to be able to show empty quest posters. self.titleLabel.hide() self.auxFrame.hide() self.auxIcon.hide() self.titleLabel.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.auxIcon.initialiseoptions(DirectFrame) self.auxText.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.objectiveInfo.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.locationInfo.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.rewardFrame.initialiseoptions(DirectFrame) self.sideInfo.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.lReward.initialiseoptions(DirectFrame) # Handle arrow stuff if necessary. if hasattr(self, 'prevObjArrow'): index = self.accessibleObjectives.seeker self.prevObjArrow['state'] = DGG.NORMAL self.nextObjArrow['state'] = DGG.NORMAL self.prevObjArrow.setPos(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_LEFT_ARROW_POS) self.nextObjArrow.setPos(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_RIGHT_ARROW_POS) if index == 0: self.prevObjArrow['state'] = DGG.DISABLED elif index == len(self.accessibleObjectives) - 1: self.nextObjArrow['state'] = DGG.DISABLED self.prevObjArrow.initialiseoptions(DirectButton) self.nextObjArrow.initialiseoptions(DirectButton) # Changes geometry and scale of an icon. def handleSimpleIcon(self, geom, scale, icon): icon['geom'] = geom icon['geom_scale'] = scale def handleComplexIcon(self, geom, icon, scale=QuestGlobals.IMAGE_SCALE_SMALL): geom.setDepthWrite(1) geom.setDepthTest(1) self.fitGeometry(geom, fFlip=1) self.handleSimpleIcon(geom, scale, icon) # We have to rotate the head and set the scale of the icon. if CIGlobals.Suit in geom.getName(): cogName = geom.getPythonTag('Settings') data = QuestGlobals.Suit2PosterZNDScale.get(cogName) zOffset = data[0] headScale = data[1] icon.setScale(headScale) icon.setZ(icon.getZ() + zOffset) icon.setH(180) else: icon.setZ(icon.getZ() - 0.01) def handleCogObjective(self, iconElement=auxIcon, auxText=QuestGlobals.DEFEAT, frameColor=QuestGlobals.BLUE): objective = self.viewObjective infoText = objective.getTaskInfo() if objective.__class__ == RecoverItemObjective: infoText = CIGlobals.makePlural(objective.cog) if not iconElement: iconElement = self.auxIcon # Let's make sure we have a current objective that is # an instance of the CogObjective class and this poster isn't destroyed. if not objective or not hasattr(self, 'titleLabel') or not isinstance( objective, CogObjective): return if objective.dept: icons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/cog_icons.bam') deptIcon = None if objective.dept == Dept.BOSS: deptIcon = icons.find('**/CorpIcon') else: deptIcon = icons.find('**/%sIcon' % objective.dept.getTie().title()) # Correct the medallion color. deptIcon.setColor(SuitGlobals.medallionColors[objective.dept]) # Setup the icon and remove the icons node. self.handleSimpleIcon(deptIcon, 0.13, iconElement) icons.removeNode() elif objective.cog == QuestGlobals.Any: # We aren't fighting a Cog in particular. cogIcon = QuestGlobals.getCogIcon() self.handleSimpleIcon(cogIcon, 0.13, iconElement) # We're fighting a Cog in particular. if not objective.cog == QuestGlobals.Any: cogHeadInstance = SuitBank.getSuitByName(objective.cog).getHead() cogHead = cogHeadInstance.generate() cogHead.setName('%sHead' % CIGlobals.Suit) cogHead.setPythonTag('Settings', cogHeadInstance.head) cogHead.setScale(2) cogHead.setLightOff() self.handleComplexIcon(cogHead, iconElement) # HACK FIX: Corrects the buggy Flunky glasses. glasses = cogHead.find('**/glasses') if glasses and not glasses.isEmpty(): glasses.setScale(1) glasses.reparentTo(cogHead) if not iconElement is self.auxIcon: if hasattr(self, 'goalInfo'): # We're working with the second frame, on the right. # Let's update the information pertaining to this side. self.goalInfo['text'] = infoText self.goalInfo.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_INFO2_POS) self.auxText.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_AUX_POS) else: raise AttributeError( 'Attempted to setup DoubleFrame information for poster using default style.' ) else: self.objectiveInfo['text'] = infoText # Let's set the progress bar text pgBarText = '%d of %d %s' % (objective.progress, objective.goal, CIGlobals.makePastTense(auxText)) self.progressBar['text'] = pgBarText self.auxText['text'] = auxText # Let's set the color of the poster. frame = self.auxFrame if iconElement is self.auxIcon else self.goalFrame frame['image_color'] = Vec4(*frameColor) def handleCogBuildingObjective(self, iconElement=auxIcon, auxText=QuestGlobals.DEFEAT, frameColor=QuestGlobals.BLUE): objective = self.viewObjective infoText = objective.getTaskInfo() if not iconElement: iconElement = self.auxIcon # Let's make sure we have a current objective that is # an instance of the CogBuildingObjective class and this poster isn't destroyed. if not objective or not hasattr(self, 'titleLabel') or not isinstance( objective, CogBuildingObjective): return # If we aren't looking for any specific department of building. if objective.dept == QuestGlobals.Any: # Let's just use the good ol' generic building icon. self.handleSimpleIcon(QuestGlobals.getCogBuildingIcon(), QuestGlobals.SIMPLE_IMAGE_SCALE, iconElement) else: # Ah geez, we're looking for a specific department. # Bossbot tie names are messed up, so we need this if statement. dept = objective.dept.getTie( ) if not objective.dept == Dept.BOSS else 'corp' bldgMdl = loader.loadModel( 'phase_4/models/modules/suit_landmark_%s.bam' % dept) # Next, we need to load the building elevator. elevator = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/modules/elevator.bam') elevator.reparentTo(bldgMdl.find('**/*_door_origin')) self.handleComplexIcon(bldgMdl, iconElement) # Let's set the progress bar text pgBarText = '%d of %d %s' % (objective.progress, objective.goal, CIGlobals.makePastTense(auxText)) self.progressBar['text'] = pgBarText self.objectiveInfo['text'] = infoText self.auxText['text'] = auxText self.auxFrame['image_color'] = Vec4(*frameColor) def handleMinigameObjective(self, iconElement=auxIcon, auxText=QuestGlobals.PLAY, frameColor=QuestGlobals.RED): objective = self.viewObjective infoText = objective.getTaskInfo() if not iconElement: iconElement = self.auxIcon # Let's make sure we have a current objective that is # an instance of the MinigameObjective class and this poster isn't destroyed. if not objective or not hasattr(self, 'titleLabel') or not isinstance( objective, MinigameObjective): return # Let's set the icon to the minigame icon. self.handleSimpleIcon(QuestGlobals.getTrolleyIcon(), QuestGlobals.SIMPLE_IMAGE_SCALE, iconElement) # Let's set the progress bar text pgBarText = '%d of %d %s' % (objective.progress, objective.goal, CIGlobals.makePastTense(auxText)) self.progressBar['text'] = pgBarText self.objectiveInfo['text'] = infoText self.auxText['text'] = auxText self.auxFrame['image_color'] = Vec4(*frameColor) def handleNPCObjective(self, iconElement=auxIcon, auxText=QuestGlobals.VISIT, frameColor=QuestGlobals.BROWN): objective = self.viewObjective npcId = 0 if self.accessibleObjectives.isComplete() and not hasattr( objective, 'npcId'): npcId = objective.assigner elif hasattr(objective, 'npcId'): npcId = objective.npcId if npcId == 0: infoText = 'A %s' % NPCGlobals.lHQOfficerF else: infoText = NPCGlobals.NPCToonNames[npcId] if not iconElement: iconElement = self.auxIcon # Let's generate the head. if not npcId == 0: dna = ToonDNA() dna.setDNAStrand(NPCGlobals.NPCToonDict.get(npcId)[2]) head = ToonGlobals.generateGuiHead(dna) self.handleComplexIcon(head, iconElement, scale=QuestGlobals.IMAGE_SCALE_SMALL - 0.01) else: self.handleSimpleIcon(QuestGlobals.getHQIcon(), QuestGlobals.SIMPLE_IMAGE_SCALE, iconElement) self.auxText['text'] = auxText if not iconElement is self.auxIcon: if hasattr(self, 'goalInfo'): # We're working with the second frame, on the right. # Let's update the information pertaining to this side. self.goalInfo['text'] = infoText self.goalInfo.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_INFO2_POS) self.auxText.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_AUX_POS) self.goalFrame['image_color'] = frameColor else: raise AttributeError( 'Attempted to setup DoubleFrame information for poster using default style.' ) else: self.objectiveInfo['text'] = infoText self.auxFrame['image_color'] = frameColor def fitGeometry(self, geom, fFlip=0, dimension=0.8): p1 = Point3() p2 = Point3() geom.calcTightBounds(p1, p2) if fFlip: t = p1[0] p1.setX(-p2[0]) p2.setX(-t) d = p2 - p1 biggest = max(d[0], d[2]) s = dimension / biggest mid = (p1 + d / 2.0) * s geomXform = hidden.attachNewNode('geomXform') for child in geom.getChildren(): child.reparentTo(geomXform) geomXform.setPosHprScale(-mid[0], -mid[1] + 1, -mid[2], 180, 0, 0, s, s, s) geomXform.reparentTo(geom) def destroy(self): if hasattr(self, 'titleLabel'): self.titleLabel.destroy() self.auxFrame.destroy() self.auxIcon.destroy() self.auxOutline.destroy() self.auxText.destroy() self.objectiveInfo.destroy() self.locationInfo.destroy() self.progressBar.destroy() self.rewardFrame.destroy() self.sideInfo.destroy() self.lReward.destroy() # We need to cleanup our arrows if they were created. if hasattr(self, 'prevObjArrow'): self.prevObjArrow.destroy() self.nextObjArrow.destroy() del self.prevObjArrow del self.nextObjArrow del self.titleLabel del self.auxFrame del self.auxIcon del self.auxOutline del self.auxText del self.objectiveInfo del self.locationInfo del self.progressBar del self.rewardFrame del self.sideInfo del self.lReward del self.accessibleObjectives del self.viewObjective DirectFrame.destroy(self) self.notify.debug('Destroyed all elements.')
class QuestPoster(DirectFrame): notify = directNotify.newCategory('QuestPoster') # We need to declare and initialize these variables here # because some methods use them as default arguments. auxIcon = None # Requires one parameter, quest, this must be a Quest instance. # The next argument, parent, is where to reparent the DirectFrame to. # The next arguments are simply additional options when setting up the DirectFrame. def __init__(self, quest, parent=aspect2d, **kw): # The quest this poster is representing. = quest # Let's define our options for the DirectFrame. bookModel = loader.loadModel( 'phase_3.5/models/gui/stickerbook_gui.bam') optiondefs = (('relief', None, None), ('image', bookModel.find('**/questCard'), None), ('image_scale', (0.8, 1.0, 0.58), None), ('state', DGG.NORMAL, None)) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Finally, initialize the DirectFrame. DirectFrame.__init__(self, relief=None) self.initialiseoptions(QuestPoster) # Let's declare and initialize our barebone GUI element variables. self.titleLabel = DirectLabel(parent=self, relief=None,, text_font=CIGlobals.getMinnieFont(), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=0.05, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=25.0, textMayChange=1, pos=(0, 0, 0.23)) ########################################################################## # THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS BELOW ARE GROUPED TOGETHER # ########################################################################## # The background frame where the objective image is displayed. # This is the colored background frame. self.auxFrame = DirectFrame( parent=self, relief=None, image=bookModel.find('**/questPictureFrame'), image_scale=QuestGlobals.IMAGE_SCALE_SMALL, text='', text_pos=(0, -0.11), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=QuestGlobals.QPtextScale, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=11.0, pos=QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_LEFT_PICTURE_POS) # The icon that goes on top of the aux frame. self.auxIcon = DirectFrame(parent=self.auxFrame, relief=None, text=' ', text_font=CIGlobals.getSuitFont(), text_pos=(0, -0.03), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=0.13, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=13.0, textMayChange=1) self.auxIcon.setColorOff(-1) # The aux text saying: DEFEAT, RECOVER, etc. self.auxText = DirectLabel(parent=self, relief=None, text=QuestGlobals.RECOVER, text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_scale=QuestGlobals.QPauxText, text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, textMayChange=1, pos=QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_AUX_POS) self.auxText.hide() ########################################################################## # Information displayed about the objective. self.objectiveInfo = DirectLabel( parent=self, relief=None, text='', text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=0.04, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=QuestGlobals.QPtextWordwrap, textMayChange=1, pos=(QuestGlobals.DEFAULT_INFO_POS)) self.objectiveInfo.hide() # Information displayed showing the location. self.locationInfo = DirectLabel( parent=self, relief=None, text='N/A', text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_fg=QuestGlobals.TEXT_COLOR, text_scale=QuestGlobals.QPtextScale, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=QuestGlobals.QPtextWordwrap, textMayChange=1, pos=(0, 0, -0.115)) self.locationInfo.hide() # The progress bar showing the objective's progress self.progressBar = DirectWaitBar(parent=self, relief=DGG.SUNKEN, frameSize=(-0.95, 0.95, -0.1, 0.12), borderWidth=(0.025, 0.025), scale=0.2, frameColor=(0.945, 0.875, 0.706, 1.0), barColor=(0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 1), text='0/0', text_font=CIGlobals.getToonFont(), text_scale=0.19, text_fg=(0.05, 0.14, 0.4, 1), text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_pos=(0, -0.05), pos=(0, 0, -0.2425)) self.progressBar.hide() # The wood panel at the bottom where rewards are displayed. rewardFrameGeom = loader.loadModel( 'phase_4/models/gui/gag_shop_purchase_gui.bam') self.rewardFrame = DirectFrame( parent=self, relief=None, geom=rewardFrameGeom.find('**/Goofys_Sign'), geom_scale=(0.615, 0, 0.4), pos=(-0.01, 0, -0.25)) # The text displayed on the right side of the frame with additional information, if necessary. self.sideInfo = DirectLabel(parent=self, relief=None, text=QuestGlobals.JUST_FOR_FUN, text_fg=(0.0, 0.439, 1.0, 1.0), text_shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), pos=(-0.2825, 0, 0.2), scale=0.03) self.sideInfo.setR(-30) # This side information is usually not needed, let's hide it. self.sideInfo.hide() # Remove the nodes of the loaded models we no longer need. bookModel.removeNode() rewardFrameGeom.removeNode() # Let's hide this until it is needed. self.hide() return def setup(self): objective = objective.updateInfo() self.locationInfo['text'] = QuestGlobals.getLocationText( objective.location) self.locationInfo['text_pos'] = (0, 0 if not QuestGlobals.isShopLocation( objective.location) else 0.025) # Let's setup the quest progress bar progress = objective.amount if hasattr(objective, 'amount') else None if progress and objective.neededAmount > 0: self.progressBar['range'] = objective.getNeededAmount() self.progressBar['value'] = progress & pow(2, 16) - 1 if objective.__class__ in [ DeliverItemObjective, CogObjective, RecoverItemObjective ]: # Let's handle the objectives. if objective.__class__ == CogObjective: self.handleCogObjective() elif objective.__class__ == VisitNPCObjective: self.handleNPCObjective() self.titleLabel.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.auxIcon.initialiseoptions(DirectFrame) self.auxText.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.objectiveInfo.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.locationInfo.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) self.rewardFrame.initialiseoptions(DirectFrame) self.sideInfo.initialiseoptions(DirectLabel) # Changes geometry and scale of an icon. def handleSimpleIcon(self, geom, scale, icon): icon['geom'] = geom icon['geom_scale'] = scale def handleComplexIcon(self, geom, icon, scale=QuestGlobals.IMAGE_SCALE_SMALL): isHead = True if type(geom) == ToonHead else geom.getName() == ( '%sHead' % CIGlobals.Suit) if isHead: geom.setDepthWrite(1) geom.setDepthTest(1) self.fitGeometry(geom, fFlip=1) self.handleSimpleIcon(geom, scale, icon) # We have to rotate the head and set the scale of the icon. if CIGlobals.Suit in geom.getName(): cogName = geom.getPythonTag('Settings') data = QuestGlobals.Suit2PosterZNDScale.get(cogName) zOffset = data[0] headScale = data[1] icon.setScale(headScale) icon.setZ(icon.getZ() + zOffset) geom.setH(180) else: raise ValueError( 'Tried to use #handleComplexIcon() on a non-complex icon. Use this method for 3D geometry.' ) def handleCogObjective(self, iconElement=auxIcon, auxText=QuestGlobals.DEFEAT, frameColor=QuestGlobals.BLUE): objective = infoText = objective.getTaskInfo(speech=False) if objective.__class__ == RecoverItemObjective: infoText = QuestGlobals.makePlural( print 'Yep' if not iconElement: iconElement = self.auxIcon # Let's make sure we have a current objective that is # an instance of the CogObjective class and this poster isn't destroyed. if not objective or not hasattr(self, 'titleLabel') or not isinstance( objective, CogObjective): return if objective.dept: icons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/cog_icons.bam') deptIcon = None if objective.dept == Dept.BOSS: deptIcon = icons.find('**/CorpIcon') else: deptIcon = icons.find('**/%sIcon' % objective.dept.getTie().title()) # Correct the medallion color. deptIcon.setColor(SuitGlobals.medallionColors[objective.dept]) # Setup the icon and remove the icons node. self.handleSimpleIcon(deptIcon, 0.13, iconElement) icons.removeNode() elif not # We aren't fighting a Cog in particular. cogIcon = QuestGlobals.getCogIcon() self.handleSimpleIcon(cogIcon, cogIcon.getScale(), iconElement) # We're fighting a Cog in particular. if cogHeadInstance = SuitBank.getSuitByName( cogHead = cogHeadInstance.generate() cogHead.setName('%sHead' % CIGlobals.Suit) cogHead.setPythonTag('Settings', cogHeadInstance.head) cogHeadInstance.setScale(2) self.handleComplexIcon(cogHead, iconElement) if not iconElement is self.auxIcon: if hasattr(self, 'goalInfo'): # We're working with the second frame, on the right. # Let's update the information pertaining to this side. self.goalInfo['text'] = infoText self.goalInfo.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_INFO2_POS) self.auxText.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_AUX_POS) else: raise AttributeError( 'Attempted to setup DoubleFrame information for poster using default style.' ) else: self.objectiveInfo['text'] = infoText self.auxText['text'] = auxText # Let's set the progress bar text pgBarText = '%d of %d %s' % (objective.amount, objective.neededAmount, QuestGlobals.makePastTense(auxText)) self.progressBar['text'] = pgBarText # Let's set the color of the poster. frame = self.auxFrame if iconElement is self.auxIcon else self.goalFrame frame['image_color'] = Vec4(*frameColor) def handleNPCObjective(self, iconElement=auxIcon, auxText=QuestGlobals.VISIT, frameColor=QuestGlobals.BROWN): objective = infoText = CIGlobals.NPCToonNames[objective.npcId] if not iconElement: iconElement = self.auxIcon # Let's make sure we have a current objective that is # an instance of the CogObjective class and this poster isn't destroyed. if not objective or not hasattr(self, 'titleLabel') or not isinstance( objective, VisitNPCObjective): return # Let's generate the head. dna = ToonDNA() dna.setDNAStrand(CIGlobals.NPCToonDict.get(objective.npcId)[2]) head = ToonHead( head.generateHead(dna.getGender(), dna.getAnimal(), dna.getHead(), forGui=1) head.setHeadColor(dna.getHeadColor()) self.handleComplexIcon(head, iconElement) self.auxText['text'] = auxText if not iconElement is self.auxIcon: if hasattr(self, 'goalInfo'): # We're working with the second frame, on the right. # Let's update the information pertaining to this side. self.goalInfo['text'] = infoText self.goalInfo.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_INFO2_POS) self.auxText.setPos(QuestGlobals.RECOVER_AUX_POS) self.goalFrame['image_color'] = frameColor else: raise AttributeError( 'Attempted to setup DoubleFrame information for poster using default style.' ) else: self.objectiveInfo['text'] = infoText self.auxFrame['image_color'] = frameColor def fitGeometry(self, geom, fFlip=0, dimension=0.8): p1 = Point3() p2 = Point3() geom.calcTightBounds(p1, p2) if fFlip: t = p1[0] p1.setX(-p2[0]) p2.setX(-t) d = p2 - p1 biggest = max(d[0], d[2]) s = dimension / biggest mid = (p1 + d / 2.0) * s geomXform = hidden.attachNewNode('geomXform') for child in geom.getChildren(): child.reparentTo(geomXform) geomXform.setPosHprScale(-mid[0], -mid[1] + 1, -mid[2], 180, 0, 0, s, s, s) geomXform.reparentTo(geom) def destroy(self): if hasattr(self, 'titleLabel'): self.titleLabel.destroy() self.auxFrame.destroy() self.auxIcon.destroy() self.auxText.destroy() self.objectiveInfo.destroy() self.locationInfo.destroy() self.progressBar.destroy() self.rewardFrame.destroy() self.sideInfo.destroy() del self.titleLabel del self.auxFrame del self.auxIcon del self.auxText del self.objectiveInfo del self.locationInfo del self.progressBar del self.rewardFrame del self.sideInfo DirectFrame.destroy(self) self.notify.debug('Destroyed all elements.')